Cultivation: From the Inauguration of Druid

Vol 2 Chapter 244: robbery into reincarnation

Guo Ning immediately looked overjoyed when he saw Lingqing, took the first two steps, bowed and said.

"Xianchang, Xianchang, my child was taken away by the ghost mother, and the gourd vine has no one to look after."

"No hurry, speak slowly."

Ling Qing asked softly when he saw that what he said had no beginning or end.

"Where did you come from, child?"

Guo Ning was in no hurry when he saw Lingqing coming.

Although he may not be able to beat the ghost mother, he can still save individuals.

It's just that I don't know how Ling Qing planned, and he didn't dare to take action for fear of ruining his plan.

Just when I was thinking of asking him for an idea, I saw him coming.

After sorting out his thoughts, he said aloud.

"It turns out that my temple blessing is my child, the grandson of the ninth generation.

When the immortal chief asked his subordinates to find someone to guard Hulu Mountain, I thought that his subordinates were no longer the God of Longshan.

He closed the mountain temple and let him come to Beppu to take care of it.

One is to let him get some credit and ask for some benefits in front of the fairy.

Second, the demons and ghosts in the mountains are accumulating merits and virtues, and it is not good for their subordinates to give up their merits and not want to guard an empty mansion.

Now that he had just planted the gourd vine, he was discovered by the escaped ghost mother and took him away.

Now he is asking the fairy to save him. "

Lingqing didn't expect to have Guo Laohan's role, but since he left this matter to Guo Ning.

As long as he can achieve his goals, he doesn't care about the process.

Now that the gourd has been planted, Guo Laohan, the "grandfather", has been taken away by the ghost mother again.

Then the plot started, just in time.

"Can Pindao and your dragon rod be on him?"

"Yes, my subordinates have always instructed him to take it with him."

Guo Ning listened to his question and answered quickly.

"When he was caught, the dragon rod turned into a green dragon and coiled on him."

"Then don't worry, the dragon rod can keep his life safe."

Lingqing said and Guo Ning entered Beppu, set foot on Huangyuliantai and flew to the top of Hulu Mountain, Mingjian Peak.


The sword crane raised here saw them whistling softly, and then combed his feathers in the pool to himself.

With Lingqing's assurance, Guo Ning was no longer worried, and the two found a place to sit down and watch.

In this Beppu, it is still only the size of a valley.

It's just that the restriction set by Lingqing is still there, if he doesn't get his magic formula.

You can only follow the restrictions set by him, turning left and right around it, and it stretches a lot of space.

At this time, the gourd vine was planted on a hill and cliff in the south of the mountain.

The snake and scorpion two demons carve out a place in the north of the mountain as their old nest.

When the two were watching, suddenly there was a thunderbolt from the clear sky.

I saw a crimson gourd falling from the gourd vine.

Turned into a doll in red, with green leaves around his waist and a red gourd on his head.

As soon as he came out, he heard the rest of the gourds still hanging on the vine.

"Go save grandpa, go save grandpa!"

The big baby turned somersaults, clenched his fists, lifted a boulder, threw it on the ground and shattered, gritted his teeth and said.

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"Okay, I will definitely crush the monsters!"

After all, find a way to rush to life and death.

"Xianchang, is this one of the seven heavenly ghosts?"

On the top of the peak, Guo Ning looked at the little doll and asked curiously.

"Even if he now recognizes my child as a grandfather and forgets the past.

But the ghost mother still remembers, he is afraid that he will be re-accepted by the ghost mother. "

"It doesn't matter, the ghost mother has been refined into a talisman by Pindao, and my life and death are in my hands.

Therefore, Pindao has blocked her memory. "

Lingqing raised his hand and rubbed Qingshi's head. Just now, it was pecked and hid behind him for provoking Jianhe.

"To go through this now is to completely break the connection between the ghost and the ghost mother.

Naturally, it is impossible for the ghost mother to gain these few ghosts again. "

When he laid out the gourd baby plot before, he had already prepared it.

His gourd baby was transformed by the seven heavenly ghosts, and the snake spirit was transformed by the ghost mother.

If it is so hasty, then it is definitely not the ghost mother who wants to use the gourd baby to refine the Seven Heart Pill and eat it.

Instead, he will try his best to retrieve the seven heavenly ghosts.

Therefore, he placed a ban on the charm of animals, charm of humans and other spells on the human-snake talisman.

Make her forget her previous connection and decide that the gourd baby is the enemy and needs to be removed.

In the next few days, the gourd babies were born one by one, and the ghost mothers were defeated and imprisoned by Jin Ruyi.

After the water baby and the fire baby were captured, the ghost mother was no longer willing to wait for the gourd baby to come to the door passively.

Using Jin Ruyi to transform into an elixir furnace, together with the five-tailed scorpion, they want to uproot the gourd vine and make it into a seven-heart elixir.

Guo Laohan failed to stop him and was thrown off a cliff.

When Guo Ning saw this, he was about to shoot as soon as he raised his palm.

But thinking of Lingqing beside him, he held back.

He still remembered that Ling Qing had said that the old man Guo had a dragon staff to protect him, which was enough to keep him safe.

"Bring him here."


Guo Ning, who almost couldn't help himself, raised his hand and released a goshawk.

This was forged with the talisman he had obtained before, which he called the Cloud Piercing Eagle.

Now not only is the level of training very high, but the quality looks like it is about to be promoted.

The Cloud Piercing Eagle swooped down and rescued the old man Guo, and brought him to a platform on the mountainside.

Lingqing went down to Hulu Mountain, and a topaz hill emerged.

There is a red vine branch that has withered, and there is a shriveled stalk on it. This is the original bloodthirsty demon vine that gave birth to the gourd species.

Lingqing raised the whisk and swept away the dry vine to smash it.

The topaz hills also turned into sesame-sized particles.

Then he moved the magic formula in his hand, and the Dao Dao talisman was punched out, combining the two, turning it into a seven-colored seven-hole lotus platform.

Lingqing raised his hand and pushed it in front of Guo Ning.

"You give him this lotus platform and tell him that only the seven brothers can work together and add this lotus platform to eradicate the demon."


Guo Ning took the lotus platform, cast it to the old man Guo, and told Lingqing's instructions.

The result was just as Ling Qing had prepared.

The seven gourd babies turned into colorful mountain peaks, crushed the ghost mother and the five-tailed scorpion under the mountain, broke their love, and avenged their death.

In an instant, seven true spirits rose up from the colorful mountain, manifesting seven babies.

After circling around the old man Guo, he was reincarnated into reincarnation.

"My child, my child!"

Seeing this, the old man Guo was stunned for a while, then suddenly fell to the ground and burst into He had lost his son and wife because of his youth, so he came to the mountain to be a temple worshiper because he was disheartened.

He thought that it might be that when he was young, he killed too many and bad retribution.

Therefore, the pilgrims who come to offer incense are treated in the temple, and the lost tourists all have kind thoughts.

Thinking of being able to accumulate some merits, so that my wife and children will suffer less in the underworld.

Later, in order to open the Qinghuang Lingfu, Guo Ning asked him to coax the people who entered the mountain to extract the essence and blood.

He didn't want to, but on the one hand, Guo Ning was his ancestor, and on the other hand, most of the people whose blood had been drawn were not good people.

So he became a helper.

I thought that in the old and dead temple, who would have guessed that it was sent by the ancestors to see the mountain again.

He got a seed and planted a vine and seven small gourds, and they all called him grandpa.

He died prematurely, and he did not leave behind a child and a half-daughter.

Who has ever enjoyed the joy of a family relationship with such children and grandchildren around their knees, and returned seven.

Every day, I carry water and fertilize, and I pour my heart into it. I only hope that my grandson will be born as soon as possible, and we will share a relationship.

Who would have thought that the child would be jealous of the demon before it was born.

After some twists and turns, now the demon is dead, but the child is gone.

While weeping, he suddenly paused and threw himself to the ground at Hulu Mountain, knocking his head loudly.

"Please save my children! Please save my children!"


Guo Ning looked at him, sighed lightly, and glanced over, just not peeking at Ling Qing.

Lingqing glanced at him, flicked the dust in his hand, and took the old man Guo to the top of the peak.

The 244th chapter is full of robbery and enters reincarnation


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