Cultivation Industry Era

Chapter 577: God's technology?

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The signing of the "North Sea Treaty" caused a huge response. High-level leaders in various holy places, high-level national leaders, and even some martial families, etc., have realized:

New wars-there are more than battlefields, and negotiating tables!

Moreover, this kind of ‘war’ on the negotiating table is no less than cruelty on the battlefield.

At this time, everyone turned to "Capital" again and read it again.

A few days later, another puzzling news came: Dayang Group agreed to Xuan Mingjiao’s loan request, and a one-time loan of up to 200 million top grade Lingshi;

Xuan Mingjiao used these loans to purchase a large number of industrial machinery, including textile, smelting and casting, mechanical processing and other machines or production lines from Dayang Group. Even Xuan Mingjiao went to Xinglintang to discuss with Zhou Shuhai and discuss again Apologize for the wedding.

Two days later, Xinglintang Group announced that it will cooperate with Xuanmingjiao to build the distribution of Xinglintang in Xuanmingjiao, and will build a low-end elixir production area based on the abundant medicinal materials resources of the Tuozhouzhou, mainly responsible for the gas refining period. Elixir production during the foundation period. And Xinglin Tang said that once it is completed and put into production, the price of immortality medicine is expected to further decline.

This factory will be a joint venture between Xinglintang and Xuanmingjiao; Xinglintang will provide technology, equipment, engineers and other personnel, managers and basic funds; and Xuanlinjiao will provide land and resources (medicinal materials, medicine fields, Lingtian) , Excellent and even top alchemists, refiners (technical research such as formation and production lines), a large amount of funds, policies, etc., and ensure safety.

After the completion of the factory, Xinglin Tang occupies 70% of the shares, Xuan Mingjiao only accounts for 30%.

To outsiders, Xuan Mingjiao suffered a loss. But only the people of Xuanming Religion know, especially the negotiating representative of Xuanming Religion, Bai Feiying knows best: Xuanming Religion, with its current losses, has exchanged for development and future!

Out of Xinglin Hall, Dayang Group also cooperated with Xuan Mingjiao to build a factory here, mainly for the production of wrought iron below 98%, and the production of ordinary black steel-mainly for the foundation of rails and bridges. Construction use.

Xuan Mingjiao has a large number of mines, inferior broken spirit stones, and oil. Xuan Mingjiao used these shares, plus refining masters, etc., in exchange for 30% of the shares in the branch factory.

In addition, Xuan Mingjiao also purchased a large amount of equipment from the Ocean Group, trying to establish its own industry, or even an industrial system. It also purchased two Iron Duke-class battleships from Ocean Group, which cost 90 million yuan.

These two Iron Duke-class warships have been overhauled and are the first generation of Ocean Group technology; but after all, the technology is here, the Ocean Group technology is still more reliable-at least than the black iron warship currently being studied by the Xiaoyao School. It is powerful, Xuan Mingjiao is probably a cheap one.

It was not until mid-March that Bai Feiying returned to Xuan Mingjiao with Xuan Mingjia's negotiating team.

But before leaving, Bai Feiying still had to ask Zhang Hao again: "Why should I help Xuan Mingjiao?"

Yes, in the end, all these transactions are obviously the Ocean Group helping Xuanmingjiao! From port lease fees to loans, to the current joint venture factory, etc.

Not only does Bai Feiying think so, but in fact everyone thinks so.

Zhang Hao smiled, "If you really want to express gratitude. Then, I hope you will say it in fifty-one years."

The reason it is fifty-one years is because this year does not count as war reparations, and it will start counting next year. This year, it is good to make up for various ‘military expenditures’.

Bai Feiying glanced at Zhang Hao again and set foot on the steel battleship. These two steel warships will be Xuan Mingjiao in the future.

Watching Bai Feiying leave, Zhang Hao smiled. Help you guys? No, you think too much! The reason why the Ocean Group wants to ‘invest’ is for greater benefit!

If you want to get more eggs, do you kill them to get them, or raise them? The answer is obvious, and the current Xuanming religion is the chicken that was raised!

Once, Xuan Mingjiao was a tiger, and if he wanted to cooperate with Xuan Mingjiao, he wanted to cooperate with the tiger.

And now, Xuan Mingjiao is already a hen laying golden eggs, of course, to take good care of it.

As for what Xuan Mingjiao looks like 50 years later, Zhang Hao doesn't care. Even if Xuan Ming Sect is suddenly strong and even unifies the turbulent continent, Zhang Hao doesn't care, maybe Zhang Hao will come together and say: Look, this is my credit.

Of course, if the Xuan Ming religion completely collapsed and disappeared after 50 years, Zhang Hao might instruct the Ocean Group to bite off a piece of fat.

In the final analysis, it is a sentence: Business is business!

Dayang Group invests in Xuan Mingjiao, not to save Xuanmingjiao, nor to show its tolerance and generosity, nor is it like a malicious guess by some people-serving soft.

What really contributed to this cooperation is: benefits!

In cooperation with the current Xuan Mingjiao, the Ocean Group can further reduce the cost of Xuan Tie by 30%! What is this concept? This means that Ocean Group can dump the black iron to the whole world!

In addition, the same is true of Xinglin Tang. After preliminary calculations, they can reduce the cost of low-level elixirs by 20 to 30%. And the output will be expected to increase more than ten times!

Originally, the price of Xinglintang's elixir was already low enough. As a result, holy places like Xuanzhenism and Xiaoyao had to abandon their low-level elixir industry and purchase Xinglintang's elixir instead.

If the price of Xinglintang's elixir is two to three percent lower, it will create a storm that will flush the rest of the low-level elixir industry. If Xinglintang's output surged tenfold, even the eastern Kunlun Island would be affected by the storm.

But it is foreseeable that such storms will appear soon.

Zhang Hao watched Bai Feiying and his group disappear gradually, and a smile that seemed to be proud and cold seemed to be raised at the corner of his mouth. The corner of the smile was more like a sickle of death:

In the past world, textile was used as a symbol of industrialization; because in the past world, the four major needs of life were ‘clothing, food, housing, and travel’, with clothing as the head;

But in this world, the first place is the lowest level of practice resources: black iron and low-level medicine!

The core technology of Xuan Tie is now in the hands of Dayang Group; the mass production technology of low-grade red medicine is in the hands of Xing Lin Tang! The two big groups are embarrassed... coughing up and cooperating strongly will bring huge surprises to this world!

Bai Feiying was sent away, but Zhang Hao was not idle. More important things began. That is-Huashen Technology Joint Research Base!

Participants in this study enrolled more than 300 free gods in Europe, plus more than 80 representatives from holy places, countries, large martial arts or families.

In the face of these data, Zhang Hao was actually a little surprised-more than 1,100 insults were sent back and forth on the sea. Where did this more than three hundred insults come in?

Well, this thing made Zhang Hao feel again: the fruits of this world are very deep. In this world of practice with tens of thousands of years of history, there are hidden big brothers everywhere.

In this discussion, Zhang Hao took the form of open discussion. The meeting will take place in the open-air plaza where everyone can listen. However, only the representatives of the deification period and those who possess the deification period are eligible to speak.

In order to give enough preparation time for all the inspiring periods, the meeting is set at the end of March, and there are ten days left.

Before the start, the Ocean Group published a'technical article' in the newspaper, describing how the Ocean Group seemed to promote the magical period.

Three elements: advanced abnormal fire, high temperature and high pressure, activated aura.

So, how did Ocean Group research the current technology? It is inspired by three factors:

First of all, it is the description of the blood demon practice and the burning of blood mentioned in the blood demon practice; this benefit from the notice of Xuanzhenism-this statement can also be regarded as a face for Xuanzhenism.

Secondly, the way the devil enters the period of inspiring the gods. The Ocean Group first came into contact with this method at the Red Lotus Church. Therefore, the abnormal fire of the Ocean Group adopted the Red Lotus Nine-place Red Lotus.

Finally, it is the way to learn from the mouth of the sea monster, Silver Horn, that the sea monster enters the stage of transformation.

Dayang Group integrated the above three situations, combined with Dayang Group's industrial technology, etc., after arduous research, finally achieved fruitful results.

Today, Ocean Group will pay to open up the technology of God.

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