Chapter 438 【Arrival in Lizhou】

   Put the jujubes and bamboo baskets sent by Zhao Chong into the backpack, Fang Chang only grabbed two handfuls, held them in his hand, and ate them while walking in the mountains.

  The jujubes taste very sweet, the flesh is thick and the core is small, and the sun is just right.

  Scattered wild jujube trees can be seen on the surrounding hillsides. I think these dates should be picked up by people in Yunding Village last year and stored in the sun. For the people, storable food is the best thing, because they can be used to satisfy hunger or to prepare for famine.

  Fang Chang chewed the jujube meat slowly, cleaning the surface of the jujube core. Although his teeth are far less than steel and rock-hard jujube pits, and it is not difficult to eat, but he still spits out the pits all the way. Sometimes when he became naughty, he would spit out the date stone with his mouth, and the date stone flew out like a nail and shot into the soil between the rocks.

  After leaving Yunding Village, Fang Chang did not return the same way.

He ignored Zhao Chong's warning, and left the mountain where Yunding Village was located from the side of the village, and then began to climb a higher and bigger mountain in the valley at the foot of the mountain, that is, when he was a guest in Yunding Village , where the mountain shadow seen through the clouds and mist is located.

  The homes of many groups of enemies were raided, and Fang Chang had many maps in his hand.

  So, he knows where the mountain he is climbing now belongs to.

   Zongduan Mountains.

  Fang Chang once passed by here, and that was when he was running around to fulfill his predecessor's long-cherished wish. At that time, he set off from Yunzhong Mountain, traveled westward through several states continuously, and finally found the opportunity in Yuzhou. He was able to understand the true self, see the sincerity of nature, and break through the huge barrier on the road of practice.

  Zongduan Mountain is narrow from east to west, but extremely far from north to south. It is very narrow and long from the map, which plays an objective role in dividing geography. For example, Qizhou and Weizhou, which are located on both sides of the Zongduan Mountains, have huge differences in folk customs, accents, and styles.

   Standing on the top of a high mountain, the surrounding field of vision is not wide.

  The mist is lingering, covering the distant mountains and white clouds, and softening the scorching sun in early spring. On the surrounding hillsides, green has already begun to sprout firmly, and in at most half a month, this color will be able to occupy the entire field of vision.

  The pines and cypresses standing slantingly on the cliff face show their heads when the wind blows through the clouds and mist from time to time, but are soon covered by the mist, as if they were never there. Immediately after the start of the sting, the activities of birds and beasts also became more intense. The hibernating ones woke up from their deep sleep and began to prey on the insects that also woke up from hibernating.

  Although Zongduan Mountain is only small in scale, it is very tall and steep, and the inside is rugged and difficult to navigate.

   Moreover, there are many ferocious beasts active in it. In order not to take a long way, pedestrians traveling from west to east prefer to act in groups, so the danger will be much less dangerous. After all, although wild beasts are ferocious, they are also extremely afraid of being injured, so they will not take risks easily.

  Because there is no society in which to live, there are no doctors in the mountains to help heal injuries. Most of the time, for wild animals, injury is equal to death. Therefore, the reckless beasts were eliminated early due to the high loss rate in the generation to generation reproduction, and the rest were all cautious ones.

  Fang Chang remembered that when he passed through Zongduan Mountain, he still met an elk here.

  The other party was willing to be a mount for himself, just for a chance. Now it seems that the other party's heart of seeking Tao is quite stable, and he chose to exchange for a few days of transportation, which is also an appropriate way to form a good relationship.

  I just hope that under such a catastrophe, the other party will not be recruited by the enemy. For a catastrophe of this scale, for the loser, the crisis of death and dao disappears like a shadow.

   After confirming the direction on the top of the mountain, Fang Chang headed south.

  So along the way, he has been in the mountains, with cliffs and cliffs on both sides, or peaks and valleys. Occasionally, there are gurgling water and clear spring sounds, and the scenery is beautiful. It's a pity that when I passed Zongduan Mountain last time, I was so eager to do something that I didn't have time to appreciate it.

   This is indeed a big loss.

  Fang is long and walks, lingering in the mountains from time to time.

  He sometimes sleeps in the tops of trees, sometimes in caves, and sometimes on top of mountains. When the mood comes, he sleeps twice in the stream and at the bottom of the pool.

With his cultivation base, the high mountains are like flat land to him, there are many delicious wines in the gourd around his waist, all kinds of delicacies in the backpack behind his back, plus the fat and ferocious beasts that are easy to catch in the mountains, as well as the ones that survived in the mountains. Nuts and berries, various tubers and seasonings... So this trip is always full of novel experiences.

   Fang Chang didn't turn to walk west until he reached the place where he met the elk spirit.

  He was going to pass through Weizhou, head to Lizhou, and then go northwest in Lizhou to join Liu Yuande and the others.

During this period of time, he did not stop communicating with the two protagonists. From the paper airplanes that kept coming and going, Fang Chang learned that the rebels had been marching forward and occupied two-thirds of the world, including The place where intelligence is suspect.

  So those cultivators who cooperated with the rebels were dispatched and gathered there, and waited for enough manpower and investigation to confirm that they would wipe out the enemy in one fell swoop.

   Such a grand event, Fang Chang is of course interested in watching and participating in it.

  Thus, although there is plenty of time, we still have to hurry up, so as not to be too late when we get the place and find that the music has come to an end and the ground is in a mess. However, Fang Chang didn't think that without his rebels, nothing could be done, because enough people—whether ordinary people or practitioners—had been organized.

After all, it is the people of the world who make history. When the people of the world work together to prevent this kind of man-made catastrophe, the power that can erupt is terrifying. Fang Chang has sufficient reasons to believe that this catastrophe will not survive this year, and if it is faster, it will even survive But summer.

   It's just that no matter what, the spring plowing on Xianqi Cliff will be missed.

  The Zongduan Mountains are the geographical boundary between Qizhou and Weizhou, and there is also a mountain at the junction of Weizhou and Lizhou.

  But this mountain is an inconspicuous hill compared to the Zongduan Mountain Range. There are more than a dozen mountain peaks inside, and the height is only a few hundred feet. For ordinary people, it is also very easy to cross this hill, and even the official road directly zigzags through the mountain.

  Standing at the foot of the mountain, you can see passersby passing the official road on the hillside; while standing on the top of the mountain, you can see the situation of a small half of Lizhou.

  The wind around me is very strong, passing through the jagged and chaotic stones on the hillside, there will be a whistling sound.

  Fang Chang stood on the top of the mountain, looking at the scene of Lizhou in front of him.

  There are several large rivers in Lizhou, but this brings little prosperity to Lizhou, and more often only floods, so it is common for Lizhou to work on rivers. It was winter when he rode the elk past that year, and Fang Chang saw a magnificent scene of thousands of people working together.

  (end of this chapter)

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