The guard dísciple before the Ancient God Cave is still holding his post. Yang Xuan thought for a while and decided to lead them away.

When he climbed up just now, he found that a large part of the cliff not far from the Ancient God Cave had been stripped off. It is estimated that a small amount of external force will cause it to collapse.

If he can get down the cliff, these people will definitely run to check it, and he will be able to take the opportunity to enter the Ancient God Cave.

Just do it.

Yang Xuan quietly returned to the cliff, climbed to the side of the stripped cliff, stretched out his hand and tried his strength, after confirming, he pulled a very long cane and put it on a rock .

Tugging the cane back to the place where you just stayed, after observing again, Yang Xuan pulled the cane hard.

It's stuck!

There was a sound of rock fracture, and the huge cliff suddenly collapsed, making a huge noise.

Several guards dísciple were really attracted, and they all ran over to look.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Yang Xuan jumped out like an ape, silently entered the Ancient God Cave, and rushed forward more than a hundred meters.

Darkness struck, Yang Xuan was only relaxed after hiding in the darkness.

It's ridiculous to think about it.

It is strange that he dignified a generation of gods, and now he is forced to do such things.

Sora has a body of power but can't use it, it's really uncomfortable.

Fortunately, Yang Xuan stopped hesitating and started to go deep into the Ancient God Cave.

Different from the previous time, this time No Fruit Xiaoxiang interfered by the side. Yang Xuan moved quickly, using a weak divine sense to explore the way, and quickly went deep into the last time.

At this time, the cave road has developed downwards, and the path behind him has long been unclear and lost its sense of direction under the influence of the Space Rule.

Yang Xuan ignored the others, and continued along one of the caves facing downwards.

As the depth increases, the power of the faintly discernable Space Rule gradually becomes clear, and it continues to interfere with Yang Xuan's divine sense.

Yang Xuan tried to increase the output of divine sense while continuing to go down.

After going around a turn, a huge natural cave appeared in front of him.

This cave is very vast. At first glance, it is as big as a dozen football fields.

In the center of the cave, there is a deep lake like a mirror, shining brightly under the reflection of fireflies.

The four sides of the lake are surrounded by stone walls, and no openings can be seen.

Yang Xuan turned around and saw that the entrance of the hole he came in didn't know when it had disappeared and disappeared.

The spatial interference has become more intense, but it still falls short of Yang Xuan's standard.

After pondering for a moment, Yang Xuan suddenly jumped in depth, drew a beautiful arc, and jumped into the lake.

The cold lake water is pouring straight up, splashing like a mouth and nose, with a sweet feeling.

Yang Xuan looked down with enough eyesight. As expected, there was a dark hole at the bottom of the lake.

Swimming over the entrance of the cave, Yang Xuan didn't hesitate. With a slight flick of his body like a fish, he dived into the cave.

The lake here is even colder. After swimming for a while, Yang Xuan found a light curtain in front of him.

The power of Space Rule here is already very strong, and the source is vaguely directed behind the light curtain.

Yang Xuan was overjoyed, and immediately approached the light curtain, trying to enter.

But next moment, a huge thrust came from the light curtain, pushing Yang Xuan directly away.

Yang Xuan was not surprised and rejoiced, because he discovered that the power in this light curtain was very similar to the power he had encountered in the mountain before.

Cautiously explored the divine sense and began to explore the power contained in this light curtain.

After a long while, Yang Xuan's heart moved.

He discovered that this light curtain is not composed of ordinary power, and it actually contains a strong Space Rule power.

About Space Rule, he also knew something about it before, but it was not profound, only floating on the surface.

However, since this light curtain is also composed of Space Rule, he can try to use space to space to see if he can break through the barrier of the light curtain.

Just do what he thinks of, Yang Xuan immediately mobilized his own Power of Space cautiously, permeating the whole body, trying to form a vibration of the same frequency as the light curtain.

When doing this, he was very careful, because he had to control his Rule Power within a limited range, otherwise, he might be discovered by Helim.

After an unknown period of time, Yang Xuan suddenly felt his body lighten, and the current light curtain seemed to disappear.


Yang Xuan was overjoyed and immediately pushed the water flow, and the whole person was submerged in the light curtain.

Behind the light curtain, there is actually a bizarre and motley channel, presenting a cylindrical shape. There are six-color rays of light on the walls, and the power of Space Rule is even stronger.

The passage is not long. About a few minutes, Yang Xuan was spat out and entered a strange world.

What he showed before his eyes was not the Underground World, or any other real world with material attributes.

In front of his eyes, there is an empty void, boundless and endless, there is no distinction between upper and lower possessions, like a void.

There are lines of many colors passing by him, trying to touch them, but they find that they are not far or near at all. They seem to be right in front of them, but they can't be touched.

Yang Xuan tried to release divine sense. After a while, his face gradually showed a pleasant surprise.

He has completely let go of the divine sense, but he still can't break through the shackles and envelopes of Space Rule here, and he can't feel the external environment at all.

Yang Xuan was overjoyed. If his divine sense can't break through, then in other words, Helim's will can't enter here.

Took a deep breath, Yang Xuan began to release his strength.

One point, two points, three points...

It didn’t take long for Yang Xuan to fully release the power of her enclosed space, and the feeling of holding the void returned again. Into the body.

Still unable to break through.

Yang Xuan couldn't help laughing.

Even his breath of power can't escape, which shows how strong the Space Rule is here.

Take a deep breath again, Yang Xuan pressured his excitement.

The most critical moment has come.

His ultimate goal is not to release his own power, but to release the half of the power robbed of Helim to absorb it.

If Helim's breath of power can spread out, then he will fall short.

The first light group appeared.

As soon as the light group appeared, looking towards all around began to diffuse the waves of terror.

Yang Xuan cautiously follows the power of this light group, pay attention to observation.

The power produced by the light group entered this strange space, seeming to lose its direction, turning left and right, blocked by the lines all over the space, and returned to the original place.

It's done!

The ecstasy in Yang Xuan's heart is hard to suppress.

Sure enough, this place shielded all power, even the power of Hrim could not release its breath to the outside world.

This is exactly where he was yearn for something even in dreams, and he finally found it.

don't let an opportunity slip by, time never comes.

Yang Xuan didn't want to delay even a second, his mind fell silent for an instant, and the four beads suddenly appeared, forming a strange pattern of outer circle and inner corner behind him.

The strange suction power filled the void, and the light ball that appeared first fell into the pattern behind Yang Xuan without even humming.

The pattern formed by the four beads moved, as if rotating counterclockwise, like a grinding disc, grinding the submerged light ball into a stream.

A few seconds later, the stream sank into Yang Xuan's head.

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