Cyber Heroes

Chapter 207

Xiang Shan sent a signal behind him after he killed a stalking guy.

Yuan Wenren walked out of the shadows and said: "Senior is really extraordinary."

She just watched Xiang Shan act. Relying on the energy absorption of the prosthetic eye and those vague memories, Xiang Shan first locked the stalking pile, and then used the terrain to keep moving in the blind spot of the opponent's vision.

If it is Matsushima Hiroshi and Lao Hammer who have participated in the "No Vision Challenge" athlete-type Martial Artist, most of them can screen out the movement beyond the noise of the environment through the sound. But these unorthodox guns, Martial Artist, are not so particular.

Martial Artist pays more attention to vision.

And Xiang Shan deliberately made a lot of noise, leaving the sound silently, and finally used the team to make the enemy's attention jump back and forth, and finally one strike certain kill, which is indeed a classic.

Even in the last step, Xiang Shan guaranteed that his cloak, which can reflect electromagnetic waves in common frequency bands, half-wrapped the enemy’s body. Walled.

Xiang Shan and Yuan Wenren set off ahead of those riding the vehicles to eliminate possible hidden piles on the road. Others are responsible for pretending to be those who are mixed into the green forest Dazhai.

The prostheses of Yuanwenren and Xiang Shan are still "lightweight" in terms of specifications, but they are far from being humans with a low transformation rate. Yuan Wenren, as a martial artist, must be more stable and lower in center of gravity than the general close-up Martial Artist. Xiang Shan's prosthesis is taller and stronger than ordinary people.

The prostheses of other people are closer to the human form.

Xiang Shan pulled out the storage device from the pool of silver slurry, wiped it on the camouflage cloth draped on the guy’s body, took a moment to read it, and then removed it from the other’s neck I pulled out another component, adjusted the wiring a little, and connected a port to my wrist, hacked it with Inner Strength, and sent out a signal that "everything is normal".

Xiang Shan walked down from this high slope and said: "Everything is normal?"

Yuan Wenren was nodded.

"Now we only need to wait another 3 minutes." Xiang Shan said: "After ten minutes, we will go straight in."

Due to the lack of professional materials, our side Those guys who mixed into Dazhai, the silicone layer on their faces are not so realistic. Of course, it’s okay to look at it from a distance, but if you look closely at it, you will notice the unreality of these “faces”.

This can minimize the distance that must be shot directly at the "straight corridor in front of the gate".

Those young knights, the average level of martial arts is much higher than that of Green Forest. As long as they occupy favorable terrain and make it difficult for Green Forest to take advantage of their numbers, there will be no problem at all for a period of stalemate between the two sides.

And this period of time is enough for Xiang Shan to rush in.

Xiang Shan and Yuan Wenren quickly found a corridor entrance. There was a faint muffled noise inside. That is the gunfire after decay.

Xiang Shan faced Yuan Wenren nodded, and ran wildly inside.

The next thing is very simple.

Xiang Shan crossed the front line organized by the green forest inside the gate at the highest speed that can be achieved now, and then exerted his huge advantage of internal strength, crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood generally captured this Dazhai Server.

After that, things are very simple.


At nightfall, Balbo spreads over the wilderness Up the battle.

The hunt for knights is extraordinary.

In the old days, "weapons" have been narrowing the difference in battle strength between individual soldiers. After all, the physical rules and logic of this World make "attack weapons" develop faster than "protective equipment". When the thermal weapon Sovereign battlefield, the dense formation was completely abandoned.

But when Martial Ancestor designed cyber martial arts, it was equivalent to using technical means to open another "science and technology tree" in the original military command system.

All previous military concepts are based on the "overwhelming majority situation with little difference in the quality of individual soldiers".

But cyber martial arts completely destroyed this foundation.

With more powerful senses, spot the enemy one step ahead.

With the more powerful mobility of the prosthetic body, the battlefield is continuously divided.

Through the strategy group of thousands hammers, hundred refinements, the gap between skills and individual soldiers has been opened up.

And, most importantly, through the defensive power of the prosthetic body that is much larger than the physical body, it can withstand "ricocheting" and "grazing", increasing the tactical fault tolerance rate to an unimaginable level of old humans.

The formation of the "skirmish line", which was born to reduce the effectiveness of thermal weapons, is precisely restrained by cyber martial arts.

The opponent's mobility and reflection capabilities are stronger, and the fault tolerance rate is higher, so the bullet is difficult to hit.

If martial arts is really good to a certain extent, Cyber ​​Martial Artist can easily break through the skirmish line.

The most important thing to hunt down a knight is to maintain the density of the formation.

Especially when the long-range firepower of the asylum must be far greater than the knight, and there is no need to worry about the opponent's firepower suppression.

Under normal circumstances, a pair of soldiers are lined up in a row with a distance of no more than half a meter from each other. At the same time, there will be a row of soldiers behind them. The formation is slightly staggered from them, leaving room for "shooting".

Under this formation, a small team will maintain a number of about twenty people. The distance between each team will not exceed 50 meters, and they can quickly support each other.

And every thousand people will form an alliance. Each alliance has several heavy war chariots and Martial Artists to accompany each other.

In the sky, there are also many drones.

Each team acts independently.

They marched like this at a speed of 20 kilometers per hour.

It's not that it can't be faster. If you don't care about the wear and tear of the parts, the normal marching speed of the prosthetic person is like the "motorized troops" of the old age. But the problem is that they are searching for prosthetic people.

The kind that doesn't need oxygen much.

If the knight is really courageous, he can find a place to bury himself, and then there, shut down the Quanyi body and wake up after a few days.

This is indeed a gamble, but it is also a method.

During the asylum’s own exercises, Martial Artist, who played the role of the "Knight Fang", indeed escaped by such means several times.

A small part of the experts who have turned to the rivers and lakes have also introduced similar experiences.

So, if you don’t lay out the search line with the attitude of "digging three feet", you will easily miss clues.

The trouble is more than this.

The search range that Pine Eagle City needs to face has invisibly expanded.

The reason is actually those broadcasters they didn't look down on before.

Today, on this day, there are broadcasters continuously rebroadcasting the content of that old crab. At the same time, three other broadcasters announced loudly that they were with the knights when they were on the broadcast, and if the government had a kind, they would find them, or they would send tactical missiles directly.

These words are most likely to be fake. But the asylum seekers can't completely ignore it either.

They can't even send a tactical missile directly as the other party said.

The reason why the old crab is easily killed is because the content of his broadcast exposed his vision, which caused him to be locked by satellites.

But those broadcasters, at best, only exposed the general direction.

If these broadcasters dodge when they see missiles appearing on the horizon, tactical missiles can play a limited role.

They eventually expanded their search.

This also further dilutes the density of the troops.

"It seems that these days are too tolerant of those who are sluggish." Balbo thought.

He constantly accepts feedback from various troops in the war chariot.

"Report sir...zi zi...we have finished...zi zi...about...zi zi...E9 area..."

"Here again." Balbo was a little angry. He directly connected to another channel. But after discovering a zi zi sound in this channel, he jumped out of the war chariot and shouted: "Technical class? What is going on with this communication failure? Did the cause come out?"

Soon, There was an officer who looked like an officer and ran over and said: "My lord, there seems to be something wrong with this."

"Oh? What's wrong?"

That person But he spread his hand and raised a black lump, which seemed to be covered with sand and dust: "Look, my lord.",

"This is..." Balbo touched it with his finger After a while, I felt the magnetic force: "Magnet? Do you use this thing to collect metal dust in the wilderness for analysis? Are you a scientific researcher, or something?"

"No, my lord, the metal dust on it is all air Among them. And if there is light, you will find that its reflectivity is definitely not natural metal dust." The human said: "This is the diluted iron flower."

"Tiehua "Balbo looked around: "There is no particularly conspicuous smoke nearby..."

"'Diluted', my lord." The technical officer said: "In most cases, we often see Most of the branches in the dense fog-type metal aerosols settled normally, but a small number of branches drifted with the wind, forming careful aerosol clumps in the air, continuously diluting, and finally disappearing."

"Yes Are people using metal aerosols on a large scale?" Balbo first denied this probability: "No, that sub-satellite should be vigilant. A large cloud of metal aerosols on the ground will definitely trigger the heavenly punishment system."

"Perhaps it was released after nightfall?"

"No..." Balbo quickly became alert: "These guys should have modified the metal aerosol release components to make Metal aerosols are released slowly. Today’s customs are relatively large. This ensures that aerosols will not form large clumps. Small aerosol clumps...they are very dense. If there is no light, we would just think it is. A plume of smoke and dust."

"But if there are enough such smoke and dust in a wide area, it will still cause communication interference in my eyes."

He suddenly thought of something, Said: "Now, immediately separate the microwave radar from the fire control system!"

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