Cyber Heroes

Chapter 513

human fleshy body does not adapt to the industrialization and modernization of life.

The human brain will encourage them to continue to seek carbohydrates, protein and fat, but the efficiency of modern society, human access to food than forty thousand years ago, the ancestors of countless times high, and their digestive and metabolic system and never get rid of excess nutrition.

The human brain will refuse to understand the facts, "according to salary settlement cycle", they can accept the "one hunter-gatherers for several days, but every action should have results." Some people take a long time to account for a little cheaper, but also because "small cheap" positive feedback too timely.

evolutionary psychology scholar believes that "mental", "spirit" role in our hunter-gatherer ancestors who era of evolution produced, evolved adaptations, is the manipulation of the physical machine procedures and applications.

Now, this adaptability of the application itself, and civilization itself had created human conflict.

The more modern organization, the lower the demand for individual quality, the higher the demand for skills of a single occupation. But the human instinct is "revered hero." "Hero" is the myth of clues throughout the repression of ancient and modern idol. People have to get rid of the control of instinct, but there's instinct acknowledge allegiance.

Many modern psychological disease, are thus born.

countless seemingly "unreasonable" cultural phenomenon, all the spirits of the past to resist.

This is a human.

Human beings are not born in the concrete jungle for biological growth.

This is not surprising.

"But even if human how not suited to modern society, under selective conditions, or no one will really make way. Go back to the living conditions of their ancestors." Xiang Shan said in a tranquil voice.

Even if someone is really tired of the modern own life and wanted to make way seclusion, he would not return to the hunter-gatherer era. this World has been changing human before. this World, can harm the human beast is very small, the fields are screened human species. A long time accumulated "farming tips" so that farmers can more easily support themselves - they even farm implements are also thousands of years ago the ancestors of unimaginable magical apparatus.

Xiang Shan said: "Civilization brings 'sense of security' is such a thing had once tasted, no one let go of him.."

This decisive difference, perhaps that "the concept of death."

For hunting collectors, death is always "unexpected" in. In an age of enlightenment and gatherers hunting nomads who should be closest. Nomads will love their brother and sisters, will mourn their deaths, but this does not prevent them abandon the elderly, seriously ill relatives had abandoned. Their conception of death is this.

In some cases, several fell seriously ill, abandoned lucky people self-healing, and again to come to these more primordial human even think this is "unknown" or "unfortunate".

The farming civilization were the year, month, day domesticated. the eyes of the world they are cyclical, life is often predictable. (Even though many times this "predictable" is just an illusion)

Historically, between nomadic civilization and agricultural civilization is so difficult to understand each other. Roots of their culture is different

Xiang Shan, pointing to wear too A nine: "You are nothing but the use of modern technology to create a more powerful safari individual person."

"historically, mankind will not return nomadic, hunting will not be returned, because of farming and industry to provide the 'away from the unknown', 'away from death' sense of relief for them. primordial human adaptation is inside, while there is' hope by Bode adventure to the interests of 'ingredients and' unknown ingredients get away from the quiet 'in the era of safari collection, these two factors made the balance of law-abiding human will stay home when there is adequate food, will in resource-poor when enterprising. but modern society offers different options, human labor can not face life and death. so the original balance of Yin-Yang Two Sides of the imbalance. "

" modern Greenwood? because our struggle, so the resources they need to be greatly reduced. the so-called reference person, Cyberman, they can survive at low cost. they as individuals, and is more powerful than the civilian population, than their powerful knight was enough. for them, 'cultivation martial arts' is both temper hunting skill, but also 'efforts away from death'. "

" because the results of past civilizations, they do not .. the face of difficulties faced by ancestors hunting collection of their own, but yet so harmful to humans "

Xiang Shan looked too worn a nine:" through this project what you do ? "

he also pointed to the secret scattered people:" do this kind of project, you do not feel ashamed "

secret powder began to shake the person's hand, seems to want to fight back? .

But his personality cladding around the body was tightly locked him justice.

Dai nine too Adolfo: "senior, you are ......"

"hong" the look, war chariot suddenly launch, so the bulk of people toward the secret.

A talk too worn nine just to divert attention. He felt that the time had enough.

In the sky, countless drone has moved to a preset position to start a dive attack. Countless FireWire heaven.

Xiang Shan was almost the same washed out. Tian Ying headless torso leaping high, carrying two machine guns, three sixty upper body rotated a full range of fire. Many missile volley was off the hook, or detonation.

But wearing too A nine preparations significantly more than that.

missiles into several dial, the day the British can only deal with part of them.

These bullets cook became a battle. Many began to turn after the missile came near the ground.

Whether Xiang Shan rushed to the secret casual wear nine people are still too Ah, these strikes will be subject to thermal weapons.

But the days of the British headless body, after all ripped a hole.

Xiang Shan affixed tumbled, then raised to lend his shotgun Master manipulator, two rows of tapered shrapnel is emitted.

Then, both of his hands to throw the gun on the ground and thus accelerating directly toward the wearing of nine too A war chariot.

looked at a hand behind the silhouette, wearing too A nine understand each other's intentions.

- so that's how it is, is my goal?

- the secret ability scattered people did not flee, so long to get rid of me ......

- but not so easy!

war chariot ejection side surface of the flame gun. But Xiang Shan flexible movements, and successfully avoided the wave of fire suppression.

More explosions came.

Xiang Shan vapid was hit a few shots, instant came to the war chariot ten meters.

More missiles fly over.

A holding too worn nine consciousness Daredevil handling war chariot. Those missiles will he shattered with Xiang Shan. But the armored strength war chariot of justice is much larger than the body. So long as the get through here ......

- just get through here ......

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