Cyber Heroes

Chapter 537

The operator of the vehicle, or the user of the vehicle, just received an instruction. This instruction was issued directly by the nearest signal station, from the system.

So he stopped.

The operator waited boringly.

This job is really not very interesting. He is only the lowest-ranking soldier in the Asylum Armed Forces sequence, and only masters the basic war chariot tactics. Anyone can actually carry this job.

To be precise, even AI can do it.

AI can even do better than humans.

It’s just that, although humans are prone to errors, they have more powerful error correction capabilities than AI.

Because a designer and developer of an engineering system, impossible anticipates all "abnormal conditions". He cannot put all the "abnormal states" into a set for the machine to recognize.

In many cases, a living operator like a driver can do a better job than AI.

For example, in the EMP environment.

For another example, the internal strength expert is watching.

In the daily driver training program, the most part is the "anti-spy".

The driver listened boredly to the conversation behind him, and instinctively caught the slightest disagreement.

His camera turned to the back and said: "There is a problem. Your military ranks are very different. Under such tasks, shouldn't the confidentiality levels be exactly the same?"

Answer His is a knife.

A high-frequency knife broke through the side of the front part of the vehicle and cut it in, accurately destroying the connection between the driver's brain and the machine.

System begins to report failures.


The driver's vision went dark, and then he began to panic.

He seems to be a step too late to report the abnormal situation.

He can't be blamed for this. The driver really did not expect that someone could complete the hacking of the "control prosthesis" level in a short period of time.

The underlying security protocol of Yi body comes from the cooperation between "Martial Dao ancestor" and "People Who Cannot Say Names". For those who have a little knowledge of historical common sense, it is as stable and reasonable as a "gift of God". Two hundred years of human development and several major renewals have indeed made it less stable than it was at the beginning. But everyone feels that this thing that was created for the son of the age has not yet been broken.

But as early as eighty years ago, a reincarnation of Martial Ancestor disintegrated it.

The driver's consciousness gradually fell into darkness and fell into a coma.

Xiang Shan did not directly kill him, because the driver's death may cause some kind of alarm to be triggered.

At this level, it’s a little safer.

As the "Applause" report sounded, the car stopped naturally. A small robot separated from the chassis of the car, lying on the side like a beetle.

But it was also hacked by Xiang Shan.

For Xiang Shan, it is much simpler to hack into bauble controlled by electromagnetic signals than to hack into other people's prostheses.

So, this bauble sent a false "preliminary fault detection report".

The guard on the side took out the tool from the bauble's body, disassembled the side of the driving part, repaired and rewritten it.

At the same time, one of the guards installed a silencer on the muzzle and pushed an armor-piercing projectile into the barrel.

Soon, the back door opened silently.

There is a heavy armored soldier inside. He lifts the head very vigilantly, and asked: "This fault has..."

The guard quickly raised the gun and shot it through his head.

The sound of the guns that changed the tone dissipated at the edge of the mountain range.

Unlike the driver who is always connected to the system, this guard is now offline. He is a heavy soldier who went to the maintenance warehouse as scheduled.

Apart from this, there are some relatively high level parts in this vehicle, which must be sent to the Level 2 maintenance warehouse together.

Xiang Shan's spine was wrapped around the guard's neck like this, hanging his head on the guard's shoulder. He stared at the dead soldier in heavy equipment, transmitted the data to the body of the guard, and ordered him to dismember the body of the guard.

The other two guards pulled a headless prosthetic body up from the cliff.

Afterwards, Xiang Shan commanded the guard to take off his head and place it on the head of the prosthetic body.

The spine is connected to the grooves of the back of the neck layer by layer, and each interface is pierced into the joint.

"Damn, it hurts me..." Xiang Shan complained.

He just hacked into the base station through wireless signals and found the Gu that he had implanted a few hours ago. Then, he rewrote the base station slightly, and through the base station, issued a false command to the nearest vehicle.

After that, he took off his head and threw it out.

When connecting the spine, he has set up an independent power system on each section of the spine. In as a last resort, his head can abandon his body, and walk around like a snake, leaving the dangerous place.

This is just a "just in case" escape function.

His prosthetic body is not the standard specification of patrons, nor does it conform to the aesthetics of those "nobles". In a hurry, he couldn't forge a sufficiently real Knight ID for scientific research.

In order to prevent the soldiers from shooting and setting the alarm when they saw his prosthetic body, he specifically took off his head and placed it on the side of the road.

It is also difficult for ordinary people to be alert to a trifling head.

Xiang Shan's head stayed on the ground. His spine only appeared to be tucked behind. But in fact, the power system on every section of this spine is full of strength.

If the other party really shoots this head without saying anything, he can also dodge twice.

In addition to the skull made of top alloys and the excellent shock absorption system, he can resist twice.

At the same time, his prosthetic body is also gaining momentum in the rear.

If there really is that "in case", he can change his tricks in time.

It's just that he used his spine to pump the guard leader, which is indeed "self-defeating eight hundred".

The nerve system in the spine is quite fragile. And the shock absorption system attached to the spine works first.

Fortunately, he is only to adjust the angle of both sides' prosthetic eyes.

After that, it was an internal strength attack.

Of course, this is not "outputting personality coverage." That kind of complicated stuff needs more compatibility support.

That is just a simple AI that covers all external neural signals of the previous owner of the prosthetic body.

The complex action of "talking" is also done by Xiang Shan directly by remote control-of course, it is to read the personalized settings saved in this guy's speech synthesizer.

Xiang Shan piled up the heavy prosthetic parts in the car on the edge of the car, and then squeezed himself in.

Immediately afterwards, Squad continued to move towards the Level 2 overhaul library according to the original plan.

The vehicle slowly drove into the inspection garage

No one noticed a little abnormality that would occur in an inspection workshop.

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