Therefore, the camps of the Huns were very scattered, and there was no military discipline at all.

"Da Da Da ~"

Amid the whistling evening wind, there was the crisp sound of hooves. It was the Huns' scout cavalry, patrolling the night around the camp.


A sharp piercing sound suddenly sounded.

A sharp feather arrow instantly pierced the throat of the Xiongnu scout.


In the darkness of the night, Taishi Ci took a deep breath, retracted his strong bow, slowly raised his heavy iron spear, and pointed to the endless Huns camp in front of him.

Taishi Ci shouted loudly in vain.

"That's the king's account of the Xiongnu Shanyu Touman!"

"Those who break the king's tent will be rewarded with thousands of gold, and those who cut off the heads of the Huns will be rewarded with thousands of gold!"

"Kill with me!"

Taishi Ci took the lead and rushed forward.




Deafening cries rang out, and thousands of Qin soldiers suddenly rushed out of the dark night and swept away toward the Huns camp.


"Attack camp!"

"Someone attacked the camp!"

"Blow the horn, blow the horn!"

"Go and report to Da Shanyu, hurry up!~"

The Huns lying in the camp were awakened one after another, and the entire camp was in chaos.

Touman woke up from his sleep and asked sharply, "What's going on?"

A Huns cavalry came in a hurry, knelt on one knee at Touman's feet, and hurriedly said: "Da Shanyu, the Qin army attacked the camp at night, and they have already killed it!"

"Assault camp?"

Touman was taken aback and said sharply, "What do the scouts eat! They were touched and they didn't find out? Which tribe is in charge of the night patrol tonight, and this king will definitely kill them."

Touman's voice fell, and a heavy hoof sound suddenly sounded.

Looking back in shock, I saw a general of the Qin army galloping towards the king's tent.

A large group of iron cavalry in the same black armor followed closely behind them, and it was impossible to tell how many cavalry there were in the darkness!

"Whoever stops me will die!~"

Taishi Ci shouted violently, and the heavy iron spear ripped apart the air, creating a cold glow.


The crisp sound of sharp tools shaving flesh and bones sounded, Taishi Ci's spear pierced coldly from the left shoulder of the Xiongnu cavalry, and then took advantage of the situation to pick, and the upper half of the Xiongnu cavalry was picked up and flew up.


Two other Xiongnu warriors bravely stepped forward to meet him, worthy of blocking Taishi Ci's path.

"Go away!"

Taishi Ci shouted loudly, and his heavy spear swung a big circle, whistling and swept towards the two cavalry Xiongnu brave generals.

"Puchi", a bloody light shot out.

Two corpses with drops of blood fell from the horse, and it was difficult to stop Taishi Ci for a moment!


Taishi Ci fiercely grabbed his horse under his crotch and drove straight towards the king's tent.


Seeing that Taishi Ci went straight to the king's tent, but no one could stop him for a moment, Touman couldn't help but gasped, beat his horse and left.

Behind Touman, the leader of the personal soldiers shouted at the Xiongnu warriors beside him.

"Protect Da Chanyu!"

"Kill all these despicable and shameless Qin people, kill!"


Countless Xiongnu warriors shouted strangely, and the Qin army cavalry who rushed towards Cyclonus came up to meet them, and they quickly collided fiercely.

The sound of fierce fighting sounded in the night sky.

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