Daddy Fantasy World Restaurant

Chapter 119: Break your head! (Thanks to the book friend 20170802... 50,000 rewards!)

The quietness of the restaurant was so extreme that Amy’s whispering sound after swallowing the tofu was clear and audible.

"Sweet tofu brain is also delicious." Amy opened her eyes and said happily. He took a spoon and took a sip and fed it to his mouth. A spoonful of spoonfuls could not stop. The expression on the little face was very Happy and happy.

"In this case, which one is more like it?" McGonagall raised his eyebrows and watched Amy's expression of salty tofu brain and sweet tofu brain almost the same, and they were very happy.

But when you think about it for the first time, when you eat Yangzhou fried rice and meat sandwiches for the first time, Amy's expression is similar. The kind of pure smile that is completely intoxicated in the food, makes the delicate little face look more lovely.

It didn't take long for Amy to hold the bottom of the bowl with the small bowl that had already been eaten.

"That Amy thinks that salty tofu brain is delicious, or is it sweet tofu brain?" McGonagall looked at Amy and asked.

"I think..." Amy looked at her nervously and looked at her McGonagall and Mia Mia. Thinking about it, she nodded. "It's all delicious. The salty tofu brain can be eaten with meat." The taste is salty and salty, so that the meat is better. The sweet bean curd can be eaten after eating the salted bean curd and the meat. The sweet taste is just right, and it feels after eating. So satisfied, so comfortable, tofu brain, salty, sweet are super delicious!"

Meg and Yabei Mia looked at each other and had some helplessness. They all thought that Amy would stand on their side. I didn’t expect Amy to think that it was super delicious. It’s all on their side. The Salt Party and the Sweet Party each account for half. It is estimated that if the Salt Party and the Sweet Party fight in the future, they will be relatives with Amy.

"Mc boss, I am Krassu, there is something I want to talk to you, can you let me in?" At this moment, the door knocked again.

"It’s a half-bearded grandfather!" Amy looked at the doorway and said a little happy: "My father, can you also give a half-bearded grandfather a tofu brain? I think he will love the sweet tofu brain, he is so When you are old, your teeth will definitely fall off. The soft tofu brain will not be easy to eat."

"I will open the door first. The tofu brain of our restaurant has not yet begun to sell." Meg smiled and shook his head. He had just read the information of Krassu, and his hostility was reduced a lot. He and the Elf Princess. The relationship has made his mind a little lively. The identity of Krassu may be able to reach some more secret information, which is more reliable than the outside detective society.

"Ulyan! How are you here too!" McGonagall was about to open the door, and the sound of Krassu sounded outside, which sounded a little alarming and annoyed.

Julian is the name of the old magician next door to the magic potion. Just as Sherlock gave him a piece of information, there may be a grudge between Krassu and Julian. It seems that the accuracy of this message is not bad. The two really know each other, and the grudges are not long.

"Kelasu, I have lived here for nearly ten years. You can be here, why can't I be here?" Julian sneered, his voice hoarse, like two rusty iron pieces rubbing each other, let People are a little uncomfortable.

"Yes! It is!" The sound of black charcoal sounded and echoed on the side.

"You have no bird, then call it, you will be cooked." Krassu looked at the black charcoal, faintly, but the corner of his eye was watching Julian, and his heart was annoyed and anxious. "This old thing, How did it appear here? Is it just to eat? Or does he also think that Amy’s talent wants to accept her as a disciple?”

"This Highness will not be afraid of you!" said Black Charcoal, but the sound was obviously lacking in strength. He moved to the back of the cage and moved closer to Julian.

"My bird, I still can't take you to the lesson." Julian's voice was cold, his eyes were a little gloomy looking at Krassu, and it seemed that the surrounding temperature had cooled.

"Hey, the guy I want to teach, I never care who is raising it. When the king is still a prince, I haven’t been taught by me." Krassu also went back to the same momentum, and the air around him began to change. Get hot.

"叮铃!" A bell rang, Maigra opened the door, and Krassu and Julian turned their heads at the same time.

"If you want to fight, please go to the outside and play freely. The restaurant will open the door to do business. If it is frozen or burnt the door, it will be bad." McGonagall opened the door and just stood in the two. On the dividing line, I experienced the taste of two ice and fire, watching the two people arrogant, a little helpless hand.

Krassu’s hand still glared at the tall man’s mage, the white mage’s gown was spotless, and Julian’s was wearing a darkened mage robe with a short magic wand in his hand and the other hand carrying A birdcage, black carbon covered with two leaves, trembled in the corner.

Krassu and Julian looked at McGonagall and stunned at the same time. With the strength of both of them, even if they were fighting in front of the Lodul Palace, the king would not dare to come out and let them go far, so as not to break the palace. door.

I didn't expect Meg to open the door and didn't persuade him. It was so straightforward to let them go a little farther.

This reason is very fresh and refined.

Krassu and Julian looked at each other and hesitated, almost concentrating on the body.

"Mai Boss..." The two looked at McGonagall and spoke at the same time, stopping at the same time and staring at each other.

"You are advanced." McGonagall looked at the two people who were on the opposite side. He said a little helplessly. It is not difficult to guess the two. It seems that Julian also wants to accept Amy.

"Good." Krassu nodded, when the restaurant was advanced.

"Yeah." Julian hesitated, and nodded and walked into the door.

McGonagall closed the door and lowered the blinds.

Since the way to find Amy's magic teacher from Chaotic Academy doesn't work, it's better to go to the wizard and try to contact Krassu and Julian.

Krassu's resume can be called brilliant, a magician can use a wizard to kill a dragon, and the only one on the Nolan continent.

Although Julian's information is rare, he dares to compete with Krassu and not weaken. It is obvious that his strength is not weaker than Krassu, and it seems to have nothing to do with the Master Tower.

"Ulyan, 20 years ago, you broke the good thing that I received Irina. If you want to stalk from it, I will fight this old life and break your head!" Krassu stopped and looked back at Julian.

========== Fifth, send it, old irons, ask for a subscription! ! !

The reward has broken three thousand! ! Two lords! Two elders! ! ! There are still many rewards! ~! Thank you very much and very excited! ! !

Here, I wish you all a happy New Year! ! !

At 8 o'clock this evening, there are still five more, I think there will be some, now go to the code word, all the way out! ! !

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