Daddy Fantasy World Restaurant

Chapter 97: Why is it called the ugly duckling? (Thank you for the award master of the ceremony!)

McGon looked down, and the ugly duckling who slept for a while didn't know when he woke up, and after a cry, he watched Amy scream a few times, his voice screamed louder, and his heart secretly screamed badly.

The voice in the classroom suddenly calmed down, and Luna looked at the window with some confusion, thinking that the wild cat ran into the school and attracted the attention of the students.

However, her eyes quickly saw Amy, her eyes lit up, and some surprised steps came toward the door.

"It's Amye! I haven't seen you for a long time, wow, your hair is tied and looks good." There was a mushroom girl sitting at the window watching Amy, her eyes suddenly brightened and said happily.

"Hey, Daphne, I don't want to call my name during class, and I don't want to talk to me," Amy said quickly.

"How come you come again? You will cause a lot of trouble to me, do you know?" There is a grass with a green mung bean sprout on one side of the head, and a demon child with a messy look looks at Ai Said Mi.

"Shut up, Ignatz, be careful, I will pull out your bean sprouts again!" Danif looked back at the demon kid and said with a sigh of relief.

"I won't be afraid of you." Ignatz leaned back and sighed.

"Ugly duckling, don't ask! Otherwise I will bake you." Amy looked back at the ugly duckling in the basket and scolded.

The ugly duckling’s shadow on this sentence was probably brought out of the egg. He immediately smashed it and shrank it in the basket. He shivered and didn’t dare to call again.

McGonagall gently licked its hair and appeased its emotions. This shadow is estimated to follow its life.

"Amy, come here..." Luna took a piece of chalk in her hand and walked out with a smile. Halfway through, it was only a surprise to see the small basket standing behind McGonagall. Stopped the words behind.

"Mr. Luna, I am here to listen to you and to see you, and I want to sing to you." Amy looked at Luna, and her face was full of happy smiles, but when she glanced at the classroom, it was A bit frustrated: "But, I seem to influence everyone to go to class."

"Sorry, I brought the children over. The cat didn't understand things and called two, affecting Miss Luna's class." McGonagall touched Amy's head and looked at Luna a little sorry.

Today Luna is wearing a pink-blue dress with a silk scarf embroidered with a golden lily on her shoulder. It seems that she likes the scarf very much. When she looks at Amy, her face The smile is very gentle.

"How come, the cat's voice evokes the curiosity of the children, and everyone misses Amy who hasn't come for many days." Luna looked at Ami, who was frustrated, and took all responsibility to herself. Meg, smiled and reached out and took Amy's little hand, softly said: "Bring your new partner, introduce it to everyone, then sing the song you want to sing to the teacher, sing to everyone and the teacher. Listen."

McGonagall looked at Luna. At this moment, her face seemed to be shining. This gentle encouragement made him a little touched. It was indeed a good teacher.

"Really?" Amy's eyes re-lighted, watching Luna's face full of encouraging smiles, coming down from the stone, reaching out and picking up the ugly duckling in the basket, looking at McGonagall: "Father Dad , then I... I think..."

"Go, Xiaomi, you can do it." Meg smiled a little, his face full of encouragement.

Luna also looked at McGonagall with a little surprise. She could understand her daughter's mind and know how to encourage the little girl. Such a careful father is rare.

Thinking of the meat folder that I ate that day, Luna’s heartbeat could not help but speed up. Although the reaction after eating was a bit shameful, the Yangzhou fried rice and meat sandwiches were really delicious, if not from home this month. The money has already been bought for the children, she should not want to eat again.

This man's cooking is really good. She hasn't tasted a better food than this. Now I can't help but think about it.

"Yeah." Amy listened to McGonagall's encouragement, and she had confidence in her face and took Luna's hand into the classroom.

McGonagall stood by the window and smiled as he looked at Amy wearing a purple skirt and holding an ugly duckling.

Standing here again, she is no longer the little girl who wore old clothes, and he hopes that she can become more confident.

"Our Amy has not been attending classes for many days. Do you really miss her?" Luna looked at the children under the podium and said with a smile.

"Think! I want to die!" Danif was the first to call, looking at the new clothes, Amy, tied with beautiful hair, like a completely personal change.

"General thoughts." Ignaz shook his head and stared at Amy's eyes but it was a bit unmovable. How could it suddenly become so loving, delicate like a porcelain doll.

Other children are also full of curiosity watching Amy, the half-elf in memory who always wears a broken dress and messy hair, how suddenly it became so beautiful and lovely, much more lovely than the elf in the next class. .

After the child’s gaze fell on Amy’s ugly duckling, it’s even brighter, furry, little one, really cute, so I want to hug it, I want to touch it, and it’s still white and orange. Oh! It is different from the black cat and white cat outside, and looks more lovely.

For the first time, Amy was so appreciative and envious. When she was nervous, she was very happy. We didn't look at her again with disgust and poor eyes. It felt so good, and the face could not help but smile.

Luna is also smiling. Although she always wanted to make Amy more confident, the little guy will become more depressed and unconfident after being bullied.

But I haven't seen it for a few days. Amy seems to have changed a person completely. Not only is the change of clothing, but more importantly, the heart becomes stronger and more confident. It is no longer different for himself and others. Worried.

It is only natural that it is McGonagall that brings this change.

This made Luna curious, why McGon suddenly became like a person, and suddenly loved Amy.

"Amy brought a new friend here today, and prepared a song to sing for everyone to listen to." Luna said with a smile, full of encouragement to look at Amy.

"This is the ugly duckling, my..." Amy introduced the ugly duckling, but soon stopped again. It seemed to be a bit entangled in its positioning. After a while, he said: "The father said that when it grows up, it will change. Become a white swan. Before it grows up, it is my pet."

"White swan?" The curiosity of the children was suddenly mobilized. Looking at the orange kitten in Amy's arms, I wondered if this cute kitten was ugly, and it was nothing like a duck. ? And when you grow up, will you really become a white swan?

"Why is it called an ugly duckling?" Daphne asked curiously.

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