Daily Life of Jiang Liuniang

Chapter 773: waiting

   Chapter 773 Waiting

After    Jiang Liu wandered to the study room in the East Courtyard, he fiddled around in the house for a long time, and when he came out, he specially instructed Qin Qing to call the wife of the Ren residence.

  Jiang Liu ordered with a small face, "Today there are many people with mixed eyes, you are here to guard, and outsiders are not allowed to enter this courtyard. If you lose important things in the courtyard, this girl is the only one who asks you!"

   "Yes." The old woman asked loudly.

   Ren's house was originally a clean man. For some reason, Dad suddenly ordered Uncle Qiu to buy in four women and two maids last month, and let them take care of the cleaning of the inner courtyard. These people were bought from Jamboree in name, but in fact they were all under Uncle Qiu and they were trustworthy.

When Jiang Liu returned to the Taoist temple behind the North Courtyard, Jiang Bai ran over and said, "Second Master heard that someone was embarrassing the girl in the garden, and asked the little girl to give her a message. The second master said, teach those who can be taught, and those who can't be taught. Just hide. Today is a big day, don’t get angry with people who don’t want to do it.”

   Qin Chengbi can't teach a lesson, so he has to hide. Qin Chengbi has not provoked Jiang Liu once or twice. When there is a chance, Jiang Liu will give him a hard lesson, but it is still not enough. Jiang Liu returned to the small courtyard of the Daotang. After eating with Hezhi and Guo Nanxiong, Hezhi rested in the Daotang. Guo Nanxiong went to the front yard to greet the guests. After coming out, he told the old lady to guard the far door before returning to the inner courtyard of Jiang's house.

   At this time, the banquets in various parts of the inner courtyard have not yet dispersed, Jiang Liu returned to his sister and sat down, listening to the girls from various prefectures chatting about the male guests who came today.

   At the same time, the "manager" of the Huang Mansion, who was strolling in the backyard of the Ren Mansion, arrived at the gate of the East Courtyard, and said with a smile to the old woman who was guarding the gate, "This eldest sister, have you seen my son?"

  The old lady looked up and down and asked politely, "Who is your son?"

   "Master Huang of the Huang Family of Judefang."

  The old woman shook her head, "No."

  The old woman spoke swiftly, her eyelids drooped down, and she didn't give the steward a chance to talk to her. He glanced at the closed courtyard door and pretended to go elsewhere to find someone. But just after he took two steps, Yanping, the steward of the Ren House, came over with a smile, "This brother, Mr. Huang is eating in the garden, please bring me here."

   The steward's eyes flickered and he cupped his hands with a smile, "Don't bother eldest brother, I know where the garden is, so go there yourself."

   Yanping smiled and said, "It's okay, drop by."

   "Then there's Big Brother Lao." The steward followed Yanping and walked towards the garden. When he was about to enter the garden, he hugged his stomach and asked eagerly and embarrassedly, "Big brother, where is the latrine?"

   This is planning to urinate? Yanping showed him the way and watched him rush into the latrine in a hurry. Yanping pretended not to care, and continued to walk towards the garden.

  After Yanping left, the steward stayed in the toilet. Ban Dashan, who followed him, hurried to the toilet with his stomach in his arms. Before he could go in, the person in the toilet coughed and told Ban Dashan that someone was inside.

  Ban Dashan stopped and said in a low voice, "The brothers in trouble, hurry up, we can't hold back any longer."

   "Okay." An old man's voice came from inside, and after a while, a middle-aged man with thick eyebrows and short beard with a slightly hunchback came out after sorting his clothes, and let Ban Dashan in.

   "Thank you."

After Ban Dashan went into the toilet with his stomach in his arms, the middle-aged man tidied up his clothes, turned around and walked to the outer courtyard. He glanced at the old woman who was guarding the gate of the courtyard when he passed the east courtyard, and turned to the inside when he entered the courtyard of Uncle Qiu's second courtyard. After a long look, he walked out of the gate of Ren's house and walked towards Jiang's house. Before he could reach the gate of Jiang's house, a ripe persimmon fell off the branch and hit him on the shoulder.

  The man turned his head to look at the rotten persimmons on his shoulders, then looked up at the branches and walls covered with persimmons, took out a handkerchief and wiped his shoulders, avoiding the rows of persimmon trees and walking towards the entrance of Shifeng Alley.

   After the person left, the news was quickly sent to Uncle Qiu. Ban Dashan said, "This person will change his face. When he enters the toilet, he wears the steward's clothes of the Huang family, and when he comes out, he becomes a hunchbacked groom of the Marquis of Pingxi. You didn't see Uncle Qiu. Eight points."

  Huyan Tu said, "The man's skill is not low, he noticed when the persimmon fell from behind the tree, he did not avoid it on purpose."

   If you have kung fu, you will be able to disguise yourself. This must have a great background. Uncle Qiu immediately asked, "Who shot the persimmon? Did he notice it?"

  Huyantu rubbed his hands together and said, "It's just those naughty little kids in the alley. Their cats are playing tricks on the wall. In half a day, six or seven people have been recruited."

   Uncle Qiu also laughed, "Don't scare the snake, send someone to follow him secretly. I ordered to go down, and strengthen the defense in all parts of the house. If anyone dares to leave the office without permission, he will be severely punished."

   "Girl, girl!" Shu Qiu flew from the outer courtyard to Jiang Liu, "Eldest young master, they have arrived at Yanfufang!"

   When we arrive at Yanfufang, we will be home soon. The girls in the inner courtyard were immediately excited, and they walked out with friends and companions. Jiang Liu was also pulled out of the hanging flower door by Bai Jiuniang.

   Chai Xiaoba, who had been waiting outside the Chuihuamen for a long time, greeted him, and immediately greeted him, "Liuer sister... Huaer sister, come this way, I have a good seat for you!"

  Because Chai Yi'an and Bai Zhen were close, and the two children had known each other since childhood, Bai Jiuniang was not polite to Chai Xiaoba, and immediately pulled Jiang Liu to go with her. Jiang Liu said, "Ninth sister, go with the starling. I still have errands to do. When the sister-in-law enters the door, I'm going to sprinkle grain beans."

  Chai Xiaoba was stunned, "Isn't it all Mr. Yin-Yang sprinkling beans, how did he send it to you?"

   "Sprinkling grain beans" is the custom of Kang'an getting married. When the sedan chair arrived at the door of the husband's house, Mr. Yin Yang carried a bucket full of grain beans, copper coins, fruit picking and other things, and threw it in front of the door. It is said that this move was to suppress the Qingyang evil. After the little children who were watching the excitement by the door were scrambling to clean up, the groom could dismount and lead the bride to the entrance.

  The Jiang family also invited Mr. Yin-Yang, but Jiang Liu put his hand back and said seriously, "Don't Starling think that I can suppress the evil spirits better than Mr. Yin-Yang?"

  Chai Xiaoba laughed out loud, "You're almost a door god, of course you're better than Mr. Yin Yang. Come on, Starling will open the way for you!"

   "Okay." Jiang Liu turned his head and saw Chai Lindi standing under the pomegranate tree, his eyes silently looking at the hanging flower door. Under the eaves porch not far away, Liu Juntang, who was standing with Liao Chuanrui, also stared at the door. Although there was no evidence, Jiang Liu felt that both Chai Lindi and Liu Juntang were waiting for their sister.

   This is a big scene, not to be missed! Jiang Liu immediately stopped and said to Bai Jiuniang and Chai Xiaoba, "You guys go first, I'll go get something, and I'll be there later."

  Jiang Liu ran into the inner courtyard through the Chuihuamen. Jiang Muyan, who walked over with Ma Nanxiang and Zhang Wenqing, saw her sister running back, and quickly stepped forward and asked, "What happened?"

   Jiang Liu raised a bright smile, "Liu'er is waiting for my sister to go out together."

   (end of this chapter)

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