Dali Temple Small Dining Room

Chapter 293: Crispy Roasted Pork Belly (4)

  Chapter 293 Crispy Roasted Pork Belly (4)

"Salt." Wen Mingtang's answer was concise and to the point, taking advantage of the time to reply, he broke off another piece of crisp salt baked on the surface of the dolphin skin, and turned to look at the person behind him—Liu Yuan, Bai Zhu and Lin Fei were holding each other in their hands. Obsessed with several dossiers and looked in from the door.

  Seeing this, Wen Mingtang couldn't help but slander: No wonder there was no sound of footsteps, because no one came in yet. But although no one came in, the eyes were very sharp, and he saw the salt she spread on the surface of the dolphin skin at a glance.

   Seeing her looking back, the three of them walked into the public kitchen and walked towards her.

Seeing that Wen Mingtang knocked off the salt that dried the surface of the dolphin skin, and then brushed a layer of rice vinegar on the half-burnt surface of the dolphin skin, Liu Yuan swallowed subconsciously when he smelled the fragrance in the air, and asked Wen Mingtang: " What is the name of this snack? After so much effort, it must be delicious!"

  Wen Mingtang brushed rice vinegar intently, and said, "Crispy roasted pork belly."

As for where the crunch is... After Wen Mingtang finished brushing the pork belly and put the half-roasted pork belly meat back into the "oven", he sat down again, picking up the unfinished book at hand, feeling the warmth of the fire. He said at the same time, "Wait for another half an hour or so."

   That really took a lot of effort! I heard from the servants that I saw Master Wen making this snack not long after lunch, and it lasted until midnight.

  However...after midnight, no one will come to grab a snack! Liu Yuan gathered the stack of files in his hands, opened his mouth, sighed meaningfully, and said, "It seems that staying up late to handle the case is not completely useless."

  Wen Mingtang, who was flipping through the storybook, suddenly realized when he heard the words: "No wonder Liu Sicheng asked me when the pork belly was ready before he left. It turned out that the idea was made on this piece of pork early in the morning."

  You know, at this time of weekdays, she was already lying in bed reading a book and getting ready to rest, but she wouldn't be roasting pork belly in the public kitchen. At this time, the public kitchen used to be empty.

  These guys made a special trip to the public kitchen today, apparently because they came here for the piece of crispy pork belly pork.

Wen Mingtang glanced at a few people, shook his head, glanced at the pork belly roasting in the "oven", and said, "Wait a little longer, the fat part of the pork with the pork is almost degreased! "

  Smelling the strong aroma of grilled pork meat in the air, Liu Yuan slapped his thigh, and immediately said: "Just wait! Patience is the most important thing for me, Mr. Liu!"

   While he was talking, Lin Fei had already found Zhang Abing and the little table where Tangyuan usually sat choosing dishes, went to Wen Mingtang and put it down, and after sitting down, he opened the file in his hand and read it.

  The warmth and light from the fire is really suitable for reading the dossier and the same story book ahead.

Seeing Wen Mingtang and Lin Fei who had "robbed" the best two seats, Liu Yuan and Bai Zhu had no choice but to find two more small tables and came to find a seat nearby and sat down. The group sat "surrounded by the stove", While flipping through the file in his hand, he discussed today's case.

"Although the butcher Hu Siming is not a native of Chang'an, he has been in Chang'an for 20 years. His appearance is a bit fierce, and he looks like a child crying when he sees it. However, neither the government nor the neighbors have ever asked him about his crimes. what happened." Bai Zhu said, "The government didn't record it, and the neighbors also said that he didn't do any evil."

  But just because you haven’t done evil before doesn’t mean you will never do evil.

"Although he has never done anything evil, Hu Siming is a loner and has never married and had children. After the death of Hu's father and mother, Hu Siming has been living alone. He has never done evil but has no friends. Doing evil and not doing good, you are just an ordinary person." Bai Zhu said.

   After investigating Hu Siming, the situation of this Hu Siming is so simple that it is clear at a glance: no friends and no enmity.

  In this way...the possibility of framing it is extremely low.

"If not, it's just bad luck. I didn't look closely to see if there was something else in the slop bucket, so I used it." Liu Yuan continued, "No body remains were found in the nearby swill bucket, only his one. It's in the swill bucket."

In this regard, Bai Zhu shook his head, and said: "The corpses were not piled up at the bottom of the swill bucket, but were mixed in the pile of waste. It is unlikely to be bad luck. If you pick one and throw a corpse The wrecked swill bucket seems more like it was thrown in during the slaughter in the morning."

  If that's the case...the swill bucket was placed there, and there were many pedestrians in the morning. Although Hu Siming was the most suspected, he might not be the only one who could do this.

   "Anyone with a quick hand can do it, such as a pickpocket," Liu Yuan said here, paused, and then said, "There is also a butcher!"

  Between fellow butchers, Hu Siming's slaughter stall has the best business. If fellow butchers are jealous, it may not be impossible.

   But no matter how jealous and hated, it is possible to use a small trick that is not on the table. In order to trip up the business of the same industry, is it possible to deliberately kill someone to plant it?

  Liu Yuan shook his head and said, "I don't think it's possible!" He said, "Hu Siming's business was most affected by the discovery of human corpses in the swill bucket, but the business of those butchers also dropped a lot."

  When they left, almost no one came to slaughter in front of the slaughter stall next to them. After all, the kitchen knife has become a "murder knife", who would dare to approach it without panicking?

"Switching poultry and livestock in private, replacing the big chickens and ducks that have been slaughtered with small ones, and replacing the fresh ones with stale ones is possible. Killing people would be impossible." Bai Zhuying echoed Liu Yuan's words. , paused, and then said, "I went to see Wu Bucai just now, and Wu Bucai said that the murderer cut up the body very skillfully, and the way the corpse was cut up was very sophisticated. To such a familiar place."

   Having said this, Bai Zhu stopped, and said to Wen Mingtang who was reading a script but suddenly raised his head when he heard this, and said, "Master Wen, this case is really scary, I won't wait to talk about it."

   Said the case was too fascinating, but forgot that Master Wen was present here.

Wen Mingtang shook his head when he heard the words, and after saying "No problem", he said, "So if the murderer wasn't someone who committed a heinous crime and used to dismembering corpses, it was very likely that he was a butcher who knew the direction of bones very well. people."

   Seeing that Wen Mingtang was not afraid, but took up the conversation, Bai Zhu was a little surprised, but still nodded and said, "That's true."

  Wen Mingtang raised his hand to look at his own, and said to the three people who were looking towards her, "The cook is also possible!"

Although cooks don’t kill mountains of poultry and livestock like butchers do, but due to the handling of ingredients, some complicated dishes such as three sets of ducks have to be boned directly. Naturally, they will not be inferior to butchers in the direction of bones. .

  (end of this chapter)

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