Heard Zhu Di praise Zhu Zhanyan.

Zhu Gaochi also hurriedly praised: "The eldest nephew really has you, every time that Ma Sanbao comes back with a fleet, dozens of fleets bring back a full of special products, you can find such crops for the benefit of the Ming Dynasty, it is really sharp-eyed."

Zhu Gaochi also began to realize that if these products can really be the same as he said, they can increase the country's grain production, and the country will be more stable.

"Thank you Uncle for the compliment, but in the final analysis, it is grandpa's wisdom and strategy, and letting Zheng He go to the West can bring a lot of new things to my Daming.

Zhu Zhanyan slapped another sycophant, but this was his true words.

Because Zheng He went to the West, Daming obtained many new crops, such as peppers, peppers, tomatoes, and so on.

I also brought back some animals that I had never seen before, such as: giraffes, lions, leopards, horses, camels, ostriches and other exotic animals.

When Zhu Di succeeded to the throne, the "Battle of Jingjing", which lasted for three years, caused extremely huge financial costs. In order to make up for the financial losses, the land did not hesitate to spend a huge amount of money to send Zheng He to the West and implement an open policy to overseas countries in order to import a large number of overseas goods.

The profitability of these overseas items at the time was very considerable. In the case of sumac wood and pepper, the profit is 50 times as huge. This method of "sending out and recruiting in" not only solved the financial crisis faced at that time, but also enabled the people to make a living from the sale of land.

Therefore, this move is very great, Zhu Zhan Yan admires it very much, Zhu Di of the Ming Dynasty has such a majestic and majestic courage, and he deserves to be praised by later generations as an emperor through the ages.

The current Ming Dynasty is the most powerful country in the world, and there is no one!

Because it can build such a large-scale treasure ship, a treasure ship like a future aircraft carrier, only the Ming Dynasty in the world can do it.

At the same time, the Ming Dynasty was also the first country to start overseas trade, and there was no one!

If it had not been for the Qing Dynasty's seclusion and seclusion, perhaps China might have stood on top of the world forever!

Zhu Zhanyan couldn't help but feel a little emotional, thought far away, and was in a daze for a moment.

"Okay, okay, it's ready to eat.

Seeing that the potatoes, corn, and sweet potatoes on the ground were a little colder, Zhu Gaochi, who was gluttonous, couldn't bear it anymore, and took the lead in picking it up, but it was still a little hot, he blew it, peeled off a potato skin, and ate it.

The potatoes were soft and glutinous, Zhu Gaochi's eyes lit up, and he felt that it was particularly delicious, so he ate up a potato in three or two bites.

"How does it taste?" Seeing that Zhu Gaochi ate first, Zhu Di was a little displeased.

"Dad, it tastes great, it's just a little light, and it should be better with some salt, but it's already very good. Zhu Gao snorted his fingers, a little unfinished.

"Hmm? I'll try it.

Zhu Di said, picked up one too, peeled the skin, and began to eat.

"It's really good, it has this taste directly baked, it is very convenient to use it for disaster relief, marching and fighting, you don't need to bring a heavy iron pot to cook on the fire, and the weight is less, and the marching speed will be increased a lot. And these potatoes, unlike rice, are not afraid of getting wet in the rain. "

Zhu Di is worthy of being the emperor immediately, and the first thing is actually the role of war.

As he spoke, Zhu Di's eyes were aimed at another piece of corn, he picked up the corn and began to eat it.

When Zhu Gaochi saw it, he immediately took a piece of corn.

Seeing that these two people were eating so deliciously, Zhu Zhanyan also began to be a little greedy, and also picked up a piece of corn, peeled off the outer skin, and began to eat.

A grandfather, a son, and a grandchild, the three of them are around and gnawing corn on the cob, and the picture is really beautiful.

Corn entrance, sweet and refreshing, different from potatoes, potatoes without ingredients are a little almost meaningful, but corn is originally boiled and eaten, the taste is fragrant.

Zhu Di chewed the corn seriously, his eyes narrowed into a slit. Suddenly, his eyes lit up, and he couldn't help but say in surprise: "Good! delicious! Very sweet! It tastes so good!"

Then he added, I don't know if this corn can fill my stomach.

Zhu Zhanyan knew what this so-called "full stomach" meant as soon as he heard it.

It is not simply to fill the stomach, but whether there is strength after eating, and people's strength and energy mainly come from the conversion of starch into carbohydrates.

This corn has a lot of starch and a lot of sugar, so it is natural to do this.

Zhu Zhanyan said with a smile: "Eating corn has the same effect as eating rice, you can have the strength to work!"

Hearing this, Zhu Di was overjoyed, this corn can also be eaten without an iron pot, it can be eaten like this potato, so that the soldiers will not get tired of eating it.

Of course, potatoes are also a good thing, although the taste is a little worse, but really, one is basically full after eating, and the cob in the middle of this corn cob is not edible.

It takes up a lot of space.

Zhu Di has already silently arranged in his heart, more potatoes and less corn, such a distribution ratio, of course, you have to eat the sweet potato.

As soon as Zhu Di ate half of it, Zhu Gaochi had already finished gnawing a corn cob, and he was still unsatisfied.

This corn is sweet, and Zhu Gaochi likes to eat sweets.

"It's delicious, this corn is delicious!" Zhu Gaochi praised again and again, completely forgetting why he came here.

"Hmph!" Zhu Di looked at Zhu Gaochi with a fat pig on his face, a little angry.

He couldn't help but sigh a little, is this fat pig really born by me

?" "Dad, let's start eating this sweet potato, shall we?"

Zhu Gaochi said happily.

"Eat, eat, look, you've gotten fat.

Zhu Di was a little helpless.

As a father, it's impossible to stop his son from eating.

"Hey, hey, hey. Zhu Gaochi saw that the old man was in a good mood, and he was also happy, he looked faceless and skinless, and he was not afraid of being scolded.

Seeing Zhu Di pick up the sweet potato, Zhu Gaochi immediately picked it up.

The sweet potato is charred on the outside and tender on the inside, shiny on the outside, and orange on the inside, which makes people appetite

and bite down, sweet! Perhaps because of the seeds distributed by the system, the quality of this sweet potato is surprisingly good, very sweet!

Zhu Gaochi is very fond of sweets, but unfortunately at this time, Daming's science and technology cannot make high-purity white sugar, and can only make low-sweetness brown sugar.

Zhu Gaochi seemed to have eaten his favorite, and immediately shouted excitedly: "It's so sweet! It's so delicious!" Zhu

Di took a bite and found that it was indeed true, it was indeed sweet, and in this way, there was one more kind of food for marching and fighting!

In the past, when soldiers fought wars, they could not eat any dishes, because the grain and grass were inconvenient to transport, and after a long time, the dishes would deteriorate, and they could only eat rice to satisfy their hunger.

With this sweet potato, the soldiers can simply feast on it.

Seeing the expressions of the two, Zhu Zhanyan knew that the

sweet potato had completely conquered them! In this era, because the sugar is not sweet enough, this sweet potato is the best sugar!

After eating these three things, Zhu Di's mood completely turned cloudy and sunny, revealing joy.

"Yes, it's really good, these three things couldn't be better for disaster relief, gully, how many of these things do you have? Is it enough for disaster relief?"

"You know, there are 300,000 victims this time, even if each person consumes one pound a day, that's 300,000 pounds, do you have so many?"

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