Zhu Di's heart fluctuated at this time.

I didn't think about my grandson, and the first trick to create a false impression was to concentrate all the food in the affected places.

In this way, there is indeed a lot to be done.

Scarcity is expensive, and if there is more food, it will be worthless......!

Zhu Di thought of it again, those profiteers will not be so stupid, they will definitely join forces to control food prices.

However, he did not point it out directly, but made a gesture of listening, and continued to listen to the next two strategies.

Zhu Zhanyan continued: "Next, there is the second one, which causes panic!"

"At that time, there will definitely be countless farmers in the surrounding cities pulling grain to sell grain.

"Farmers pull grain so far, but also to make money, at this time although Henan has more grain, but the price of grain will definitely not go down, everyone wants to sell at a high price."

"We can't control the price of the merchants, but we can still control the price of grain for the farmers.

"At that time, we will leave the city open, and we will not allow these peasants to enter the city, and we will not allow them to sell grain, because there is a difference between peasant households and merchants. Farmers are not allowed to engage in business, this is the rule set by my grandfather, but the control has been loosened over the years.

All the peasants who come to sell grain will panic, but they will certainly not be willing to go back like this.

Because of the loss of food on the way, they are equivalent to a hundred trips, and they also lose a lot of food.

As soon as he heard this, Zhu Di immediately put on a straight face and said: "Aren't you bullying honest people? Merchants are allowed to sell grain, but farmers are not allowed to sell grain, what is the reason?"

Zhu Zhanyan smiled, and then said: "Grandpa, this is the third strategy, the bottom of the kettle!"

Those peasants entered a panic, and at this time, if the emperor issued another holy decree, he said that the heavens were mighty, and seeing that the people's lives were not easy, they specially allowed the peasants to sell grain, but they could only sell it at a parity price, that is, the price of one tael of silver and one stone.

"These farmers originally grew their own grain, selling one or two silver and one stone, minus the loss on the road, almost no profit or loss, they are naturally willing to sell, because if they don't sell, there will be loss on the way back, if there is a heavy rain, maybe the grain will be smashed in their hands, and people will rush to sell grain."

"Merchants can unite to control the price of grain, but they cannot control the price of grain for countless peasants, and once the cheap grain is sold, those merchants will certainly not be able to sit still." "

Their hoarding of grain is also harvested at a high price, and after a long time, it will become old rice, and it cannot be sold at a price, so it can only be a dumb loss with tears, and then sell it at a low price, otherwise it will only lose more and more!"

Zhu Zhanyan said slowly, in a clear manner, which made people understand very clearly, that is, to use people's psychology to play games.

This method is a method pondered by later generations on the Internet, and makes full use of the theory of market economy.

"Grandpa, what do you think of this strategy?"

Zhu Zhanyan smiled.

At this time, Zhu Di was still in shock, constantly rehearsing the feasibility of this strategy in his mind.


Suddenly, a loud voice echoed in the hall.

"Okay, this plan is very good!"

In this way, in a silent manner, not to mention the punishment of profiteers, but also to resolve the problem of high food prices.

Zhu Di's eyes fell on Zhu Zhanyan, and he said a little incredulously: "Gully, how did you come up with this plan."

In Zhu Di's opinion, Zhu Zhanyan has been recuperating in bed all these years, how can he think of such a subtle strategy again and again after recovering from his illness.

"Grandpa, over the years, I have been sick in bed, idle, thinking about everything, and my brain has become a lot more active. Zhu Zhanyan said nonsense.

"Yes, it's really good!" Zhu

Di praised again and again, "Since that's the case, let's do it like this." But you don't have to go, I ordered the ministers of the court to go to Henan to do this.

Zhu Zhanyan said: "Grandpa, why don't I do it? These things can't be revealed, if the minister who went to the central government to run an errand is bought by a businessman, as soon as the news comes out, this plan will be self-defeating."

Zhu Di waved his hand and said: "After all, you are just a grandson, ignorant and powerless, and it is not easy to go to the local area." Moreover, grandpa left you in the capital, and there are other things.

Zhu Zhanyan pondered, what else did my grandfather do to leave

me in the capital?

But this matter is related to his father, Zhu Zhanyan didn't dare to be careless, and still proposed: "Let me go, after all, there is no official and no position, so there are no colleagues in the DPRK and China, and the relationship between the officials is also based on acquaintances, and the newcomer is more advantageous." "

What you said is also reasonable, but it reminds me that now the relationship between the officials of the imperial court is prevalent and complicated, and if you send a minister to go, you will inevitably be bewitched by the heavy money of those profiteers, and if you can't help but be greedy, this strategy will be burned.

Zhu Di thought for a while and said: "There are a group of jinshi in the imperial examination hall this year..... It's better to send a new person .... The newcomer has just won the meritorious examination, and there is still the integrity of the scholar in his heart, and he is eager to make meritorious contributions, and he will not be corroded...."

Hearing that Zhu Di still didn't want to let him leave, Zhu Zhan's eyes rolled around, and he pondered the candidate in his heart, and suddenly his eyes lit up, and he remembered a person:

Yu Qian!

Yu Qian is a national hero, a military strategist, and a politician. A person who is capable of being an official with a clean breeze on his sleeves, and a single-minded position of the Ming Dynasty and the society.

In the defense of Beijing, if it weren't for Yu Qian, Daming might have died directly in the hands of Zhu Qizhen.

But in the end, he was the most great hero, but he was cut off by Zhu Qizhen, and when he raided the house, the Jinyi guards who went to raid the house all left with tears in their eyes, because there was nothing to take.

Zhu Zhanyan hurriedly arched his hand and said: "Grandpa, there is a candidate in my mind, who is very capable, and he will definitely be able to handle this matter, and he will never leak the news!"

Zhu Di was stunned and asked curiously: "Who is this person?"

Yu Qian. Zhu Zhanyan said.

"Jinke champion, Yu Qian?"

Zhu Di pondered for a few breaths, waved his hand and said: "Although this person is the champion of Jinke, but in my celebration edict, he was drunk and drunk, and he didn't know anything, and collapsed on top of the hall, which was undignified and didn't give me face at all." If you drink and make a mistake, it's lucky not to cut off his head. This man can't do it, and I plan to never use him.

Zhu Zhanyan affirmed: "Grandpa, this matter must be Yu

Qian!" "

I have been secretly observing this person for a long time, this person is upright, jealous and hateful, and cares about the people, and it is necessary for Yu Qian to do this!"

"This matter is very important, involving my father's life and death, grandpa, without absolute certainty, I will never indiscriminately respect others." "

Hear the words.

Zhu Di was a little surprised, what is there about this Yu Qian that deserves Zhu Zhanyan's praise like this? He just waved his hand.

"Come on, spread it to Yu Qian into the hall!".

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