"Scolding the thief in front of the monk, I'm not deaf or stupid, do I need you to be the master of me?"

Zhu Di's voice echoed in the hall.

The crown prince Zhu Gaochi was so frightened that he immediately knelt down.

"Please ask the emperor to condemn the crime.

Zhu Di ignored it, paced in the hall with his hands, and said as he spoke:

"The child sells grain, and the tax of the Ming Dynasty is not high, so that he sells rations

?" "How can you know that the herdsmen refuse to report the disaster?"

"Where are the herdsmen?

Yu Qian sat on the ground and said groggyly:

"Every time the emperor goes on an expedition, the local government increases taxes, and does everything he can!" "

Now that there is a famine in Henan, the food provided by the imperial court for disaster relief has been delayed.

Speaking of this, Yu Qian stood up suddenly, as if he wanted to say something happy here, and shouted: "May the emperor restrain his belligerent heart, change his heart with the people, and show grace to the world."

Hearing this, Zhu Di was a little angry, Zhu Di clasped his hands, and sneered: "Nonsense, the people in your Jiangnan can still sell rations to survive, but what about the people over there?

For a while, Yu Qian didn't know how to answer.

At this time, Yu Qian was just a scholar, lacking experience, and he didn't see the problem comprehensively enough.

Zhu Di gradually saw from the conversation just now that this person is indeed a talent, who dares to collide with himself face to face, if he is trained well, he may be a generation of famous ministers in the future.

is so cynical and can't get used to what the court is doing, this disaster relief matter is a good candidate for this person.

I have to say that there is really nothing wrong with the candidate provided by Zhu Zhanyan.

Zhu Di glanced at Zhu Zhanyan, Zhu Zhanyan arched his hand, nodded in response, Zhu Di also nodded, and then looked at Yu Qian and said: "I heard you say so many big things just now, what makes me show grace to the world, and why I refuse to report the famine..... I don't know if you are not a person who talks about the army, at the moment there is a famine in Henan and the treasury is empty, let me ask you, do you have any way to solve it?"

Yu Qian thought for a long time, shook his head and said: "The student is ignorant, and he has not come up with any good way. "

Oh, you can't think of a good way, so how can you criticize me? Don't do to others what you don't want to be done to yourself, shouldn't you have learned this truth?" Zhu Di said.

Yu Qian was stunned for a moment, and arched his hand: "This problem, the student has to go back and think about it and think of a strategy."

Zhu Di waved his hand and said, "Don't think about it, someone has already thought about it."

He pointed at Zhu Zhanyan: "You can talk to Yu Qian." The

words fell, and Yu Qian was stunned.


the saying goes, it is difficult for a good woman to cook without rice, and this disaster relief is to ask for real money, and the grain will be transported to the past, and what can be done if the treasury is empty

? His eyes fell on Zhu Zhanji, and when he saw that Zhu Zhanyan was wearing a vermilion python robe, he knew that this was the emperor's grandson, and when he heard that there was a saint named Zhu Zhanji, he arched his hand and said: "I have seen the emperor's grandson, and the emperor's grandson is Zhu Zhanji, right? Can you really think of a way?"

Zhu Zhanyan waved his hand and corrected it: "I am Zhu Zhanyan, the son of Zhu Gaoxu, the king of Han." "

The Han king who rebelled?..... Yu Qian didn't say anything, and arched his hand: "I've seen the second emperor grandson, please ask the second emperor grandson for advice." "

Zhu Zhanyan is indeed the second eldest imperial grandson.

There is nothing wrong with being called the second emperor's grandson.

"Mr. Yu Qian doesn't need to be polite, I thought of the strategy of disaster relief, originally I wanted to go in person, but the emperor said that I was not allowed to leave the capital, so I recommended you, sir. Zhu

Zhanyan was extremely polite, and he still had the respect he should have for national heroes.

In his last life, Zhu Zhanqi also went to visit Taiqian's former residence and tombstone, which was engraved with lime chanting: Thousands of hammers are chiseled out of the deep mountains, and the fire burns as if you are idle. Don't be afraid of broken bones, you have to leave your innocence in the world.

Unexpectedly, it is a blessing to meet such a character in this life!

Next, Zhu Zhanyan began to talk to Yu Qian in detail about the strategy he had just talked to Zhu Di, and also said some specific details.

The more Yu Qian listened, the more excited he became, as if the victims were about to eat.

"Okay! Great! I didn't expect the emperor to think of such a method, I am ashamed of myself. "

Attacking the city is the bottom, attacking the heart is the top, this is a plan to attack the heart!"

After listening, Yu Qian praised again and again.

He is a person who admits death, good is good, and if it is bad, the emperor will also be scared.

"Mr. Yu Qian, this time I recommend you to deal with this matter, don't blame me for being abrupt. Zhu Zhanyan was polite.

"Let me deal with it....." Yu Qian was a little surprised, how could he be virtuous, he just won the top prize in the exam, and he had to deal with such a major matter before he started to become an official?"

Zhu Di said on the side, he acquiesced to Yu Qian.

Hearing this, Yu Qian was overjoyed in his heart, and arched his hand to Zhu Zhanyan and said, "Thank you for the second emperor's grandson." "

However, he was a little inexplicable in his heart, he was not related to Zhu Zhanyan, and he had never seen him, why did he dare to recommend such an important matter to himself?"

Yu Qian listened to the order. Zhu Di suddenly spoke.

Hearing this, Yu Qian put away the posture just now and knelt down to listen to the order.

"Now that Henan is flooding, the affected people have reached 300,000, and Yu Qian is ordered to be the minister of the Qin Mission, go to Henan for disaster relief, stabilize the situation for two months, and there must be no loss. "

The minister's decree is grateful!"

Yu Qian received the decree and was able to call himself a minister.

"Get up, Yu Qian, you don't have to go to Hanlin to stay, go directly to the Ministry of Officials to report, and first go to the Inspectorate to hang up a post of supervising the imperial historian.

Zhu Di beckoned.

Yu Qian has a strong temperament, and even he dares to scare himself, Zhu Di feels that it is more suitable for him to be the imperial history.

Moreover, although the supervision of the imperial history is only a small sesame official of the seventh grade, it is responsible for the exclusive investigation and correction of the officials of the internal and external departments, and has the duty of impeachment and impeachment of the seal.

The ministers who have always been on the mission are all officials sent by the Inspectorate, and although their official positions are small, they can deter high-ranking officials in the local area.

"Where did the 100,000 taels of silver come from?" asked Yu Qian.

"Tomorrow, you go to find Zhu Zhanyan, he will come out!" Zhu Di said.

"The emperor and grandson?" Yu Qian was a little puzzled.

How can this imperial court disaster relief get private people to pay? And it's not a small amount.

Zhu Zhanyan smiled bitterly and said, "That's right, I'll go out!"

"Then what about the food allocated by the imperial court later, where did it come from?" Yu Qian took care of the matter, the responsibility was on his shoulders, and he had a posture of breaking the casserole and asking in the end, and he had the posture of asking questions thoroughly.

Zhu Di pointed at Zhu Zhan Yan again and said, "I sent troops, but he planted it, but if he couldn't plant it, cut off his head."

Zhu Zhanyan smiled bitterly again, nodded and said, "That's right, I planted."

Yu Qian immediately threw himself to the ground for Zhu Zhan's admiration, and said: "The country is in trouble, and the second emperor and grandson contribute money, effort, and food, and I deeply admire Yu Qian!"

Zhu Zhanyan: ".......


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