"I knew something was wrong!"

"Good thing I slipped away." At

this time, Zhu Zhanyan had already hidden far away, in a no-man's land.

There were trees all around, and he was leaning against a big tree, assembling something.

It looks like a pistol.

That's right, Zhu Zhanyan is assembling a flintlock pistol.

The flintlock pistol was invented by Mahan, a Frenchman born in 1547 (mid-16th century) into a family of gunsmiths, locksmiths and watchmakers.

It was improved on the basis of the revolver musket, the clockwork steel wheel was removed, a flint was clamped to the jaws of the hammer, and a blow anvil was provided on the side of the fire transfer hole.

When firing, the trigger is pulled, and under the action of the spring, the flint is hit the side of the fire door, and sparks emerge, igniting the gunpowder and firing.

The firing process is greatly simplified, the firing rate and shooting accuracy are improved, it is easy to use, and the cost is low, which facilitates mass production.

"As a traverser, how can you not have a pistol for self-defense?"

"I am the grandson of the emperor, and my status is noble, so it is difficult to guarantee that I will not be coveted by gangsters."

"I didn't expect this flintlock pistol to come in handy today. "

Not long after Zhu Zhanyan came to this world, he was born with the intention of making a pistol, not for anything else, mainly for self-defense.

Then, when he was bored, he found that there were many craftsmen in his Han Palace, blacksmiths, carpenters, and the most skilled ones.

In addition, the Ming Dynasty already had the existence of muskets and gunpowder, and his ideas could be put into action.

So, he drew the parts of the flintlock pistol separately and asked the craftsmen to make them according to the drawings.

He is a top student at the Textile University, and drawing drawings is not easy for him.

Speaking of which, someone will definitely ask.

Zhu Zhanyan can understand the internal structure of the flintlock pistol? Please!

He comes from the 21 st century, and as a military enthusiast, it is not normal for him to understand the internal structure of the flintlock pistol

? Is

this kind of thing good on the Internet?

Moreover, the process of flintlock pistol is not difficult, for the Ming at this stage, it can be easily made, it is nothing more than not invented.

If it weren't for the conditions, Zhu Zhanyan felt that he could still get an AK47.


After the craftsmen gave him the parts, he just happened to encounter something, and he threw it in the Qiankun realm, and then forgot about it.

At this time, Zhu Zhanyan was assembling the flintlock pistol.

This flintlock pistol, not the initial flintlock pistol, but a flintlock pistol that has been refined over the centuries, is the appearance of a small pistol.

I have to say that the craftsmanship of the craftsmen of the Ming Dynasty is really good.

The assembly was exactly the same, and it was tightly fitted, and Zhu Zhanyan assembled it after a while.

"The current Ming Dynasty still uses a bird gun and a fire rope ignition method, which is a cross-era thing.

Zhu Zhanyan thought about it, felt that something was wrong, and muttered: "Actually, this thing is not considered cross-century, in the late Ming Dynasty in 1635, it was studied by firearms research experts, ahead of the world." It's just that it stopped in the Qing Dynasty, and even regressed a little...."

Zhu Zhanji, who loaded the flintlock pistol, pinned the gunpowder bag to his trouser belt, rode a horse, and still pursued his own Zhu Zhanji and others.

Although Zhu Zhanyan felt that the best way was to go back and report it and find someone to support.

But now in this situation, when I go back, back and forth for more than an hour, the daylily will be cold by then.

If this happens, if Zhu Zhanji dies honorably, judging from his current performance, he is very likely to be made the grandson.

That would not be in line with Zhu Zhanyan's current plan.

He doesn't want to be an emperor, he is tired and tired, so it is better to maintain his health.

As a modern person, Zhu Zhanyan has no interest in the throne that countless people are vying for, and the emperor will not live long, he will be exhausted.

I can't suffer that sin.

Wouldn't it be beautiful to wait for me to follow my father back to Yunnan to settle the domain, find a few local Yunnan girls, play in the mountains and rivers, and live a life without shame and impatience.

Dali, Lijiang, Yulong Snow Mountain.... These attractions will be

their own! Yes, they will all be their own.

"Who's not having dust on the top of their heads.

"Who's not had a tooth mark on their shoulder.

"Maybe love is waiting by the Erhai Lake. "

Maybe the story is happening..... Zhu

Zhan Yan hummed a little song, held a flintlock pistol, controlled the horses, and walked cautiously.

Due to his superb riding skills, the white lion in the night is one with other horses, without making a sound, and has always kept a certain distance.

These people did not take the official road, but the sheep intestine path, so they did not walk fast, and Zhu Zhanyan followed closely.

In the blink of an eye.

The sky slowly darkened.

Night falls, and there is no starlight in the night tonight.




Daming Palace, Qianqing Palace.

Zhu Gaoxu and Zhu Gaochi, the two brothers, were standing in front of Zhu Di, the Emperor of Yongle, and the two of them lowered their heads, looking at the floor and not daring to speak.

At this time, Zhu Di naturally didn't give them a good look, this is the norm.

Zhu Di tilted his head, crossed his waist, paced in the hall, for a long time, he looked at the two of them, and said coldly: "Second brother, raise your head, what's the matter, don't even your father dare to look at it now?"

Zhu Gaoxu raised his head, squeezed out a smile and said, "Your Majesty, your son knows his mistakes."

"What do you know is wrong?"

"The sons and daughters made a big mistake, they were blinded by lard and did great rebellious things, it was the emperor's kindness, and the sons were grateful.

Zhu Gaoxu thought that the old man was going to talk about the last time he led his troops to rebel, so he hurriedly admitted his mistake, his attitude was sincere, and he promised that he would never make the same mistake again in the future.

"You know it's wrong.

Zhu Di sneered and scolded: "If it weren't for my grandson's clever and clever advice for the flood in Henan, Lao Tzu would have cut off your head long ago!"

Hearing this, Zhu Gaoxu's face changed, and he immediately knelt on the ground: "My son will die, thank the emperor for not killing him." "

Hmph, you can't get rid of the hatred in my heart if you die 10,000 times.

Zhu Di said angrily: "I asked you to come today, not for this matter, you two, you really don't let me worry."

As soon as he heard this, Zhu Gaoxu chuckled in his heart, he wouldn't inadvertently offend the old man again, he thought about it, he really didn't expect it, and asked: "Erchen doesn't

know what ..... is going on?" "What do you not know in your heart?"

Zhu Di glared at him and said: "I don't have three thousand beauties in the harem, you are good, just out of prison, what?

What is the beauty of the world? I don't know what is going on.

Seeing this

, Yishaha on the side walked and squatted down, and explained the situation to Zhu Gaoxu with his ears.

Hearing this, Zhu Gaoxu looked bitter and arched his hand: "Your Majesty, Zhu Zhanyu's kid bought a thousand maidservants, and the sons didn't know about it, and it was definitely not instructed by the sons." "


Zhu Di shouted, his voice was agitated and thick, and everyone in the hall was startled.

Then, he looked at Zhu Gaoxu coldly, pointed at his head and said, "Zhu Zhanyu has not yet reached the crown, will he do such an immoral thing? Who else will instruct him to do this except for you, who is a father?" Hearing this, Zhu Gaoxu looked


Although I don't know why Zhu Zhanyan's kid went to buy a thousand servants, it is obvious that the emperor wants him to carry this pot.

He had just escaped from prison.

At this time, you can no longer anger the old man.

Zhu Gaoxu showed a painful expression and said:

"Erchen knows his mistake, Erchen is confused for a while, please atone for the emperor!"


[It's a little late today, but it will never be less!Applause and encouragement!].

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