However, like Chang Yuchun back then, there was no such good treatment as Zhu Zhanxuan!

We, who are grandfathers, can predict the future, and with the help of the deducing future system, we can change Zhu Zhanxuan's fate to some extent! But who could help Chang Yuchun back then?

To say that Chang Yuchun's life is also a legend, and he is the recognized god of war at the beginning of the founding of the Ming Dynasty, it can also be said to be very perfect!

It's a pity that because of his character flaws, he left a stain on the slaughter of the city!

In terms of merit, Chang Yuchun is absolutely "017" qualified to enter the Martial Temple! However, because of such a stain, no matter how great Chang Yuchun's merits are, he is also excluded from the Martial Temple! The civil officials will not be able to get by!

Historically, generals who can enter the martial arts temple not only need to be able to fight, but also have very important moral conduct!

There is also a killing god Bai Qi, which is somewhat similar to Chang Yuchun!

However, the people Bai Qi killed back then were all soldiers and prisoners, but Chang Yuchun was different, because his nature was to slaughter the city, and all the people he killed were ordinary people! Zhu Zhanxuan had the same genes as Chang Yuchun, and he was very cruel and violent by nature! But when it came to fighting, Zhu Zhanxuan was stronger, because this kid was full of ghost blood!

Among the four sons of the fourteenth eldest, except for Zhu Zhanyan, three of them were born as ghost kings!

Just when Zhu Yuanzhang was thinking about these things in his mind, Zhu Biao suddenly appeared behind him!

Zhu Biao, who had left the court, came to Zhu Yuanzhang as soon as possible! When he heard that the old man had arrived at the Imperial Garden, he immediately rushed over!

"Dad, what do you want?"

"Did you see the dream again last night?"

Zhu Biao looked at Zhu Yuanzhang's wandering appearance, and asked curiously.

"Going down so soon?"

"Yes, we checked Zhu Zhanxuan's kid's simulator last night!"

When Zhu Yuanzhang saw Zhu Biao appear, he realized that it was almost noon before he knew it, and he didn't hide anything about Zhu Zhanxuan, so he nodded directly.

"Zhu Zhanxuan?"

"You can tell your son about it specifically!"

Zhu Biao immediately became interested when he heard this.

He also knew about Zhu Zhanxuan's establishment of Xi Daming before, but compared with Zhu Zhanfeng and Zhu Zhanye, Zhu Zhanxuan's sense of existence is indeed not high, and he is also very curious!

"Okay, let's tell you about Zhu Zhanxuan's dream!"

Zhu Yuanzhang nodded and began to speak.

When he heard that Zhu Zhanxuan was suffering from supermale syndrome, Zhu Biao was also at a loss, mainly because this word was too unfamiliar to him and he had never heard of it!

"What is this hyperandrogenic syndrome?"

Zhu Biao asked subconsciously.

Zhu Yuanzhang directly told Zhu Biao about the general symptoms of hyperandrogenic syndrome. ....

"You can also understand it as a kind of god of war physique, your father-in-law often met spring back then, and it was also this physique, we also heard what the deduction future system said, and we knew that there was such a thing!"

"The only drawback is that people with this kind of physique are only suitable for being born in troubled times, and not for appearing in prosperous times!"

Zhu Yuanzhang sighed helplessly. Because people with this kind of physique are naturally tall and strong, and they also have a violent and cruel nature!

And they don't feel pain, it is indeed very long to be a general in troubled times, and they are born like berserkers, but in the prosperous times, this kind of physique will become a scourge nine times out of ten!

After listening to Zhu Yuanzhang's explanation, Zhu Biao's face showed a sudden look!

His father-in-law Chang Yuchun, he naturally knows it very well!

Kaiping Wang Chang Yuchun is indeed a god of war, there is no need to doubt this aspect at all, in terms of personal combat 4.

9 strength, he is still above Xu Da!

Xu Da's ability to lead the army is stronger than Chang Yuchun, and the two of them can also be said to have their own merits! And Chang Yuchun's temperament is indeed as the old man said, with a violent and cruel nature! This is also the reason why his personal strength is outstanding, but the ability to lead the army is weaker than Xu Da, and the natural character defects have led to this result!

Indeed, as the old man said, a person like Chang Yuchun, if he is placed in the army, is born to be a soldier, but the premise is that there must be someone who can control him!.

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