Damn Academy

Chapter 121

121 – The Circulatory System (23)

Is there any reason why you are chasing this far? Did you really decide to dedicate your life to cutting? If you beat me, living anywhere will be better. If you’d rather take my sword, I’ll understand.

But they’re all on the verge of dying… I’ll have to take you

Luna said with a puzzled look.

“I can’t just throw it away… Are you missing?”

Funny enough, Luna seemed to have the same thoughts as me.

“I want to do that too, but I have to save him because he is a talented person who is a waste of food for eagles.”

I wouldn’t be so reckless as to repay the grace that saved me with a knife. Even so, he is the disciple of the great Sword Master.

I picked up Zion and laid it on the wolf’s back. Then the journey continued.

Zion did not wake up until evening.

And the dark clouds that had been hanging over the previous day finally began to pour down rain.

We set up camp where the rocky wall protruded like an eaves to avoid the heavy rain.

As I lifted Shion from the wolf’s back to move it to the side of a warm campfire, something square fell off.

First, I laid Shion down on a sunny spot and picked up the letter to check.

A purple ribbon is attached to the luxurious packaging. It’s like an invitation to a banquet for nobles.

For whom did he bring the letter to the circulatory system?

Then, when I saw the reverse side of the letter, a chill went down my spine.

The name ‘Dear Candy’ was written in large letters on it. It was just sent to me.

I feel like I’ve seen something I couldn’t see.

It’s too luxurious to see it as a challenge. Doesn’t Shion have the personality to be swept across a piece of cloth with blood? I can’t imagine that such an invitation was carefully prepared.

Then, all of a sudden, the words she said in her previous confrontation flashed through her mind.

‘Master misses you very much.’

Isn’t it? What would the sword master say he would look at me for?

I don’t know if I should take this as it is. It’s like stealing if you just take care of it without saying anything, but it’s burdensome for the next meeting to just give it back.

After conflicting inside, I finally put the letter in my arms.

Luna quietly warmed up and admired her rain.

Her I also followed her and admired the scenery of her circulatory system. Since I was on my way back from practice, I didn’t hate the heavy rain anymore. It seemed to cool my overheated heart, so my mind became calm.

It’s a pity that there is one uninvited guest, but it’s fine if you don’t suddenly wake up and have a fight.

After killing time for a while, Luna cautiously asked.

“You… If you receive a potion, where will you use it?”

The chief reward was the Elixir of Love.

“I have to split it in half with you.”

There is a faint smile on her face as she looks at me.

“… You have no greed.”

“Where do you want to write?”

Luna said while appreciating her raindrops for a while.

“…… I’m fine. You don’t have to cut it in half.”

“It’s good to make sure you take your share. Considering that I will do it as a group in the future, the issue of sharing rewards is definitely….”

I was speechless for a moment because she subconsciously revealed her true feelings that she would continue to work together with Luna if there was another group activity of hers.

“… Well anyway.”

Luna covers her mouth with her hand and laughs quietly.

“… That you have already received This practice… It was so much fun.”

It took me a while to think that he made me go through a lot of hardship, but I’m just grateful that he said that.

“Tell me where the potion was spent…. That’s enough.”


The next day, we hit the road again.

In the meantime, around noon, I met some nice people.

It was Iris and Paulson.

They were lost in the misty oak forest outside. Seeing that he looked like a beggar, he must have been confined there for several days.

“Damn it, man!”

The Iris group followed us, waving their hands, treating us like a rescue team with skin-like faces.

A face dripping with soup and clothes that have become earthy. My cheeks were sore from starving for several days.

There, one side of Paulson’s face was swollen, as if someone had beaten him.

To be honest, I wanted to plunder at first, but after seeing them, even that thought disappeared. I wondered if it was necessary to scrape it and make a boil.

Paulson and Iris were surprised to see us in good shape, and were even more surprised to see Shion lying unconscious on top of the wolf. A fainting Shion would be a rare sight.

“Do, Do, Help!”

As Paulson approached, I drew my wooden sword and aimed it at his throat.


He raised his hands and stepped back.

“I starved for four, three days. Go, the same students can help each other!”

I took out a piece of jerky from Zion’s pocket and tossed it into the mud. With splashes and sounds, the beef jerky was pickled in muddy water.

I don’t have the heart to bully them, but I don’t have the heart to help either.

I cut them off and left with Luna.

As we approached the end of the circulatory system, we encountered Plantera often. They served as guards dealing with students and animals lost in the woods.

If the three of us return together, there might be some comments, so we left Zion to Plantera.

And then, after discussing for a while, I decided to split up with Luna and be carried on Plantera’s back.

It’s not an essential process, but it was still necessary to leave the context that ‘Demian’ also participated in the practice. It’s a bit strange to wear a mask and stay still in the presence of other kids.

And Luna and I decided to pretend we didn’t know each other until we returned to Eternia.

The wooden sword was camouflaged with a bandage, and the horns of the phantom beast and all the remaining belongings from the time spent as candy were left to Luna. After Luna is here, she returns to the dock quietly and unnoticed, and I decide to be in the safety barrier where the students are gathered.

I stained my clothes as if I had suffered a lot by referring to Iris’s group’s appearance. After that, I put my body on Plantera’s shoulder and said to Luna.

“For now, we’ve come this far.”


“I’ll invite you to my house soon, so come over.”

“… Huh!”

She waved her hand at me as I walked away.


I rode the Plantera and arrived at the area where the safety barrier was spread, got off the ground and looked at the view.

There, students from Eternia gathered and formed a huge village.

Several people came out of the tent and checked my face, but they seemed to think it was nothing and quickly stopped paying attention.

And then, contrary to my expectations, someone gave me a warm welcome.


Trisha found me at some point and came running vigorously, waving her hair.

Because of her screaming, my plan to be quietly buried was dashed at once.

Tricia walked up to me and wrapped herself around my waist like a rope.

“I was worried!”

Then he buried his face in my chest and stayed still.

“…… ?”

Some students around us look at us with affectionate eyes.

After that, Cecil and her friends looked out this way from afar. Cecile looked at it with her eyes wide open, which made her a bit uneasy.

“… What are you doing?”

Why is he suddenly doing this?

Tricia answered in a gruff voice.

“Let’s worry about our friends too.”

I looked around and answered in a small voice.

“I wanted to bury it quietly without attracting attention. If you do this….”

“You don’t even care because of Shion anyway.”

“… Why Zion?”

“Don’t you know? Shion was brought in passed out a few hours ago. The kids here were talking a lot about who would bring the phantom beast horns, but since even Zion failed and came back, it’s not a fuss.”


“More than that, it would be difficult if people noticed that I don’t have a group.”

“It’s been a long time since all the groups here have split up. It doesn’t matter.”


Well, I’m glad if that’s the case. Others don’t pay much attention to me, but it seems I was sensitive for no reason.

Tricia whispered in a low voice so that no one could hear.

“What about horns?”

“I don’t know.”

“Didn’t you find the horns?”

“… I haven’t met the phantom beast.”

“Sure it is. Even if all chiefs and chiefs of the Ministry are combined, there is nothing they can do in front of phantom beasts!”

Tricia’s voice was somehow excited because she said it was a failure.

Yes, who cares about whom. I’m sure he came running because he was curious about the horns.

“Hee hee, let’s go!”

She patted my back as if to comfort me, then returned to Cecil’s place as if to run away.


Practice has come to an end.

Plantera led all the students who had fallen out to a safe place, and everything ended without incident.

“Maybe Gale brought it.”

“Shion couldn’t do it. What should he do?”

“Did you really not bring anyone?”

“The professor said at the beginning. They don’t even expect to bring horns.”

In the safety barrier, discussions were in full swing about who would occupy the top position, but no conclusion was reached until the end.

Though they secretly expected the chiefs to fail, they clamored as if it was a shock that no one had done anything right.

After staying one more day like that, we moved to the marina to return the next day.

I admired the gentle river flowing across the railing of the ship back to Eternia.

And I thought for a long time whether I should read the letter extorted from Zion or not.

As I was killing time, someone approached behind me, creaking the deck.

Soon after, that person stood with his shoulder next to me.

It was Trisha.

She took the apple and silently bit her mouth and smiled at me.

Then he handed me the finished meal.



“Aren’t you hungry?”

When I shook her head to mean no, she ate it all and threw it into the river.

From noble mtl dot com

Then he looked around and made sure there were no people on the deck.

“I will return to that misty dorm next week. I really hate to go.”

“Go back already?”

I wonder if they’re going to release it, but Trisha is locked up again.

“They called me before going to practice and said that. Didn’t I tell you anything?”


Tricia made a sullen expression.

“I hope.”

“I’m going to have to stop by the Whitdruff House sometime soon.”

Tricia stretched herself against the railing.

“Oh, you will also experience the welcome ceremony for freshmen… I have never experienced anything like that.”

“Welcome ceremony?”


“What are you doing?”

“I don’t know. But I envy you.”

“You don’t know what it is, what are you envious of?”


Come to think of it, I remember that when she first moved into the Whitdruff building, she said that Silverin had a welcome ceremony for freshmen.

She knew just what to do with underwear and dirty her room.

Seeing Tricia downcast makes her feel a bit sad. I thought of something to cheer me up for a moment.

“The two of us can have a welcome ceremony.”


“Yes. I’ll learn how to hold a welcome ceremony and come.”

“Good, good. Really good!”

Now I need to get ready to go back to my normal life. I forgot about it for a while, but there were so many things to do.


Two girls on the 3rd floor of the Whitdruff Building secretly walked to the far left and stopped in front of Room 31F.

Haley, head of the art department, said while twirling the ring of the stolen copy key with her finger.

“Are you sure about this place?”

Then Xenia, vice president of the art department, said with a grin.

“Right. They say it’s our cute newcomer’s room.”

“Why is it in the corner like this? Is there anything you hate? No, the pig girls didn’t apply first, right?”

“We kept the stolen key, so it’s number one.”

Haley put the key to her door without hesitation and turned her wrist.

With a rattle, the door to room 31F opened and they cautiously entered the room.

I expected a raw mood from a teenage boy, but Xenia was somewhat disappointed at how well-maintained it looked.

“Um, our rookie… It’s disappointing.”

Haley locked the door and smiled.

“Disappointing seniors? You have to discipline yourself.”

Xenia went in front of her wide window and checked her view. A silver guardian tree swaying in the distant wind was located in the center of the landscape outside the window. It was the most corner room, but one of the views was the best spot.

Haley said, patting Xenia.

“What are you doing? I have to work.”

Then she went to the chest of drawers and began to go through her clothes, taking out one by one.

After a while, she shook her wad of her underwear in her hand.

“I found it, firewood.”


Xenia saw that and laughed while holding her stomach.

Haley crumpled her underwear into the basket she had brought earlier.

In the meantime, Xenia started to search every nook and cranny of her bed.

“Where did our juniors hide forbidden books?”

Finding the hot-blooded teenager’s secret weakness could keep him in the art department. The main purpose of their coming was because of Eumseo.

As Xenia was searching under her bed, something strange caught on her fingertips.

“What… this?”

She pulled it all the way out.

“… !”

The women’s underwear that covered her breasts came out of her hand.

The stricter the school rules, the stronger the invisible deviance.

Eternia also has a radical and implicit welcome consciousness of ‘burning old underwear and leaving new underwear behind’ as a reaction to her strict school rules.

The fact that this came out meant that someone broke into a junior’s dormitory and preoccupied the freshman welcome ceremony.

Xenia screamed as if her stomach was boiling.

“Mistress, the pig year has already come and gone!”

Haley asked in surprise.

“What? It can’t be?”

Xenia held it up and shook it as if to look at it. It was high-quality underwear made by artisans with colorful embroidery. Xenia identified the initials engraved on her shoulder strap.

“S. Who is the year with these initials?”

“Ha! It must be either the theater department or the dance department.”

Xenia was stunned when she secretly patched it on her own chest.

“This… this… What a f*cking pig year.”

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