Damn it, this boss really has no normal skills.

Chapter 125 Sacrifice the flag and go to war!

After lamenting his ill-fated fate, Ji Ming found a clean place to sit down.

Although slimes are purely mechanical monsters, Bai Yesheng's blood is so low that he has to pant and take a rest after a few discussions.

As a reliable friend, Ji Ming provided timely and powerful encouragement.

come on!

Bai Yesheng quickly retreated to avoid the slime's self-destruction.

Why are you just watching and not brushing?

Ji Ming took out a bag of melon seeds.

I've already reached the limit of slime's experience gain. Just go about your business.

Although there is nothing to do, it is still a pleasure to watch the novice chickens pecking each other.

It's a pity that her thoughts were very clear and she never let Ji Ming see her overturning the car.

What, you're disappointed?

During the break, Bai Yesheng hummed and smiled.

The truth is, you are the only idiot who will get slime sprayed all over your face!

Ji Ming glanced at her.

Don't be too impatient. As long as you play normally, the lowest level player is currently five. You should first find a way to upgrade to four.

Ha, according to the current efficiency, I will definitely be able to reach level four!

Then she continued to refresh until after eleven o'clock, but her level still failed to reach level four.

I just pity Slime for his wealth and life. After all, I have always been a kind and good person.

Tsk, how dare P Club war criminals say such things...

Ji Ming opened her panel and took a look, and found that she only had three points of vitality that barely reached five, which was the basic level for a normal human to enter the game.

You're too good at this. It seems like we have to be on the verge of OB.

It sounds like you can help.

After packing up their things, the two came to the dog village.

At this time, a large group of players have gathered here, and they are chattering loudly. It feels like going on an excursion in high school.

Ji Ming checked it and found that the current online rate was exaggerated. Including himself, all 101 people participating in the closed beta were here.

And in addition to the pioneers, all the villagers in the Dog Village also came out in full force, and all kinds of dogs were buzzing with excitement.

Without waiting long, under everyone's gaze, Dahuang stood in the center of the small square, supported by his Corgi granddaughter.

He cleared his throat and spoke hoarsely.

Everyone, although the underground city is full of dangers and disasters, the one that has the deepest enmity and the greatest harm to our dog village is the kobold mine to the east.

In the past two days, our pioneer friends tried with the greatest goodwill to explore their surroundings and unite with their neighbors, but they also encountered a trap and ambush by kobolds, and suffered heavy losses.

So, now we both have a common enemy and a common mortal enemy.

Therefore, today is an important day. Dog Village and Trail Blazers will officially form an alliance to slay evil spirits together.

As a player representative, Fu Le also walked out of the crowd and read out a declaration similar to Dahuang's.

In between the two, stood Hawke as a third-party witness.

He handed the pen holder and ink pad to both parties, and printed their signatures and fingerprints on the oath.

Then he clapped his hands loudly.

Then I declare that the alliance between the Pioneers and Dog Village has been supported and affirmed by the Holy See of Souls!

Amid the applause, Dahuang and Fu Le looked at each other, smiled, and took a deep breath.

The alliance letter has been signed, let's start the flag sacrifice!


What to sacrifice?

Standing in the crowd of thunderous applause, Ji Ming was completely stunned.

He knew and agreed to the alliance. After all, the relationship between players and Dog Village is no different from allies. It is just that the relationship has been finalized again at the official level.


Why didn’t I know there was also a sacrifice flag?

As a result, I don’t know where they were captured. The dog people led by Chimis actually carried three tied up monsters.

Moreover, a flagpole was erected in the center of the small square at some point. A flexible player rushed up and hung a small flag on the top.

When the cloth was unfolded with his bare hands, there was actually a dog head painted on it. Although it was a little rough, the composition could be seen at a glance.

Ji Ming wanted to laugh, but except for Bai Yesheng beside him who puffed up his cheeks, everyone, both human and dog, was serious.

Since the two bad anchors were severely punished yesterday, many players have developed a new habit of live broadcasting.

Although you may not receive rice, earning a few bottles of happy water is better than nothing.

So at this moment, almost everyone has a small camera floating above their heads, and they are all aimed at the ceremony in the center of the crowd.

Although there were only two to three hundred people at the scene, the total number of viewers in the various live broadcast rooms was probably close to 100,000 who were witnessing this moment.

[What does this mean, sacrificing three animals? 】

[Oh, professional, he is indeed the old bread in our village]

[It feels like I’m going home to worship my ancestors during the Chinese New Year. I miss my grandma]

Sure enough, Chimis led the villagers to kill three monsters on the spot, and then placed the bloody heads on the wooden table under the flag.

The oath is fulfilled, we will be brothers from now on!

Dahuang and Fu Le held their hands tightly together, officially finalizing their relationship.

Although simple, I have to say that the ceremony of this oath is indeed very full.

But all this is just an appetizer, the highlight of today is...

When the crowd fell silent, Dahuang raised his arms high and signaled to everyone around him.

OK friends, all eyes are on me, look at me, look at me, I have an announcement!

He took a deep breath, then roared.

We're going to war!

One last fist hug.

There's nothing wrong...

Now the player exploded, the dog exploded, and the barrage exploded.

Before everything went into chaos, Ji Ming quickly grabbed a player.

Brother, who taught you this stuff?

Qiangzi, he said that shouting like this is powerful.


Although there is such a small episode, players do take this battle seriously.

According to their discussion, this is a turnaround from the inside out.

If it is done well, the last doubts that netizens have about Code Name: Yangyue will disappear.

If you screw up, it's not a loss, but it's still a bad win.

Ji Ming also asked indirectly why they were so loyal.

And the answer was...

[Brother, that helmet costs 10,000 yuan. It’s not worth being a navy soldier.]

[I finally played an exciting game, but I don’t want my adventure to be limited to dungeons]

[ @Operations brother, you official just make good games, we will crush all the online bullies! 】


However, Ji Ming calmed down and thought about it, and found that this seemed to be the case.

Didn't I come to another world to be crazy because of the high salary of the small boss who made 10,000 yuan a day and a bonus of 1 million at the end of the month?


Since the players are so supportive, I, as an official, can no longer take advantage of it!

So he also informed the little boss to pay attention to the control of the field, and asked Sylvia, who was flying in the air, to start the official first live broadcast of Code Name: Yangyue.

[What did I see? Who is live streaming? 】

【Um? Um? Um? Is this official? 】

[No way, how can there be an official live broadcast of a game without notifying it in advance]

[No, I just watched it. Brother Gun is also live broadcasting. Today it seems that the players are going to take revenge on the kobolds or something]

[I understand this. You can go to Station D to watch this video - Begging for Dog Heads for the Dog Village]

Ji Ming had seen this video, and it was modified by a player who was good at classical Chinese using Assault for Xu Jingye.

Although the level is definitely not as good as Luo Binwang, it is better because it has more fun elements. Taking advantage of the rhythm of the game, it has hundreds of thousands of plays.

Set off!

The vast crowd headed east and stopped five hundred meters away from the kobold cave.

It was impossible for such a big movement to go unnoticed, so the players simply came here in a big way.

According to the strategies and tactics determined in advance, the main force in this battle is the players, and the dogs only need to be responsible for the logistics.

After all, the player can be resurrected in less than an hour after death, but the dog is really dead when he dies.

Although the kobolds were alarmed, they did not act rashly and continued to rely on traps and terrain to repel the players' attack.

Looking at the countless malicious glances in the shadows in the distance, Fu Le raised his hand.

Everyone, according to the route on the public screen map, our troops are divided into three groups. We will fight to the entrance of the cave first and then gather together!

Ji Ming opened the public screen and found that a map appeared at the top.

Who knows how this group of players did it? They actually found three relatively easy routes.

Moreover, this good move is very thoughtful and avoids almost all areas suitable for ambushes or laying traps of mass destruction, which fundamentally reduces the possibility of overturning. The design is quite tricky.

Ji Ming opened the death notice and took a look at it.

I don’t know if the God of Death wants to test the feasibility of the urban legend of the former Soviet Union’s sleep deprivation experiment, or if he is really completely crazy.

From last night to now, he has been dying almost continuously without stopping at all!

Too cruel.

This is a completely life-threatening game guide!

It is worthy of being the fourth natural disaster. If a person hits that pestle, he will know that he is a lunatic.

Under Fu Le's command, the prepared players quickly divided into three teams.

Ji Ming led Bai Yesheng into the group led by spearmen, and even gave her an extra shield.

Be careful, I don't want a white-haired person to send a black-haired person away.


As for his shield...it is naturally a deep forest war shield that has been disguised as a skin.

【come on! 】

[I’m so excited, I feel like I’m watching a magical movie]

[Then don’t we make a profit? Nowadays, a ticket can cost dozens of dollars.]

Zhao Jun glanced at the barrage that almost filled the screen, and felt a little proud in his heart.

A spear in one move.

Friends, if you are ready, we will set off now!

The players were excited and roared one after another.


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