Damn it, this boss really has no normal skills.

Chapter 129 I'm sick! I'm sick!

The person who came here is not a good person. This is definitely not a sound that a normal patient can make.

Ji Ming went through everything that happened in the past few days in his mind, but he really couldn't find anything that could offend others.

In this case, it is an unforeseen disaster...

He did not say a word, but put the sharp ax that had been sharpened seven or eight times in his hand.



After comforting Adele, Ji Ming continued to wrap the gauze around the patient's leg unhurriedly.

Send it clearly! Send it clearly!

He actually felt a little nostalgic when he heard this familiar pronunciation again. After all, no one dared to call himself this way anymore.

Get out of the way and let us see the doctor first. Didn't you see that my brother is dying?

The powerful voice was still making noise, as if it was in conflict with the patients outside.

I'll go out and take care of it. You can settle the bill with my assistant.

Ji Ming adjusted his brand new white robe and walked out of the consultation room with a smile.

Don't be impatient. Treatments will come one by one, and I will send you away one by one.

There were a few scoundrels standing in the lobby who were obviously a gang, confronting the patients.

The leader had a sinister face and white eyes, and he looked like a tough guy.

Hey, Ji Ming, it turns out you are still here.

Seeing Ji Ming come out, he stopped making trouble and started chatting about home affairs without a smile.

My little brother is very powerful now. I've been away from the city for the past month, and now all your belongings have been moved to the inner city?


Why do you think this tone is that of an acquaintance? There shouldn't be such a beast in my circle of friends...

Seeing that Ji Ming didn't speak, the rogue leader lowered his voice.

Why, your family is so prosperous that it floats to the sky, and you don't recognize me and look at Sani?

Oops, this name sounds a bit familiar.

Ji Ming thought for a moment and suddenly realized who the man in front of him was.

In the background setting he filled in casually, the biggest reason why Quack Doctor Ji Ming was so poor was that he had killed a bandit leader before and lost almost all his savings.

According to the records in the account book, the bandit leader's nickname on the road was Black Eyed Russ.

So one is pooping and the other is peeing.

Oops, isn't this a coincidence?

Then the smile on Ji Ming's face became even warmer.

Oh, I recognize you, brother. What, what's the matter?

You, a quack, have the nerve to mention...

Sani stretched out his hand and pulled the younger brother beside him, as roughly as if he was pulling at a rag bag.

Look, my little brother's leg was broken. I want you to help me reconnect him!

The thin young man with a pockmarked face looked frightened and was gasping for air at the moment.

As expected, his right leg was bending in a weird arc, but...

Glancing at the iron rod in the hands of the rogue behind him, Ji Ming felt that he had accidentally found the murder weapon.

Oh, it's a broken bone. It's easy to heal.

He smiled and nodded.

Get in line first, it will be your turn soon.


Sani suddenly raised his tone.

No, this little brother of mine is my nephew. He must be treated first today!

How can you, a nigger, have such a white nephew?

There was not a word of truth from this group of thieves and scoundrels. Although there were no detailed records in the account books and medical logs, Ji Ming dared to conclude that he had been tricked by them in the setting.

However, the elder brother died and the younger brother started to make trouble. I don’t know whether the heart-warming brother-friend brother-in-law or the warm-hearted brother-in-law was behind the matter.

Lazily exposing his trick, Ji Ming stopped the scoundrels who wanted to follow him and motioned for the young man to follow him into the consultation room.

It's so crowded inside, it's enough for him to come in.

It's a pity that if a scoundrel can obey, he won't be a scoundrel. Sani immediately screamed.


Last time, several of our brothers were able to kill my brother when they stared at you. Who knows if you will do something evil again this time?

He seemed very proud of the basin of dirty water he had spilled, and looked around specifically.

But except for his younger brother, no one among the angry patients gave him any support.

On the contrary, Ji Ming, who was still smiling before, frowned and raised his voice.

Sani, don't blame me for not reminding you, this is a commercial street under the jurisdiction of the Commercial Federation.

As he spoke, he pointed to the picture frame on the wall nearby.

Do you know what's written on it?

Sani was full of courage, how could he be intimidated by Ji Ming, and his eyes widened.

What are the clinic regulations? Do you really think...

Who knows Ji Ming said leisurely.

According to the regulations of the Commercial Federation, anyone who causes trouble, creates trouble, attempts to interfere with normal business, or violently violates store regulations on the commercial street, the Federation has the right to punish in any appropriate behavior and form.

He takes a step forward.

What, you want to have trouble with the Federation?

Then another step.

Or do you want to prevent Uncle Sola from making money?

Now Sani's face turned red and white, and he could no longer speak.

Ha, it’s really fun to pull off tiger skin!

Seeing that he was as frightened as a quail, Ji Ming's face returned to a warm smile.

The three armies were not moved, and food and grass went first. Before moving to the inner city, he specifically asked Cooper to learn some of the rules here.

The federation does have this regulation, but its implementation is definitely not that strict. It is just an overbearing clause similar to all rights of interpretation.

If you're a great person, you can sort things out on your own.

If you are a useless snack...

If you can't do it yourself, there really won't be anyone with nothing to do to support you.

But Ji Ming was betting that Sani didn't understand the details behind this clause.

But now, it can only be said that he is really ill-informed. He has missed so many wonderful things due to being disconnected this month.

I thought everything happened a month ago, without even bringing out the dog, without taking the picture, and just delivered it directly to my door to establish my prestige.

However, in addition to lying and deceiving, scoundrels also have another skill, which is to behave and roll around.

Then I am a family member of the patient. No, you have to at least let me in!

Ji Ming turned around and stared at him.

you sure?

Sani hesitated and gritted his teeth.



彳亍, come in.

He helped the boy into the consultation room, where there was only Adele with her hands behind her back, looking well-behaved.


Sani, who suffered from an occupational disease, subconsciously wanted to make a few sentences, but Ji Ming was so frightened that he coughed quickly.

Niang Xipi, it’s okay if you provoke me, but provoking someone else’s Magic Armor Summoner is extremely dangerous!

Adele, I am enough here. You can go out first.

Today was the first day of business, and he didn't want the clean clinic room to be filled with soul rings.

Using his body to block any possible attack direction of the hammer stick she hid behind her, Ji Ming sent her out with a nervous look on his face.

When he came back, Sani thought he had finally figured out Ji Ming's weakness, and was secretly rejoicing.

He squinted his eyes and looked sinister.

Doctor, your little assistant looks very beautiful. Where did you find it?

Your mother and Lao Wang's wife next door flew together and were buried together in the grave.

This answer immediately popped into Ji Ming's mind. After thinking about it, he realized that Adele was being scolded as well, so he quickly dismissed the thought.

Just said it lightly.

A friend introduced me to Team Iron Chain, do you know?

Ah this...

Sani felt as if someone had strangled his neck and immediately did not dare to continue this topic.

Oh, then you should treat it quickly!

After helping the boy sit up on the bed, Ji Ming carefully rolled up his trousers that were so loose that they didn't fit at all.

Just looking at this skeleton-like body, you can tell that he is not a member of the bandit group, but an unlucky guy who was coerced from nowhere.

Ji Ming would not embarrass him and started the treatment step by step.


On the first day of opening, old enemies who didn't know the truth rushed to find trouble. He didn't think there was a coincidence behind it all.

Is Sora trying to beat himself up?

It's not necessary. He clearly left room for negotiation and asked Cooper to actually send a box of Rejuvenation III as a sign of sincerity.

Is there someone in the Adventurers Association who is unhappy with me?

It's impossible. I didn't waste my friendship with Boris. Instead, they should have given me a life-saving medal.

Mountain people mercenary alliance?

Holy Light Church?

He even included the mysterious enemy who was chasing him the night he first met Boris.

But I just couldn't find a hostile existence that would suppress me in this way.

Ji Ming was thinking silently, and Sani was also looking at him with his eyes widened, wanting to find fault.

But after looking for a long time, I couldn't find even a single fault.

I could only watch as the doctor debrided and stopped the bleeding step by step, and finally fixed the splint on the boy.

He is 1.8 meters tall and stands like a gangster.

It's done, two silver coins, let's settle the bill.


It wasn't until the doctor finished the entire treatment process and started washing his hands leisurely that he finally woke up.

His dull brain numbed his tongue.

How much?

Two silver coins.


His face trembled and he jumped up on the spot.

Catch you, let me catch you!


He rushed out of the room, pointed at the consulting room and started shouting.

It's spicy to charge arbitrarily if you send it clearly, it's spicy if you charge arbitrarily if you send it clearly!

I just treated a broken bone, but he dared to charge me two silver coins for my teeth!

Ji Ming calmly walked out with the price list.

Didn't you say this belongs to your nephew? Look, all the things I gave you are good things...

He pointed at the prices on the price list and rattled off a series of consumer items.

In the end, the total amount reached two hundred and one copper coins.

Looking at my relationship with your brother, I gave you a zero. Why are you unhappy?

Damn it, what kind of bullshit is Rejuvenation Three Generations? It's too expensive. It only costs one silver coin for one use!?

Sani wanted to continue scolding, but found that the patients around him looked at him like a fool.

Oh my god, haven't you seen a doctor?

Why is it so expensive? The price has been the same this month. Don't talk nonsense with your eyes open. It's very difficult for Dr. Ji Ming.

If you don't want to be treated differently, go to the hospital and get gold coins.

I've been away this month. What happened in the city?

Sani felt a little withdrawn in his heart, but all the money was collected, so if this thing dies...

He could only make up his mind and lie down on the ground.

Ah, I'm sick, I'm sick too!

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