Chapter 219 Gu~Kill me

After drinking to stop their nonsense, Brother Sha gritted his teeth.

You all really care about food and not about fighting. It's obvious that you just overturned your car yesterday, and today you came out to rob your house again!

After thinking about it, he decided to follow the example of other players and grabbed the squad leader by the collar.

Take off!

But the mercenaries couldn't understand what he was thinking, so they immediately closed their eyes and screamed on the spot.

No, please let me go!

I've never experienced... ugh, I can't stand it!

Gu, kill me!

Brother Sha: Huh?

In order to collect more suggestions and suggestions, he set the live broadcast to be continuously on since yesterday.

It was already lunch time, and many new viewers flooded into the live broadcast room. As a result, this was the result.

[Damn it, I’m on a public release! ! ! 】

[Shocked, is the owner of Up here? 】

[Serve well, serve well, and the chief will be rewarded]

[Black Xin Ji Fei Chao said this. I heard that there is a DLC called Alien Goblin here? 】

【war! I have paid off the super management with two coins. They are all my own. The anchor should just do it boldly! 】

Seeing this messy and extremely dangerous barrage, Brother Sha was almost paralyzed and could only put out the fire quickly.

Author, be careful with Shen He... No, this game can't be rid of the bitterness, it's impossible!

[No way, is the anchor really thinking about this? Then I won’t be sleepy]

Hey, forget it, treat me as an idiot...

At critical moments, you still have to use some small force.

Raising his palm like a cattail leaf fan, Brother Sha just raised his hand.

The momentum is strong and heavy, with a bit of venting of anger and personal grudges.

Asshole, I want you to leave me all the equipment you have!

oh oh……

With hundreds of goblins watching, the mercenary team that had already harvested two carts of supplies turned into seven single men in an instant.

The captain no longer looked as arrogant as before, and he squatted on the ground obediently, holding his head.

Respected and great Goblin Chief, can we go?

You can't leave!

Such a big thing happened in the tribe, and the other three people who had just gotten off work and wanted to take a rest also quickly came online.

Interrupting the team leader's begging for mercy, Goutou quickly pulled Brother Sha to the corner and started muttering.

Chief, we can actually tell from last time that these mercenaries are not good birds.

Considering their intelligence as humans and their unstated but certainly existing background, they are obviously the official villains of the internal beta.

If we let them go, the mercenaries will definitely put all their hatred on us!

The slime on the side also waved two short tentacles.

Yes, our tribe is too weak. If someone tries to retaliate with all their strength, we will have no room to fight back.

Even if we can contact other people to help, our location is too far away from the base camp, so it is difficult to get timely support.

Brother Sha frowned.


Turning his head and looking at the screen, he found that the audience was also advising a few people to kill decisively and not to get burned by their temporary kindness.

There are even extreme voices trying to incite them to learn the wisdom of their ancestors.

[Coward, since you have already chosen demi-humans, why do you still care about the life and death of humans? Slaughter, slaughter and that’s it! 】

No, no, no, no...

Although there are no official restrictions on players killing human NPCs, the game's stance of good order is obvious.

If such a lunatic is really punished, the first thing that will be burned may not be the world, but their account data.

At the critical moment, the troll who had been listening silently came up with a reliable idea.

Uh, you mean... let's kidnap these mercenaries and sell them to the mysterious businessman?

The troll clapped his hands, looking as if he was taking it for granted.

Yes, I remember that the mysterious businessman can communicate. We can give it a try!

Three people looking embarrassed.jpg

A barrage of question marks.jpg

Are you a little...

Brother Sha was the first to recover from general anesthesia, but he still stumbled over his words.

No, if we do this, wouldn't we become human traffickers... I mean, slave traders?

Wait a moment!

Goutou seemed to suddenly remember something and pulled out a screenshot from his favorites.

Speaking of slaves, I took this photo when I went to the mine before. Take a look!

Above the dark composition are two men wearing linen clothes, one on the left and one on the right, working hard in a mine lit with candles.

If that were all, it would be nothing more than a working photo of two poor miners.

But above the heads of the old uncle and the little brother, there is a transparent frame representing their identity.

[Bandits (war criminals)·Under reform through labor][Mercenaries (war criminals)·Under reform through labor]


The slime waved its tentacles and gasped in an anthropomorphic manner.

I remember this! This is an easter egg that was available when the closed beta was launched!

No no no...

The troll waved his hand and spoke loudly.

I think this is the official hint to us and the way we should punish the evildoers!

Having said that, the atmosphere in the four-person room suddenly became strange.

Go around in a circle, you look at me, I look at you.

The eyes seemed to say something, but also seemed to say nothing.

In the end, Brother Sha, who was the chief, slapped him on the thigh.


So he worked hard for half a night to clear wild monsters. As soon as Ji Ming switched to the mysterious businessman's account and went online, he was surrounded by several demi-human players.

And with just a shake of one's hand, anesthesiologists around the world can be laid off collectively.

Hello, I have some hard goods here that are not easy to carry around. Please take a look at the picture.

ah? Is it possible that you...

Ji Ming quickly looked down.

Holy shit!

Yesterday I was still thinking about how players run businesses and use advanced industrial products to cut leeks and other things in primitive tribes. It feels a bit like the Age of Discovery.

Today, let’s fast forward to the triangular trade, transform into a bloody slave-catching group, and capture mercenaries alive to make dirty money, right?

However, his expression was covered by a mask, so in the eyes of the demihuman players, it was just the mysterious businessman who fell silent.

Seeing that more and more players were watching around him, Brother Sha quickly urged for fear of being robbed of his sole business by others.

How about it, boss? If you want them all, we can sell them cheaply and send them to you for free!

No, if I sell a slave, you will give me a discount and free shipping?

Adhering to the position of orderly and good, Ji Ming originally wanted to refuse.

But then I thought about it, these mercenaries all had pus on their soles, and they were either deceiving or bullying them all day long.

From this point of view, arresting them is actually doing good deeds and saving many potential victims.

——So there is nothing chaotic and evil here, this is clearly a great explosion of merit!

After organizing the wording, Ji Ming gave a somewhat obscure lesson.

Hello players, we are a regular game and do not encourage you to attack, capture, or sell such evil NPCs that are born with a red name.

The four of them were all confused when they heard this, but the troll suddenly realized it.

Don't advocate it? Hey, it's better not to advocate it!

When he shared the mystery with his companions, everyone raised their eyebrows and smiled heartily.

After selling several mercenary captives to Ji Ming, they immediately made additional investment and directly converted the money into iron rods and ropes.

Get ready to do it! Get ready to do it!

So when there was a faint light coming from the exit of the underground plain, a new day was about to arrive.

Standing at the entrance of the camp, Sheldon was disappointed to find that none of the three teams he sent out came back.


He could only tremble his fingers, take out the small paper bag from his arms, and make himself a cup of coffee.

Taking a sip, the black coffee without milk or sugar was extremely sour.

But it's okay, it's acceptable, after all, it's not as painful as my own life...

At the Pioneer Market, Ji Ming closed the stall early after enjoying a relaxing night.

Maybe it's because the mysterious businessman hasn't appeared for a long time, but the players are quite enthusiastic today.

This was passion in the literal sense. Except for a few players who tried to compete with him but were defeated, no one took action against him.

But he was not in a hurry to be happy. After all, judging from the fact that some players never left the logistics center, they must be holding something back.

After being together for so long, he has actually figured out the players' routines.

Once this group of conspicuous people develops a new weapon or new toy, they will immediately find a way to test it in actual combat.

And if there are no challenging new dungeons to test, they will be itching to find other suitable targets.

For example, from the closed beta to the internal beta, the mysterious businessman who has never been defeated or even embarrassed is an excellent target.

In order to defeat this novice village BOSS, they even formed hundreds of strategy teams, including many big guys from all walks of life.

And as the mysterious businessman's achievements become more and more brilliant, and various related rumors are born, this number is still growing.

Even the last time he provided intelligence, Lao Zhao said that even the Security Bureau had formed a special analysis team to study the special characteristics of the boss in Novice Village.

after all.

Whether those rumors are true or not, as the only channel for the Great Holy See to communicate with players, defeating him will definitely cause something special to happen.

In short, players are just a bunch of bad guys.

He was scolding the officials for being disgusting, but actually he was so happy that he couldn't live without it for a whole day.

So Ji Ming quickly found White Wolf Ferro, who was in charge of game operations, and asked him to figure out where to open the second copy.

Use the extremely difficult levels of the underworld to bring smiles to the players in advance, and save them from having to trouble themselves with guns and artillery.

Then, Lord Messenger, what kind of test do you think should be given to the players?

You can just go ahead and do it. Players are still very resilient to pressure. You have to trust their wisdom.

Ferro nodded thoughtfully and fell silent.

Nowadays, with so many people involved in running the dungeon, it can almost run on its own.

Therefore, after checking various parts of the dungeon on the map, Ji Ming returned to the clinic.

I read a few pages of alchemy books to help me sleep, and lay down on the bed feeling a little sleepy.

But not long after he fell asleep, he heard someone knocking on the door.

Damn it, I've already handed in my work, who would come to see me early in the morning?

There must be monsters when things go wrong, so before approaching the door, he first activated [Saint's Judgment]...

Ah, it was so dangerous, I almost saw through an extra layer!

Anyway, after confirming that it was Adele outside the door, he opened the door with confidence.

As for why she knocked on the door...

Ms. Blois, there is no need for us to train every day.

Is necessary.

But I'm so tired, can I take a day off?


After being forcibly dragged into the carriage by the old lady, Ji Ming suddenly felt a strange sense of déjà vu when he saw Adele disheveled in the wind at the door of the clinic.

After a familiar journey, the carriage took them to the Holy Light Church.

It's very lively here today, and the big square is full of happy people.

It is indeed time to celebrate, after all, the haze covering people's hearts has finally dissipated.

Two days ago, after identifying all the evil god's strongholds, the Holy Light Church mobilized in full force and launched a surprise attack.

The success of the surprise attack was astonishing. They destroyed all the altars of the evil gods without spending a single soldier.

——Because the place has long been deserted, and it is so clean that not even the ambushes and traps used by cultists are left.

Ji Ming was surprised when he heard the news. Could it be that although Wendigo is cunning and cunning, he is actually a good and trustworthy person?

But the fact is that not even a single violent biological incident occurred inside or outside Sunshine City last night.

The long-lost tranquility is so wonderful that everyone has to appreciate the beauty of life in the past, even if they once hated it.

Therefore, the Holy Light Cult suddenly became the hero who saved Sunshine City, and the number of believers in this barbaric land skyrocketed.

But Bishop Tenis, who is also mature and mature, did not seek credit. Instead, he included the participation of many other forces when telling this story.

Although it's basically all nonsense, who wouldn't want to share the credit for Po Tian's contribution? Therefore, all the major forces acquiesced to the church's statement.

It's a pity that everyone is happy except Ji Ming.

On the one hand, he tried again to convince himself that Wendigo had given up on Sunshine City, but the paradoxical luck said no.

On the other hand, the old lady is particularly energetic today. She doesn't know what she ate, and her strength and attack speed have increased a lot.

He was forced to continue to spend free attribute points to improve his force sensitivity, and then he could barely keep up with the battle.

After the day's training was over, he opened his dashboard.

[Name: Ji Ming]

[Level: 21 (60/400)]

[Occupation: Official pharmacist]

[Qi and blood: 25]

[Agility: 25]

【Wisdom: 40】

[Charm: 40]

【Combat Skills】

[Skills: Polearm Mastery·Excellent, Fighting Instinct]

【life skill】

[Skills: Trauma Diagnosis and Treatment Skills·Proficiency]

[Free attribute points: 23]

[Free skill points: 13]

numerical aspects.

Strength sensitivity increased by five again, and Ji Ming's comprehensive hard power aside from the weird skills, even if it is not as good as Sunshine City's top combat power, it can be regarded as an absolute backbone.

Zhi Mei was originally supposed to be raised to 39, but he rounded it up a little more, and got the next round number extra bonus in advance.

As for skills.

[Polar Weapon Mastery] has been upgraded to Excellent. According to the old lady, this is almost the end of the career of many great knights.

After studying alchemy books several times, although he still has not formed the basic skills, he has made a breakthrough by analogy and has achieved proficiency in the [Trauma Diagnosis and Treatment Technique].

The free skill points are still retained, waiting to be strengthened in a targeted manner when needed in the future, giving potentially difficult enemies a little bit of a divine shock.

But free attribute points...

I originally thought that after working so hard to reach Level 21, I should have a lot of room for maneuver, but now it seems I still have to brush up!

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