Damn it, this boss really has no normal skills.

Chapter 237 The beginning of the end

Even the destruction and forced demolition, the three of them solved the problem very quickly, without giving the Lich a chance to operate.

So after a brief period of confusion, the lich finally reacted and screamed, even the crown on his head tilted with anger.

You! You don't have martial ethics. I still have a lot of evil magic that I haven't had time to use!

You bastards, I'm going to criticize you severely, and those scolded ones will go home and find their mothers!

Tilting his broken chin, he fell to the ground, shaking and cursing.

First of all, this is a very uncultured big tin can! You don't slap people in the face when you hit them, and you don't curse people when you scold them. How can you...how can you slap someone in the face? Who taught you to hit someone on the chin first?

And that little man over there, who is your magic teacher? Didn't he teach you that when you are dueling with your peers, you have to wait until both parties are ready before you start?

And you, wow, don't think I won't scold you because you are good-looking and can play instruments well. I...you! Don't come over here!

The body structure of a lich is different from that of humans. Even if they lose their bodies, they can still rely on soul fire to provide energy to cast spells.

So he quickly released a levitation technique, letting his head float precariously and preparing to escape.

Hey, you can also play spinner?

But how could he escape from Ji Ming's clutches? Although he did fly out, he was caught again before he could run a few meters.

Asshole, I'll fight you!

The humiliated lich began to cast a spell, but as soon as he uttered the first tone of the spell, he was interrupted by a violent shaking.

And he heard the man start screaming loudly.

Damn it! He's ready to self-destruct. If he can't stop it, I'll just destroy him!


If this head were gone, I would probably spend a few years slowly regenerating myself using the phylactery.

Who the hell is going to blow himself up? Please let me go quickly!

But he only had time to let out a exclamation, and saw that his eyes were getting brighter and brighter.

And just when he thought he was about to be silenced, the surroundings suddenly darkened again.

After an unknown amount of time, he felt that his chaotic thoughts became flexible again.

After being stunned for three seconds with his mouth wide open, the Lich tentatively controlled his lower jaw and lightly touched his upper teeth.


I'm alive!

At least the head is still there!

And he was surprised to find that not only was he not killed, but he was teleported to another place.

It's a pity that there must be some magic circle here that inhibits his communication with the magic power in the soul fire.

So if he wanted to look elsewhere, the lich could only keep opening and closing his mouth up and down, vibrating on the ground.

And when he turned over with difficulty like an old turtle, he found that there was no longer a cold wall in front of him, but a tall iron railing.


So on the other side of the bars, there must be another prison cell.

So the inmates inside are...

A giant earth-yellow dragon that clearly carries some sacred aura belonging to a god, but huddles in a ball in the corner, eyes blank as if it had been humiliated, and silently crying?

The golden flame in the Lich's eye cave wavered.

It’s over!

Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu It's all my fault. I originally wanted to capture him, but he would rather die than surrender and just blew himself up!

Holding the ashes he had just crushed, Ji Ming walked back to the collapsed door with a look of remorse.

However, we are all colleagues in the same department, and not only does he have a particularly good reputation, he is also a close relative of the company boss.

Therefore, the other two people naturally did not blame him, but instead tried to comfort him.

Actually, this is also a normal phenomenon. When I was the leader of the regional knights, I often encountered stubborn people who refused to surrender and tried to commit suicide to violently resist.

I also learned about it when I was studying in the royal capital. Many of those evil cultists or weird creatures were poor people who were transformed after being influenced by others. However, after they participated in evil deeds, they can't be called pitiful...

The culprit was killed, and the huge underground space that was bustling before suddenly became extremely quiet.

Looking at the surrounding mountains composed of numerous bones, Ji Ming suddenly thought.

Father Sterling, based on your actual combat experience, how do you usually deal with these suspected weird things?

After the words fell, Sterling, who was resting with the hammer, did not respond for a long time.

It wasn't until Ji Ming wondered if he hadn't heard him at all that he muttered something.

Handle it properly.


Uh... I mean, as a responsible believer of the Holy Light, according to the teachings of our God, we need to clean this place.

? ? ?

Ji Ming immediately took out a gold-plated holy light book that was upgraded to a hardcover and limited to 1,000 copies worldwide and began to flip through it.

It turned out that a similar description was found in Article 6 of the 138th revision.

——Any believer who participates in the bizarre suppression operation has the obligation to carefully deal with the aftermath and avoid causing secondary damage to ordinary people.

Although there is some truth to this, has the God of Holy Light lost his mind?

Why is this one inexplicably added to a bunch of new war-related regulations?

[Savior, in fact, this cannot be blamed on the God of Holy Light, but on the 108th generation Savior from thousands of years ago]

[The plug-in he chose for himself is a drill that can grow infinitely, and it was upgraded to a Holy Light Impact Drill by joining the Holy Light Cult]

[The advantage is that almost no weirdos can withstand such an attack. The speed of his upgrade is like riding a rocket, chasing monsters everywhere]

[The bad thing is that all the weirdos attacked by him will be minced into pulp and dregs, flying everywhere.]

[If it’s clean monsters like skeletons and magic stones, it’s okay, but when facing those rotting corpses, worms, and even tumor monsters, the scene will be very...]

[Actually, if that's the case, even if he turns many normal Vatican members into lunatics who love restricted-level battles, considering his outstanding achievements, the Vatican can still do their best to wipe his ass and clean up the mess. 】

[But when faced with an evil god whose power was plague, the Holy Son of that generation had already found a safe solution and was about to succeed. In order to win the heart of a certain princess, he forced He used his own drill bit that could break through the sky]

[The result of this was that he himself was drowned alive by the rancid venom. The resulting disasters and pollution were even more serious than the damage caused by the evil god himself. Until now, there is no grass growing there.]

[The God of Holy Light sat in the kingdom of God all night, and finally added this article to the book]

Seeing this, a picture emerged in Ji Ming's mind.

It was a sun hanging on the edge of an empty island, with a super-large flower floating beside it.

——Damn it, why did the Savior become like this!

No wonder Brother Jumai looks so hesitant, it turns out that's the case.

After all, even if you can call someone to hire help, the participants of the task must participate in the work on site and cannot leave until everything is cleaned up.

With such a large site and such a thick body of bones, it would probably take at least half a month to process them all. It's really pitiful.


Wait, it seems that I am also a participant in the mission!

Ahem, haha, I just received a revelation from my God. He decided to reward us and help us clean up this place.

God of Holy Light: An...ah, how did I arrange this?

Ji Ming took out his aperture, transferred the teleportation coordinates connected to the dungeon from the clinic to the circle, and threw it into the air.

But when it reached the highest point, the aperture did not drop, but stuck directly to the ceiling, and then expanded suddenly.

There are Sylvia and others casting spells on the other side of the teleported coordinates, and there is also a small boss who acts as an intelligent detection device to filter.

This teleportation coordinate became an optional vacuum cleaner, which began to continuously suck the bones on the ground into the circle.

Countless white clouds flew into the air. The scene was so spectacular that the devout Sterling performed a holy light ceremony.

Praise my God for his boundless power!

The broken bones in the basement were all cleaned up, ready to be pieced together and repaired by Grayson and others as raw materials for the public beta account.

Hey, the closed beta is only a third of the way open, and the sponsors of the public beta have all rushed to deposit the production funds into their accounts. What does it feel like to be poor...

With a slight sigh, Ji Ming returned to the ground with the aperture.

The door was destroyed, and the source of the skeleton outside was naturally cut off, turning it into a bowl of egg drop soup that could only get out.

Seeing that the number of undead around him finally began to decrease, uncontrollable joy began to spread among the crowd.

But there is joy in surviving the disaster, and there is also secret joy in the fact that the dead Taoist friend will not die but the poor Taoist.

So when they saw the three people walking out of the ruins, all beards and tails, many people's smiles froze.

History tells us that humans have learned nothing from history, and neither do you in Sunshine City.

Perhaps players from different countries all over the world can feel some collective power under high pressure.

But for this group of guys who are rotten to the core, there is probably no chance that they will get better even if they die through labor reform.

There is only one way to make them wake up, and that is to quickly send them to reincarnation and start a new life...

Therefore, Ji Ming suddenly realized that Lao Yangtou's backbiting might not be a bad thing.

If he wants to turn Sunshine City into a bridgehead for his attack on the civilized world, he must reshuffle the major forces in Sunshine City.

At that time, I can take advantage of the strange meeting and be out of reach, but I have the convenience of being next door and grab the peaches directly!

Perhaps this is what Paradox Luck wants to tell himself, tonight will be a beginning, the beginning of an end.

In this case, he not only wanted to express his anger at being teased, but also urged the old sheep head to do something even more outrageous.

Therefore, after confirming that the strange incident was solved and everyone dispersed, the first thing Ji Ming did was to return to the dungeon.

Take out the magical channel that can communicate with the Wendigo, and prepare to sing a song to the accomplice who will help him attack Sunshine City.

As for the repertoire played, it is naturally the Suona newly edited version of the high-quality children's animation theme song Don't Look I'm Just a Sheep that is suitable for all ages.

——Maybe He can also be an old deer!

And deep in the remote wilderness, flying goose feather snow has covered the entire grassland.

Although there were heroes in history who braved mountains and snow to surprise powerful enemies, the current Wolf King obviously does not need to work so hard.

Therefore, as His Majesty's most reliable minister at the moment, National Master Wendigo is resting in a wooden house as warm as spring.

As he expected, in just three months, this cruel and greedy old wolf was no longer satisfied with just being the master of the grassland.

Induced by the bards he specially found and various legends and stories, he has regarded the human kingdom further north as his new prey.

National Master, those weak humans do not deserve such fertile land, they should belong to the wolf tribe!

Listening to the Wolf King roaring such words while wandering, the Wendigo knew that his goal had been achieved.

So with the help of the Wolf King, he began to recruit new helpers in the name of there is a shortage of seats in the Council of Weird Dissidents, and we are urgently looking for knowledgeable people.

Lich Rodriguez is the first. He is very capable, but too arrogant. If such a thorn stays in the team, it will only shake his dominance.

So Wendigo sent him, who knew nothing about it, to Sunshine City to cause trouble, and collected thousands of scrap skeletons mixed with some serious goods as the cost of exploring the road.

If you count the time, it should be already...


He put down the black code he was writing in his hand, and suddenly found that the soul fire representing Rodriguez had been extinguished.

Although the Lich was very cunning, he did not tell them where his phylactery was. What was placed here was only a small handful in his skull.

But this also means that he is dead and his entire army was wiped out along with the dead soldiers he entrusted to him.

So fast?

Fortunately, he has already recruited the second Seventh Seat.

What's wrong, Mr. Wendigo, did you suddenly have a wonderful idea in your creation?

Sitting opposite him was a vampire with pointed backward ears who was obviously transformed from a golden elf.

Excellent talent, personable, noble and elegant, and wipes his mouth when eating.

Apart from chasing after the little lich Martha and showing some unnecessary courtesy, it seems to be a relatively normal weirdo.

But Wendigo has thoroughly investigated and found out that the other party was actually a traitor who betrayed the Holy Tree Kingdom five hundred years ago and joined forces with the Lionheart King to massacre his own people.

Although he is not a good person, a bad person will not allow another bad person to stay around, so...

Sir Andal, one of my enemies just called me through magic communication. Can you teach me how to politely respond to him?

I never thought that a polite old gentleman like you could have an enemy. He must be a very cunning villain.

Andal's impression of Wendigo was quite good. After all, the big deer-headed man who spoke slowly looked quite interesting.

Therefore, having only joined the team for three days, he naturally accepted the magic channel handed over by the Speaker, preparing to impress the other party's parents with his ancient and elegant pronunciation.

However, he had just connected, and before he could say the first word, he heard...

Vampire (indescribable scream): Ahhhhhh!!!

Almost instantly, he transformed from a handsome young man wearing old-school noble robes into a flaming skull man.

All consciousness was crushed in the sharp razor-like soul pain, and the clothes on his body were turned into fly ash.

Seeing this, Wendigo didn't even react at all. He just gently placed the quill in his hand on the pen holder.

It's useless to regret, Wendigo. The road to becoming a god will always involve many...

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