Dark Blood Age

Chapter 1434: Four spirits!

Chu Yunsheng took the initiative to provoke the war and took the lead in entering the level of time and space. Whether it was the two billions of the two giants behind him or the "corpse" in front, they had to participate at the same time. One step behind, it meant losing the initiative. This is especially true in one step and one in danger. N∈n∈,

A battle of Xingyu may have to be played for a long time, and a war between the spirits will take longer, but when the spiritual life of the warfare rarely appears and meets, the speed of the local war is Very fast.

As the only spectator of this battle, the ship that started from the planet is still slowly escaping from the backward spaceship of the gravitational force of the star. No one cares about it, no one cares about it. They only see it four times. Mysterious fluctuations, which ones are strong and weak can not be distinguished.

But on the "picture" of the space-time track, there is it, not only it, but also the parent star that it starts.

In a three-dimensional space that is infinitely opened, the "corpse" is at the forefront, Chu Yun is second, and the billion spirit is second, and the last is like a straight line, which is the largest in the "picture". The planet of life, and the backward spaceship, is only at the corner of the "picture".

On the time and space track, the time is subdivided, the three spirits plus Chu Yunsheng, one after the other, quickly enter the smaller time division in the competition, who can enter the small timeline, who can immediately occupy More powerful advantage!

At this time, the time outside may be just a moment, and in the space-time track, it seems that there have been countless time and space pictures.

Chu Yunsheng was still the first to go crazy, and went deeper into the more subtle timeline. The second ban on the dark corpse was carried out by him. nothing left.

The original three-dimensional space was in his crazy deep timeline. Constantly pull again, change one. Two changes three...

"You are crazy, go deeper, we will all die!"

The body followed his "back" and went deep. It didn't want to do this at all, but had to do it.

Every time Chu Yunsheng goes deeper into a deeper layer of time, the Yiling Master must follow in. Otherwise, it will not only kill Chu Yunsheng as soon as possible, but will also be promoted by Chu Yun in its “invisible” world. Counterattack.

The Yiling Lord followed in and the body had to follow. Even if it does not want to take the initiative to attack the two spirits, but the self-protection has to stand on a deeper level, at least equal to the billion spirits, otherwise, nothing can be said.

But it is too dangerous to go deeper in this way!

The spirit is hard to die, but it does not mean that it will not die. It is the time zone of the very small unit, which is the forbidden zone of life. The world that seems to be discrete and no longer continuous, in the legend, only the gods can peep, the top spirits go deep into it. They are all slag.

However, if Chu Yun’s ascension is innocent, he will continue to go deep into the moment.

If he stops, he will soon face the lore of the billion spirits!

This is already the time to win. There will be no more temptations, what are you coming to me. A blow will kill, it must be the strongest attack in his life.

The soul of Chu Yunsheng is quickly consumed. The ban is launched to the peak!

At the end of the online column, the Lord of the Rings has been unable to keep up with their frenzied speed, obviously slowing down a rhythm.

"Stop, I will deal with the one in front, and you will deal with the one behind."

The corpse seems to be "fluctually". Chu Yunsheng seems to have lost his sense of reason. It can already feel that Chu Yunsheng from the spirit to the consciousness is in the midst of a violent wave of shaking. The next moment will be ruined, if not His life warfare is too weird, and it still maintains continuous compactness in the space-time track. As if the subtle timeline can't completely separate it, Chu Yunsheng probably died early.

The body had no choice but to agree to join forces with Chu Yunsheng, as long as Chu Yunsheng stopped and continued to deepen.

It made up its mind, as soon as Chu Yunsheng stopped, it immediately fled with the attack of Yiling.

What is the life and death of Chu Yunsheng?

However, Chu Yunsheng simply ignored its "good words and persuasion" and expressed the meaning of joining hands, still madly going deeper.

The world's three-dimensional space on the time axis has been pulled out again and again. If the space-time track has just begun, there are only a few hundred words, and now each one at least stretches out tens of thousands!

The innumerable world is unfolding in the space-time track. The figure of the "Four Spirits" is like a light and shadow. It escapes and flies, kills one by one, and sweeps one after another in the horizontal direction. In the vertical direction, pull out more subtle worlds.

The Lord of the Rings is the most vulnerable in the space-time track. It has fallen from one rhythm to three rhythms, and Chu Yunsheng is still in the air.

It does not know what crazy Chu Yun has sent, so that the continuation, the Yiling Lord does not even need to attack, Chu Yunsheng will die by himself.

But obviously, no matter who it is, not only Chu Yunsheng, Yilingzhu and it, the consumption of this moment is extremely terrifying.

They have already recalled the expanded spirit and gathered around the planet.

Chu Yunsheng's spiritual connotation is at least the weakest, but he always maintains only in the small space around him, and there is no extension of it. All of them are used for the "life and death speed competition" at this moment, which is more convenient than them.

Suddenly, I don’t know if Chu Yunsheng’s spirit is not enough, or he has reached the limit. The “corpse” is fully numbly following up, and suddenly feels that the next time line Chu Yunsheng does not seem to go deep into it. The world that has just been pulled apart is still stuck to each other, and it is instantly closed back.

This is a fighter!

Yiling main kills the fighters of Chu Yunsheng!

Even if it is only extremely small, it is enough.

The "corpse" battle response is extremely fast, immediately adjust its own spiritual connotation, make the strongest counterattack, the attack of the billion spirits, in the next instant must penetrate Chu Yunsheng, directly to its body.

At this moment in the world, the planet of life, as small as the backward spaceship, seems to be still. Their world lines are intricately embodied in an endless world of expansion, like a broken animation.

The only thing that can be free to "act". Only Chu Yunsheng, who is able to go deep into here, and the "corpse". The action of the Lord of the Rings has been slowed down a lot.

The Yiling Master did not let the body "disappoint", and this subtle fighter was suddenly captured by it!

Its spiritual connotation is adjusted in an instant, like a pair of invisible hands, just pulling out a "silk" in the world where they are at the moment. At that moment, time seems to be incomparably long, but faster and faster.

The world is flipping like a book page, and it pulls out a little bit of silk. The picture of the world seems to be changing in general.

The battle body of Chu Yunsheng is twisted in the space-time track, like a water surface. The body can't wait for him to die immediately. Naturally, he will not protect him. The silk is like a crack in time and space, and it will extend very quickly. Yun Sheng’s life is divided into two, and continues to move forward, splitting to the “corpse”.

The "corpse" immediately counterattacked. It believes that Chu Yunsheng is dead. It seems to be divided into two. In fact, his lifeline has been changed. The next moment, he will dissipate in the world.

It can only be escaped now, and the tactics of the Yiling Lord in the space-time track are very weird. But it has also seen similar attacks on the battlefield, and confrontation may be dangerous. But it just wants to escape from the escape or no problem, just change your own trajectory.

But then. It was shocked to discover that Chu Yunsheng did not dissipate, not only did it, but also re-aggregated in the next world, and still succumbed to deeper and deeper time and space tracks!

At this moment, it is too late to do other reactions. It has already directly engaged the Yiling Lord.

If it wants to escape, it is to be established that the Yiling Lord will not go deeper into the deeper space-time track. It can be safely and safely left. Otherwise, once the Yiling Lord goes deep and “disappears”, it is equivalent to “blindness”. In the unknown time and space, it is possible to be attacked by a superior spirit at any time, which is too dangerous.

The Yiling Master probably did not expect that Chu Yunsheng could survive, but it soon became clear that Chu Yunsheng’s life warfare seemed to be created by time and space tracks. Here is the world, but also the nemesis of time and space tracks, but His warfare is still unqualified, and he is not a true spirit himself or qualified.

The Lord of the Rings has fallen behind about five rhythms, but it is the safest. No one can attack the spirit of the billion spirits, and if the billion spirits attack it, its position is at the end. You can leave at any time.

The Yiling Master snorted and followed it deeper. It did not believe that Chu Yunsheng could continue to go on, and then go deeper. Although it is proficient in time and space, it is also very dangerous.

Just now, Chu Yunsheng did not open the next layer of time track is proof.

But Chu Yunsheng’s image is to challenge them like nerves, and they have gone deep!

"It's awkward, treacherous!"

The corpse finally blocked the attack of the Yiling Lord. It and the Yiling Lord spent the horrible spirit in this attack and counterattack. At this time, it was discovered that Chu Yunsheng actually went down smoothly. Obviously just a scam!

At the expense of their own death, they seduce the spirits of the billion spirits and spend a lot of spiritual power.

It has vaguely felt that Chu Yunsheng has more sinister and more treacherous traps, ambushing in deep roots in time and space.

But this is not very useful, it has found that Chu Yunsheng's spiritual resources are not enough, and will soon be consumed.

But at this time, it has to continue to follow, no way.

But soon it found out that he had guessed wrong. The Yun Yunsheng's spiritual connotation is really gone, but he seems to have completely lost his reason, and he is extremely crazy, regardless of the huge danger, and continues to deepen and deepen!

I don't know how long it took, maybe it was an instant, maybe for a long time, and the body felt like a turbulent turmoil in the world.

Suddenly, it stunned: "Stop, stop! We will all die here!"

At this time, the Yiling Lord also seems to feel the danger, Chu Yunsheng will continue to die, and the special life can not keep it, but it does not matter if he dies himself, but it is the same as the spirit of the three spirits at the moment. The three must be destroyed together, and they will not work.

At this time, the Yiling Lord showed a "study" that the corpse and the singer had never seen before, concentrated on the spirit, and hardly "pulled" Chu Yunsheng from the deeper space that was entering.

The powerful momentum of the upper spirit is revealed at this moment!

However, the consumption is unprecedented, and it is obvious that it has been hit hard and crumbling.

At the same time, the corpse was attacked together, and the singer who was slowed down for several beats finally arrived.

Under the heavy weight of the Yiling Master, I don’t know who is actually trying to attack, and the chaos.

However, Chu Yunsheng does not seem to be really ready to go deeper. The moment that he was “pushed out”, he also closed up all the spiritual connotations, strangling together with the chaotic attacks of the three spirits, and with them, they also had to take them out. Power, fleeing to the time and space track.

Four spirits, excited together!

At this moment, although the time outside has only passed a very short time, they are too fast to escape and fly, and they are infinitely close to the planet of life.

In a moment of chaos, numerous world lines are interlaced, and time and space tracks are momentarily closed and disappear.

The starry sky is calm.

Quiet, silent, dead.

The whole world seems to have stood still. Only an extremely small elementary particle has flown away from the planet of life.

It is separated from the world line under the original physical rules, abruptly separated from the various force field in which it is located, rising from the planet of life and flying into space.

In the meantime, Chu Yunsheng and Sanling, who have just separated from the time and space track, seem to be still. The whole starry sky and the whole world are quiet. Only the elementary particles are slowly and alone from the planet of life. Fly to the cold space.

Behind it, the huge life planet is beautiful and slowly turning.

In the next moment, she can't describe the spectacle of the language, as if to show the beauty of the universe perfectly, and the more beautifully all-stars "crash", evenly breaking into countless basic particles!

Mountains, rivers, star shells, star hearts... life, all like fragments of pictures, slowly peeling off from the baseboard they originally pasted, broken...

Their original physical running world has collapsed.

The surrounding world was once again "moving", the body was in front, Chu Yun was in the back, the Yiling Lord was again, and the Lord of the Rings finally, the "Four Spirits" shot to the life planets that evenly shattered into numerous elementary particles, floating in the sky. Walk through the past one by one.

After the four spirits annihilated the star, the war continued, and in the distance, the spaceship was still slow and desperately trying to get rid of the gravitational pull of the stars.

In the spaceship, one after another, the life stared at the hometown star that they had just left.

They are sad, but they don't know what happened. (To be continued.)

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