Dark Light Chaser Chapter 466


Chapter 466 What is an Apostle

"That's really terrifying."

The magician is still peaceful "Where did you send Gaia?"

Cheng Lejia raised his finger and pointed to the sky: "He said he wanted to talk to the hermit in person, so I sent them out. ."

"That Jin Ping'an seems to be an ordinary person, don't you worry about him?"

The magician asked while attacking Xia Qiyuan.

Cheng Lejia is not worried at all: "Don't worry, I cut off a part of my body before and left it in his body. It's not a problem to save his life."

Magic The teacher seemed to know Cheng Lejia for the first time: "Isolate a part of the body for him? You are really willing."

"It's my first pet anyway." Cheng Lejia said with a smile.

"Just be happy," the magician said with a shrug.

Inside the space blockade, there are huge waves, but outside it is peaceful.


Ai Liang stepped on the space shell and looked straight towards the man with a thousand faces opposite.

The other party is also looking at him at this time.

Only Jin Ping'an was at a loss.

The small part of Cheng Lejia left in his body is weird and has begun to transform his body.

So even in the high altitude without oxygen, it will not die suddenly on the spot.

Of course, it's hard to feel bad.

After all, Jin Ping'an was only an ordinary person until not long ago. It is impossible for him to adapt to various extreme environments immediately.

"Should I say long time no see..."

The Thousand Faced Man paused, looked at Jin Ping'an next to him, and continued, "The Hermit."

Ai Liang did not pay attention to the Thousand Faces, but used spirit strength to scan Fang Eastern Sea's body vaguely.

This advent of the Man of Thousand Faces is different from the last.

The last time that landed on Xu Zhihai's body was a spiritual avatar similar to a detachment, which had little connection with the main body, and the main body did not know what happened to the avatar.

Only after Xu Zhihai's death will the avatar take this part of the memory and return to the One-Thousand-Faced Man in some way unknown to Ai Liang.

And this time, the consciousness of the Thousand-Faced Man's coming is an extension of the spirit, equivalent to him watching from a distance what is happening right now.

Ai Liang's little gesture did not deceive the thousand people, he said with a smile: "Are you confirming my true position through the Divine Chain connection?

I haven't seen your spiritual ability for a few months."

"Don't use a tone that I know you well."

Ai Liang said coldly: " Our relationship is not that harmonious."

"hahaha, indeed, to be precise, this is our first official meeting."

Man with a Thousand Faces laughed: "But you Don't waste your time confirming my location, I can tell you the truth, I use some kind of device to bring my consciousness to the mask.

If you want to give an example... something like Signal base station?

In short, my body is a little far away, and with your current spiritual ability level, it is impossible to locate that far away.”

Thousand-faced people are very frank revealed his details.

But Ai Liang is not the kind of naive idiot who believes whatever the other party says.

If it weren't for the fact that it would be meaningless to destroy a spiritual puppet, he would have done it long ago, why would he be talking nonsense with the Thousand Faces here.

The Man with Thousand Faces doesn't care whether Ai Liang believes his words or not. In his opinion, these are all trivial details.

There is only one thing that is most important: "Hermit, how are you thinking about my last invitation? Would you like to join our Apostolic Society?"

Ai Liang's face darkened: "Are you going to stretch your face over and let me hit you again?"

"Don't say this, for an apostle to join the Apostle Society, no matter where you come from? From an angle, it is the best choice."

Thousand-faced people said in the tone of the ninety-nine sales promotion: "Look at the heat death and turning of the game, one by one is still old. To be pushed into the battlefield.

The other is simply annihilation of consciousness, the body is taken over by others, and the Countermeasures Bureau does not even have the most basic security.

You are watching Look at us, one person is in trouble, all parties support, this is not much better than human beings?"

Ai Liang's expression changed slightly.

How did the Thousand Faces know that Xia Qiyuan was the dove occupying the magpie's nest?

The Thousand Faces seemed to have guessed what Ai Liang was thinking: "I have known both Heat Dead and Zhuanling for a long time, so I only know a little inside information.

Besides... the last one turned spirit was ten years ago, and I killed it myself in Neihua City."

Thousand-faced man casually said something that makes people have one's hair stand on end.

Ten years ago?

Xia Qiyuan disappeared, and his spiritual ability was fully used to search...

Ai Liang seemed to realize something: "...you instilled the memories of everyone in Neihua City into In my head?"

Ai Liang made the worst guess.

The disappearance of Xia Qiyuan must have something to do with the Countermeasures Bureau, and the previous Zhuanling He Jun happened to die at the same time as Xia Qiyuan disappeared.

The last picture I saw before Lenovo's own abilities ran wild...

In other words, when Ai Liang searched for Xia Qiyuan's whereabouts through spiritual perception, the Thousand-faced Man was beside Xia Qiyuan !

My ability is rampant, and it is very likely that the Thousand Faces Man has contributed to it!

This guy has a criminal record.

If you don't believe me, take a look at Jin Ping An? What has this child been arranged for?

"What are you talking about?"

A trace of doubt flashed in the eyes of the Thousand Faces: "I have no reason to hurt a new born apostle."

Qian Ai Liang didn't believe a single punctuation mark at the face of the people: "I said it before, I'm not an apostle."

"no no no, from the definition of an apostle, you are an apostle, who is this? It can't be denied!"

The Thousand Faces said decisively.

He paused looking at Ai Liang and continued: "I can tell that you only learned about the existence of the eerie a few months ago.

Regarding the eerie and countermeasures, And the knowledge of the Apostles was obtained from Gao Bin's brain, right?

Gao Bin's level is very low, and he doesn't know much. It's just gossip.

So it makes you misunderstood."

The Man with a Thousand Faces looked at Ai Liang, and then at the space barrier under his feet: " The apostle is not a special physique that can completely control the weird, he is a general term for a certain type of 'person', a class.

It is not that the apostle can completely control the weird and use the power of the weird, but it is completely Only those who have mastered weird humans, or who have human consciousness, can be called apostles!"

Completely control weird humans and... weirdness with human consciousness?

The Man of Thousand Faces this remark opened new doors for Ai Liang.

He only needs to check with the Countermeasures Bureau to confirm the authenticity of this, so there is no need for a thousand-faced person to lie on such a common-sense issue.

"I don't remember having controlled anything weird."

Ai Liang stared at the Thousand-faced Man: "According to you, I actually possess human consciousness. Weird?"

(end of this chapter)

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