Dark Moon Era

Chapter 415

There are two marine hunting grounds in Darkness Port.

An area within 30 nautical miles near the coastline is called the inner hunting ground.

A piece of Sea Territory outside 30 nautical miles is called an outer hunting ground.

Undoubtedly, the harvest from the inner hunting ground is not as good as the outer hunting ground, and the harvest from the outer hunting ground is not as good as free navigation.

Everyone knows this fact.

But there is another fact that must be understood.

That is, only residents of Darkness Port who have the right to enter the island area are eligible to go to the hunting grounds or to sail freely.

The same is true for sea vessels. Sea vessels must be endorsed on the island in order to enter and exit the hunting grounds and be eligible for free navigation.

Tang Ling has been at Darkness Port for more than three months now. Is he eligible to enter the island? At least not yet.

But Tang Ling doesn’t think this is an unfair thing. Instead, he thinks it is the kindness that Darkness Port rarely has.

why? Both gains and risks coexist. If you do n’t have the strength, you will die!

Don’t underestimate human greed and gambling. Without coercive measures, speculators will emerge endlessly. With the high mortality rate, Darkness Port cannot maintain its current prosperity.

After all, talent is the foundation of prosperity.

“Hey boy, what are you thinking about?” The morning sea breeze is extremely refreshing. The sun has just risen. The hot temperature has not yet radiated, and the wind has not been contaminated by the hot heat. On people, that coolness is the best enjoyment.

Tang Ling was standing on the deck, stepping on the side of the ship with one leg, holding a cigarette, looking at the sea at the moment, like an old sailor.

“Nothing, just thinking that people in this era are more brave.” Tang Ling laughed, throwing a cigarette generously to say hello to the sailor.

Don’t underestimate any sailor on the boat. Without the strength of the first-order Purple Moon Warrior, there must be two brushes to qualify for the boat.

Just like Tang Ling, when he went to the black market to register as a mercenary, he heard Huang Boss go to the floating ice black market to find a task.

He soon discovered that any task that made money was related to getting on a ship and going to sea.

Tang Ling went for the money, naturally he wanted to take on such tasks, but he encountered trouble because he was not a first-order Purple Moon Warrior, and the old-fashioned old man who posted the task did not give him the task at all.

Fortunately, he is Tang Ling!

Tang Ling, a little bit of a deed at Darkness Port, is very popular.

So, the manager recognized Tang Ling soon, and then gave Tang Ling the task qualification.

So getting on board is very demanding, isn’t it?

Tang Ling smoked and laughed at this. It seems that fame is somewhat useful. You did good on the boat, and fifty black sea coins a day is not a problem.

“Purple Moon Era is of course brave. Man, without experiencing the desperate situation, how can I not dig out my potential?” The old sailor with gray hair was lit after receiving Tang Ling’s smoke, and his expression seemed indifferent It’s frivolous, but the tone doesn’t mean anything.

“Is it a desperate situation now?” Tang Ling asked casually.

“Of course not, what is this desperate situation ?! But the one that arrived one day was the desperate situation! The hardest part of life after the end is the desperate situation.” The old sailor’s nasal cavity gave off two thick smoke dragons, and then He cracked his mouth and smiled impudent: “The former civilized army, I heard that the death rate reached a certain point, and the entire army collapsed.”

“But that’s not absolute, but peace has been too long, and people’s hearts will become frightened. Like our ancient ancestors, for the stuttering, do you care about the problem of mortality?”

“Like in the former civilization, there were troops from a country, and hundreds of people collapsed. But there is also a big country in distress, who has just experienced hardships, but smashed the powerful country with flesh and blood, and finally drawn a bottom line that cannot cross the border. A unit, facing the carpet bombing, the enemy’s onslaught again and again, stayed on top of a mountain, but what is the mortality rate? “The old sailor narrowed his eyes.

Tang Ling glanced at the side of the old sailor, and he was talking about the former civilization again, mostly about war.

But never mention the war of this era.

Is there no war in this era? Have! The wars of the major forces, facing all kinds of beast tide, insect tide, and the Underground Tribe battle all everyday.

Even a small 17 Safety Sector has a battlefield hidden behind Cliff of Hope.

Tang Ling has reason to believe that this old sailor is a storyteller.

“Therefore, there is nothing brave or brave. It is a habit to adapt. Never doubt the adaptability of humans. The doctor will be calm when he sees the corpse. The soldier can survive after three years on the battlefield and he forgets Nervous, what is left is experience. Purple Moon Era, human beings are all fighting every day, and there is no time to pretend to be so brave. “The old sailor took another puff of smoke, and his vital capacity looked good, so he drank half of it. Cigarette.

“Oudien, have you fought the war?” Tang Ling suddenly asked.

This old sailor is called Oudien, and is considered an old partner of Tang Ling.

O’Dien looked at Tang Ling with a smile. Tang Ling had asked him more than once, but he was persuaded every time. This time was no exception. He just wanted to say something.

The captain’s voice was already heard in the ship’s horn: “Guys, the school of fish has appeared. What should we do? Don’t doubt, pick up the tools in your hand and get a good ticket! Roddy, who was raised by the son-in-law yesterday Hao fished out the most valuable school of fish, and was the most fish swarmed by the Salsa Clown. Today, if you do n’t give me a big ticket, I swear I will deduct your salary. “

“The bitch !!!!”

Obviously, the captain is so rude, without swearing or threatening, he will be very uncomfortable.

Tang Ling has become accustomed to listening to him for a few words during the ‘Early Fish Club’.

“You’re working.” Odien took the lead in extinguishing the cigarette butts and put them in a small bag around his waist.

It is the piety of sailors and fishermen not to throw any garbage into the sea.

Tang Ling is also deeply convinced, but also extinguished the cigarette butts and put them in a small bag. Human beings should learn to be grateful and cherish.

At this point, Odion had chosen a forward position and picked up a huge speargun in his hand.

There were also three or five spearguns under his feet.

This is compared to the pre-civilized Naswin speargun. This speargun is a giant, ten meters long and one meter thick. The sharp barb in front of the speargun illustrates its formidable power.

In addition, the main body of the entire speargun is made of B-Rank alloy, and the hardness is enough to deal with the sea fish that will appear in the inner hunting ground. Although it is not completely solid, the weight has also reached 500kg. The former civilized ordinary person must not Imagine.

After all, the weightlifting record of the former civilization heavyweight is only 200 more than kg. This speargun is difficult to lift, let alone throw it away.

With his spear gun, Oudien’s muscles were swollen, showing a rock-like texture. At this moment, his eyes were as sharp as an eagle, staring at the sea.

Tang Ling smiled and raised a speargun. Although the sea is still quiet now, the school of fish will appear after a while, and the opportunity is often fleeting.

The 500kg speargun is a bit heavy, but what about Tang Ling who will hold thousands of kg of sledgehammer when hitting iron? Besides, it was only when I first came to Darkness Port that Tang Ling has now fully integrated the Strength of Nine Bulls and Two Tigers.

With stiff power, even if it is not a first-order Purple Moon Warrior, it is not much different.

“Come here!” Suddenly a sailor standing beside Tang Ling who didn’t want to scream. With his life screaming, the calm sea surface waved up, a huge fish with a length of ten meters came from the water. It jumped up and started the signal of early hunting in today’s inner hunting ground!

This scene, Tang Ling has seen from the first day of Darkness Port!

Now that he has had more than half a month’s work experience on board, he sees again that his heart is still in a state of excitement.

With the shouting of the sailor, dozens of ships have appeared, and hundreds of spearguns with chains have been thrown on these ships.

After entering Purple Moon Era, there will be several so-called ‘fish kings’ among large fish schools. The best way to catch fish schools is to control the fish king. ‘Strong fish’.

If the fish king is controlled, the school of fish naturally follows the king of the fish. Even if the strong fish is controlled, some fish will follow it.

It takes luck to control this kind of thing, but according to less accurate experience, it is generally the fish king who first jumps out of the water.

Everyone naturally refuses to miss this opportunity.

Even in accordance with the same rules of the inner hunting ground, the first schools of fish appearing are the weakest white unicorns, but it is because Darkness Port has a lot of white unicorns that formed this hunting ground.

why? Because of the food chain! Whitehorns are the food of many sea fishes. The appearance of them in groups will certainly attract other fierce predators … and there are predators behind them …

It is equivalent to controlling the white unicorn and controlling a food chain. This is the most pleasant thing!

Instead, the fish king who formed the white unicorn was the scene with the most snatches.

Unfortunately, whitehorns are clearly at the bottom of the food chain, and the school size is large enough, but their fish king is rare.

It’s because they are quite cunning. If you want to see it, you can have two or three times in a hundred times.

People can only take the first jump out of the water as the king of fish based on experience …

Because of these observations, Tang Ling was not in a hurry when the white-horned herd appeared, but instead set his eyes to the southeast.

“Don’t do this?” Compared to Tang Ling’s calmness, Oudien was a little anxious.

What if the fish king first jumped out of the water? Then they did n’t even throw the speargun, would n’t they regret it?

“Instead of betting on luck, it’s not as big as a dry ticket.” Tang Ling’s mouth smiled.

Upon hearing Tang Ling’s words, Odien was heartbeating.

Why does an old sailor go so close to such a kid? Even partnered with him?

It’s because this kid has a lot of magical places, and there are endless ways that others can’t imagine, Oudien has personally seen.

Every time Tang Ling says he wants to do a big vote, he can achieve five or more times ten times. How can Odian not be excited?

The success rate is already high.

“Boy, don’t hide any thoughts,” Ou Dien glanced at all around, whispered.

“Attention to the southeast, I observed it for two days before reaching a conclusion. Recently, the town whale is very active, the probability of appearing in the fishing ground is more than 90%. Moreover, they generally appear in the southeast direction … They like to prey on white unicorn , Because the white-horned beasts love to jump out of the water, they will also … ”Tang Ling also whispered, it is always bad to be planned.

“Come on, you don’t need to say this. Idiots like the ichthyosaur do not know what they are, and they like to jump out of the water to toss.” Oudien was already excited, his eyes were looking southeast.

This kind of thing is impossible to find without experienced guys.

Rare Tang Ling has also observed that this is their chance! Moreover, the kid’s timing was the most accurate, and he could always observe the most subtle details.

The town whales are very valuable in this season, and there is even a saying that the whales are gambling.

why? The dead whale carcass pulled up will not open its mouth first, but let the buyer bid.

If the scent of incense is in the belly of a whale, it is a bet.

If not, you will naturally lose, but it will not be a pure loss. After all, there are many parts that can be used by large whale corpses.

Of course, this is only the whale of this season can bet.

This is somewhat similar to the sperm whale of the pre-civilization, but the psychedelic whale is not mutated by the sperm whale. The psychedelic scent produced by it and the ambergris produced by the mutant sperm whale are completely different.

Of course, ambergris are also very precious. After the sperm whale variant, ambergris also have subtle changes.

Tang Ling stared at the southeast side, and at the same time wondered how he would get a big ticket if the hunt was really successful today.

Of course I remember the past.

When he first dreamed, Kun’s guy ordered ambergris and hinted that because of the relationship between Ziyue, some things were no longer as rare as in the previous civilization.

Unfortunately, I was stupid at that time …

Tang Ling just thought of it. A blister has appeared on the sea. The blisters are not small or small. It is easy to be ignored now that fish are showing up. But at this time, Tang Ling shouted: “Europe Dean, shoot! Southeast direction, XXX coordinates. 270 meters away! “

Ou Dien’s spirit was shocked, and a roaring sound was made. The muscles of the whole body tightened sharply, and a speargun shot towards Tang Ling.

Because of the relationship between weight and speed, a huge whistling sounded at the moment when the speargun was thrown.

At the same time, it also aroused the ridicule of several people around him: “Oudien, are you practicing strength against the air?”

Oudien was disinclined to pay attention. As soon as their words fell out, a huge water column appeared on the sea.

The white king’s fish king, as usual, is not the one who jumped out of the water first, but the sailors on each ship are even more busy to control the fish king and the strong fish of various schools …

As a result, the surface of the sea became turbulent, and the huge ship fluttered along, seeming to capsize at any time.

Tang Ling stood firm. He was used to the wavy feeling of the sea even on the first day, and he didn’t feel half discomfort at all.

At this time, when only a few people noticed this water column, Tang Ling also shot.

Compared to Ou Dien, a powerful man, Tang Ling’s strength is much smaller, but it does not prevent him from moving towards the target, throwing a speargun, and making a whistling sound.

However, Odion’s speargun was thrown out before Tang Ling, and it is still in the rising stage now, obviously the power is still sufficient.

Tang Ling’s spearguns seemed a bit inadequate.

But no one doubted Tang Ling’s speargun throwing ability, and saw him pick up another speargun at this time.

The naked upper body of the young man appeared to be not so exaggerated, but also exuded a sense of strength.

In the sun, the sweat beads on the muscles were crystal clear. Tang Ling yelled and threw the second speargun.

Then the second speargun hit perfectly at one point of the first speargun, and the power of the first speargun became full immediately.

Tang Ling loudly roared, pulling the chain of the second speargun, dragging the speargun back with one hand, and throwing the third speargun with the other …

In this way, Tang Ling threw four spearguns in turn. Except for the first one, the other three were used to boost the first speargun … No matter the strength, the angle, or the timing is perfect!

This is Tang Ling, this amazing kid.

Ou Dien was a little bit emotional, that was how he shocked Ou Dien in the first hand, so that he saw the lack of strength, but also can do things that others could not imagine.

Oudien had a momentary sluggishness, but soon his speargun chain came with a strange weight.

Oudien suddenly looked up, and his speargun was in the body of a soul whaling!

“Shit, shit, I’m hit!” Ou Dien quickly tightened the speargun chain and began to try to control this soul whale.

There is no doubt that other sailors must help at this time! Inserted a soul whale, if it is the king of fish …

What is special, is the king of fish!

At the time when the township whale was caught, at least five township whale swam over.

There are certainly not too many whale populations, but the value of each head, especially in this season, is incomparable.

“Damn it, see what we got?” The captain’s excited voice came from the horn.

But at this time, Ou Dien’s face changed. He was called Hercules, and there was someone nearby to help him, and he felt that the speargun was about to decouple. This soul whaling was too powerful.

However, at this time, with a bang, Tang Ling’s speargun was also inserted into the body of this soul whale.

And the insertion position is very clever, which makes this fish king very uncomfortable. If it wants to break away from Odion’s speargun, don’t want to break away from Tang Ling’s speargun because there is no way to exert force like that.

“Awesome, dear Don! Young men, what are you still thinking about? Today, as long as we harvest these swarms of soul whales, we are already kings. Do you want to help me, hear? No? Help! “The captain almost hissed with excitement.

At this time, the sailor in charge of the entire ship rushed over and split into two sets to help Odin and Tang Ling control the fish king.

The Fish King of the Soul Whale! Tang Ling feels that his luck is really good, and he has exploded today!

Feeling the tremendous and irresistible force coming from the chains, Tang Ling almost couldn’t catch the chains in his hands, and the whole person was pulled to the sea.

But soon, there were many helping hands to control the chain, shouting neatly, and began to forcibly control the fish king, with the school of fish moved towards their best position to hunt and swim.

The beauty of strength is vividly and thoroughly displayed on the boat, flared muscles, bulging blue tendons, bloody horns, sweat beads under the sun, even female sailors have good muscles, great strength …

Tang Ling loves this bloody feeling.



A roar like a wave rang through the bed, at this time, the captain had appeared, along with the first officer on board, number 1 expert except the captain.

“The son of a bitch, two ships are going to grab our victory! Are you convinced?” The captain shouted at this time.

“Don’t agree!” The crew was uniform.

“Yes, it’s impossible! The king of fish is in our hands, their chances of success are as small as cats farting! But for the sake of insurance, the chief mate and I went off the net.” The captain yelled again and took it in his hand. With a large net made of precious materials, this is almost the most precious property of a fishing boat.

In this era, not all fishing nets are competent.

There were tsunami-like cheers on the ship, while the ship and the chief officer pulled the net and jumped out from the ship, came to the rough sea, stepped directly on the sea, and moved towards the location of the fish school. past.

“Everyone cheer, with the captain, whether you can make a lot of money today, it depends on the present.” The second officer on the ship is in charge of commanding at this moment, and he should also pay attention to the movements on other ships.

Only Tang Ling was relaxed at this moment, thinking of the captain’s “cat farting” metaphor, a little funny.

The early hunting scene is fierce, because every day when you come to the inner hunting ground, not every time you can meet the early hunt …

The captain off the net means that the matter has reached the most critical point. Everyone must cooperate with the captain to control the fish king …. Well, a soul whaling king.

However, there is nothing unexpected. The boat on which Tang Ling lives is quite powerful. How can the cooked ducks fly under the control of the fish king?

In the end, with the cooperation of everyone, this group of quagmire whales was successfully captured by five quagmire whales, leaving one male, two female, and three small, letting them go.

Fishing is very disciplined, you can’t kill it, you can’t hunt it! For thousands of years, have human blood and tear lessons been less? The arrival of the Doom has made many people believe that this is retribution!

On the contrary, in some ancient rules, people are more civilized than the pre-civilized people.

“Big harvest!” As soon as the captain got on the boat, he raised an arm, extended his index finger, compared with a slightly nervous gesture, and announced the result.

The whole ship cheered.

Ou Dien dropped his palm on Tang Ling’s shoulder, Tang Ling was calm.

“The first achievement is undoubtedly our strong man Oudien, and the magic boy-Don!” The captain announced loudly.

Excited by the crowd, they threw them directly.

The captain shouted, “Release all power and return home! But the five-headed guy, our ship must work hard!”

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