Dark Moon Era

Chapter 478

Zhang Tian is indeed very euphemistic.

However, the status of his strength has reached the point where he does not need to be euphemistic, just like the departing Star Speaker and Bo Gu, who have no faces, talk about things when they have something …

Does this matter need to be discussed, or is it just an announcement, and in essence it needs euphemism?

So Jane Fei, who is so fine, said this at this time, just to adjust the atmosphere and give everyone a step down.

After all, it’s a big shot. Face is always required.

Sure enough, when Jian Fei said this, City Lord stated that Jian Fei was serious, and Tang Ling’s matter was decided according to Zhang Tian’s decision.

One person made a statement, and the next thing became logical. Everyone made a statement, and Tang Ling’s matter was decided according to Zhang Tian’s will.

After all, that ’s it. Tang Ling grows freely. It ’s better than Tang Ling being “possessed” by other forces. It is also happy to give Zhang Tian a favor. Anyway, free growth does not require anyone to be responsible.

Zhang Tian didn’t seem to care too much about the public’s position. For this kind of friendship, he still just nodded, and then decisively left.

Only after he left, Hei Lao had an inexplicably added a ring…. This is a ring from Tang Ling. He naturally understood Zhang Tian’s meaning and returned the ring to Tang Ling.

After Zhang Tian left, Lie Yen Shuai also stood up and simply said, “Where Tang Ling is going, I already know the answer, and leave now.”

“The scorching sun.” Seeing the scorching sun leaving, Han Huang suddenly spoke.

“What’s the matter?” The scorching sun turned.

“Since the Speaker of the Star has left, why don’t you occupy a place?” Han Huang’s eyes were sincere.

Compared to the Speaker of the Stars, Han Huang obviously prefers the scorching sun … After all, the sun does not have the greed of the Speaker of the Stars.

In some cases, although there are fewer people, you can get more, but if the personnel are reliable, even if there are less benefits, you would prefer more people.

At the moment, it is also appropriate to win over the scorching sun.

“No.” What Han Huang didn’t expect was that the scorching Sun refused very simply.

“Don’t you care about Murphy’s interpretation of the prophecy?” It wasn’t Han Huang who spoke at this time, but another City Lord.

To this, the sun shook his head, his masked face could not see the expression, so he simply left.


The arrival of Purple Moon Era has changed the World and Heaven turning upside down.

One important change is undoubtedly that people are beginning to believe in things like prophecy.

Because of the previous civilization, Huaxia once published a difficult-to-interpret ancient book, and a boy named Murphy successfully interpreted the arrival of Purple Moon Era from this strange book.

This discovery was undoubtedly ridiculed at the time. Is there still little prophecy in the various civilizations of the pre-civilization? But which one did not end up as a joke.

However, Murphy’s interpretation came true.

Not only did the end of the world come as he said, but Purple Moon Era followed with the disaster of the end.

Many of the people who survived knew about Murphy’s prophecy and began to think about the meaning of the prophecy …

Murphy, who was convinced of his predictions, prepared for it early and survived in Purple Moon Era.

It may be to avenge people’s previous distrust, or it may be to prove themselves completely.

After entering the Purple Moon Era, Murphy announced ten prophecies in one breath, and unlike the previous civilization’s seems right but actually isn’t, difficult to read prophecies, Murphy’s prophecies were announced very straightforward, just like Declaring one plus one equals two is as straightforward …

No doubt these prophecies came true one after another.

Since then, Murphy began to have a large number of crazy believers, and with the emergence of Ziyue, the diversity of human genetic chain innate talent began to show.

There are also more and more people who are strong in Mental Power and are biased towards predicting innate talent.

These people chose to follow Murphy voluntarily, forming a mysterious prophecy group.

This group of prophecies is called-Truth Seeking. Obviously, this is an organization formed by prophecies and will naturally continue to issue prophecies.

However, unlike Murphy ’s own prediction that 100% will be realized, the predictions issued by Truth Seeking are hierarchical.

According to Purple Moon Era, is innate talent has strength, and even strong innate talent needs to be tempered, right?

So the predictions of the True Truth will be graded, with the lowest grade having a 30% fulfillment rate, and the highest grade predictions being 100% will be realized.

This high-level linguistic unity is known as Murphy’s Prophecy.

This does not mean that the prediction was predicted by Murphy himself. This is only a respect, and the prediction that is accurate and correct is called this.

In fact, over time … was Murphy dead or alive? No one knows except the high-level executives of Xunzhenhui.

But anyway, the search for truth has become a major feature of Purple Moon Era.

When people encounter important decisions in life, they also spend some money to find a true prediction that is not so accurate …

After all, buying Murphy-level predictions requires sky-high prices.

But has Murphy really disappeared? Not always.

Truth Seeking has published three Murphy prophecies in front of a few top-level characters in the world. This prediction has proved in a unique way. This is Murphy who rarely makes predictions after Truth Seeking is established. Prophecy left in person.

Moreover, these three predictions are not random predictions … but big predictions about the situation in the World.

One of these prophecies is undoubtedly the emperor’s prophecy, but this prophecy may also be beyond Murphy’s ability, and even he rarely left several unknown places.

In short, there are several branches of interpretation of this prophecy because of these unknown places.

No one can pinpoint which interpretation is right. In the end, this can only be helpless to define this as an emperor’s prophecy, and the absolutely major character in the prophecy is called the emperor.

But there is no doubt about it-the major signs after the appearance of this absolute protagonist, and that he will completely change Purple Moon Era.

Except the prophecy of the emperor.

One of Murphy’s two other predictions was a top secret known to no more than five people.

The last one is the prophecy that brought the Lord of Ten Great Cities together today—the temple of human ancestral temple.

This prophecy Murphy was very straightforward: “A world-wide battle, the genius boy was resurrected. He danced on fire, imprinted two black universe marks, and started an unequal slaughter. Hush, slaughter The beauty of the temple shocked the sleeping ancestral temple, which is in the distant ice field, and the gate of the ancestral temple will open. “

“Let the most shining stars come together …. Illuminate the ancestral temple that has been dark for a long time and win the power of mysterious. No, no, stars, you will see the deepest secrets of humanity.”


The prophecy is so straightforward.

Now on Tang Ling and Tang Long’s Life and Death ring, the corresponding conditions have finally been fulfilled one after another.

Isn’t Tang Ling resurrected from death, imprinted with two black patterns, and then … dancing with flames?

One would not doubt Murphy’s predictions, just as one would not doubt that human beings need to eat and drink every day.

However, what this prophecy describes is too amazing, which big shot dare to swallow it alone? Just gathered here …

After all, if they are strong and want to break through in strength, they really need something like fate …

Moreover, loneliness is brought by power. How many things can still interest them in this world?

Loneliness is also a difficult struggle.

Therefore, they simply cannot resist the temptation of this person-like ancestral temple.

Emperor Han did not expect that the scorching sun would refuse his invitation, the temptation of prophecy, the temptation to explore the ancestral temple of humanity …

However, the scorching sun is so simple, and one cup one fist in the other hand at Han Huang, there is no extra language to turn away.

Looking at the scorching sun leaving, many big shots looked towards Jane Fei.

Ye Xin even asked directly: “Must Jianfei Boss also be interested in Murphy’s prediction?”

“No, I’m not interested, either. I just owe it to the human being, so I have to accompany Long Shuai personally.” With this, Jian Fei shrugged his shoulders: “I’m still young I ’m tempted that many, I do n’t want to go to any danger, in case I lose my life … ”

While speaking, Jian Fei made a fist at these big shots and was about to leave.

This day is not good enough, is it going too fast?

“Jan Fei brother, can you wait a moment?” This time said the master of the mountain.


“Your position is clear, it’s Tang Ling, right? Recently, there is news that Jian Fei brother often stays with a freak wearing a copper face? Can I ask him?” When Jane Fei left, she had no chance to ask again.

Anyway, Tang Ling’s ownership has been decided, at this time asking him is really because of curiosity.

But the mountain owner was curious. The other City Lords had their own thoughts. Although there was no alliance, their relationships were far away. For example, they had True Capital, and naturally they also had Star Council ….

Therefore, when the two slightly sharp questions were raised by the owner, everyone looked towards Jian Fei.

Although Jian Fei also showed he respect for these City Lords, hehe haha, but this does not mean that he is afraid of anyone.

This problem obviously makes Jian Fei not so happy, he frowned directly: “Can’t say that, I have to go out, people with a little common sense know that I am a person without a stand. Why should I say Just stand at Tang Ling? Does Tang Ling show signs of prophecy? “

“I’m Jian Fei, a businessman, the most accountant is more profitable! Of course, to do a big business, it is also necessary to make a correct prediction in advance. I am optimistic about Tang Ling, just optimistic!”

“If this is the case with Tang Ling. Hei Lao, don’t you take a stand? Otherwise, they will think you are on Tang Ling!” At the end, Jian Fei threw the sharp question back to Hei Lao.

This is not harming black old people, but helping black old people.

A series of things happened, these City Lord may have any thoughts on Hei Lao … Before things are not clear, just like Hei Lao can not easily be a team!

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