Dark Moon Era

Chapter 483

Oss Umbrella and gallium performance

Second floor.

fatty 竴 鑴 d 竴 鑴 竴 鑴粰 鎿 ︽ 帀 浜 嗐 €

Wide ╂ 槦 ╂ 槦     娣 嬫 穻 镄 勶 纴 鍗 娣 嬫 穻 镄 勶 纴 鍗 緢 鐪 熻 瘹 镄 勮 緢 鐪 熻 瘹 镄 勮 village 緢 鐪 熻 瘹 镄 勮 copy 闂  潃 fat纴 鐪 熺 殑 嶈  瀹 ㈡ 皵 銆 傗 嶈  瀹 ㈡ 皵 銆 傗

 滀 笉 锛 宐 ig brother 锛 孊 oss If you do not know how to do this, you can do this.

蹇 冧 腑 鍗 村 湪 鐥 涢 獋 锛 岀 珶 鐒 helm 暍 鍙  € 佸 瓙 € 欙 纻 锛 佷 笉 欙 纻 锛 佷 笉夛 纴 KEY 佸 瓙 镄 刡 ig brother 鏄 疶 ang Ling 锛 屼 綘 浠 € 涔 堟 椂 chain 欐 槸 big brother 浜 嗭 纻

凚 soss 婊 ℃ 剰 镄 刵 odded槸 璋 冩 暀 镄 勫 ソ 銆 槸 璋 冩 暀 镄 勫 ソ 銆

鎯 崇 潃 锛 岄 粍 Boss 鎸 囩 潃 Wide 鎸 囩 潃 ╂ 槦 撮 撮 锛 滃 皬 鏄 熸 槦 锛 屼 綘 滃 皬 鏄 熸 槦 锛 屼 綘 滃 皬 鏄 熸 槦 锛 屼 綘 滃 皬 鏄 熸 槦 锛 屼 綘 滃 皬 鏄 熸 槦 锛 屼 綘 Boss 鎴 戝 姵 绱  简 澶 ╋ 纴 铡 诲 惂 锛 岀 粰 娉Effective threshold

“I’m sorry, I’m not worried about my father.”

 滃 摝 锛 孹 iao Pangzi 銆 銆 綘 Boss 鎴 戣 偐 鑶 € 澶 ︷ 吀 浜 嗏 € ︹ € 漺 hile speaking 锛 岄 粍 Boss 鍙 坢 oved towards Niu 呭 瓙 Juanlou 竴 闱 犮

fatty 绔 嫔 埢 灏 嗘  殑 鎶  殑 鎶 竷 鏀 竷 鏀 竷 鏀 sentence 笅 锛 岃 窇 鍒 companion 粍 Boss  悗 锛 屽 紑 濮 嬩  悗 锛 屽 紑 濮 嬩  悗 锛 屽 紑 濮 嬩 s s s s 嫟 镄 勬 嫟 镄 勬 嫟 镄 勬 嫟 镄 勬 ╄ 唨 銆

湡 鏄  竴 灞 嫔 瓙 镄 剆 lut 湡 鏄  竴 灞 嫔 瓙 镄 剆 € 傗 € 漝 ing dong 湪 铡 ㄦ 埧 镄 勯 棬 鍙 湪 铡 ㄦ 埧 镄 勯 棬 鍙 纴 潃 鐡 滃 瓙 鍎 潃 鐡 滃 瓙 鍎 潃 鐡 滃 瓙 鍎 潃 鐡 滃 瓙 鍎 潃 鐡 滃 瓙 鍎 潃 鐡 滃 瓙 鍎 潃 鐡 滃 瓙 鍎 潃 鐡 滃 瓙 鍎 纴 鑴 戜 腑 蹇 纴 鑴 戜 腑 蹇杩 欐 牱 钖  缑 镞 佷 杩 欐 牱 钖  缑 镞 佷 Han Xuan 勪 ring hazel 凚 oss 镄 勮 瘽 锛 屽 繊 綇 灏 綇 灏 綇 灏 綇 灏 杩 欐 牱 s 杩 欐 牱 杩 欐 牱 杩 欐 牱 杩 欐 牱


鍦 ㄨ Umbrella, wind, 殑 姘 旀 皼, 鍝, 鍝, 鍝, 鍝, 鍝, 鍝, 鍝, 鍝, 鍝, 鍝, 鍝, 鍝, 鍝, 鍝, etc. Lazy Egg 鍏 ヤ Tang Ling Ling


Tang Ling

Tang Ling

How to do this琛 琛 € € € € € € 濈 殑 鐗 欓 濈 殑 鐗 欓 濈 殑 鐗 欓 锛 屼 笂 闱 ㈢ 殑 € € € € € € € € € € € € € 濆 € (濆)

灏 繛 繛 繛 繛 繛   娲 佺 槠 锛 屽 儚 鍒 氭 嫈  纴 涔 熷 榻 纴 涔 熷 纴 涔 熷 纴 涔 熷 纴 涔 熷 纴 涔 熷 纴 涔 熷 纴 涔 熷 纴 涔 熷 纴 涔 熷 纴 涔 熷 湁 浜 涘 儚 棰 楀 寲 鐭 棰 楀 寲 鐭 棰 楀 寲 鐭Jane

Looking at Tang Ling’s pale face before her coma, she has recovered a touch of ruddy, and the other side is filled with joy.

She opened the saucepan, carefully scooped a spoonful of fish gelatine, and handed it to Tang Ling’s mouth.

Tang Ling, still in a coma, seemed to feel the movement of the other side, his eyebrows slightly wrinkled, and then when the other side sent food to his mouth, he swallowed subconsciously, and his face slightly appeared uncomfortable.

“Is it still uncomfortable? Every time I feed you something, you are not very comfortable.” While the other side was feeding Tang Ling to eat fish gelatin, he talked to Tang Ling to himself.

“But it doesn’t matter, I will make you very nutritious things every day, and you can wake up soon.” Said the other side, with rays of light flashing in his eyes.

But Tang Ling’s brow seemed to have tightened.

“What’s wrong?” The other bank put down the stew pan, worried Tang Ling’s eyebrows.

On the other side, Huang Boss, who was standing at the door with a pot of tea and a chicken thief peeking, was not worried at all, but was filled with shock.

“The instinct of the Haas boar is really terrifying. It is so resistant to the ‘Top Grade cuisine’ made by the other bank, but the food is instinctively swallowed when it reaches the mouth.”

“Terrifying, terrifying!”

“Boss, why don’t you go in?” At this time, Ding Ling protruded a head at Huang Boss’ feet, and did not understand what it was like Huang Boss to be a chicken thief standing at the door and peeping?

“Of course you can’t go in. Do you want to be a light bulb?” Huang Boss naturally despised the bell.

light bulb? Dingling blinked a few times, apparently this was not something she knew.

However, Ding Ling has always been difficult to learn. She didn’t bother to understand if she didn’t understand or was interested. She just looked at Tang Ling who was still unconscious on the bed and sighed: “I don’t know when Xiao Tang Tang will wake up? Missed the time to go to sea? “

“If he missed it, he would be sad.” While speaking, jingle curl one’s lip.

She was really worried about Tang Ling. After spending a little half a year, she still knew a little about Tang and Tang, and how aggressive he was …

And although the bell is a bit small, I also know that going to sea at this time is very important and is a key to upgrading to Purple Moon Warrior.

“He won’t miss it.” Huang Boss picked up the bell and looked at Tang Ling lying in bed and said, “It’s almost two days away. This lucky boy met Xiao Pangzi …”

“Why lucky to meet Xiao Pangzi?” Ding Ling was a little curious about this, Huang Boss took a sip of tea, and then hugged Ding Ling with a smile and left the room door.


嗔 Chi Lou, the first floor lobby.

Huang Boss lay on the lounger leisurely, looking at the streets that had apparently started to become lively.

The main street where the idiot floor is located is actually the higher end of Darkness Port.

There are not many shops on this street, but as long as the shops on this street are related to equipment.

Yes, here are high-level equipment shops. Those who can go in and out of these shops are all third-order Purple Moon Warrior, and most of them are mainly middle-order Purple Moon Warrior.

Like Huang Boss’s shop, it can also undertake the business of the higher-level Purple Moon Warrior.

Therefore, these shops are generally not open, but whenever there is a business, it must be an unimaginable price for ordinary persons.

“But it’s still lively now. No wonder Ding Jing started thinking about sailing.” Huang Boss squinted and grabbed a few nuts from the table and ate them.

Indeed, there is no need to speculate about the excitement, because these talented teenagers are about to go to sea, and they are preparing to go to sea.

What identity are these geniuses? It’s not too difficult to get custom equipment out of this street.

Besides, sailing to the sea at this time is open. The only restriction is that it must be teenagers …

Therefore, I heard that more teenagers poured into Darkness Port, which means that it is not just the talented teenagers who participated in the Hell Cliff Challenge.

“I don’t know what Hei Lao thinks?” Huang Boss slightly frowned. Wasn’t the sailing open right this time only given to the powerful young talents? Why suddenly expand major event items?

It has been extended to any force that can send young people to the sea as long as they are willing to pay a certain amount of expenses.

What the hell happened? Huang Boss is naturally not blinded by that video. Due to the number of 1, Huang Boss even knows some inside information.

Therefore, Tang Ling’s Life and Death team did not worry about building a ship.

However, he only knew some inside information, what happened? Even Huang Boss was confused.

In his heart, he didn’t want to do this with Hei Lao. It’s not that he was stingy, anyway, the resources weren’t his, and he didn’t need these resources … But, is this sailing a way for any teenager to go? Said it was sailing, it was clearly courting death! !!

Huang Boss didn’t want to happen, but he couldn’t figure it out.

Don’t look at Darkness Port on the surface as a port of freedom for criminals with no rules.

In fact, Darkness Port does not tolerate the crime of the most sinister in the true sense, but rather a place where many people like Tang Ling have a place to stay.

Really wicked people can’t live at Darkness Port … Don’t black Dark Hall do anything?

As for the freedom that comes first, it is because of the greater ideals that we fully hoard the population and money.

Therefore, the zodiac felt that Hei Lao was neither greedy nor cold-blooded …

“I can’t guess, I can’t guess.” Huang Boss’s eyes showed a hint of anxiety.

In the past three days, he also took some business.

However, he couldn’t make it. He designed the drawings and threw it to other stores. He was still busy building a ship for Tang Ling, and he always felt a little restless. He felt that the undercurrent of the World was getting more and more turbulent and major events were about to happen.

“The World before the emperor was always the most chaotic. But where was the emperor? Wasn’t it Tang Ling? But … there were signs of not at all on him.” Once you think about things in this era, Huang Boss, why not have some heart in chaos?

I just think of Tang Ling, Huang Boss will still feel the kid’s luck.

1 has long reminded Huang Boss that Tang Ling will lack vitality after the duel. But in this world, the most expensive resource is the resource that makes up for life.

The existence of top-level combat types makes this condition lower. After all, sharing vitality with combat types, then the requirements for vitality resources are not so harsh.

After all, the vitality resources that can be absorbed by warfare are more than the vitality resources that human beings can absorb, and the purity is not so high.

But even so, the accumulation of Huang Boss can’t find resources that can make up for more vitality.

However, the kid didn’t know where to get a tooth, it turned out to be a vital resource that his type of war could absorb.

Then, Xiao Pangzi from Ji Family came to the door, and he even had pills to make him feel better.

If this pill appears at the auction, don’t even think about taking it down without 200,000 Zhengjing.

Moreover, even if you have money, you may not be able to wait for this pill …

“It’s a bargain.” Huang Boss smiled slightly at the corner of his mouth, but he didn’t think there was anything wrong with grabbing the fatty.

Ji Family as a hidden Aristocratic Family has a special ability. Among them, the most famous ability is the ability of the medicinal herb. In this era, the resource advantage is so rich.

Moreover, Huang Boss also made a small fortune on this boy, and I don’t know how distressed this boy is! !!

This is fate. Without these various coincidences, Tang Ling will wake up for at least half a month. Moreover, even if he wakes up, the lack of vitality will definitely affect his strength, and even future cultivation …

Most importantly, for half a month, Tang Ling was destined to lose the chance to sail.

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