Dark Savages Come To the United States

Chapter 1049: Worry and doubt within trust

Anxiety and doubt within the trust of the dark barbarians coming to Meiman 1049

"A more specific plan?"

Wayne was hesitant, planning this kind of thing often requires the person who executes it to know every step of the way.

But Wayne's plan to encircle the Burning Hell is the type of execution that the less known the better.

"I can probably guess what you're really worried about, but there's one thing I have to tell you. If I don't know anything about your plan, I'll keep exploring to satisfy my own curiosity. I think this This result is more troublesome than if you tell me directly."

Tony's eyes are very firm, he is not joking!

"I may not be able to tell you the full picture of the plan, but what you are responsible for is only to provide a sufficient number of lines of defense."

Wayne tried to find a reason to push the matter off.

It's a really troublesome thing for a smart guy like Tony to try to find the whole picture of his plan.

It's just that Wayne has reasons why he can't say all of this, and Tony's statement is not enough to convince Wayne to back down!

"When you think about this issue, maybe you should first consider how I should face the demon Ultron next."

Cyborg interrupts the tension between Wayne and Tony.

In fact, the difficulties he needs to face are also at stake. After all, the steel frame itself is a device for transmitting and receiving signals.

It is of course an easy way to completely isolate him from the information field, but this is also giving up the ownership of the human side in the information field.

Ultron can severely damage the steel frame in this environment, so experts in other information fields have little chance of gaining any advantage in this confrontation.

"It is impossible for human beings to cut off everything in the information field. To achieve that level is undoubtedly returning to the primitive era for human beings."

Tony said to Cyborg.

It's a fact that the simplest solution comes at a very heavy price.

In this day and age, although not everyone has abandoned the most traditional method of production, that method of production is absolutely unable to meet the needs of today's human beings.

"First of all, we need to block Ultron within a certain range, and then isolate the contact information in this range?"

Wayne came up with an idea.

"But we don't seem to have enough bait to do this. Since that demon has the power of intelligent life, the speed of learning and growth may exceed our imagination."

Tony felt more and more troublesome.

"If my knowledge of those archangels is not wrong, there must be some of them willing to pay the price of Earth for a demon with terrible prospects."

Wayne added.

Although he has not had many contacts with the archangel, he has done this kind of psychological profile work more than once.

Even if they still can't guarantee that their inferences about them are correct, the approximate accuracy is still guaranteed.

"It is only natural that we are probably only part of the human race to the higher heavens.

It's just that we don't have the blood of demons naturally flowing in our bodies, so they are a little merciful to us. "

Tony said.

"Only Nephalem will stand on our side at this time, and they will never choose to back down until they reach an irreversible situation," Wayne said with certainty.

Nephalem rarely backs down when faced with demons.

In most cases, they will not choose to escape, and fighting to death is their most common destination.

Unless there are more important tasks that force them to make other choices.

"Ask for help? I think it must be in your plan, but doing so also means that humanity is completely with the Nephalem.


It's not that we become one in the eyes of the higher heavens and the burning hell, but that humanity really chose to admit the Nephalem. "

Tony was still hesitant.

Relying on others was not the way Tony wanted to solve the problem.

Reliance can easily turn into reliance, as Tony knew very well.

After humans regard themselves and Nephalem as one existence, more troubles will inevitably arise.

"Those troubles are very small compared to the one we need to face now, and there is no one who is interested in power and power among the Nephalems for the time being."

Wayne persuaded.

"So even if there is anyone in the Nephalem who wants to dominate the human race, you have a corresponding plan?"

Tony's expression was a little puzzled.

Or it is more appropriate to be on guard!

When he asked this question, he had already determined in his heart that Wayne must have a plan for him.

As long as there is a suspicion of this kind of thing, then the problem has reached an unsolvable level.

Tony will be wary of Wayne, which was foreordained when he created the "Anti-Batman Armor".

There are too many similarities between these two guys, and perhaps the most striking difference between the two is that Wayne prefers to think from the bottom of the eye.

"This kind of question is actually not suitable for you to say, because no matter what answer I give, you will doubt it. It is better to keep this doubt in your heart."

Wayne smiled, a relieved smile.

They know what each other is likely to do, and they know how to do it by putting themselves in each other's shoes.

The tacit understanding of natural silence is the best choice.

"Is it the best choice to put me in a room where information is isolated? Or do we need an existence that can compete with the demon Ultron in the information field?"

Steel Bone asked seriously.

Abandoning the human information domain entirely is definitely not the most suitable solution.

After all, machinery and information together constitute the power of human beings at this time. If part of it is missing, then the combat effectiveness of human beings will soon be weakened.

Not to mention, the consumables such as bullets have become huge during the period of fighting against demons.

Even the military factories in this country have begun to increase production continuously, and abandoning the informationized battlefield means that the human army will lose the weapons they are best at!

At that point, human armies will also lose most of their ability to fight back against demons.

"I need a few assistants."

"We need to find enough helpers."

Tony and Wayne spoke one after another.

Although the strength of many people is not applicable in some cases, the principle of brainstorming is useful at any time.

"There aren't really many experts in the field of information, and the best ones are working on how to free humanity from the effects of corruption."

Tony said.

The person he was talking about was, of course, Dr. Reed.

Dr. Reed is probably the smartest person on the human side, not even one of the suffixes.

But his energy is not unlimited!

"If my information is correct, the Buster Building has gathered a large number of cutting-edge scientists?"

Wayne said.

"Yes, but that's still not enough."

Tony nodded, and he and Wayne agreed again.

Let more great scientists join in, like Dr. Victor von Doom!

"We can't make all contradictions disappear, but at least we can pass information and scientific research results in a way that does not meet."

Wayne nodded as he spoke.

Computers that are disconnected from the network can still be used for work, but most of those computers that can do a lot of data computing work are not only responsible for computing.

The computing power of those behemoth-like existences is itself responsible for many aspects of work.

Disconnecting the network will also have an impact on the existing order of human society.

But there doesn't seem to be a more convenient way to do it at this time.

"The mainframe computers of the Stark Group will be reserved to take over other work, whether it is Osborn or Hammer, those computers are all disconnected from the network!

A large number of scientists are then separated into different locations to collaborate on the research work. "

Tony gave his plan.

"In terms of information transmission, let the mages help. They can also open the portal, as long as the location of the portal is specified, and then enough defensive forces are arranged."

Wayne said.

"I can also be used as a mainframe computer, what should I do at a time like this?"

Steel asked.

"I originally intended to use you as a bait to attract Ultron, but now I have a better idea."

Tony looked at the steel bones carefully, and said in a strange tone.

"I need to be involved in your research, don't I?"

Steel asked.

"Of course, you can't go on without our research."

Tony nodded.

"It's just that you may exist more as the main individual being studied."

Wayne couldn't bear to get steel bones on the side.

Although when necessary, Wayne will not show any sympathy when calculating his teammates.

But this time the situation was not "necessary".

Cyborg didn't appear surprised, and didn't make any noise.

He just nodded silently.

"Our father was a top expert in multiple fields including the information and energy fields."

Steel said.

Cyborg wants his father to be there if he needs to be studied as a sample.

Dr. Silas Stone.

Generally, it's enough to call him Dr. Stone, since he doesn't care much about it anyway.

This is not only an expert on extraterrestrial civilizations, but because of his son, he has also become a top expert in many fields including information and biology.

"We will inform Dr. Stone, but this plan needs more people to cooperate."

Wayne said.

"I have the contact information of the director of S.H.I.E.L.D., of course, only the director in name, but I think she still has the ability to make decisions about this kind of thing."

Tony pouted.

At this time, the nominal director of S.H.I.E.L.D. was still Agent Hill, but even Tony, who didn't have much affection for Nick Fury, knew that only Nick Fury was qualified to be the director.

Agent Hill is indeed an excellent talent, but he is still a lot worse than Nick Fury.

Although S.H.I.E.L.D. is an agency with most of its personnel being secret agents, the work they are responsible for is not only the espionage part.

It's just that Nick Fury, as the king of agents, prefers the efficient and secretive way of working as agents.

"The scientists in the Buster Building may also need to be dispersed, and the mages need to be contacted."

Wayne reminded.

"In the case of the mage, I have the phone number of the mage named Wang."

Tony said.

"Don't look at me like that, mages are not primitive people, of course they use phones. They even have a foundation."

Tony said to Cyborg.

"Well, this somewhat changed my imagination of mage."

Steel bones spread out their hands.

"The mages even have internet cables in the Himalayas, and they have Wi-Fi to use."

Wayne added on the side, this topic is very interesting for people like Cyborg who didn't know much about it before.

"In other words, as long as I concentrate on the Internet and look at it, I will be able to discover the existence of the mage?"

The half human face of the steel bone twitched a little.

"Well, the mage can even shoot your soul out of your body."

Tony thought about it.

"So, it seems that as long as you extract your body tissue, clone a body, and let the mages help you, you can get a completely human body?"

Tony said in surprise.

He just thought of this layer.

"I don't know, but the Nephalems believe that the body and the soul are relative, and after Victor became what he is now, his soul may have adapted to his body at this time.

Whether the human body can still adapt to his soul has become unknown. "

Wayne couldn't bear to deny it sharply, but he reminded him nonetheless.

In fact, Viktor's soul underwent that kind of transformation with his body, and he couldn't go back.

If he wants to return to the original human, it probably needs to transform his soul again.

But it is not an easy thing to change a person's soul, although the strength of the human soul can only be said to be average.

But the essence of the soul itself is as unbreakable as any other authority!

"I remember there seems to be a soul master in the Nephalem?"

Steel asked.

He deserves to be Nazpo.

The ancestral spirits on the holy mountain of Harrogath can't avoid the legend of heroes when they gossip, and Nazbo himself is the most outstanding kind of legend.

"In fact, there are not a lot of Nephalem who are good at the soul domain."

Wayne reminded.

"He's talking about those savages. Did you ignore the fact that they were long dead when you saw that the ancestors' spirits were not much different from the living people?"

Tony and Cyborg are not familiar with each other, so naturally they will not take care of his emotions so gently.

Tony has a childish temper himself, and adults of this nature don't like having another childish guy beside him.

Because it is enough for a sloppy person to have oneself.

"But barbarians never try to change the form of their souls, do they? Those ancestral spirits should be the same as when they were alive."

Steel said.

"It's up to you to find the truth by yourself. Although we all hope this is true, questioning is still necessary."

Tony shook his head.

Tony and Wayne actually had doubts about the ancestral spirit of the barbarians, and there were even many doubts about him.

Although they are also willing to believe that every barbarian ancestor is a noble being, the barbarians just haven't awakened those who are not noble enough.

But this belief needs to be accompanied by some doubts.

Neither angels nor demons would trust Nephalem, which is pretty telling.

Doubt and trust, although they may seem like opposites, exist in most cases.

It's as if your best friend borrowed money, and he did lend the money to him out of trust.

But when it comes to borrowing money, it is inevitable that there will be a little worry in the heart.

The authority of life or selfless imparting of itself to all beings.

But most individuals who get life are selfish.

Neither Tony nor Wayne would deny it.

It is precisely because most life is self-interested that sacrifice is considered noble under the influence of morality.

If everyone regards sacrifice as a common thing, then naturally they will not praise the sublime of the victim.

Only when difficult things are done, will they be praised!

Sacrifice is what it is!

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