Dark Savages Come To the United States

Chapter 1055: Destined Vision

Dark savages come to Mei Man 1055 Destined Vision

"The storm is the key to Burkeseau's power of nature? Who told you that?"

Rasma said with some humor.

"It wasn't someone who told me, but the conclusion I got from my shallow cognition compared to yours. Am I wrong?"

Johanna asked curiously.

"Actually it can't be said to be wrong. I admit that Bourkesso is powerful, but it would be absurd to say that the storm can open the door to the authority of nature."

Rasma smiled.

"Even at this time, Bulkasso, who is so powerful that both the High Heavens and the Burning Hell have to be treated with caution, I don't believe that he has completely mastered nature."

Rasma said.

"What is nature? For us, wind, rain, thunder and lightning are all natural, as are ground, water, fire, and wood. Isn't birth, old age, sickness and death not natural?"

Rasma didn't go too deep, but that didn't prevent Ulena and Johanna from understanding what he meant.

"In fact, everything that existed before the birth of the original consciousness was a part of nature, whether it was the sky or something else. I think you may not have thought about why the first authority born in the higher heaven was not created by the strongest The justice that Tyrael chose."

Rasma said in a didactic tone.

"Because justice has to be something that comes from thinking?"

Ulena was thoughtful.

"In fact, if we want to find a real existence that can defeat Bulkeshor at this time, I think Tyrael is the most likely one."

Rasma nodded.

Although the righteous authority is not the only authority that emerges after the birth of the mind, other beings with such authority are unlikely to be strong enough to face Bourkesso.

Hate, fear, sin, torment, etc., indeed, at the height of authority, there is a reason to compete with natural authority.

But there is an insurmountable gulf between beings in authority!

"Isn't fear most likely to defeat Bourkessel?"

Johanna asked curiously.

"How does fear act on a soul that does not have fear? Although this makes Bulkesso incomplete, it can be regarded as cutting off Bourkessel's path from man to god.

But I think this is the most praiseworthy thing about Bourkesso, is it really a good thing to be a god? "

Rasma asked rhetorically.

Johanna turned her eyes for help to Ulena beside her.

"All gods are just called gods, and no one has ever seen the real god."

Uliana smiled helplessly.

"God is unknown, it's not that Bourkesso doesn't have the courage to explore the unknown, but that he already understands what he will face after taking this step.

Even he was ready to face all this, but unfortunately this step was killed because of some accidents. "

Rasma smiled gently.

"You know what Bourkessel has been up to lately?"

Johanna asked excitedly.

She had guessed that Burkeseau had interrupted her becoming whole, and hearing something similar from Rasma again, it was hard not to make Johanna think.

"I just guessed something, but it has nothing to do with what we are going to discuss, so I will tell you about it later when I have time."

Rasma politely declined.

Johanna couldn't find a reason to press Rasma, so she could only nod her head in agreement.

"Then what does it look like when Bourkessel goes all out?"

Ulena asked.

That's what she cares about!

Ulena is very aware of the gap between herself and Rasma, even though Rasma is much weaker than when she released Lilith before.

It paid for the essence of two sets of legendary suits.

But the gap between the two is still huge!

"It's a difficult question for me, as if I don't think Bourkesso still has the full grasp of nature, but I can't give an answer to how far he has grasped it.

But just the power of thunder and storm combined with his own strength has made him no weaker than the existence of the archangel.

So do you think he is able to destroy the Burning Hell or High-Order Heaven by himself? "

Rasma's expression was extraordinarily weird.

"Everything in the world may be some kind of authority, so there are definitely not only a few kinds of authority in the higher heaven and the burning hell."

Ulena said with her eyes closed slightly.

"In our day, this kind of cognition can be said to be common sense, but there are not many nephalems who can touch this level of existence now."

Rasma nodded.

During the years he and his brothers and sisters grew up with, they had seen countless beings who were powerful enough to hold some kind of authority.

Those angels and demons who, like his parents, escaped from the higher heavens and the burning hell, are mostly of this kind.

Although those guys were slaughtered in the hands of the first-generation Nephalems and Lilith, it doesn't mean that they are so weak!

In fact, quite the opposite!

Those guys are far more powerful than the current Nephalem can understand.

It's a pity that there are too few people who know the things about the angels and demons. Among the Nephalems, only the first-generation Bulkesso and Rasma know the things.

And Rasma knew less information, and he was not qualified to intervene in that kind of battle back then.

"That is to say, the original sin battle is very important to the Nephalem, but is only a little change in the long life for the high heaven and the burning hell?"

Johanna asked.

She was trying her best to keep her calm.

She is already strong enough, even in the face of Archangel or Baal, she is not the kind of existence that is powerless to fight back.

But it is precisely because she is strong enough that she feels unacceptable to this kind of thing.

"In fact, you have always underestimated my brother, and of course you have underestimated me."

Rasma smiled again.

"Those angels and demons who left the original world with my father and mother are our family's occupants.

If they are weak, how could they have any connection with our family? "

Rasma said of course.

"There may be no change in attitude between angels because of the difference in power, but for demons, the two sides that are not at the same level will only be the relationship between the prey and the hunter."


Ulena shook her head.

"That's it. Although they have already felt the war, no one can guarantee that that kind of thinking is a temporary change."

Rasma nodded.

Rasma, who nodded, and Ulena, who shook her head, made the scene look a little weird.

"So you wiped out all the angels and demons except your family?"

Johanna asked.

"The battle in the years is not as difficult as you think, although it is definitely not easy."

Rasma said.

"After being abandoned by knowledge and fate, even if they are still considered strong, they are no longer at their peak."

Rasma gave a simple answer.

The information behind this answer is what Johanna and Ulena pay more attention to!

After being betrayed by the authority of fate and knowledge, even the existence of top angels and demons will be severely affected.

So what if this scene happened to Nephalem?

Will the strength accumulated by Nephalem over the years using various means will lose its effect at a critical time?

When courage, balance, hope and wisdom stand on the opposite side of Nephalem at the same time, how much power can Nephalem have at this time?

"I know what you're worrying about, but that worry doesn't really work at all."

Rasma couldn't help but say something.

"What's going to happen will happen eventually, you don't really think that we are willing to let the World Stone block Nephalem's talent? It's not me that I stood in front of Uldyssian to prevent him from unlocking the talent block. Willing to do so.

But there was no better way to do it at the time. "

Rasma's tone of reminiscence successfully made Johanna and Ulena think of continuing to ask questions.

"Uldyssian was so strong at the time, so strong that he wasn't too far behind my brothers and sisters.

But he still can't take the kind of betrayal hurt. I want to tell him the truth. My eldest brother just told him what to do, although he gave his swords to Uldyssian as a weakling. time to protect his weapons. "

Rasma explained a little bit.

"So Bourkesso got the dual knives earlier than we know?"

Johanna asked in a tone of astonishment.

"Of course, why did Uldyssian become a barbarian? Why didn't he choose to be a Crusader? Not a monk or a witch doctor and a wizard?"

Rasma frowned.

"Because only the blood of the barbarians can pick up the pair of knives."

Ulena said a little heavy.

"But as far as I know, Bourkesso's attitude towards the first ancestor is definitely not good."

Johanna was in a hurry to argue.

"So did Burkesso get all of himself? Apparently not, and did my eldest brother show outright hostility or help in dealing with the barbarians and Burkeseau? Apparently neither."

Rasma said.

"The original Bulkessel may be waiting, waiting for the day when Bulkessel finds everything he has."

Ulena said.

"I don't know what my eldest brother thinks, but I think it's very likely."

Rasma expressed her approval.

"So what kind of agreement did the original barbarian have with Bulkeshor, who is Uldyssian, and now he has to wait for Bulkeshor to find everything about himself before this agreement can take effect?"

Johanna said.

"But something interrupted Bourcaiso's process of retrieving everything. I think my eldest brother should be furiously pulling his hair at this time."

Rasma said with a bit of schadenfreude.

The picture described by Rasma flashed in Johanna's mind, and she couldn't help but smile a little.

Ulena on the side had a heavy expression.

"So, the existence that interrupted Bulkesuo to retrieve everything should also be an insider similar to you?"

Ulena thought of the point.

"So I am a little worried. I have cut off my father's head with my own hands. I don't want to face my mother on the battlefield at all."

Rasma smiled wryly.

"Lilith's love for her child is real, but love doesn't seem to be enough to make her change her mind, the devil who has all the knowledge in the world."

Ulena said a little heavy.

"Oh, do you just know this level..."

Rasma sighed softly.

He understands, he knows very well how much power his mother has!

As Lilith's favorite child, as well as the first-generation Nephalem who loves her mother the most!

Rasma couldn't have been unaware of Lilith's power!

The kind of power that makes any existence tremble for the first time, no matter how you think about it, it can only point to one existence!

If there was not a Diablo operating in the world back then, Rasma and the others would not have thought of this for so long.

As for the fact that both Mephisto and Diablo were active, Rasma quickly found a suitable reason.

The three demon gods haven't appeared together for a long time!

Most of the time, it was only Baal and Mephisto who appeared on the holy mountain of Arreat together, and that time their opponent was Tyrael!

It's just that Rasma's conversation has gradually died out, and he has said too many things this time.

He also had the heart to use Johanna and Ulena to tell all the other Nephalem about these things, and Rasma was on the side of Nephalem after all.

Even though he still loves his father and mother, he is still the original Nephalem Rasma!

In Latovilia, Dr. Doom received an invitation from Tony and Wayne.

He already knew about the threat of Ultron, the demon, and even before he got the intelligence from Tony and Wayne, he already knew about Ultron's existence.

But after knowing that Ultron was likely to become a **** demon, he was still surprised!

Although Dr. Doom has always been confident, even to the point of arrogance.

But he's definitely not an existence who doesn't care about persuasion!

He wanted to test the power of Ultron in the field of information, but that would be after Dr. Doom had made all preparations.

Before facing the Alanya Spider Queen, he had already felt the power of the legendary demon.

As a **** demon more powerful than the legendary demon, Dr. Doom will never go to temptation without any preparation.

Not to mention that he is busy creating an important existence at this time, but now he has to consider whether to let Tony and Wayne join this research together.

Bizarro, who had helped Lexluthor fight on Canduras before, has been captured by him, and Dr. Zola has also helped him deliver the body of Jim Hammond, the original Human Torch!

"Hey, Dr. Doom, although I was saved by you, that doesn't mean you can ignore my existence!"

A somewhat dissatisfied voice sounded.

"Simon Williams, you'd better not open your mouth while I'm thinking!"

Dr. Doom glanced coldly at the guy beside him.

There's nothing wrong with Simon Williams, Wonder Man, or Wonder Man.

He was originally a relatively successful entrepreneur, but when the demon caused a riot, he had to lock himself in a particle ray laboratory to avoid the demon's pursuit.

good news! He has bought enough time here!

bad news! The instruments in the particle ray laboratory are turned on!

good news! The particle ray experiment didn't kill him and gave him super powers!

bad news! The demon blocking his door was an elite demon, and the superhuman who had just obtained superpowers couldn't use his power well in battle, so he was killed!

Good news, Dr. Doom just happened to pass by. In order to study the demon, Dr. Doom spent a lot of time to solve this elite demon.

And Dr. Doom used some magical means to piece together the broken body of Divine Power and endow it with activity.

Some resemble the image of a voodoo voodoo zombie, but it didn't take long for Simon Williams to wake up again.

Then, after understanding everything, he chose to temporarily stay in Latovilla to help Dr. Doom. After all, Dr. Doom was also his savior.

"I see, everything you say is right."

Simon spread his hands aside, and then made a zipper action for his mouth.

Dr. Doom continued to think about how to solve the problem of Ultron, the demon.

"By the way, Simon, can your ability activate other body instincts?"

Dr. Doom suddenly thought of something and turned around and asked.

But Wonder Man just looked at him and didn't speak.

Dr. Doom felt his blood pressure rise a little.

"When I ask you a question, remember to answer me! This one takes precedence over the previous one!"

Dr. Doom said helplessly.

He knew that Simon was a smart man, at least a little smarter than average.

Simon's performance at this time is not to make him angry, but simply to use this stupid way to relax him.

Dr. Doom has been under a lot of pressure lately.

"Of course, although I don't know if this is the ability that I got after I was resurrected from the dead, or it is something that I already have in my super ability."

Simon nodded.

"Then I have a plan that seems like a good idea, only this time I might need some help from the nasty guys."

Dr. Doom sighed.

He has completed the biochemical transformation of Jim Hammond's body. At this time, with the help of Simon's power, he may be able to activate this body that already has enough potential.

But to face the existence of Ultron, who may become the Demon King of Hell at any time, the power in the original plan is somewhat insufficient.

"But the naming rights for this guy must be mine, and I gave him the possibility of being born.

Even if that nasty guy from Stark is going to join in, I won't give up that power. "

Dr. Doom said in broken thoughts.

He and Dr. Reed are good friends, although they have become enemies over Susan.

He and Tony were college classmates and roommates, although he was picked up by the Stark's bodyguards because he tried to take Tony's body.

Tony didn't even care about it himself.

But Dr. Doom was never such a generous fellow.

"So, Doctor Doom, what are you going to name this guy?"

Simon asked curiously.

"It's called Vision."

Dr. Doom blurted out the name as if it belonged to the body! one

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