Dark Savages Come To the United States

Chapter 1376: Speculations caused by inexplicable peeping

Wayne had also begun his own actions at this time.

After all, there is still some connection between Dr. Fate and him, but this connection is not as close as the connection between him and Constantine.

Wayne is now observing Tony, who has just started to resume work, because Tony had been in contact with a demon king for a long time.

So Wayne was somewhat worried that Tony would undergo some changes that no one wanted to see during that period.

This kind of caution is appropriate, after all, the Nephalem are also paying attention to Tony's situation.

Although not everyone who comes into contact with demons will become corrupted, the threat posed by corruption is not something that can be ignored!

Wonder Woman is paying attention to Tony's situation now, although it's just because she has more free time now.

Wayne can detect the existence of Wonder Woman in his perception. After all, Wonder Woman has no intention of hiding her existence.

The powerful nephalem manifest their presence as a deterrent to demons, a choice that is common even in Sanctuary.

In a gathering of humans, the most powerful Nephalem will definitely choose to release his own aura to show his existence.

Although doing this will make the demons realize the level of opponents they are facing, it can also make those demons with average strength have some scruples before taking action.

Moreover, there is not only one powerful Nephalem in a human gathering place. Using this method is also a game with the devil.

The devil will not rashly launch a full-scale attack until he knows how many trump cards the human side has. It has to be said that sometimes bluffing can win a better situation for the human living environment.

"Shazam, do you feel the devil's aura from Tony?"

Wayne asked Shazam beside him.

This was just to make sure, Wayne himself didn't notice anything wrong with Tony.

But he was also worried that he was using the Nephalem's perception method, and that the Nephalem's perception method might have been found by the devil to cover it up.

Asking Shazam to use another way to determine Tony's situation is not a sign of distrust, but a sign of responsibility!

"I didn't feel the aura of the demon from Burning Hell, but Tony's condition didn't seem to be very good."

Shazam felt it carefully before giving the answer.

Tony's condition is indeed a bit bad. Anyone who has experienced what Tony has experienced before will not be without any impact.

Under the scrutiny of Ultron, it is a rare situation that the soul is not on the verge of collapse.

Although Ultron did not use cruel punishments to torture Tony like Duriel, the mental impact of that kind of interaction should not be underestimated.

"I understand, maybe Tony needs more time to rest now, but we really don't have much time."

Wayne said helplessly.

He is not the kind of guy who likes to complain. He can say these things to Shazam because he already trusts Shazam as a partner.

"Are we going to see him now? Human weapons have been upgraded recently, and cities that were once helpless against demons are now qualified to fight.

Most of these are due to Tony. "

Shazam said.

He was not idle during this period. After the Ultron matter was resolved, Shazam continued to be active in various cities.

He is now a mature and trustworthy hero.

"You should knock on the door before visiting, but I think I might need to contact Nick Fury first.

After all, archangels used them to try to cooperate with humans before.

Maybe he has some new gains now. "

Wayne said.

He wanted to see Nick Fury, and besides the reason he mentioned, he also wanted to hear about SHIELD's recent gains.

Tony was also paid attention to by SHIELD during this period.

SHIELD has been paying attention to the combat effectiveness of the human side from the beginning, and Tony's situation is also the center of attention.

"Then let Cyborg contact him? I haven't communicated with him for a while."

Shazam said.

Even though Shazam has become a trustworthy hero, he is still a young man beneath the hero's shell.

It's just that this young man has lost his immaturity.

"Then let Cyborg contact Arthur by the way, and we'll get together then.

It just so happens that this event is the official meeting between our Justice League and S.H.I.E.L.D. "

Wayne nodded.

In his dealings with young people, Wayne was gentler than at other times.

Even he is willing to make concessions to young people on less important things. Training young people is something Wayne is happy to do.

Although there are many problems with his education methods, at least he taught young people how to protect themselves when practicing their beliefs.

Shazam's mature face has finally completely lost its childishness, but it still has the positivity of a young man.

Shazam touched his pocket and took out his cell phone, then dialed a non-existent phone number and started talking about the arrangements here.

This is the Justice League's way of talking about something less important.

After calling this phone number, start telling the specific situation directly, and Cyborg will receive the message.

Although the effect of calling directly is the same, this at least avoids the possibility of Cyborg's contact information being leaked.

Although Cyborg is almost a **** in the information field without the influence of Ultron, his energy is not unlimited.

Cyborg's most important job now is to detect signals on the Internet that may be demonic.

With the emergence of Ultron, they also realized that the speed of demons adapting to this world may be beyond imagination!

Ultron's death may not be the end of this fight, and they're prepared for that!

They all knew that Steve had encountered a legendary metal demon before, although the legendary metal demon might just be an existence spawned by Ultron.

But the birth of such a demon is no longer impossible.

Cyborg and Vision are both doing this now, and the two of them have divided their working time.

"Okay, Cyborg said there is no problem and he will arrange the time.

He just said that we would tell him after we confirmed the time of the party. "

Shazam said.

He didn't realize that he was immature in what he did, but the others didn't mean to be angry about it.

It's not a big deal for young people to do things poorly.

It's just that Wayne is a little concerned about this. After all, according to what he knows, Shazam's power should have the wisdom of Solomon.

He doesn't think there's anything wrong with Shazam's youthful temperament, but he does think it's strange that Shazam doesn't do things well enough.

Wayne couldn't help but start to think about whether there was anything hidden about Shazam's power from Billy, a young man.

The partner he recognizes is Billy who has gained the power of Shazam, not Shazam himself.

To be honest, Wayne is more wary of beings like Shazam and Doctor Destiny than the Nephalem.

At least he understands the nephalem far more than these magical things.

"Let's go meet Nick Fury first, and I'll send Tony a message to make an appointment.

Shazam, do you think you are any different after becoming Shazam? "

Wayne asked calmly.

Wayne's question stunned Shazam for a moment. He first thought about it along with Wayne's question, but he didn't get any answer.

He shook his head, looking a little dazed as he shook his head.

"ok, I get it.

Generally speaking, when using a certain power, you must trace the essence of the power so that you can exert a more powerful effect.

Billy, it's time for you to try to discover the nature of your own power. "

Wayne called Billy's name instead of calling him Shazam like before.

Wayne is a little worried that Shazam's power will take over Billy's personality.

After all, this is a power that has been passed down for a long time, and it can be obtained without any training.

Wayne had doubts for a while after he obtained the power of the nephalem, and the power of the nephalem was not something that could be achieved overnight.

Shazam's power only needs to be shouted out this spell to get the corresponding power. This kind of power comes too easily!

Even if it's just out of concern for a young man, it's impossible for Wayne not to have any doubts about Shazam's power!

"I'll try."

Shazam nodded seriously. He believed in Wayne much more than Wayne believed in him.

Maybe this is young people?

Wayne did not continue on this topic, but directly took out his mobile phone and dialed Nick Fury's contact information.

Nick Fury keeps the contact information of all powerful beings separately, just to make it easier to contact them when necessary.

On Nick Fury's phone, contacts are arranged in order of importance.

After excluding those who might not contact him at all, Wayne's name is at the top!

Even higher than Tony’s name!

When Wayne was contacting Nick Fury, Shazam suddenly felt a sense of being spied on.

He was very vigilant and unfolded his perception in the opposite direction, but he did not find the target.

This is not the first time Shazam has set foot on the battlefield. Now he can complete his job very well in the battle.

He can also handle this situation of being spied on very well.

After he found that he could not find the source of the peeping in reverse, he immediately counterattacked!

Then he immediately looked at Wayne, and found that Wayne seemed unaware of the previous prying eyes, and his expression immediately became serious!

He understands that Wayne is more powerful than him at this time, but such Wayne knows nothing about snooping, which only means that this kind of snooping is aimed at Wayne!

In other words, it was aimed at the Nephalem!

After thinking of this step, the identity of the other party is almost ready to be revealed!

Only the demons of the Burning Hell or the angels of the high-level heaven will target the Nephalem, and only they can peek into a legendary Nephalem without being discovered!

Shazam did not underestimate the powerful people in this world, but Nephalem had not been in this world for long after all.

To say that it is normal for Shazam to hide his peek at the weak Nephalem!

But a person who can hide from the prying eyes of Wayne, a legendary barbarian, will be noticed by him. This cannot be done by a strong man in this world!

Wayne had already made an appointment with Nick Fury, and he just hung up the phone and saw Shazam's overly serious face.

"what happened?"

Wayne asked.

"I feel like I'm being watched, but you don't seem to notice it?"

Shazam said.

He wasn't sure Wayne really didn't feel anything.

Wayne also frowned after hearing this. This is not good news!

Shazam didn't need to tell him who the guy Peeping was that he didn't find was for Wayne to figure it out.

"Leave here first, maybe we need to upgrade our methods."

Wayne said.

It is true that he didn't notice it, but since the other party's prying eyes could not hide Shazam's perception, then other ways of perception might not be able to discover something.

It's just that staying here right now is not suitable for solving this problem.

Shazam nodded.

Wayne opens a portal and goes through it with Shazam.

They first returned to the Holy Mountain of Halogas. If the guy who was spying on them was deliberately following them, then the Holy Mountain of Halogas should be a place that the other party would not easily set foot in!

It is not a difficult thing to hide from the Holy Mountain of Harrogas and Wayne!

Although Bulcaisuo is not on the Holy Mountain of Harrogas now, Yina and Gruchak are!

Even if the Archangel wanted to hide it from them, it would not be an easy task!

After the portal was closed, Wayne relaxed his brows slightly.

"The person that guy was peeping at may not be us, but we happened to be within the scope of his peeping."

Wayne said.

Shazam is not very understanding, but he knows that his best choice at this time is not to say stupid things.

"We are not the only ones who know what Tony has been through.

Now that those demons have begun to master human technology, angels are also capable of doing this!

Although I am just guessing, maybe we will be able to verify this guess soon. "

Wayne continued.

Human scientists should be equally important to demons and angels!

The speed at which demons kill humans is already fast enough. If they master the power of technology, the process will only be faster!

And humans have already demonstrated weapons and equipment that can deal with demons, which means that these equipment have the same effect in the hands of angels!

It's just that Wayne doesn't quite understand why Angel would choose to peep to try to solve this problem.

If they just want to obtain the human weapons production line, then they can pay some price in exchange for it from Nick Fury.

Wayne doesn’t think High Heaven can’t come up with an offer that Nick Fury can’t refuse!

Even if you can't threaten with force, you only need to open up some knowledge to achieve the corresponding effect!

Wayne knows that Doctor Destiny Kent is currently studying in the Destiny Library in High Heaven.

Since they can open up knowledge to Dr. Destiny, there is no need to plan to use nothing!

This is also the reason why Wayne is still not completely sure of the other party's identity!

As for whether the guy who was spying on all of this was just acting out of his own personal thoughts, Wayne couldn't rule out this possibility.

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