Dark Savages Come To the United States

Chapter 1391: pain is happening

Nick Fury has a lot of things on his mind, and these things continue to bother him no matter what time he puts them.

But at the moment when he doesn't have much power, he can't even think of many ways to deal with it.

It's not like Nick Fury has never thought about turning himself into a strong man who can suppress all this with force.

It's just that he hasn't found a practical solution.

Although many people have obtained the power of Nephalem, Nick Fury does not think that he can easily become a Nephalem.

What's more important is that Nick Fury is still uneasy and suspicious of the existence of the Nephalem to this day.

He had seen aliens, but the Nephalem were completely different from the aliens he knew.

Even though Bulkesso and the others had never concealed their origins, Nick Fury really couldn't unconditionally believe this statement.

So Nick Fury simply gave up on the possibility of becoming a Nephalem, and didn't even show any interest in the power of the Nephalem.

However, if the Supreme Mage's series of spells were placed in front of him, he would still be willing to learn and use them.

Nick Fury met Black Bolt with a lot of worries.

"The situation of mankind recently can be said to be terrible. There are very important things that need your strength next."

Nick Fury said.

It was a little troublesome to communicate with Black Bolt, and the situation was urgent now, so Nick Fury didn't bother to talk to him about ordinary things.

“Constantine has spun a big web that involves everyone, but humans today cannot participate in it.

Maybe those powerful mages will get involved at the right time, but I still hope to get first-hand information.

I can only ask you for this. "

Nick Fury said.

Although Black Bolt is not the only strong person he can come into contact with, in terms of trust, only Black Bolt can be trusted.

Nick Fury hesitated for a moment and then continued: "If nothing can be done, just protect yourself."

After all, he still couldn't bear to let Black Bolt take his life as a condition.

All the partners he can trust are dead in this world.

Black Bolt did not refuse, but nodded heavily.

If it wasn't a very difficult task, Nick Fury wouldn't need to tell him personally.

Although it was only a few words, it was enough for Black Bolt to understand all this.

He will not refuse Nick Fury's mission, after all, this matter is also very meaningful to him.

Although the chance of recreating the Inhumans is still slim, it is still somewhat possible.

He is in a similar situation to Nick Fury, who is one of the few partners who can be completely trusted.

And he is the only partner who can be completely trusted, Nick Fury.

After Black Bolt determined what he wanted to do, he took action directly, and Nick Fury just watched it all happen.

"There are still too few forces that humans can rely on."

Nick Fury shook his head very hard.

Next, he wants to meet Danny Rand, the Iron Fist.

Although Nick Fury does not think that Danny Rand, who is not a powerful iron fist at all, can have any direct connection with Wu Fengji.

But even just being able to understand a little more about the power of Iron Fist would be a good thing.

There are not many days left before the meeting time agreed between Captain Marvel and him, and Wu Fengji is the most powerful among the few strong human beings known to Nick Fury.

If he can get help from Wu Fengji, then his pressure will be reduced a lot.

It was his habit to try to make all preparations when doing things, although in the past things always happened that were beyond his capabilities.

But when everything humanity faced began to come to a terrible end, he changed his usual behavior.

Although the matter of protecting human beings is somewhat of a slogan among SHIELD, it is the true thoughts of SHIELD and him!

Even if it is just to avoid putting pressure on the already riddled human order, he will change himself.

The emergence of Wu Fengji is a huge pressure, but it is also a huge opportunity!

Now he finally has some direction.

If he was wary of the power of the Nephalem, then he had more trust in the power of the Iron Fist.

After all, comparing Danny Rand, the "weak" Iron Fist, with Wu Fengji, at least shows that the power of Iron Fist is not a force that can easily get out of control!

Even if there are not a lot of iron fists, the iron fist training method can still be effective after all.

Although the power of the Lantern Ring has a good combat effectiveness in the hands of SHIELD, it is still insufficient for the entire human group!

Even though SHIELD has not yet reached the upper limit of the power of the Lantern Ring, this does not prevent humans from starting to make more preparations.

For the future of mankind, Nick Fury will do whatever it takes!

The power of Iron Fist is only part of achieving this goal.

Nick Fury called Hill.

"Is Danny Rand ready?"

Nick Fury said.

"The time has been agreed upon. If there are no accidents on your side, there will be no problem."

Agent Hill's answer was not polite.

But Nick Fury has nothing to say about this, after all, the manpower in SHIELD is already spinning.

At this time, just being a little grumpy is already a very good sign.

"I will arrive at the appointed time."

Nick Fury said.

The phone was hung up when he finished speaking.

The human condition is moving towards a more dangerous edge as these current disasters continue.

Due to the huge external pressure, human beings have completed the integration of power in a short period of time.

There's even credit for Nick Fury clearing out a lot of the top brass.

But as time goes by, human beings will adapt to the current environment little by little, and the cohesion generated by sudden disasters will also be defeated little by little.

People are fickle, Nick Fury knows this better than anyone else!

His will can be so strong that he can remain alone for hundreds of years, but he cannot guarantee that his beliefs will never change.

The time left for mankind is actually far less than imagined, Nick Fury firmly believes this!

Nick Fury glanced at the sky with his one eye, his eyes a little lonely.

"So the Nephalem are now in a state of preparation for war?"

Rumlow asked in disbelief as he looked at Steve in front of him.

He had no idea that he would be the last person to know the news.

Even if Steve hadn't come to him, he wouldn't know anything yet.

“Although not everyone is preparing for the war, it’s almost the same.

But isn’t the life of the Nephalem all about preparing for battle every moment? "

Steve behaved quite freely.

Perhaps after gaining the power of the Crusaders, Steve's beliefs became part of his strength.

This changed the way Steve looked at the world.

"While encounters are indeed part of daily life for the Nephalem, this is a big deal.

Although it's not as good as counterattacking the Burning Hell, I shouldn't be the last person to know. "

Rumlow said.

What he cared about was not that he faced danger, but that he knew the news very late.

Although Rumlow is not arrogant enough to think that his strength is one of the best, he is indeed among the best among the new Nephalem.

Now he has almost crossed the threshold of legend. Such combat power should not be left to the last notice.

"This is not an important thing. Perhaps the most important thing now is how to ensure the future of mankind?"

Steve said in a joking tone.

He really didn't know how to prepare for this matter.

I don’t know what I can do in a possible storm.

After all, he is not good at mastering macroscopic things. If he only needs to be responsible for a part of the battlefield, he can confidently say that he can do it.

If you want to analyze some major events that may affect the whole world, you must at least obtain a considerable amount of information to complete it.

The terrible thing is that even within the Nephalem, every strong person has different ideas.

Steve even began to pity Nick Fury. Nick Fury, who had avoided communicating with the Nephalem for a long time, had to spend a lot of extra energy analyzing intelligence.

The results of the analysis may even be completely different from the facts.

But even Bulcaisso, who doesn't bother to hide these things, rarely talks about them.

Maybe they didn't just like to keep these things secret, but Steve had never seen many Nephalem go around explaining their ideas.

This is probably the type of problem that all intelligence analysts least like to face.

"I don't know much about Latovilia, but Dr. Doom seems to have undergone some new changes during this time."

Rumlow said.

Although this change is not very conspicuous, Rumlow can still detect it to some extent.

Dr. Doom's body gradually began to smell of Nephalem!

This incident itself did not surprise Rumlow. After all, it was no secret that Dr. Doom had a connection with Rasma.

But it's not like Rumlow has never seen the process of a person becoming a Nephalem. That process will never be as obscure and slow as Dr. Doom's!

"Dr. Doom seems to be becoming a nephalem, but it seems to be in the process of transformation now.

This is different from what I have experienced and seen.

Maybe that’s how Rasma transformed? "

Rumlow said very carefully.

Although he was once just an agent mainly responsible for combat, other aspects were only insufficient compared to his combat effectiveness.

The accuracy of his judgments is somewhat guaranteed.

"It's more convenient to ask him himself this kind of question, if you really care."

Steve didn't seem to care much about this.

He came here to inform the Nephalem here of information, but he had no other mission.

And Steve doesn't care much about Dr. Doom becoming a Nephalem, although he doesn't like Dr. Doom very much.

"Tony's visit to Dr. Doom can't be without a purpose, right? You sent him here. If you don't need to keep it secret, can you tell me?"

Rumlow said casually.

He just wanted to find a topic with Steve that wouldn't make their relationship seem awkward.

“I don’t know much about scientists, but Carter is accompanying me.

I think it should be some exchanges in technology. The technology currently possessed by humans may be the biggest gap between us and demons? "

Steve said nonchalantly.

But he didn't reveal anything, which was probably a polite rejection of Rumlow's proposal.

At this time, a guy dressed as a soldier walked toward them cautiously.

This man's actions attracted the attention of Steve and Rumlow. Under normal circumstances, Latovilla's soldiers did not need to be so cautious when approaching them.

This kind of behavior really seems to have ulterior motives.

Steve and Rumlow exchanged glances. Neither of them detected any demonic aura from this man.

Since they are not demons, they don't need to be too nervous.

"Hi Hydra!"

The soldier walked up to Rumlow and whispered.

"What the hell!"

Rumlow had the guy's head pinned to the ground in an instant.

He was a little confused. Was there anyone who didn't know about Hydra when he was cleaning up SHIELD?

He also knows that the Hydras in SHIELD are not all Hydras, but this matter is definitely not a secret!

If this guy is really from Hydra, then shouting this slogan in front of him would be a complete mockery!

"Hydra is also doing its part to fight against the demons. Although those guys' ambitions probably still exist, they are not so brainless as to plan to rebel against you, right?"

Steve was a little amused.

It was so funny that this happened before my eyes.

Soldiers from La Tovilia in the distance also noticed the situation here, and they had already pressed the alarm.

After all, in their minds, this was Rumlow launching an attack on their fellow officers.

As for the Nephalem matter, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com they could only press a special alarm.

After all, in La Tovilia, only Dr. Doom's personal intervention can solve the Nephalem matter.

"Do you want to let go of his head and let him explain his purpose?"

Steve asked.

Rumlow seemed not to hear, pressing the Hydra guy with one hand and squeezing his own head with the other.

There was also a somewhat painful look on his face.

Steve realized something was wrong, so he walked directly to Rumlow and checked.

"There's nothing wrong with me, I just feel a little bit regretful."

Rumlow's suppressed voice of pain sounded.

"I heard from the beginning that you became a Nephalem after making a pledge in the legend of the Witness of Shame.

Is this a sequelae? "

Steve asked concerned.

"Maybe, I have been atonement for my sins since I became a Nephalem.

It's a pity that some injuries don't deserve forgiveness, but it doesn't matter, it doesn't affect my ability to kill demons on the battlefield. "

Rumlow slowly let go of his hand.

Not only did he let go of the soldier, he also let go of the hand holding his head.

Steve didn't feel relieved immediately. He saw Rumlow's still trembling expression.

Apparently the pain is still not over!

Steve has not forgotten that Rumlow was an experienced and powerful soldier even before he became a Nephalem.

The pain can be so intense that Rumlow can't restrain his expression, so it's definitely not an easy thing!

"How long have you been like this?"

Steve asked.

But Rumlow didn't answer, and soon he wouldn't have to.

Dr. Doom's figure in a suit has appeared nearby. (End of chapter)

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