Dark Savages Come To the United States

Chapter 1418: Nick Fury's vision

Nick Fury gave Wayne a meaningful look before speaking slowly.

"Namor is unwilling to gamble with the future of Atlantis. He believes that the Atlanteans can live better in the wider sea.

After all, until now, no aquatic species has appeared among demons.

Also, the Burning Hell has destroyed many civilizations in the universe. "

Nick Fury said in a simple statement tone, obviously he did not agree with Namor's statement!

The Burning Hell has destroyed many civilizations in the universe, not least of which were civilizations based on water!

But even such a civilization cannot survive the offensive of the Burning Hell!

Wayne immediately understood that Nick Fury had not told Namor the news.

Although Wayne doesn't know what Nick Fury plans to do with this information, he will not doubt Nick Fury's loyalty to mankind!

"I will tell Arthur the results of the Burning Hell in the universe."

Wayne said while observing Nick Fury's expression.

If Nick Fury didn't want the Atlanteans to know this news, he would have said something.

But Nick Fury showed no expression!

Wayne understands that this is the result Nick Fury wants!

This news was told to Arthur by Wayne, so the favor to the Atlanteans fell on Wayne's head!

Although Wayne didn't know why Nick Fury gave this opportunity to him, he wouldn't refuse it directly to make the world look bad!

He would only wonder if Nick Fury was going to use this benefit to make some kind of exchange with him.

"I need more accurate information on the actions of the Burning Hell. Of course, it is not about the demon **** Baal, but information on the actions of a large number of demons!"

Nick Fury did not let Wayne continue to be embarrassed, he directly made his request.

He made this request very confidently, as if he was sure that Wayne would be able to collect this information!

This performance made Wayne nodded tacitly!

He can indeed do this, although the previous transmission channel between humans and the Burning Hell was broken.

But it’s not all without gain for Wayne and Tony!

They have learned from previous experience, and if they want, they can reopen a portal connected to the Burning Hell at any time!

And use technological means to maintain the stability of the portal for a long time!

As long as it is not defeated by violence, the stability of the portal is still guaranteed.

"The Justice League is not my word. I will talk to them later about clearing an area to build a war fortress.

But I can help with this on my own behalf. "

Wayne said.

He was planning to end this conversation!

A lot has been gained from this conversation, and it seems that Nick Fury has not completely locked in the area for building the fortress.

Wayne cannot provide much help in this regard. It is true that Wayne Group is a behemoth, but regarding urban planning, Wayne Group does not have a few top experts in this field.

Can we still expect the Wayne Group, a group that can't even change everything in Gotham City, to plan for a new city?

Although Nick Fury understands that the chaos in Gotham City cannot be entirely blamed on the inaction of the Wayne Group, the Wayne Group clearly has more and better ways to try to solve the problem.

Nick Fury admitted that Batman is a great superhero, but found it a bit difficult to understand after overlapping the identities of Wayne and Batman.

Nothing Wayne did was like a rich man's approach!

Even if he directly spends money to hire mercenaries to catch criminals, it will be more efficient than if he does it himself...

There are some masters among the mercenaries, such as Bloodsport, Deadshot, and Peacemaker. They will never refuse the rich rewards provided by Wayne.

"I hope the Justice League can tell me as soon as possible after they come up with the results."

Nick Fury said.

There are few people who are more professional than Nick Fury when it comes to hiding his inner thoughts!

"Of course, we will tell SHIELD as soon as we come to a conclusion."

Wayne said.

He said "tell SHIELD" instead of "tell Nick Fury". Obviously this was also testing whether this plan was jointly approved by SHIELD!

Working with Nick Fury is not a problem, and working with S.H.I.E.L.D. is completely normal.

But if you cooperate with one party but have to hide it from the other party, it can only mean trouble!

Wayne didn't like the trouble, even if he had the skills to handle it.

There is a big gap between being able to do it and being willing to do it.

"I have no opinion."

Nick Fury said.

He understood the implication of Wayne's words, so he accepted it very calmly.

This also tells Wayne that what he was worried about did not happen. This time it is simply that the top human beings approved the plan.

It's not like Nick Fury secretly building a safe house as a private act.

"Has SHIELD made preparations for the storm?"

Wayne asked.

The previous things have come to an end, so the storm has become Wayne's biggest concern.

Although the effects of that storm have not spread yet, it does not mean that those effects no longer exist!

Wayne wants to know the thoughts of the top human beings represented by Nick Fury, and also wants to know what preparations they have made for this!

"All nuclear weapons are ready to fire, and the launch button is under the care of Vera and Wonder Woman.

If a demon was planning to do something with a nuclear weapon, the two powerful Nephalem could at least destroy the launch button.

So don't worry about nuclear weapons falling on your own people. "

Nick Fury said.

This is a true means of dying together. If the worst news comes in the storm, then mankind will choose to die together to end everything!

Obviously, it wasn't easy for Nick Fury to convince other high-level humans to agree to this plan.

The choice of dying together is very difficult for the two races to make!

That is a choice that abandons the hope of continuation and even presupposes self-destruction!

As long as there is any hope of continuation, they should not make such a choice!

But considering that this is what Nick Fury said, Wayne can't understand it.

Nick Fury understands the weakness of human civilization better than most people on earth. Compared with those powerful civilizations in the universe, people on earth are indeed not powerful!

"I appreciate your determination, but it's obviously not everything, but it doesn't matter."

Wayne understands that this is not the whole plan, but it is enough for him to know that humans have this uncompromising determination ~www.readwn.com~ As for more complete information, it is of little value to Wayne now, even It's not worth thinking about!

Wayne suddenly thought of the uncompromising Rorschach, the guy who cared more about being right but unwilling to compromise for "more advantage".

Wayne's thoughts couldn't help but turn to Rorschach's situation!

Rorschach is the heir chosen by Bulkeso, and this status is special enough!

It can even be said that among all the barbarians, Rorschach's identity is a very special one!

And Wayne hadn't heard anything about Rorschach in a while.

"Then I'll go first. If possible, can you open a portal to send me back to SHIELD?"

Nick Fury interrupted Wayne's thoughts.

This place is still quite a distance from SHIELD, although it's not too far by plane.

But it's still not convenient compared to the teleportation gate that can be reached directly.

After regaining consciousness, Wayne opened a portal and watched Nick Fury walk back.

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