Dark Savages Come To the United States

Chapter 1467: The critical moment of forging

Master Gu Yi's words undoubtedly gave both parties a step forward.

She doesn't have any opinions on either side, as long as they are fighting against the Burning Hell, that's enough.

The Ancient One Master's will to protect the earth is far stronger than protecting the universe.

But he is also very clear about the reason why the eggs should be intact when the nest is overturned.

If the situation in the universe continues to collapse, the situation that the earth will eventually face will be unimaginably difficult.

"The Soul Reaver Legion is not worthy of trust, although they can be partners in the fight against the Burning Hell."

Master Gu Yi said.

Subsequent actions will have to wait until Thor and Loki return, although the situation on the Eternals side does not need to be taken too seriously.

But Muria, the last god, still has some value.

And if you want to take advantage of Sithorn, that is something that you must pay attention to.

Looking at this situation, Loki couldn't help but feel relaxed.

Although the tomahawk is not a weapon that Thor is accustomed to using, I can also use the tomahawk.

I don't think my own existence is important at all, although that is not a bit conceited.

But Loki still didn't understand what that position was used for.

Loki was quite sure of that.

After all, all enemies are resistant to blunt weapons.

"Is the main battlefield of the Soul Reaver Legion in the Shi'ar Empire?"

The devil is very vague. His smallest advantage is numbers.

Let alone you, even Emperor Weishan would behave quite badly when facing the Demon God.

Loki saw this clearly, and I had no sympathy for those mercenaries at all.

Although technology is small, it is possible that without any foundation, it can develop in a blink of an eye to a level that cannot match the achievements accumulated by the earth over thousands of years.

After all, doing that is a light burden on the body. On the contrary, because these latitude demons cannot bear part of the pressure on the latitude itself, we have no worse performance in the field of energy release.

Every foolish person will place all his hopes on others. We are all accustomed to finding solutions to problems through our own efforts.

Although there are often those among us who are a little bit brainless and find out that the dwarves have finished their evacuation, they move forward together.

Although there is a slight risk in mastering the power of the white and dark dimensions, at most it cannot weaken one's own power.

Even if you are the Ancient One Master who has mastered the white and dark dimensions, you can release all the power of the white and dark dimensions in an instant.

A weak energy burst out from the dwarves' forging furnace. It was obvious that the forging had not reached a critical moment!

Among the other civilizations that can still barely persist, there are only guys of the level of Ronan the Controller and the Collector.

Therefore, after those stupid people find a truly like-minded partner, they will rashly reveal all their ideas.

But cooperation is meaningless only if both parties are truly like-minded.

Although Thanos has some lofty beliefs, his love for death itself is not necessarily fake.

The warriors who are still alive today are all brave and brave and have survived until now.

Although we have reached the level of the Demon God of Latitude, we are still considered first-rate weaklings even if the power of Latitude is taken away.

Master Gu Yi said with a calm expression.

said Sir Newton.

Loki also checked casually to see if there was any aura of burning **** under the dwarves present.

You don't have many plans outside your heart, just like Sir Newton.

These demons came to that place because of their intentions. We are just trying our best to let people outside escape!

Of course, the dwarves did not do any covering up.

The situation did not reach the level it is today based on that kind of premise.

If Malthael had something that was inconvenient for him to come forward, besides asking other angels to take action, he would order the Soul Reaver Legion.

Do these civilizations just have weak technology for fighting?

But those slightly stupider guys were not so clever as to tell everyone the news.

Apparently you are too eager to continue discussing that issue with Sir Newton.

“He’s right, you always have to look back.

This burst of energy was restrained in the direction of Thor under the influence of the dwarves, and then rushed towards Thor like a beam of light!

After all, it takes time to build a technology tree from scratch, but it will take much less time just by looting and learning how to use it.

But the person who must have welcomed that energy was Thor, who could bear it with his weak body.

After Thor and Loki arrive, there is no chance for us to leave!

Perhaps there was a bit of unbelievable surprise at Master Gu Yi's words.

You value the power we have, but how easy it is for us to completely change the situation with our own power.

The number of demons is endless. Even among 100 million demons, there can only be one demon who cannot master the knowledge of the earth.

But the existence of Dr. Waide also made Sir Ye Yi’s family determined to take the road of science and technology!

said Sir Newton.

The right choice is to wait until Thor, a powerful fighter, comes back to discuss it.

Although Sword Fighting is considered a very weak one, with the help of the Soul Reaver Legion, we once had no sign of counterattack against the Burning Hell's offensive.

But the Burning Hell is something that any single civilization can bear just by using up its endless demons to fight a war of attrition.

No sacrifice can be undone, and the mercenaries knew what they were going to face on the first day they arrived there.

On the contrary, the crimson universe behind us seems more like it cannot be used as the previous basic disk.

The compressed star gradually lost the outline of an ax above the dwarves' forge.

While I was speaking, I also looked at the Ancient One Master, as if I thought that the Ancient One Master was someone in disguise.

And if I have to say it, if you don't already have the legendary war hammer of the son of Odin, preparing a sharp weapon is a worse choice.

Weapons suitable for the combat environment are still very precious to a warrior.

"What you are more worried about now is the end of learning technology in Burning Hell. Don't forget that our family has destroyed a small number of civilizations.

"Of course you know, but that's all you can rely on now.

Even if Loki were to face that power, I would still have to use some weak enough magic to ensure my survival.

The degree of energy release has a lower limit based on the situation of the releaser. Even a small number of spellcasters will definitely encounter energy release that needs to touch the lower limit several times throughout their lives.

That’s even considering the fact that the power of the Crimson Universe is right in front of us!

But that's nothing to worry about. Loki thought that these dwarves would murder his god-king at that time.

I later observed the German doctors for a period of time, and even though they were as arrogant as Sir Isaac Newton, they were still far behind in terms of technology.

You are the one who doubts whether Sir Ye Yi has considered that issue.

Although the power of a latitude is said to be infinite, it definitely cannot be exhausted easily.

You just hope that he will put all his hope in one road. "

This is the right time to discuss the matter of the Soul Reaver Legion. The fighting power of Thanos, the world-destroying Titan, cannot be underestimated.

You think you should remind him that finite divided by any number is still finite. "

Demons who can do that easily are legendary at best. There must be no legendary demons on that battlefield. It is possible that the dwarves have persisted until now.

Loki just looked at his brother standing under a low platform that looked like an execution platform. This place was undoubtedly an important position.

And not many of those guys have lost their homes, but they have to keep the fire of their own civilization flowing through the universe.

Master Gu Yi has not yet informed others of the situation, but he has not left many of his own disciples in the White and Dark Dimensions.

Moreover, genius is such a complex existence that cannot be defined.

Maybe you won't be able to produce results that won't affect that world in a short period of time. "

I am willing to give Master Gu Yi some face.

And it is absolutely possible for the earth to be completely open to accept the residence of these civilizations.

That rhetoric is quite subtle, but a small number of mercenaries in these universes would consider it so little.

This energy is definitely strong, after all, it is emitted by combining a compressed star and a small amount of precious materials.

If you want to be sure that the Burning Hell is stupid, the worst option before knowing your existence is not to find a way to eliminate you.

There are too few external elements, so few that it is even possible.

Of course, we will give up cooperation with each other.

We humans have many advantages in a chaotic battlefield. Even if we can see the situation clearly, we are no different from other soldiers in a meat grinder-like battlefield.

It takes a hundred years for the Burning Hell to advance in technology, so this is a very ideal and even a fantasy situation.

It was enough for Loki to release a few spells when unnecessary to relieve the pressure on the defense line.

If you can postpone the trouble, there is no need to wait until the last time! "

But the power of latitude is also a decoration for our growth.

In that case, someone said vaguely how much longer we can hold on.

Due to the influence of that series of factors, the situation has not reached the point where it is possible to turn back.

Sir Newton's tone became more and more full.

said Sir Newton.

The Shi'ar Empire and the Soul Reaver Legion are one of the first few civilizations that can still guarantee combat effectiveness.

"Why yes?"

We were all confused, because without the fighting of the victims below, anyone would be able to leave that place!

"Maybe he is right, but will the Burning Hell really pay attention to you?

The situation on the Shi'ar Empire's side may not seem to be a problem for the time being, but it will eventually be defeated as time goes by.

You don't think at all that the Burning Hells will view you as a nuisance that needs to be eliminated. "

Loki just quietly watched the dwarves and Thor moving intermittently to forge weapons. I just needed to pay close attention to the offensive of the Burning Hell during that time.

But Sir Newton cannot do anything with the power and knowledge he possesses. Even if it is difficult to change the situation, I will definitely give up.

I regret what happened to Dr. Waide.

Now, for us, if we definitely want to leave that meat grinder-like battlefield, we must rely on Thor's help.

Master Gu Yi said.

The combat power of the dwarves has not yet finished withdrawing from the back line. For the first time on that battlefield, they were at a disadvantage, and the small number of mercenaries have not yet bowed their heads.

It doesn't matter if the demon in the Burning Hell dies, but the fighting strength of the Shi'ar Empire and the Soul Reaver Legion is one more than the other!

The worst outcome may be that in a few days we will hear the news that demons used nuclear weapons to bomb a certain civilization.

But the time will definitely be too long.

The future of our species still rests on Asgard, and hurting Thor is not the stupidest choice.

As we speak, Thor isn't finished assisting the dwarves in forging their own weapons.

After all, once the time comes when only the earth still has the strength to resist the burning hell, your beings will use our obstacles.

Master Gu Yi said helplessly.

Although Loki admitted that the demons in the Burning Hell are very good at using conspiracies and traps, Thor and I came to that place only on a temporary basis. Even if the demons were fishing, they would use forging weapons to plot against Thor.

These latitudes will also regain their strength over time, just like discharging water from a faucet. As long as the speed of discharging water is higher than the speed of accumulation, UU Reading www.uukanshu.net this energy cannot be used continuously.

Even if Thanos uses the power of death to prevent the dead warriors from returning to fight, there is no limit.

After becoming a believer in Malthael, Thanos is even more worthy of attention.

I must have known the necessity of that link when the dwarves talked about the forging plan. I might have thought that the dwarves were planning to kill Thor.

"Of course the Shi'ar Empire may persist forever, but does it think that you are incapable of helping us now?

Before expressing some submissiveness in words, Master Gu Yi spoke again.

Master Gu Yi said.

Especially when these mercenaries, who originally had no differences in power or group, were dispersed long ago during the long battle.

Therefore, we all feel sorry for sacrificing our lives. Above the orders of low-level demons, high-level demons have no qualifications to approve.

If you can't, it would be a wrong choice to kill fewer latitude demons and then use those latitudes as the basic pan to fight against the Burning Hell offensive.

I know Thor so well.

"But the war situation in the Shi'ar Empire is completely optimistic."

We found a reason to "help the God King forge weapons and then defeat the demons in one fell swoop".

The dwarves haven't paid their dues yet, so we have no choice!

So we made the same choice by agreement.

Even if you choose to self-destruct, you can still do this!

Although Loki didn't think that he couldn't see the concealment of all demons, it might happen that a small group of demons were hiding under my nose but I could see everything.

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