Dark Savages Come To the United States

Chapter 1470: Action and battle breaks out!

Thor and Loki didn't take much time to return to the place where the meeting had begun.

When looking for God Killer Geer, you need to search carefully along the way, but you don't need to do this on the way back.

"It's great news to see you back."

Frigga made no secret of her happiness after seeing her two children back.

Although she also knew that with the power her two children had at this time, the God Killer Geer was definitely not a threat.

But as a mother, she couldn't care less.

This has nothing to do with the strength of Loki and Thor, it's just a very simple love.

"Mother, we brought back the Black Death Sword. That God-Slayer Ger has become a thing of the past."

Loki said happily.

After gaining a clearer understanding of his life, Loki enjoyed spending time with his mother.

Putting down his ambition was more like a natural release for Loki. In the past, he was really constrained by his boring ambition.

After finally getting rid of his ambition, Loki truly opened the door to a wider world!

"God King Thor, nothing else happened during this operation, right?"

Zeus asked.

Of course he meant it!

The origin of the Black Death Sword has never been a secret to guys of Zeus's level.

What Zeus is worried about is that the actions of Thor and Loki will make the ancient **** Nar take action.

Although the ancient **** Nar is confined to his cage most of the time, this kind of guy doesn't necessarily have to show up in person if he wants to influence the world.

"No, that God-Slayer Gal didn't even have time to react and was already reduced to crumbs."

Thor said.

He was quite certain about this.

Gor the God-Slayer became a thing of the past under his attack. Thor carefully checked the situation after killing Gor.

He can guarantee that the God-Slayer Geer is completely dead.

Of course, he also understood what Zeus was asking. Although his answer did not mention the ancient **** Nar, it could be regarded as giving Zeus the answer he needed.

But Thor didn't intend to say much to others about the battle ax named after him.

Although after the dwarves found a stable place, the news would no longer be concealed.

"By the way, we stopped by the dwarves and spent a little effort to get the dwarves to leave the dangerous battlefield."

Thor said expressionlessly.

He knew very well that there was no way to hide this news, after all, the dwarves had now arrived at the transit location.

Perhaps at this time, the protoss had already learned the news in their own way.

Thor does not intend to hide this kind of thing. Regardless of whether the members of the Protoss have their own little thoughts, Thor believes that the Protoss who have not been corrupted into demons cannot be without brains.

He doesn't need to elaborate on the importance of the dwarves, and the gods are still a community of interests.

Thor didn't even hide his battle ax, but hung it clearly on his waist.

Of course those gods could see it, and they could naturally guess some of the things that happened during the period.

At least Zeus, an old fox, must be aware of the power of this battle axe.

"This is really good news."

Zeus smiled and said.

Although Emperor Weishan had mentioned this matter before, the significance of Thor's own words was unusual.

This can be regarded as an invitation to share the interests of the dwarves, and it also means that Thor has no intention of letting the Asa clan monopolize the resources of the dwarves.

Although everyone also understands that resources like dwarves cannot be monopolized in any case.

But the person who initiated the invitation was Thor, which was considered a gesture of goodwill.

Of course Zeus wouldn't let Thor's overtures go unanswered.

"God King Thor, the future of the gods is already dependent on you.

If there is any dangerous mission next time, please bring as many guards as possible.

If you need my strength, I'm willing to fight too. "

Zeus responded to Thor's kindness with equal weight.

Zeus is not weak, at least when facing the legendary demon, he can fight and even have a high chance of winning.

Even though he knew that he could not reach Odin's level, he would never give up easily under the irreversible threat of the Burning Hell.

"I'm happy to hear that."

Thor just nodded after speaking, but he kept it in mind.

“This is the Black Death Sword, and I haven’t thought of how to deal with this weapon for the time being.

The existence of that ancient **** was indeed ignored. "

Thor said, shaking the Black Death Sword directly out of the package.

Even Thor didn't want to touch this thing rashly.

The people present looked at the Black Death Sword that fell to the ground, and their expressions were a little strange.

“Either let Emperor Weishan keep this thing for safekeeping, or send it directly to the Nephalem.

No matter who holds it, we will probably not be able to solve the threat behind this thing. "

said Sir Newton.

He wasn't looking down on himself, he was stating a simple fact.

No one objected to Sir Newton's opinion, and they knew it was the right thing to do.

"Then the issue of Muria needs to be dealt with, and Kongsu told me that her followers have communicated with SHIELD.

But Nick Fury seems to have some doubts about us, so I can only instruct him to promise that His Majesty the God King will come forward in this matter. "

Zeus said.

The conversation between Moon Knight and Nick Fury was entirely directed by Zeus.

The moon **** Kongsu is just the guy in the middle who delivers the message.

Although Moon Knight didn't see anything about Nick Fury's attitude, it wasn't a problem after Zeus knew the process.

Zeus quickly became aware of Nick Fury's concerns, although he was somewhat unhappy with the suspicion.

But it is human nature to doubt this. Zeus did not mean to be angry at all. He just informed Thor of the matter and let Thor make the final decision.

“It’s true that I haven’t been to Earth for a while.

I'd love to go, but I'm really not good at this kind of communication.

So someone has to be the main person to do this. My presence in S.H.I.E.L.D. as proof shouldn’t have any impact. "

Thor said.

Understanding the scope of one's own abilities is a very good ability, and Thor does not want to cause additional twists and turns in the plan because of his own abilities.

"Of course, it's just that this time it seems I have to ask Loki for help.

Queen Frigga can also accompany her if she wishes. "

Zeus said.

He had no intention of excluding the members of the Asa Protoss from this council, and his words were entirely out of good intentions.

Zeus didn't think that he would be misunderstood by the Asa Protoss if he did so at this time.

No guy would immediately start a conspiracy after expressing his submission for the first time.

At least Zeus believed that Loki and Frigga would be able to understand his intentions with their wisdom.

Although there are indeed some risks in doing so, Weishan Emperor is still here.

Frigga and Loki are both strong men who use magic and secrets as the essence of their power. Naturally, they have a way to know the situation here through the Supreme Mage and Emperor Weishan.

I also know that the relationship between the Supreme Mage and Loki and Frigga must be closer than that of the Pantheon.

"Of course, we also want to go home and see."

Frigga's tone was still gentle.

She missed Hela a little.

When Hela was severely injured before, no one knew how much suffering she felt as a mother.

Moreover, Frigga's opening also signaled to Loki and Thor that Zeus was trustworthy at this time.

“Then leave the handling of Muria to us.

This matter is related to the security of the earth, and we will seek help from the Nephalem when the time comes. "

Thor agreed.

Although the life strength of the **** Muria is not bad, it is just that. In a head-on battle, Thor is sure to kill the opponent directly.

But it would be a bit troublesome to let Muria die completely without even having time to react.

Although Muria is not yet ready to be born, she will be awakened when her life is in danger.

If you want to be foolproof, you can only invest more effort.

In this way, the treatment of Muria, the last god, has come to fruition.

At the center of this storm, Dieche, who was the back-up man, finally waited for an opportunity to take action!

When Barr faced Wu Fengji, a powerful outsider, he inevitably had to devote some energy to paying attention.

Strong men who have the strength to fight against archangels should be taken seriously no matter what.

As time goes by, it is impossible for a guy as strong as Barr to never make mistakes.


Although Barr did not make any move, his doubts about his status at that moment were still captured by Archangel and Wu Fengji.

Naturally, this guy Rasma will not miss this weird moment!

It's just that Rasma and Wu Fengji didn't know what the archangel did, so they were just confused about Barr's performance.

But Tyrael and Malthael wouldn't be ignorant of this!

After they captured Barr's shock at this moment, they directly exploded with all their strength to try to severely injure Barr.

If Barr can be killed directly here, that will be the best result for them!

Even if Baal's death may cause the Burning Hell to spiral out of control, they don't care about the "punishment" Bulkatho will impose on the High Heavens!

They can still guess to some extent about Bulcaisel's physical condition.

Even if Baal is dead at this time, Bulcasso has no way to directly bring together Baal's various powers!

At this time, no archangel would sacrifice himself to help Bulcaisso counteract Baal's will!

The only thing Bulcaisuo could do at this time was to watch those three powers either disappear in front of him or be controlled by the two archangels.

Unless Bulkesso intends to make a huge gamble that has a high probability of failure, there are only these two options!

As for whether Barr's performance is a trap, they don't care!

Diesh was nearby. Even if Barr guessed that the archangels planned to plot against him, he would never directly guess the method chosen by the archangels.

As long as Barr is caught in a fierce battle, Diesh will have more chances to take action!

But they believe that Barr has been attacked by Diesh at this time, and his stability is just Barr's disguise now!

As for whether Bulkesso will directly intervene in the battle at this time, that is not important!

Bulkatho is so powerful that even the Archangels and Demon Gods have to give in, but that doesn't mean they can't do anything!

When humans kill chickens, the chickens will resist and struggle a little.

And since Bulcaisel cannot accept the result of Barr's death, can he accept the death of Archangel?

Once authority is detonated, it will reappear, but it will take a long time. Bulkesso definitely doesn’t have time to wait!

Malthael and Tyrael do not lack courage, they always have!

This may be due to the favor given to his brother by Prius when he was still the Archangel of Courage.

"Rasma, stop them!"

Constantine roared loud enough for everyone to notice him.

The moment he opened his mouth, his hand crossbow, which contained piercing power, also shot directly at the two archangels!

Although Constantine has not figured out what the archangels are planning to do, he is sure that since the archangels have taken action, it cannot be just a slapstick!

Moreover, the current archangels can be completely killed. Their choice to approach Baal and launch an attack means that they are ready to sacrifice their lives!

If the archangels are prepared to pay such a heavy price, they must have greater demands!

Constantine had to take action and try to buy time for this situation!

"And you, Gruchak! Leave me alone and stop the Archangel!"

Constantine continued.

The hand crossbow in his hand has fired a series of almost connected crossbow arrows!

When it comes to the consciousness of paying the price with his life, Constantine has never lacked it!

Gruchak took a deep look at Constantine, but he did not have time to translate the appreciation in his eyes into words.

Gruchak directly ignited all his anger and pushed his state to the peak in an instant!


Gruchak let out a war cry and jumped up!

He did not use the Archangel and Lieutenant General Baal as his landing point, but chose the position behind the Archangel!

Although falling between Archangel and Baal can better prevent their movements, it is also easier for him to die suddenly before he can do anything!

Gruchak has the strength to compete with Archangel, but the possibility of victory is really slim.

Let him appear in the center of the battle, and death will be an unsurprising result!

His appreciation for Constantine was not for Constantine's wisdom, but for Constantine's decisiveness!

A jumping slash with heavy earth power poured directly into the tribal blade in Gruchak's hand!

But even when Gruchak announced his presence with a war cry before launching the attack, the archangels didn't even move to look back!

This was enough for Gruchak to realize the seriousness of the matter!

Gruchak, who was still in mid-air, directly added some strength to this attack, adding the power of a ground-breaking slash from just a simple jump slash!

Gruchak was not Bulcaisuo, and he could not integrate multiple skills into one attack without any sequelae.

His actions at this time have caused anger to ignite his skin, causing blood to burst out of his blood vessels under high pressure and seep out of his skin!

Before the attack landed, Gruchak was already seriously injured!

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