Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 743: Smelly man, take her into the hotel again!

The little boss on the opposite sofa was not calm: "This brother, why don't we sit down and talk about life?... For a woman who spends wrong money, why not make friends? It will take care of the future... "

"To shut up!"

Gong Sheng directly threw it over with a cold eye, carrying Yun Qiao and leaving.

Hearing that the bodyguard who had rushed over after the troubles stretched out his hand to stop, Gong Sheng's face was sinking like water, and Secretary-General Zhong, who rushed outside the door, gave a cool glance: "You handle it."

Secretary-General Zhong wants to cry without tears. Your Excellency President, you have arranged a difficult public relations project for me tonight.

Going to the nightclub, I beat up a few girls, grabbed a beauty, and spent a lot of money to buy wine... If this is recognized as the President of the President, it is properly a big news full of black spots!

Gong Sheng had directly carried Yunqiao into the car!

Sitting in that black extended Cayenne, Yun Qiao sobered up for a few minutes.

She rolled down the car window to breathe.

Gong Sheng directly pressed the window lock button: "Don't move!"


She clutched her belly: "I want to get off the car."


"I'm urinating!"

"Pee here!"

Yun Qiao looked at Gong Sheng dumbfounded, she felt that she had sober up most of her alcohol.

Realize that he just got in the man's car.

She was only a little scared.

"Where do you... take me?"

Gong Sheng raised his eyes in a cool manner: "Shut up!"

Yun Qiao closed his mouth.

Xiao Jiujiu said in his heart: Could this man give her money for alcohol, and thought he could take her to the night?

Don't think she is stupid.

Those tens of thousands of dollars in commission fees are not enough to make her pay for her body.

Seeing Gong Sheng's car driving into the underground garage, Yun Qiao's heart became more and more filled with tension and crisis.

The book says that girls must not be alone in confined spaces with men.

If this man leads her into the secret room...

She was breathless.

Watching Gong Sheng vigilantly, he quietly pulled a sharp wire hairpin from his hair...

Since the last time she accidentally lost her body in a hotel room, she has been prepared from then on, hiding her life-saving weapon...

Car, stopped!

Gong Sheng took her out of the car.

Seeing her unclothed, frowned, took off her suit jacket and put it on her.

Yun Qiao's palm trembled and did not move.

Xindao, wait, if he takes her into the room...

Gong Sheng carried her all the way into the private elevator.

One minute later.

Walking along the long corridor, Yun Qiao's heart grew deeper and deeper.

She recognizes this building, isn't this the Empire State Building Hotel where she worked for a month?

This man brought her to the hotel again! ! !

The memory that was not good or even painful that night suddenly came to my heart.

Yun Qiao clenched the palm of his hand.

Gong Sheng finally stopped in front of a room.

The door is a fingerprint lock.

He gave a big palm.

Yun Qiao was about to raise her hairpin and stab towards the palace Sacred Heart...


The door opened from the inside.

A group of people in the room looked happy when they saw them come in!

"Quickly, quickly, we are ready, just waiting for you to bring someone back!"

"Makeup artist in place! Lights! Camera!"

"Prepare the reflector!"

"I will contact the live channel!"

Before Yun Qiao realized what was going on, he was pushed on the makeup chair: "Well, yes, the skin is very tender, so I don't need the base makeup anymore, just give you a little bit of eye makeup..."

Behind him, Gong Sheng's voice sounded: "No need to make up, just choose clothes."


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