Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 800: Smashed Gong Qing

Gong Qing said with a stinky face: "Huh, bastard, what on earth do you want?! Do you want me to apologize to a little girl with an older person?"

Gong Jue lifted his chin, his eyes were a little bit shameless: "You don't need to apologize, it's meaningless to say it! Apologize, you can think about it!"

Last time, Gong Qing had changed his surname. This old man still doesn't have a long memory.

What's the use of just an apology?

This time, he had to let the old man leave an unforgettable lesson.

Gong Qing: "What apologize? Is she so greedy for money?"

Gong Jue: "You are wrong, how can money be regarded as a gift? If you want to apologize, it must be counted in kind. Just say you dare!"

Gong Qing: "If you dare not, give her what you want!"

He thought to himself, what's hard to guess about Gong Jue's careful thought, isn't he just trying to take the opportunity to cheat his wife?

There are real objects at home, nothing more than antiques and jewelry.

Last time, the old man Gong had given Gu Qiqi the most valuable blood diamond in the family, and they really wanted those things left, so they picked one and took it. There was nothing to distress.

He doesn't care about things outside the body!

Therefore, he promised extremely happy.

Can't wait to quickly plug Gong Jue and Gu Qiqi's mouth.

However, in the next second, he regretted it!

Just listen to Gongjue suddenly curled his lips and ordered the butler: "Bring the title deed of the Nordic Independence Island and the certification documents of the International Court of Justice, and go to the International Court of Justice to transfer the account to Gu Qiqi's name today!"

Gong Qing was stunned for a second before reacting, "Smelly boy, you are crazy!"

The Northern European Independence Island is his private domain.

The entire island is his property, which is equivalent to an independent kingdom in the northern hemisphere.

It can be said that to own that island, it is not an exaggeration to be king.

More importantly, Independence Island is particularly beautiful, warm in winter and cool in summer. It is an internationally famous tourist destination. It occupies a vast area and is rich in products. Every year, the tax and tourism income of residents on the island is spent hundreds of millions. To calculate.

And this income completely belongs to the island owner Gong Qing!

The source of the palace’s huge wealth is this island!

Many people think that General Gong has never been in business, and his income is still lower than that of his painter-in-law Song Songduo. In fact, this is not the case. He has been making a fortune in a low-key manner for many years!

Now, tell him that this financial path is broken, and from then on this Nordic money printing machine belongs to his most unpleasant Gu Qiqi...How can he accept it!

However, Gong Jue would not give him the slightest chance to repent.

"Why don't you want to make a fool of yourself?" Gong Jue's eyes were cold, and the phone was recorded in the air shaking. "I don't know if the General Gong just said'what do you want to take'? Is it equivalent to a sentence? shit?"

Gong Qing: "..." Damn, someone dug a hole!

And he jumped unsuspectingly!

At this time, the silent little dumpling gave him a sympathetic look.

Grandpa, you were not wronged, you forgot, I was too wronged.

The combination of Baba and the female fox is simply invincible in our palace!

After personally inspecting the title deed, and confessing that Adjutant Lu and the butler were to go through the land deed transfer, Gong Jue said, "Since I have already paid, let's not take it as an example. I will forgive you for wronging her this time."

Although, the words are tactful.

But, with a thin smile, as if the subtext is-I just pit you, what, are you biting me? Do you dare to do it next time? I will cheat you harder!

That way, really, it's undeniable!

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