Dear Comrade

Chapter 105

< Chapter 30. The end of the world in 3 days, the fire of the world in 30 years (3) >

Chapter 30. The end of the world in 3 days, the fire of the world in 30 years (3)

“It’s Yeltsin! President Boris Yeltsin!”

“Yelchin! Yeltsin! Boris!”

Recognizing the man on the turret, Moscow citizens began to shout his name one by one, and the shouts grew louder and turned into a huge wave that began to sweep the square in front of the Capitol.

Boris Yeltsin, a tall man, supported by the cheers of the crowd gathered like a cloud, urged the citizens to fight the coup with a louder voice.

“We must once again reconsider the fact that the measures of force mobilized by the Conservatives can never be accepted by anyone! All of these things are revealing to us that the authority of the so-called ‘National Emergency Response Committee’ to maintain their power is so illegal!!”

“right! Yeltsin is right!”

“Stop the Emergency Response Committee! We do not want to go back to the Soviet days!”

“…Therefore, we must condemn all the decisions and directives of the illegal ‘Committee’ made by these coup forces! It is also important that, undoubtedly, the President of this country Gorbachev has now given the opportunity to speak to us Russians and to the members of the Federation of Soviet Socialist Republics.”

“Where is General Gorbachev? Do you know where he is?”

“Today, he appears to be imprisoned somewhere by the coup forces. Coup d’état forces interrupted contact with him! That is why we call for the immediate convening of an extraordinary meeting of the People’s Representatives of the Federal Republic of the Soviet Socialist Republics, Bio! ”

As the speech reached its climax, the excitement of the crowd gathered in the square grew like a snowball.

Expectations for a new country and hatred of the stifling and impoverished Soviet era were boiling like boiling water, but the soldiers who were supposed to stop them were practically fussing around and doing nothing.

As it was later revealed, one of the battalions of the Panzer Division, which was already the main force of the coup force at this point, had abandoned its mission of protecting the Kremlin and had pledged allegiance to the leader of the Russian Republic (ie Yeltsin).

Yeltsin’s speech was already being broadcast on state-run radio stations to Russian citizens sitting at dinner tables in their homes without participating in anti-coup protests.

“…We are absolutely certain that we will never allow the tyranny and lawlessness of the far-right water polo coup organizers who have lost all their shame and conscience like our compatriots in the Federation of Soviet Socialist Republics! Folks! Until these requirements are met, we will call for an endless attack by citizens around the world against the authors, the so-called National Emergency Response Committee!”

“Wow! Long live the Soviet Union! Long live Russia!”

“Get out of the National Emergency Response Team! Vice-President Yanayev also get away!”

“Long live Yeltsin! Give Gorbachev back!”

And from this point on, the defeat of the coup d’état was virtually certain.

Even Moscow citizens, who had been observing the situation at Yeltsin’s hot speech, were pushed into the streets, and strikes began all over the world.

In less than 24 hours after Yeltsin’s ‘Speech on a Streetcar’, which will later be recorded in history, the number of protesters has grown to a whopping 500,000.

The National Assembly building, which became the center of the protest, was occupied and a temporary barricade was erected.

Where barricades were not formed, citizens joined hands and built a human wall to resist a coup d’état centered on paratroopers.

A few people were killed and injured in the sporadic attempts of the coup force to enter, but this only served to ignite the protests of the citizens.

“A man is dead! Those bastards, the rebels have attacked the citizens!”

“no! Calm down! Citizens! That person, while trying to get on the train alone, stumbled and died…”

“That’s what you guys killed, you murderers! Aren’t you ashamed to say that the People’s Army, which is supposed to protect the people, is cooperating with the coup! Do you know that this is Tiananmen, China?”

The coup d’état immediately lost its ability to control the situation due to the strong resistance of the citizens.

A curfew was issued at night, but no one followed.

The difficulties faced by the coup d’etat forces and conservatives did not originate solely from within their own countries. Estonia, Latvia, Georgia, and Lithuania refused to join the coup d’etat forces, and Japan, observing public opinion, criticized the coup d’etat forces and imposed economic sanctions.

The desperate conservatives eventually admitted indirectly that their rumors of Gorbachev’s illness were false and revealed the location of Gorbachev, but even some of the military units that had already participated in the coup and even Soviet diplomats stationed abroad noticed that the wind of power was heading in the opposite direction, and Yeltsin sent a declaration of support to

And finally, when the number of protesters reached 1 million, members of the National Emergency Response Committee and Soviet conservatives who staged a coup attempted to escape to the airport, but were arrested at the airport on the morning of August 22.

Gorbachev returned to the airport after 40 hours of imprisonment.

“I would like to express my gratitude and respect to the people who have been resolute in coping with the coup organizers and for trusting and following the government to the end! The conspirators illegally mobilized troops to surround my home, threaten me and my family, and tried to break my will, but in the end they failed. This was none other than a victory for Perestroika!”

Gorbachev was wrong.

When the world came to an end on these three days, the Russian people, and everyone in the world and Yeltsin himself, knew very well that the real victor was none other than Boris Yeltsin.

Yeltsin, who emerged as a leader of democracy and reform as a vanguard of the anti-coup d’état, was no less than a hero for the entire Russian people.

– President Boris Yeltsin, a new hero born from the coup!

– All over the world, including the US, Europe, and Japan, praised Yeltsin for his courage and determination. A new leader who will lead Russia in the future.

– Gorbachev, weak in the power structure with Yeltsin, are you getting close to a regime change?

It was a known fact that the dissolution of the Soviet Union as an allied power was imminent due to this incident.

Molotov cocktails and heaps of stones (which captured the emotions of the Russian people) flew into the office of the once terrifying notoriety of the KGB, and Soviet Communist Party officials were even threatened with death by civilians on the streets.

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Now, the emergence of the ‘Russian Federation’, not the ‘Soviet Union’, was approaching, and it was self-evident that the leader would be the greatest beneficiary of this situation, Boris Yeltsin.

However, most people still had no idea what kind of disaster the hero Boris Yeltsin would bring to the Soviet Union, or even to the country that has now become the Russian Federation.

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Not only that, but also, most of the people were unaware that there was another person who benefited greatly from this ‘August coup’ that put an end to the Soviet Union.

“It wasn’t Russia, it was Ukraine. …So in the end, the information provided by the young North Korean leader was correct.”

George Bush put down the report, shaking his head in astonishment.

It was hard to believe, but since the Central Intelligence Agency, which moved too late, even confirmed the facts, there was no way he could not believe himself and the other ministers.

The Oval Office, the Oval Office, Secretary of State James Baker and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Colin Powell, and everyone else, could not hide their astonishment.

Among them, of course, was Defense Secretary Dick Cheney, who had his mouth shut and looked like he was thinking about something.

“I don’t know how this is possible, but gentlemen, the North Korean general, who is now a precious friend of the United States, must have had far, far greater capabilities than we had expected and expected. Considering the time of the coup and the time he gave us information, it means that we were being informed of all the internal circumstances of the Soviet Union in near real time… Are you talking about planting a spy at a very high level?”

“I am still stunned, sir. The most reasonable and common-sense guess about the intelligence he showed this time is that he and KGB ex-KGB people who took part in driving out his half-brother, Kim Jong-il, formed a human network…

“It’s not like that, it’s enough to make you want to send our CIA agents to North Korea to study. No, not only the Central Intelligence Agency, but also the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA), the National Reconnaissance Agency (NRO), the National Security Agency (NSA), and many other three-letter alphabetic intelligence communities! They spend hundreds of millions of dollars a year, but they can’t even pay half of the North Korean spy agencies that make up less than a tenth of their budget.

‘Last time we met, I thought he was an ignorant idealist, but maybe I was wrong.’

Bush thought so, and muttered annoyedly in a personal tantrum tone, and all the ministers were silent and looked elsewhere and muttered.

In particular, Defense Secretary Dick Cheney, who could not avoid responsibility for Bush’s accusation, changed his expressionless expression with his blunt eyes flashing behind his glasses.

But still he didn’t say anything.

“Anyway, we should look at the positive side of the situation. Importantly, having such a reliable source of information on Russia is a major step forward in the security situation in the United States. The Soviet Union will soon be shattered, but that doesn’t change the fact that the rest of Russia has thousands of long-range ICBMs and nuclear warheads. I’m glad that this talented friend is on our side. George, it would be great if that young man stopped playing baseball and looked like half of this guy.”

“………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… dismissal.”

“There must be changes in our Northeast Asian foreign policy going forward. It means that South Korea and North Korea will be treated on an equal diplomatic level. Maybe we should upgrade our relationship to Japanese level. Fortunately, they have what we want, and we have what they want, so it shouldn’t be too difficult to improve the relationship. Connect the phone.”

Soon the international call was connected, and Bush, sitting in the Washington Oval office, started by giving a warm thank you to Kim Jung-hwan on the other side of the continent over the phone.

“I am so glad that General Gorbachev has returned safely, President Bush, the world will no longer tremble at the threat of World War III.”

“And General Secretary Kim played a really big role in establishing such a peace regime. Thank you very much.”

“As a leader of an allied country in the United States, and as the head of a member state of the United Nations, I was just doing what I was supposed to do.”

“It’s not just a word, General Secretary Kim. Thank you again very much for this informal and voluntary cooperation. It is undeniable that I am more grateful for the unexpected help from an unexpected person. The United States, too, would like to advance a deeper dialogue with North Korea about the future rather than the past. If there is anything I can contribute to the future of the joint, I hope you can tell me frankly.”

Bush’s question was reversed with a diplomatic rhetoric, but in effect this was what he meant.

– Thank you for giving information to us, who we are not very close to even if we didn’t ask. Of course it’s not free, so tell me the price now. What do you want?


Hearing this question from Bush in Pyongyang, on the other side of the Pacific Ocean, Jeong-hwan thought for a moment.

He couldn’t possibly know what the meaning of this question was.

There were, of course, a lot of things I wanted to take.

There were still many things lacking in his country, North Korea.

So many difficulties and demands passed through Junghwan’s head.

Shall we promote a sisterhood relationship between Kim Il-sung University and Stanford University?

Or will you ask the UN Committee on Development and Cooperation to cooperate to increase the size of the loan?

Or should I ask him to help me acquire Sony and Toshiba in the current Japanese takeover battle?

Whatever he asked for, he seemed to be able to get it easily now.

But Junghwan made a completely different choice.

“Thank you, but for now, I will only accept favors. President.”


“Haha… Yes. Our Democratic People’s Republic of Korea has contributed to world peace, how can we expect anything in return? Think of it as my unpaid favor to the United States of America and President Bush.”

Hearing those words over the speaker, George Bush distorted his expression in a complicated way.

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Nothing is free in this world

There is also no unpaid favor.

In particular, in the relationship between countries, pure goodwill is almost as rare as a unicorn.

Moreover, Bush didn’t even believe the fingernails that a human named Jung Hwan really provided them with information for world peace and the arrival of Pax Americana.

He will always pay for this help.

I’m just declaring that I’m not going to write the price on the bill for now.

“…if that’s the case, then I know. However, I hope that this kind of cooperation will occur more often in the future, even for the sake of bilateral relations. The United States will never forget its friend, General Secretary.”

“I welcome you too, President. I hope that the DPRK-US relationship will only develop and prosper in the future.”

Meanwhile, there were other beneficiaries of the August coup in the Soviet Union besides Yeltsin and Jeonghwan.

In a building in Beijing, hundreds of kilometers from Pyongyang, a group of powerful people were gathering and talking.

“Today the New York Times, comrades. It seems that the ‘Soviet Comrades’ will no longer exist in this world after a week.”

It was written on the front page of the newspaper that the voice as if sighing was put down.

– Mikhail Gorbachev, secretary-general of the USSR, resigned.

– If independence from Moldova, Azerbaijan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, and the Soviet Union is certain, the dissolution of the Soviet Union will be visible within this year.

“This is the result of reform and opening up, comrades. As a result of abandoning socialism and focusing on excessive reform and opening up, people’s lives are devastated, disorder is rampant, and “true patriots” are expelled from the country like dogs. Do you have any comrades who would like to see the same thing happen in China?”

The owner of the voice, Chinese President Yang Sang-kun, asked as he looked at the crowd that filled the room .

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