Dear Comrade

Chapter 113

< Chapter 33. Nam Soon Ganghwa (南巡講話) (1) >

Chapter 33. Nam Soon Ganghwa (1)

On December 26, 1991, one day after Christmas, the Soviet Union was officially disbanded through the Treaty of Belavezia.

Each country of the Soviet Union became independent and established the Federation of Independent States, and Russia was also reborn as a Russian republic led by Boris Yeltsin as president.

As soon as Yeltsin came to power, under the leadership of Finance Minister Gaydar, he launched a reform policy called ‘shock therapy’ to improve the inefficiency and rigidity of communism and to radically improve the lives of the Russian people in a short period of time.

This policy, spearheaded by the newly inaugurated Yegor Ghaydar (Его́р Тиму́рович Гайда́р), the Vice-Chairman of Economic Policy Affairs and Minister of Finance, aimed at a rapid transition to a market economy with the privatization of state-owned enterprises, factories and collective farms.

Whereas China led by Deng Xiaoping tried to reform and open up slowly, maintaining the system, starting with some regions, reform and opening up of the Russian Republic led by Yeltsin (on the wreckage of the Soviet Union) is the exact opposite, shockingly fast and comprehensive as its name suggests. I was planning to turn things around.

The reform and opening-up had two completely different senses of speed, but they had one thing in common: success or failure was determined by how to deal with internal opposition rather than external opposition represented by the West and the United States.

And in addition to the opening of these two countries that the world paid attention to, the achievements of opening were gradually appearing in the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, which is adjacent to China, on the outskirts of Far East Asia.

-President Park Yi-sam, leader of the Democratic People’s Liberation Party, succeeded in party power? At the end of this year, as the presidential constituency began in earnest, the political struggle within the party began in earnest. ‘Responsibilities of Park Yi-sam’s dismantling to the Gulf War, fear that the promise of the cabinet system will be destroyed…’

– Yeouido, who is already excited about the upcoming 14th presidential election, an opposition official who requested anonymity, ‘Who fights with Yuminjung?’ Some Youngnam voters ‘How many times is the presidential challenge… Min-jung Yu is a patient with the president’s disease!’

– Expert, ‘The three-party union is a party’, ‘Park Yi-Sam a traitor, the 14th presidential election judge a traitor’ There is no way to win the presidency with just the agenda. Rumors of not running for the 14th presidential election? The ideological problem has not been resolved yet.

“The era of ideology has already passed and the era of consumption has arrived, but these yangbans here still don’t know it. No, I don’t know if I’m pretending not to know…”

While muttering like that, Junghwan roughly folded the newspaper that read ‘The Korea Daily’ and put it down.

In the meantime, since the major regime change in North Korea (which Kim Jung-hwan himself caused), Korean political forces, regardless of the conservatives and progressives, have faced major and minor crises.

Progress also depended on progress, but the most notable change was the decline of the security conservatives, the beginning and end of the anti-communist ideology.

In order to prevent communism by the horned communist demons of China and the Soviet Union and their subordinates, North Korea, let’s put off democracy for a while and unite under strong leadership… It was a repertoire, but within just a few years, the persuasive power of the logic had greatly weakened from the dispatch of troops to the last Gulf War to be precise.

Right now, China has already started transitioning to a market economy a long time ago, the Soviet Union was disbanded just two or three months ago, and in the case of North Korea, it became a pro-American country under the leadership of a new leader and secured the maintenance of the system as collateral and took the Chinese train. was stepping on

The worldview of the security conservatives, who regarded the United States as a country to serve as a country that should serve the United States, and as a teacher to learn from, the worldview of the South Korea-U.S.-Japan triangular alliance (of course, putting aside the fact that Korea is at the bottom of this three-party system, for a moment) came to light overnight. it had collapsed

Jeonghwan was also interested in watching this change in the Korean political landscape, and the collapse of the security conservative forces that see North Korea under his rule as an object of absorption and unification would also be beneficial if it was beneficial to him, not harmful, so there was a sense of anticipation. …. It seems that the time has come for this outdated logic to hit the last glimmer of reflection.

It was election season.

‘Hey, there’s no way the logic that has been used over the past few decades can’t be destroyed in just a few years. It was a report that was too sweet to dispose of so easily. Even if he was elected by the current South Korean president, he is from the new military. Even though Park Yi-sam is the same, Yu Min-joong has to drop it first, then the sense of urgency that they live is not a joke.’

As the year 1992, when the 14th presidential election of Korea was scheduled, came, the security conservatives, who were on the verge of political annihilation at the same time as the collapse of the Soviet Union, seemed to gather together.

And it seemed that the editorial department of the Goryeo Ilbo, a newspaper that once played a major role in its security pay, had not yet decided which one to choose.

Just the evaluation of Hyundai Group and Chairman Chung Moon-young’s investment in North Korea, which took place a while ago, published an editorial praising that one day he was a Korean entrepreneur who climbed up to find new opportunities in North Korea at an age when he would sit on a hospital bed. On the other day, critics ran rampant on the road saying that all modern groups should be removed from the Ministry of National Defense bidders.

‘Well, I think Park Yi-sam will win this election without difficulty. As in original history. What’s important is whether Minjoong Yoo runs for office or not…’

Regarding the presidential election, where everyone with a mouth can’t see a step ahead, Jeonghwan had a surprisingly simple idea.

In the original history, Chairman Chung Moon-young, who decided to run for president with the founding of a new party in protest against a retaliatory tax investigation, is now focusing on his business activities with full support from North Korea. It was unexpectedly predictable.

The question is whether Yu Min-jung will run for president again this time at a point where the Democratic Party and President Park Yi-sam are predicted to win the presidential election. It was because the political life itself could be cut off.

“Well, I don’t know yet. I have a lot more to worry about now than that.”

Jeonghwan thought so, drank a glass of Coca-Cola, emptied himself, and perused the reports posted in the secretary’s office.

– Reports related to water quality improvement work and sewage treatment plant construction ceremony in Suwon, Taedong River, the revolutionary capital of Pyongyang

– 100-day tree planting battle achievements and progress of elementary school and middle school student comrades

– Priority proposals for the elimination of over 200 economic-related regulations

Read at

North Korea, which had been laying the groundwork and sown seeds for several years after he came to power, has already been on the rails of market economy as capitalism has already sprouted little by little.

Three years from the end of 1988, if it was a time to put out an urgent fire, that is, to take the necessary first aid immediately, to resolve the contradictions and absurdities of the Kim Il-sung-Kim Jong-il regime, and to make basic investments for the future and improve relations with the United States. , now is the time to really create the next generation.

Fortunately, Jeong-hwan came to power before the arduous march that completely plunged North Korea into a dungeon.

Even if the industrial power, agricultural power, and planned economy of the 1970s, the golden age of the republic, began to run into their limits, Jeong-hwan would have no way of doing anything without the foreign exchange and administrative power that allowed him to compete with Korea.

As a result of attempting a major change of direction by consolidating the remaining national strength and integrating the military economy that had been separated into the second economy into the civilian economy, the results are slowly coming out.

Isn’t this a small but tangible result of North Korea’s market economy, which has been achieved over the past three years from internal and external opposition and concerns, starting with the Coca-Cola that Jeong-hwan is drinking right now?

And, again, through one of the reports, Junghwan was now seeing that one of the small fruits he had invested in the past three years had come to fruition today.

– A report document on the plan for the welcome ceremony for Kim Dae student comrades who went to study at the London School of Economics.

‘My juniors (?) are coming back. Now, I’ve been handling state affairs almost like a one-man show with party executives who don’t even know the nitty gritty of capitalism, but for the time being, it’ll be a little more comfortable. Well, I don’t think I’m just taking it easy.’

He said that people and human resources are the most precious and at the same time the most difficult to obtain.

And at the same time, the most unpredictable thing (as is the case with Jung-hwan himself) is the human element, the person.

Among the 300 or so ‘capitalist republic’ generations who are returning now, there will be some who will become pillars of his system as much as they have eaten foreign food for a long time. It was clear that there were others.

It is a sad fact, but most revolutions in human history have not been driven by the masses, but by well-educated elites at the forefront.

From Che Guevara to now, he was a doctor from a bourgeois family.

‘It’s not a problem right now. The WTO system is coming soon, and first of all, we need elites who are well educated in Western capitalism. The problem is how well you persuade these friends…’

Still, for the next few years, no problem.

Jeong-hwan’s idea of ‘…’ collapsed unexpectedly quickly, and at that time, in China, the fall of a giant or a slayer who led the opening of the country much earlier than Jeong-hwan was beginning.

“From now on, I have to write my words straight down and deliver it to Beijing, okay?”

“Yes, yes! Comrade Deng Xiaoping!”

Clerk’s office in Wuhan, the capital of Hubei Province.

Wuhan, along with Shenzhen, Guangzhou, Wuchang, and Shanghai in the southern part of China, is one of the centers of China’s open special zone. Now the clerk did not even dare to raise his head before the tall dwarf old man.

Even so, the person sitting in front of him now was Deng Xiaoping, a small Chinese giant, head of the Eight Great Elders of the CCP, nicknamed Bu Doong (不倒翁), and general architect of reform and opening up.

“It was a very unfortunate accident for Hu Yaobang and General Secretary Zhao Ziyang to have suffered such an incident. However, overcoming such sacrifices, we, China, will have to continue to push the path of reform and opening up. Only then will the party be in good shape, and pictures of Comrade Mao Zedong will continue to hang on Tiananmen Square. Beijing idiots like Yang Sang-kun and Chen Yun should take my words to heart…”

Although Deng Xiaoping is now responsible for the economic sanctions that followed the Tiananmen massacre and has resigned from all public offices, including the chairmanship of the Party Military Committee, he was only an ordinary member of the party.

But like his political rivals Yang Sang-kun, Boibo, Chen Yun, and more, as did his political rivals, he was in a sense more powerful than he had been in office for all Chinese party officials.

However, it cannot be denied that its influence was largely attributable to reform and opening-up and its achievements, and due to economic sanctions over the past few years, Deng Xiaoping’s supporters are skeptical of the achievements of China’s reform and opening-up, which are just beginning to flap their wings. was sending

And Deng Xiaoping had no choice but to feel that kind of gaze towards him during this visit to the southern open special zone.

“Look at the Soviets now! The influence that shook the world of the past by being torn into pieces is gone, and a drunken man is sitting in the president’s seat. The people despise the party, and Western civilization has taken over their minds. It means that we must abandon socialism now in order to avoid such a situation in China in the future!”

“Ha, but Comrade Deng Xiaoping… Currently, Wuhan, Shenzhen, Zhuhai, and Shanghai are all groaning from Western economic sanctions. Criticism within the Party that these phenomena did not mean that China gave up its socialist line and subordinated itself to Western capital…”

“Have you seen these fools? How long do you think the sanctions will last? And you’re saying you’re going to lie on the floor forever after tripping over a small stone? Market economy is already an unavoidable reality! Openness is neither subordination to the West nor weakening the control of the Party, but it is a mountain that must be crossed for the long-term revival of this people and China!”

At the words of the Hunan secretary who seemed to not understand what he was saying, Deng Xiaoping raised his voice in spite of the age of eighty, and then as if frustrated, he got up first and left the secretary’s office.

As he hurried out of the office in anger, the Hunan provincial party members who were waiting outside the door disappeared all at once with frightened faces, avoiding his gaze.

Seeing that scene, Deng Xiaoping was just frustrated that there was no one who understood the meaning of his trip to the South Open District.

‘ah! How strange it is that China’s greatest enemy today is not the right-wing capitalists, but the far-left socialists who once led the campaign with Comrade Mao! Why do they not know that closure brings only the rigidity of the system, rigidity leads to corruption, and corruption brings only the division and destruction of this neutrality!’

Deng Xiaoping suffered from such anxieties all the time, even as he laboriously loaded the old trains on the trains to Guangzhou, Wuchang, and Shanghai, which were the next destinations on this southern tour, later known as Namshunganghwa (南巡講話).

It was not only for the patriotic purpose of making the people prosperous and wealthy, but also for the political purpose of ensuring that China would remain a world power in the future.

‘This China must be great and strong. It is the way to form the national body of China and the identity of China, and to bind numerous minorities under the pride of China. And to do so, it is essential to close the gap between the rich and the poor and guarantee equal opportunities through gradual but unstoppable reform and opening up and liquidity to the party and the country as a whole .’

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