Dear Comrade

Chapter 122

< Chapter 39. Chaos Sinuiju (2) >

Chapter 39. Chaos Sinuiju (2)

Soon after, an untimely brawl broke out between the two groups in front of the Trump Casino Hotel.

At first, the Chinese taxi drivers tried to fight back with their fists, but it was not a nighttime surprise, and the North Korean taxi drivers were so violent, and many of the raiders even had weapons in their hands. I chose to ride and take it out.

“Oh! Look at those guys! Run away (run away)! Hold on!”

“Don’t miss it! Show me the taste!”

When the other side showed signs of retreating without confrontation, the courageous North Korean side increased even more and blocked the cars of the Chinese drivers who were about to run away, pulled them out of the driver’s seat and tossed them out of the car.

On this occasion, some people hit the side mirror with a stick or punctured the tire in an attempt to make it impossible to compete in the same industry.

Then, with his eyes glistening with excitement and tension in the brawl, Choi Moo-ryong (who was also holding a crowbar and wielding it vigorously) saw a familiar face about to hurriedly get into the driver’s seat, and his eyes lit up.

“I… … That Ganna bastard, I met you well, you bastard!”

The identity of that familiar face was a Korean-Chinese taxi driver who hijacked (?) Choi Moo-ryong’s customer that day and ran away.

Roughly the same age as him, he was strangely familiar with the wrinkled clothes that let him know that he was also under the same pressures for a livelihood, and his haggard face because he couldn’t sleep due to running at night.

Probably, the living environment and background of growth are not much different from Choi Moo-ryong himself.

However, Choi Moo-ryong, who was very excited as he swung his fists as the drug was on the way up, ran into the man who gave him a goosebumps, without thinking back and forth, immediately swinging a crowbar and jumping in.

“this guy! Know that today is your ancestral memorial day!”


When the opponent fell to his knees by Choi Moo-ryong, who had been running for a month, he sat on his body and beat the opponent with the iron in his hand with excitement.

It was Choi Moo-ryong, who was relieved in his heart after being discharged from the People’s Army and trembling with anxiety about the future, barely finding a means of livelihood.

Read at

No, it wasn’t just a matter of livelihood, it was a matter of the future.

In the future, if money flows in North Korea according to the reform and opening system of General Secretary Choi Mu-ryong, even if it is difficult for Choi Mu-ryong himself, if he raises sons and daughters well for his children and sends them to Kim Dae, he can become an executive of the Central Party in the future, Donju, I think about the future of becoming a president’s comrade and chairman’s comrade. He was the one who had a nice smile inside.

But, thinking that this Korean-Chinese guy who has fallen down and covered his head with his hands now has a fishing ground in the future, Choi Moo-ryong was more than just anger, he couldn’t help but get wet with life.

Whoops! puck!

“this guy! die! die! Somewhere to come to someone else’s land to make bamboo soup in someone else’s business! After 20 years of rot in the military, this is the service I got in return! This is Ganna! In this Sinuiju, a traitor who used to lick their assholes dares to… … yes?”

Choi Moo-ryong, who was madly beating the Koreans, suddenly realized that the other person was not even moving.

I definitely remember the first time I hit it, I screamed in pain and covered my head with my hands… … .

When I looked closely, it seemed that he was not even breathing.

“uh… … Hey, don’t be like that, move a little.”

“… … .”

“Uh, why didn’t you get up? If you wake up now, you will see that you are a compatriot and forgive generously… … .”

“… … .”

“Hey, this… … I didn’t mean to do this… … .”

Choi Moo-ryong, who was in a panic, was holding the crowbar he was holding with blank eyes and fell to the floor.

Suddenly, the fight was entering a lull, and Choi Moo-ryong’s companions were slowly gathering around him with alarmed eyes.

A whistle could be heard from a security guard running after receiving a belated report from afar.

* * *

“ha ha ha. It’s really nice to meet you. Comrade General Secretary Kim. During that time, there was a sense of longing for the 40-year-old blood alliance between China and China, but seeing the general secretary’s face here seems to have put an end to those worries.”

“So do I. General Secretary Jang. Hearing that you have been working in the Shanghai Special Zone for a long time and leading the reform and opening up of a great country, I also wanted to meet you once. The scenery of Beidaihe here is really wonderful. Thanks again for the hospitality.”

“Thank you for the compliment. Isn’t it a really suitable place to celebrate the new beginning of the Sino-DPRK relationship?”

Looking at the scenery of the horizon and the beach in the distance, Jeonghwan consciously avoided direct mention of Deng Xiaoping, even in Chinese, which he was not familiar with yet.

In the meantime, I was listening closely to what was happening in China.

So, the man in front of him right now, Jiang Zemin, general secretary of the Communist Party of China, is the leader of the Shanghai Bang that divides the present Communist Party with the conservatives centered on the military.

Even without deliberately bringing up uncomfortable topics, this visit and the first official visit to China by Jeong Hwan, general secretary of the Workers’ Party of Korea and supreme leader of North Korea, are often sensitive.

It was only two days ago that a Chinese man died in a fight over the commercial sphere between Chinese and North Koreans in Dandong and neighboring Sinuiju.

When this happened at a time when a visit to China had already been decided, the members of the Politburo from Jang Seong-taek, who arranged the meeting, jumped here and there in bewilderment, but Jung-hwan was calm.

‘Hey, how are you going to do this? Comrade general secretary? If you fall for this in a big country… … .’

‘There is no trembling on the water lines. Comrade Jiang Zemin won’t call me to raise an issue with mere ‘little things’ like that.’

‘Well, is it a little thing? Do you really think so, comrade general secretary? If we do not respect the extraterritorial rights of our republic in a large country, this could become a serious matter of conflict.’

‘China is not a democracy like the United States. The sacrifice of one’s own people can be overshadowed in the face of greater political gain. Believe me. The purpose of this meeting is not to be such a trivial matter… … .’

‘Well, I guess I’ll have to put up some face over there.’

“I heard what happened in Sinuiju a few days ago. It is very unfortunate that such an accident occurred at a time like this.”

“I’m glad you think so. In the course of the investigation, it was revealed that our people also bribed the security guard there and asked for their convenience, so let’s end this story here. Rather… … .”

This was the reason why Junghwan assumed that the accident in Sinuiju would not be a big issue during this visit.

It was revealed during the DPRK-China joint investigation that Chinese taxi drivers operating in Sinuiju were paying bribes to North Korean security guards and asking them to close their eyes.

As the Anti-Corruption Investigation Bureau was established for its purpose, it caught corruption of high-ranking party members in Pyongyang well. did.

Because both high-level officials in China and Korea have come to agree on the need to quietly cover up this sensitive issue without leaking it to public opinion.

The People’s Daily could not declare that ‘The Chinese people suffered from difficulties in their livelihood due to the economic sanctions of the United States (because of the Tiananmen massacre by the Communist Party leadership), so they went to Joseon and bribed the authorities to do business and were accidentally killed.’ there’s no such thing

With everyone aware that Deng Xiaoping had virtually been ousted from power a few months ago, Jiang Zemin and other Communist Party leaders were keen to resolve unrest at home and abroad and gain recognition for the regime’s legitimacy.

Since the young leader of North Korea visited for the first time (although it has been a bit strained in recent years, but still an ally of a few traditions), the communist party leadership at the time will continue to change the recognition of the transfer of power to North Korea, a position similar to their ‘tributary state’, and will continue to change in the future. It was because I expected that I would focus as much as possible on receiving it without any notice.

And the attitude of Jiang Zemin, who now treats the murder case of the murder of his own citizens as unimportant, shows that such a prediction was correct.

‘These are the strengths and weaknesses of a totalitarian state. Individuals are nothing in front of national interests. Well, there may be the nationalistic tendencies of Jiang Zemin’s individual.’

Another reason why Jung-hwan thought that the Chinese side would not take the incident seriously was because of a man named Jiang Zemin.

In the original history, he was a person who was strong enough to claim the rights of minorities enough to directly go to the scene and lead the suppression of minority uprisings such as the Tibetan tribe, wearing a helmet.

And decisively, the Chinese taxi driver killed in Sinuiju this time is Chinese only, not Han Chinese… … .

“Thank you for your understanding. We will do our best to prevent this from happening in the future in our country as well. It was an accidental murder, so we will catch the murderer and punish him and pay the compensation.”

“haha. In such a sensitive time, should such a ‘minor problem’ affect the national ambassador of the Sino-DPRK relationship? Thank you for taking care of us though. I could see that the general secretary took the Sino-DPRK relationship seriously. … … But the problem is, even though I think so, there are quite a few members of our party who don’t think so.”

‘This young friend said that he never visited China during the days of Comrade Deng Xiaoping. So, there was a prediction that Joseon was now leaning toward the US in the interstate, but… … I’ll have to look into it from now on.’

As Junghwan gave him lip service and nodded his head, Jiang Zemin shrugged his shoulders as if it was insignificant, and slowly brought up a ‘really important story’.

“About the decision to participate in the Gulf War made by the general secretary a year ago… … To be honest, there was a lot of talk within our party and government as well. Oh, of course, we know it was a decision made for the people, and we know that Saddam Hussein acted like a madman, so it’s not that we don’t understand… … .”

Jiang Zemin did everything he had to say as he glanced at Jeonghwan with his twinkling eyes as he coughed.

“… … So I would like the general secretary to publicly confirm the answer so that such doubts can be dispelled here. Comrade’s father and brother… … Oh excuse me, after all the previous generations, Joseon will continue to put the Sino-DPRK relationship above all else… … .”

“… … .”

“… … Or will he be swept away by the cowardice rumors of his new friends and make the mistake of neglecting the old friendships.”

‘You are very threatening. Even if you show courtesy on the outside, I will definitely accept what you get, right? It’s like a human being who has succeeded by smashing the back of the head of Deng Xiaoping, who raised him.’

During this visit to China, Jiang Zemin invited Jeonghwan to this Beijing Beidaihe, and what he wanted to hear was this: ‘Be sure to verify whose side you are on.’

After the participation in the last Gulf War, the visit of President Bush and the establishment of diplomatic ties with Western countries, North Korea has indeed made a major diplomatic change.

And, seeing these moves of North Korea, a country with a subtle relationship, commonly referred to as Sun Hammer Han (脣亡齒寒: Without lips, sore teeth), opinions within the Communist Party were divided into two groups.

The opinion of the group, led by Jiang Zemin, was, ‘Since we have declared that we will reform and open up, we cannot avoid ties with the United States, the world economic hegemon. It cannot be said that Joseon has turned its back on us with this amount, so let’s wait a little longer.”

Another opinion of the group, centered on the conservatives in the military, was, ‘The new general secretary has never visited China since taking office. We need to make sure that we take this opportunity to crack down on the side of Joseon.”

The taxi driver’s murder in Sinuiju, respect for extraterritorial rights, etc. were all minor issues that could be compromised and concessions compared to these major national issues.

And Jeonghwan soon made up his mind and gave a clear answer to this unspoken pressure from Jiang Zemin.

“I fully understand such concerns, but we, Chosun, are still grateful for the grace given to us by the great powers 40 years ago. Jojoong will be an eternal clan in the future, so please rest your mind.”

“… … Are you sure? I’m sorry, but I can’t just ignore this. I also have a position within the party.”

“In my father’s name, I assure you personally. And no matter how close we may become with the United States, are not Korea and the United States fundamentally different in ideology and system? Do you not think that General Secretary Jang thinks that I will introduce democracy like the United States or South Korea in recent years and have the people elect a leader through elections?”

“… … .”

“Just as such a thing cannot happen in a large country, such a thing cannot happen in North Korea. Isn’t there a saying in the Joseon Dynasty that the arms are bent inward?”

“International relations are like living creatures. Yesterday’s enemy is today’s friend, and today’s friend is often tomorrow’s enemy. There is no guarantee that such a thing will not happen even in the Sino-DPRK relationship.”

“Don’t you know that countries with very different systems can join hands according to their temporary interests, but they can never become blood alliances? In order for Joseon to truly neglect the great powers and become closer to the United States, it will eventually have to introduce democracy like South Korea. General Secretary Jang, do you think I am foolish enough to abandon the one-party leadership system of the Workers’ Party of Korea in order to join hands with the United States?”

This time Jiang Zemin was silent for a moment.

It was because he understood what Junghwan was trying to say to him.

‘It’s impossible. Even thinking about his future and maintaining his power.’

At Jeonghwan’s persuasion, Jiang Zemin couldn’t help but nod his head inwardly.

The number one allies of the United States are ABC allies represented by Britain, Canada, and Australia, as anyone with a little knowledge of international politics knows well.

What these top allies of the United States have in common, which can be called blood ties, are that white Anglo-Saxons are predominantly social, speak English, and have a democratic system.

Other allies, even Japan and Israel, let alone South Korea, have no priority in U.S. diplomatic relations without them.

Of course, even if a dictatorship is established like Korea at the time of the military rebellion, there are cases where the alliance continues depending on its geopolitical importance… … .

Even then, the South Korean military regime received considerable scrutiny from the United States and had to pay various diplomatic costs, such as limiting the range of its missiles.

It was almost impossible to form an alliance equivalent to a blood alliance with a one-man dictatorship such as North Korea, given the founding ideology of the United States and the national system.

Junghwan pointed that out right now.

“The Korean people also want the leadership of me and the Labor Party rather than democracy. Wouldn’t the world be watching what Russia is going through since Yeltsin’s introduction of democracy?”

“… … Hmm.”

“Although we may temporarily bow our heads to the West for prosperity through openness, which has long been recommended by large countries, we, the Workers’ Party of Korea and the Korean people, always cherish the friendship with China in our memories. And I, too, have no choice but to do so for the safety of our Kim family.”

“… … !”

At the subtle hint in the last sentence, Jiang Zemin first put aside his suspicions about North Korea and Jeonghwan.

Jeonghwan’s last words, expressing the comfort of the Kim family, were euphemistically expressed, but in the end this was what he meant.

‘In order to achieve democracy, I have to return this power I hold to the people, but I don’t want to do that either. So, even for my own safety, I would like to receive support from China, which has a similar system, without going all-in to the United States.’

After revealing even this personal secret, Jiang Zemin decided that Junghwan was a bit more reliable now.

At the very least, he would not introduce democracy to Korea, which meant that North Korea and the United States would not be able to get closer than a certain distance.

The introduction of democracy is equivalent to Jeonghwan giving up his power on his own, and throwing himself out naked at the threat of internal reactionaries and political opponents of the party who have been suppressed under his rule.

Everyone thinks about their own safety first, and it is normal for politicians to always prepare their own books and escape routes.

Deng Xiaoping, who had held the highest authority since Mao Zedong, failed in his attempt to protect his faction and ensure a safe retirement age, and in the last years of his life, he was treated like this by his own political opponents, and he died miserably.

In that respect, Jiang Zemin was convinced that the young general secretary would not be very different from him.

“Okay. I’m relieved if I get this kind of confirmation. President Yang and other party members’ doubts will be calmed enough.”

“ha ha ha… … I am grateful.”

“Now that you have doubts about the Sino-DPRK relationship in the future, let’s discuss how to deepen and strengthen that relationship.”

After saying this, Jiang Zemin pointed to the beautiful scenery of Bei Daihe with his hand.

Bei Daihe, which had long been in the spotlight as a vacation spot for party cadres, has been transformed into a modern tourist destination with resorts and hotels all over the place.

And that was also what Jiang Zemin was trying to show and suggest.

“It’s about changing Sinuiju and Dandong like this Bei Daihe. What if China and Chosun designate Sinuiju-Dandong as a joint special zone and invest capital from both sides for joint development ?”

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