Dear Comrade

Chapter 128

Dear Comrade Leader, Episode 128

Chapter 44. The people of Kim Jong-hwan and the people of Kim Jong-il

‘It wasn’t my intention, but am I helping Park Yi-sam? No, I don’t know who would believe me if I said that I had indirectly contributed to the qualitative growth of Korean politics.’

Jeong Hwan laughed bitterly as he read articles in the Korea Daily that looked at the history of Park Yi-sam from the age of 26 as an aide to a member of the National Assembly, committing himself to the democratization movement, and finally becoming president.

Of course, I was well aware of the fact that Minjoong Yoo did not run for office, and I could well have expected that Park Yi-sam would be defeated by that.

Perhaps it was the butterfly effect that he had only heard of, although Jung-hwan had been reading the South Korean newspapers quite diligently, there was no ‘We are Nami’ incident at all, which was famous even in his era.

Unlike the original history, Jung Moon-young, who became a sudden variable in the passport and created tension in the presidential election, is now working next to him in the North, so it was highly likely because Yu Min-jung, the most promising candidate in the opposition, declared not to run.

Thanks to this, the regional sentiment between Yeongho-nam, which had been promoted and actively used by politicians since the 1980s, and which should have erupted after reaching its peak in this presidential election, also seemed to be starting to lose steam and gradually weaken.

Immediately after the declaration of non-candidate, the Conservative media, including the Goryeo Ilbo, published articles mixed with ridicule, saying, ‘President Yu Min-jung’s illness has finally recovered.’ he had drawn a knife.

“Now is the time for our society to develop one step further. That North Korea has also changed, and it is changing at a fast pace even now, so shouldn’t we, this Republic of Korea, do not change? Local sentiment in Yeonghonam, politics and business collaborating! And above all, military intervention in politics! All these old things! Bad habits! Didn’t you stay? Now I have to be complacent!”

These were the words of Park Yi-sam, who, less than a month after taking office, smashed the generals from the Hanahoe who had participated in the military rebellion since the beginning of this year, that is, 1993.

Although many complaints arose from the bottom of the water even if they could not express it outwardly, there was no way to say anything else to President Park Yi-sam, who was elected with an overwhelming majority of over 60% without political debt for using local sentiment.

* * *

“How do I send a congratulatory letter to the US side, Comrade General Secretary?”

“You don’t have to write too long. Just write that you knew you were going to win. We look forward to doing many more things together in the future.”

what’s true too

After Clinton was thrown out of the marijuana gate, incumbent President George Herbert Walker Bush easily won the communist presidential election.

Jung-hwan himself sat on the other side of the Pacific Ocean and pushed his back a few times at important times, and he did not intend to publicize the fact that he had contributed greatly to Bush’s re-election. seemed different.

“Congratulations on your re-election, Your Excellency. I never doubted that Americans knew what the right choice was.”

-Call me George, Margaret. By the way, it’s possible because it’s Off the Record, but I have to say thank you. Thanks to your foundation’s interview, Bill got a very bitter taste this time around. Seeing that thin, skinny face, who was always relaxed, was distorted, how cool was this inside, hahaha!

“Iknow, right. I didn’t mean ‘never’, but… … I’m glad it was helpful though. Now that I am out of public service, if you need my advice or help regardless of your position, please do not hesitate to contact the Northeast Asia Balanced Security Foundation. Although our foundation is relatively new, it is researching more diverse and specialized policies in setting the direction of joint security between the United States and Asia than any other think tank in the United States.”

– I will always keep that in mind. Since I owe you this time, I always send a minister to the event to say congratulations and come. What about Cheney’s friend after the talk?

As thatcher proves that he hates missing opportunities, he secretly promoted the Northeast Asian Balanced Security Foundation (including huge amounts of lobbying and sponsorship money), which accidentally played a decisive role in this presidential election, to the entire American political and financial circles. did.

Of course, this was to increase the influence of the Foundation director himself, but as Jung-hwan had no particular reason to oppose it, he only asked not to reveal the direct link with North Korea and allowed a significant amount of funds to be spent on the foundation.

With a head equipped with both motives and means, if 10 years pass like this, the Northeast Asia Balanced Security Foundation will smoothly influence public opinion and policy-making in the United States, as Jeong Hwan originally intended.

The only bad news… … .

* * *

“Dick Cheney, this gentleman has been retained.”

The newly announced second term of Bush’s cabinet has largely retained its former cabinet members, including, of course, Dick Cheney.

If there’s one comforting thing, it’s that I’m no longer secretary of defense, but vice president, a position with relatively little power… … .

“Well, he’s not his son, so he won’t be swayed or swayed for a while. I’ll have to watch it for now. More than that… … .”

Jung Hwan turned his attention to a report reporting North Korea’s economic growth in 1992 and last year, which had already passed while he was keenly aware of the elections between the two countries.

You can trust that it was published by the party’s statistics department, which has gained credibility through maintenance and manpower reinforcement.

There were several encouraging figures, but among them, the one that caught Junghwan’s attention the most was the annual GDP growth rate.

And the gist of it was this:

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Nominal GDP growth of the Republic year-on-year this year: 16%

“This is good for developing countries. Even if you create a foothold for a little bit, the growth rate can be straightened out.”

All the measures he has taken since he came to power, now represented by the promotion of independent farming, the maintenance of transportation infrastructure, the development and export of natural resources, the attraction of foreign investment, and the careful privatization of state-owned enterprises, that is, the introduction of a market economy system. there was.

In addition, the formation of the Raseon-Chongjin Heavy Industry Zone was decided, and construction began at a speed unique to a socialist country.

And it was promoted extensively within the republic through the three major broadcasters, including the Chosun Central Broadcasting System.

Jang Seong-taek, the head of the Organizational Guidance Department, and Jeong Hwan and Jung Mun-young, both launched the first shovel at the same time at the groundbreaking ceremony.

The scene became a symbol of the new republic and engraved in the minds of the people, as it was included in the video of the general secretary’s New Year’s speech, along with trucks filling the road and an oil rig that spewed flames nonstop.

The biggest change was that it was no longer a job to hide or a sin to ‘make money’ in the republic, that is, to pursue self-interest.

In order to survive in a changing world and achieve a rise in status, all the people were jumping for the new rule of Shincheonji, ‘capital accumulation’, and new factories, shops, and businesses were opened in Pyongyang, the center of that desire, day by day. was open

Of course, it cannot be said that it was not without the help of the oil cheat, but it seemed that it would grow smoothly without any problems until it ran into the ‘middle-income trap’.

In fact, even if it is late or early, we were preparing for the impending middle-income trap, such as distributing IT infrastructure and investing in future high value-added industries such as solar power… … .

10 years later, Jung-hwan’s goal of an average national income of $10,000 could become a reality.

Considering that Korea, which has been on the path of economic growth, is expected to break through that plateau only in 1996 in the next four years, it may be an unreasonable goal, but considering the existence of oil fields to start production in earnest and the number of population smaller than Korea, it will never be possible. Junghwan was thinking in his heart that it wasn’t a dream.

What Jung Hwan was worried about right now was about distribution, which is a different issue from the quantitative growth report of the economy.

“The people of Kim Jong-hwan and the people of Kim Jong-il… … It means that true public sentiment is always naked, yet poignant.”

Recalling the report he received from Hyerim Yoo a few days ago, Junghwan put a bitter smile on his lips.

In introducing the market economy system, for the people who have not yet fully escaped the time of socialism, Jeong Hwan introduced the income decile system to limit the rationing system to those below a certain decile.

In a world that changes too quickly, there are always those who have missed opportunities, have been born in the wrong environment, or have just been unlucky.

And in the process, the marginalized tend to turn into social dissatisfaction forces, and even if they are not noticed right away, their anger builds up and overturns the government in some cases.

In fact, as if to prove this concern, Jeong-hwan heard a rumor through Yu Hye-rim’s mouth a few days ago that it was spreading secretly like a mist of water among the people.

“Comrade General Secretary. Have you ever heard of this? The words ‘Kim Jeong-hwan people’ and ‘Kim Jong-il people’… … .”

“… … No, this is the beginning of a golden hour. What does that mean?”

“Recently, this is a word that has spread unknowingly among the people. The people who live on rations from the party are still living in the former republic, socialist society, so they are ‘Kim Jong-Il people’. It means ‘Kim Jeong-hwan people’ because we live in a society. The people of the republic are no longer all the same people.”

“ah… … ! Does this mean that such a phenomenon is already happening among the people?”

“Comrade General Secretary, you may not be aware of this, as you were not lacking in your life. Right before I joined the military, the children of executives who frequently travel abroad at university used a lot of foreign goods, and they did not lack enough to eat and wear, so they were the object of envy. The children of the household who did not lamented why our parents could not appear outside the republic once.”

According to Yu Hye-rim, the ‘Kim Jeong-hwan people’ is emerging as a new symbol of the republic and an object of envy, whereas the people belonging to the ‘Kim Jong-il people’ are often told behind the scenes that they are incompetent and useless even if they do not listen to them in front of them. Said.

The children of the ‘Kim Jong-Il People’ household were teased at school by the children of the ‘Kim Jeong-Hwan People’ household and did not join them to play, and the housewives said that they would not eat meat properly in the New Year’s rice cake soup and would be chewed in conversations.

Jeonghwan was savored by an indescribable bitterness at the bare face he had brought about in this naked age.

However, he could not do anything about what happened in the inevitable change of the times.

Knowing the future, all he could do was provide a minimum of food, clothing, shelter and shelter for those who were slaughtered before being late to the socialist economic system and establishing themselves in the capitalist society.

In fact, it is difficult to do even such a fix for the side effects of capitalism and globalization, which has begun to rush in, in Korea, where there is no oil and the decision-making process takes a long time.

After all, isn’t this all a matter of speed control?

This is still the case even now, as the market economy is gradually introduced, Russia, which opened the dam for reform and opening up at once, was in a state of chaos.

And in the process of the great chaos, Jeong-hwan had to take care of what he had to bring for the sustainable future of the republic he led.

Today’s report was also about the benefits to take in the midst of the chaos.

“Comrade General Secretary. They are listed comrades Baek Seung-cheol and Ri Jong-su, director of the General Bureau of External Reconnaissance.”

“Let me in.”

Soon, the door to the secretary’s room opened and Jeonghwan waved his hand and suggested a seat to the two people who were saluting.

“It’s a bit late, but Happy New Year. Then take a seat. Now, let’s take a look at the results of our hard work. It took quite a while to write, but I did well to entrust it to those of you who know the area well. Isn’t that right?”

“Uh-huh, now we are only loyal to the Republic and the general secretary.”

When the past, which he did not want to mention much, came out of the mouth of the supreme leader, today’s reporter, Baek Seung-cheol, a public officer of the People’s Army, and Ri Jong-su, chief of the reconnaissance general, avoided each other’s eyes and coughed in vain.

Fortunately, Jeonghwan didn’t make them more difficult.

“Now then, let’s hear it in earnest. So these guys here… … You mean those who will work for the Air Force of the People’s Army of the Republic of Korea in the future?”

“We plan to add more in the future! Comrade general secretary! Our Foreign Reconnaissance General Bureau has achieved the following achievements, armed with the amount of money granted by the secretary’s office, the gun bomb spirit that spares the lives of the warriors under its command, and Shin Myo-san! Please listen to me.”

* * *

about two months ago.

The end of 1992 is already near, but most of the common people in Vladivostok did not have a bright expression, as if considering Russia’s difficult situation in recent years, where it is difficult to buy a bottle of milk.

However, there was a building that was so far from the dreary atmosphere of Vladivostok, and unlike other places, it was brightly lit with all-natural lights, and rich and good-looking people in fur coats came and went. couldn’t avoid it.

However, their eyes were full of contempt and envy and jealousy at the same time, because the people who entered the building of pleasure were proof that their pockets were thick, unlike 99% of the current Russians.

The building’s identity was a casino, with a large written on the front door saying, ‘We only accept dollars’ in Russian and English.

And now, in the largest casino in Vladivostok, Anatoly Ferminov was meeting the luck of a lifetime.

“Card Open, Full House Win. Congratulations. You won again, sir.”


The shouts of colleagues echoed from behind.

At the same time, seeing the waves of red and black chips rushing in front of his eyes, the Russians who refrained from expressing their emotions, even Ferminopra, who was a soldier by status, could not stand the twitching of their lips.

It was also because it was enough money that he and his family could eat abundantly for half a year even if he took only one tenth of the mountains of chips that are in front of him now.

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No, it is a time when the value of the ruble is falling sharply day by day, so Ferminov had the chips he won in the game right now, and the later he exchanged it, the better. it was near

“The next sport is Texas Hold’em. Make a bet, guests.”

“A thousand!”

“One thousand and three thousand!”

“Three thousand and five thousand!”

Among the good-natured foreign guests who raised the ball vigorously, Ferminov’s turn came at last.

However, among the customers who raised their stakes like crazy, an Asian who had been glaring at him badly raised the stakes as if provoking him.

“I got five thousand… … ten thousand! Ten thousand dollars!”

“Oh oh… … !”

‘Look at this guy?’

After all, raising money in the turn right before him was obviously trying to kill Ferminov with money.

Still, it seems that he was anxious for not being able to argue with him from a while ago, and not only that, but also his colleagues who were behind Ferminov’s support for him sweeping the board also had a bad expression on their faces.

‘You can’t be Russian if you refuse a challenge!’

It was unfortunate for that Asian, but today the goddess of fortune was on the side of Ferminov.

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No, in fact, not only today, but since he visited Vladivostok for official business, he started to enter the casino out of curiosity, and the family has been in his hands, and his luck has reached its climax today.

Ferminov and his co-workers, thinking this anomaly was the so-called beginner’s luck, went to and fro the casinos over the past few weeks without questioning.

In fact, even if he had doubted, it would have been almost impossible for anyone other than Ferminov to resist the temptation of such a large sum of money in present-day Russia.

In the end, Lieutenant Colonel Anatoly Ferminov of the Russian Army’s Strategic Missile Rocket Army had to say the word that changed his life with half excitement and half greed.

“Хорошо (Okay)! Ask and go double!”

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