Dear Comrade

Chapter 131

Dear Comrade Leader, Episode 131

Chapter 46. Chen Xue-sun

The Russian engineer, who was called to the secretary’s office in response to Jeonghwan’s question, did not answer the question, but just stared at him blankly for a moment.

He was about 30 years old, but he looked much older because of his disheveled head and drooping eyes, and in many ways he was the recognized representative of all Russian aeronautical engineers recruited by the General Reconnaissance Office. It took some time to make.

Because he was sitting on the chair in the clerk’s office, drunk with vodka to such an extent that his body stung the stench of alcohol.

“… … Why does it look like this? I know what kind of place this place is now… … What did the agent comrades in charge do without even waking this guy up?”

“Sin, I’m sorry! That’s because there hasn’t been a time when this comrade hasn’t been drunk at all… … Even when I brought it to the Republic, I couldn’t not give it to you because I was tempted to bring it to you so you won’t have to worry about vodka for the rest of your life… … Even though I was told that today is the day to meet the general secretary, I drink again… … .”

“Okay. If this person really has the abilities I want and can produce results, I’ll give them a shot. Bring me some cold water so I can drink it, and let me wake up first.”

Even though he was suffering from a hangover in the office of the supreme leader of the republic, Yoo Hye-rim clicked his tongue as if pathetic as he was still looking for alcohol.

As he himself studied abroad in Frunze during the Soviet era, he knew that Russians could die and not live with vodka, but this is still a bit harsh.

Even if the agents of the General Reconnaissance Bureau and other Russian engineers who had brought him had not spoken of him as ‘the reincarnation of Sergei Koryolov, the national treasure of the Soviet Union,’ they would have slapped him, dragged him out, and put him in a correctional center.

However, Junghwan waited patiently for the Russian, who did not know where this place was, and who only muttered to bring more vodka, came to his senses.

What was important to him was his ability, not manners.

At any rate, we could learn a few things about him from the drunken gibberish muttering with his curly tongue for a brief period of time that brought him back to sanity.

For example, the fact that his last name is Антонов, and that he was not recognized as an illegitimate child of the famous aeronautical engineer Oleg Antonov (Олег Константинович Антонов), whether true or false.

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Not only that, I inherited my father’s talent ten times more than my own children, so for the time being I’ll just call you by my last name, we Russians aren’t clowns like Americans, we don’t call names unless we’re real friends, and we hide vodka in my dorm But where did you put them all, etc.

Finally, when Antonov was able to communicate normally, Jeonghwan spoke in English first.

“Now, Antonov, you won’t see me very much in the future, but given the importance of the story we’re going to talk about today, it’s probably right for us to talk in the language you’re comfortable with. I’m not very good at Russian these days, so it’s rusty, but here my personal assistant, Lieutenant Yu Hye-rim, speaks Russian very well, so you can choose the one you want… … .”

However, Antonov cut off Junghwan’s words by waving his hand in a ruthless manner.

“Do it in English. It’s more comfortable that way.”

“… … It’s surprising, isn’t it?”

“I learned a bit of English to see the US Lockheed Martin blueprints or Silicon Valley materials that the KGB guys took away. You don’t know how to defeat the enemy only if you know the enemy. But is there really no vodka? I’m drunk and haphazard, but I heard that your comrade is the general secretary here… … The newspapers say that the supreme leader of North Korea, Kim Jong-il, has a private liquor store and a yacht that slaps the rich Americans.

“In the face of the supreme leader of this republic, it would be better to be silent, Comrade Antonov. … … Before I punch a hole in my head.”

Even Baek Seung-cheol, who was sitting in the same place, contorted his face and said a word to Antonov’s attitude, which was ridiculously unassuming.

Hyerim Yoo quietly took her hand to the gun barrel she was wearing around her waist.

But this time, Jeonghwan did not waver.

“If you give me the results I want, I can give you the entire brewery. But you haven’t answered my question yet.”

“What question? Oh, just that? How long does it take to produce a fighter comparable to the American F15?”

Antonov looked at Jeonghwan for a moment with an expression of sincerity, then realized that he was asking a serious question, and answered with a blunt attitude.

“Well, maybe a hundred years or so. Well, you can call it 200 years.”

“I’m seriously asking, Comrade Antonov.”

“Hey, supreme leader Yangban… … No, I said general secretary. No matter what you say, I answered you seriously, Comrade General. your country… … When you look at the level of engineering technology and production capacity of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea objectively, do you know how absurd that statement just sounded? Before that, did you know that your aircraft can be hammered and hammered at the forge like some Kalashnikov rifle?”

“… … .”

This time no one was angry or threatened Antonov.

Because everyone could feel the sincerity of his words.

The usual drunken look had just disappeared, and Antonov’s eyes lit up as he spoke of the aircraft and his lips closed like a frostbite.

Soon, he looked directly into the eyes of Jeonghwan and other people in the room and began to tell the truth in a quick but clear voice.

“There is a saying that if you want to see a country’s industrial capabilities, go to that country’s air force maintenance depot. There is one thing that it is difficult to produce, design, and manufacture just civilian aircraft, but air force fighters are the compression and totality of a country’s scientific and technological capabilities. There, the comrade who told me about a hole in my head earlier! You look roughly like a military officer, so let me ask you one thing, do you have a rough idea of what goes into a fighter to do its job in modern warfare?”

“… … huh? Well… … Uhm, I’m an army general… … .”

Antonov snorted at Baek Seung-cheol, who was embarrassed by the sudden question.

“I knew I would. Being a fighter doesn’t just mean making the fuselage plausible. Of course, the hydrodynamic body that can withstand the tremendous speed is also important, but… … First, the attached weapons such as jet engines, ground radar to assist, and air-to-air missiles are put aside, and more importantly, the eyes and ears of the fighter, avionics to act as the central nervous system, the navigation system for distance measurement and takeoff and landing, and arms control Devices, peer identification devices, computers for communication and control missions, and sensors! And, most importantly, radar! All of these things are getting more complicated and more expensive day by day, but how many of these North Korea can be produced on their own?”

“… … .”

“As far as I know, isn’t it difficult for North Korea to make its own helicopters, let alone fighters? But in such a country, would you like to build a fighter that is comparable to the F15, the latest fighter in the United States? Comrade general secretary. If I had to explain why not, I could hold onto you and talk to you all day today, but I’ll explain it straight-forward. Today, if you compare this country to a car, you can barely make doors. As an engineer, I hate to say the impossible so easily, but what you’re asking for is like asking 30 elementary school students with shovels to build the Kremlin.”

Antonov, who gave an accurate and quick explanation of his drunken stuttering a while ago, seemed to have completely changed in a matter of seconds.

The people in the room were surprised to see him suddenly come to life as if he was watering a withered plant when the word “aircraft” was mentioned, but they could not help but be disappointed by the backward reality.

After all, even the dear comrade who has ever done miracles and miracles in this republic, there are certain things that should not be done.

Thinking that he was speaking too coldly, Antonov gently suggested an alternative as if he was a little sorry.

“If you want to make a fighter jet, I’ll show you a realistic way. They are importing key parts such as radars and jet engines from the US or Russia. Of course, no matter how far we get to this point, the export of the latest weapons and technology transfers are completely closed, and the Yankees aren’t stupid, so it’s the same… … Considering the time and cost of self-development and the current technology, that is the best.”

Despite Antonov’s words, which took a step back, Jeonghwan still did not break his will.

Hyerim Yoo, who had a disappointed expression next to her, was also predicting that Jeonghwan would accept Antonov’s compromise this time.

“Of course, I will have to do that for at least 10 years. However, the ultimate goal for me and our military is to localize more than 80% of radars and more. Entrusting the future of one’s military power to another country means security subordination.”

“Oh My God! This comrade really doesn’t make sense! Comrade General Secretary, I am an aeronautical engineer, not a god! It would be more realistic to make a hand grenade out of pine cones, like the North Korean joke that was popular in the former Soviet Union.”

When Jeonghwan did not compromise until the end, Antonov scratched his head in annoyance.

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Not only Antonov, but Baek Seung-cheol looked at Jeonghwan with eyes that seemed to ask, ‘Why don’t you listen to what other people have to say first?’

After a moment of silence, Antonov decided as if he had no choice but to conclude.

“I’m sorry, but it’s impossible to build your own fighter within half a century with the technology of your comrades now. Of course, I know that oil came out and opened up some time ago, but… … If I were to give you my advice, I think it would be appropriate to focus on asymmetrical forces such as missiles with the time and money that would be spent on developing our own fighters as a practical national defense strategy. If you don’t know anything else, radar is never something you can make with 5 or 6 years of investment. Or I’d like to tell you to buy fighter jets from the US with dollars like Saudi Arabia or Japan, or to license production. It will be cheaper in many ways.”

So Antonov finished his speech and closed his mouth like a clam.

And then the atmosphere in the secretary’s room subsided.

When the nail was nailed as impossible before even starting, no one dared to open their mouth and only looked at Jeonghwan’s eyes.

Some thought he would be discouraged, others thought he would be furious.

Baek Seung-cheol was even worried that Jeong-hwan would drag Antonov, who said he couldn’t come to a conclusion after showing all his arrogant attitude, and tell him to put him in prison.

However, after a moment of silence, Jeonghwan suddenly brought up another story in a calm voice.

“There is a Chinese engineer named Chen Xuesun. He was a founding member of the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, the predecessor of NASA, which sent people to the moon, and was born in China, but the Ministry of National Defense recognized his genius and entrusted him with missile research. .”

“… … I know the story of that man. Perhaps the person who led China’s nuclear development and launched China’s first artificial satellite? He is also famous in aeronautical engineering. When Americans mimicked Comrade Stalin’s purge called McCarthyism, he was expelled to China, and the Yankees always regretted kicking them out on their own feet? It is said that the development of rocket technology in China has been advanced by 10 years.”

Jeonghwan’s words brought a light that he was familiar with not only Antonov, but also Baek Seung-cheol and most of the people in the secretary’s office.

As such, the father of Chinese rocket technology, Chen Xuesun, was a man who was well-known as ‘China’s von Braun’ in the communist bloc, or around the world.

In addition to the aforementioned satellite launch and nuclear program development, Chen Xuesun, who played a major role in the development of ballistic missiles and nuclear submarines, is now called a saint in Chinese science and engineering, even though he retired from the front line two years ago due to old age. was receiving

Among them, despite the fatal mistakes of the Great Leap Forward movement, some said that Chen’s true achievements were to remind the Chinese of the importance of long-term investment in science and technology and human resource development, and to dedicate his talents to national development.

However, it was for a different reason that Jeonghwan brought up Chen Xuesun’s story here.

“The first time Mao Zedong asked Qian Xuesun how long it would take China to launch a satellite like the Soviet Union’s Sputnik. At that time, Chen Xue-sun replied like this.”

Everyone waited for Junghwan’s words.

“It takes 15 years. The first five years will teach basic studies, and the next five years will teach applied science. After the course, actual machine design and manufacturing can begin and launch within five years. However, during that 15-year period, I have to provide whatever funds and manpower I need, and don’t ask if there are any achievements.”

And after taking a breather.

“And 15 years later, Xuesun Chen kept his promise and succeeded in launching China’s first artificial satellite, Dongfanghong. An anecdote that tells the scientist and the scientist what the attitude of a national leader should be, who invests national wealth and pursues the long-term goal of scientific development, regardless of the subsequent lessons of Mao Zedong and Chen Xuesun. How are you, Antonov? Don’t you think your situation is quite similar to mine now?”

“… … .”

This time Antonov kept his mouth shut.

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Now his hands were clenched without trembling, and his eyes were fixed as if nailed to Junghwan’s face, unable to move.

“The reason that this anecdote was able to be born was that Mao Zedong was an unruly dictator. In order to use the budget in a democratic country, it must also be approved by the parliament, and when the regime changes, scientists and engineers often have to give up or reduce research in line with the new regime’s policy direction.”

Irrespective of his change, Jeonghwan continued with what he had to say.

“It is for this reason that one-party dictatorships such as the USSR have an advantage in this respect. Even 10 or 20 years of R&D, where it is difficult to get a budget, if the leader decides that it is necessary, he can focus on research without hesitation.”

‘For reference, this is an experience story.’

Recalling the memories of his previous life, Junghwan muttered only to himself.

Even there, he was the one who vividly watched the professors and teaching assistants do their best to get government subsidies.

“… … I don’t know if it’s a country with a huge scale like the United States, but in countries other than that, the national leader’s scientific view and unchanging investment and support determine the success or failure of long-term development of science and technology. Of course, the premise is that the leader who has the right to decide the budget decides that the investment in the field will be beneficial to his government, and that the leader should remain in power without being kicked out in the middle.”

And in that respect, Jeonghwan was confident, especially the latter.

“Coming back to Chen Shue-sun, of course, you are Russian, not North Korean. But Mao Zedong also entrusted the fate of China’s space exploration to Chen Xuesun, who spent half of his life in the United States. We met through twisted and twisted circumstances, but I’m ready to become Mao Zedong in a good way. Antonov. Now it’s your turn to answer if you’re willing to be Chen Xue-sun.”

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