Dear Comrade

Chapter 170

Dear Comrade Leader Episode 170

Chapter 61. the wind begins to blow

“… … .”

Jeonghwan glanced up and down at Baek Seung-cheol, who had an unexpected request in his mouth.

When we first met, seeing him, a reclusive soldier who was arrogant and ignorant of the world, offered to cooperate with the U.S. military, who had been an enemy of iron poles, he felt a new sense of power.

But that’s it, and hasty is hasty.

“Of course, if we join hands with the U.S. military, it will be of great help to the future reinforcement of our forces and the security of the entire republic. However, even Comrade Baek is well aware that it is an act of immediately turning China into an enemy.”

“I am not even proposing a plan to have US troops stationed in our republic. Still, if it’s about co-development… … Can you get a grip on it like that? No matter how clan they are, the republic is not a single sovereign state separate from China.”

“That’s the principle, of course, but you know that in the international community, principles are rarely followed. It is the lifeblood of China to prevent this republic from passing over to other hegemons. What Comrade Baek is claiming is the story of trampling the tiger’s tail with its feet.”

“… … We don’t know about our republic, but in the face of the power of the United States, aren’t the swarms still fireflies in front of the sun? Since the establishment of the oil system a while ago, our republic is now recognized by the United States for a share of an ally that is comparable to that of South Korea in Northeast Asia… … If the general secretary is good at coaxing the American leadership, no matter how much dragons those arrogant gangs use… … .”

‘Ttt, this. went too far If you leave it like this, there are signs that you will become an American publicist. The idea of acknowledging one’s own shortcomings and benchmarking and catching up to others is good, but it is difficult for a Party cadre who is to lead the People’s Army in the future to underestimate China.’

From the perspective of Jeong-hwan, who knows the future, he already knew that China would grow into a G2 competing for supremacy with the US in the near future, but Baek Seung-cheol and others could not know that.

The possibility that China could grow into an economic and military power that can compete with the United States began to become publicly known from the early to mid-2000s, when China accelerated its growth in earnest.

Unless you are an expert in international politics or a futurist, the current image of China to the majority of ordinary people and even high-ranking state officials is ‘a backward-looking subcontractor producer with tens of thousands of heads’.

On the other hand, the United States, which is currently in its heyday by defeating the Soviet Union, is truly the center of world civilization and a leading nation. it was ter

It would be the same reason as there are cases of people who are originally hard-lined right wingers who once fell in love with the Juche idea, realize its falsehood, and turn to the complete opposite.

“Baek listing comrade. Have you heard of this? It’s like saying, ‘The girl next door is scarier than the neighboring village Sato’.”

“… … Yes, comrade general secretary?”

“Of course, the United States is currently the most powerful country in the world and the most important diplomatic partner of the republic. But in diplomacy, the existence of a great power is like the wind that moves a ship. If the wind blows well, you can accelerate the boat and launch it farther away, but if you ride it wrong, the boat will overturn. China or the United States, both are wind in this republic ship. And ships that depend solely on wind are already dead long ago.”

“… … !”

Only then did Baek Seung-cheol realize that Jeong-hwan turned and rebuked him, and Baek Seung-cheol’s face turned pale.

Deep shame came up at the thought that a person in the position of second-in-command in the People’s Army would have looked like he was looking only for help from foreign powers in the face of a national crisis.

“If there is no wind in a situation where you have to speed up and go forward, the boat will always be there. Besides, the wind that blows in a tailwind now can’t always be a tailwind, right? And the fickleness of international diplomacy is more than the fickleness of the weather, but not less.”

“… … I thought it was short. I will criticize myself, Comrade General Secretary.”

“It is not wrong to say that you have to ride the wind. The two squadron leaders couldn’t ride the wind, so they almost ruined the republic by shouting only for self-reliance and self-sufficiency on a fictional day. Can this gigantic ship of Joseon be able to move forward with only two oars called self-reliance?”

When Baek Seung-cheol realized his mistake, Jeong-hwan quietly hit him.

“But if the wind doesn’t blow as intended, in the end, we have no choice but to rely on the experience and abilities of the captain and crew to drive the ship, as well as the preparations we’ve made so far. Fortunately, the things that this republic has built up since reform and opening up are not the oars that need to be steered away, but the motor of the market economy. So, even if such a ‘headwind’ blows, we can now move forward against the wind to some extent.”

With those words, Jeonghwan picked up the remote control nearby and turned on the large TV installed in the secretary’s office.

These captions were hung at the bottom of CNN News predicting the fate of the upcoming US presidential election.

85% of US election experts predict an overwhelming victory for Democratic nominee Al Gore.

Al Gore, ‘reliance on oil will doom all of humanity’ Southern refiners nervous.

“What does that mean? I’m a military officer, so the money game is all… … .”

Baek Seung-cheol appears at the bottom one after another, ‘Al Gore, America’s new growth engine should be finance and IT. Asian capital market, closed due to short-sighted government regulation, but claims that it has a lot of growth potential,” Jeonghwan muttered cynically as he tilted his head.

“What do you mean, you’re going to rip it off? Now, let’s stop handicapping by weight class and try a random mixed martial arts game. If they take off their gloves and stick to them, they know they will win 10 to 10, so it’s possible.”

“… … Yes?”

“You will soon find out what I mean. By the way, is our southern comrade deployed where I have been instructed?”

Baek Seung-cheol, who was only tilting his head at Jung-hwan, who was making a sound without meaning, quickly picked up an answer as if he had lost his mind when Jeong-hwan turned the topic elsewhere.

“Ah, yes, yes! As a liaison worker in charge of the Public Relations Department of the Secretary’s Office and the Seongsam Group of South Korea, he gave us permission to enter.”

“To my comrade, Jong-su Ri, that comrade named Se-hwang Park… … So, tell the Black Venus to be the first to deliver the latest information and trends from the Secretariat’s office, including the eight major tasks, to the South. If we confirm that the internal information delivered by Black Venus coincides with the direction of the information we are announcing externally, the South Korean Ministry of Security and Security and the Blue House will also give priority to the words of Black Venus over any other route.”

“I understand what you mean, but… … Still, I can’t help but be concerned about putting a staunch South Korean agent close to the comrade, who is the supreme dignity of the republic and the supreme commander of the People’s Army. How is Comrade General Secretary planning to use the Black Venus in the future? … .”

“You will find out soon enough. Thanks for your concern anyway. One hundred listed comrades. Then I have a South Korean entrepreneur who will entertain you today, so I will go.”

Looking at Baek Seung-cheol, who still did not understand, Jeong-hwan could feel the wind slowly blowing over the land.

It was a very strong, cold, harsh wind.

* * *

“welcome. Yangheon Jeong, President and Teacher. I know it’s your second visit to Pyongyang, but last time you went straight to Beijing, so you probably didn’t see much. A good guide will be attached to you in the clerk’s office.”

“No, General Secretary. Every time I come to Pyongyang, there is something new, so my heart is full of excitement just looking at it. Now, the Potonggang district here seems to be no less than Yeouido in Seoul. This is so… … I think you can see why South Korean newspapers are getting a lot of headlines every day saying North Korea’s growth is scary.”

Jung Hwan’s guest, Chung Yang-heon, the 5th son of Chairman Jung Moon-young and president of Hyundai Electronics, greeted them with a polite tone that was different from when they first met, but his words were not just words.

In fact, the view of the new Pyongyang in 1996 from the lounge at the top of the Potonggang District building, which is now leased entirely for this meeting in the secretary’s office, was superb.

As if to represent North Korea and its center, Pyongyang, which is developing day by day in recent years, the buildings that rise like bamboo shoots after rains are changing in height day by day.

It is not that there were no plain old Soviet-style high-rise buildings for propaganda of the regime before, but the difference was that the buildings boasted sophisticated and experimental designs and appearances as if showing that domestic and foreign private capital was the main axis, rather than the party or state directives. was the point.

And the 70th-floor Chosun Investment Corporation headquarters, which slowly reveals its grandeur at the center, was the highlight.

It was clear that Jeong Hwan left the Workers’ Party building today and chose this place as a special meeting place because he wanted to show Jeong Yang-heon this scene.

“It’s still a long way off. Compared to the miracle of the Han River accomplished by the South Korean comrades, it is a hemostasis of the family.”

“Hahaha, the general secretary is also very humble… … I am also a generation who followed my father to work while watching the morning star and worked the miracle of the Han River with my own hands. At first, my father said that he was doing business in North Korea, so I thought he would like to go back to his hometown.

“Then why don’t you take this opportunity to achieve business performance that exceeds that of your father, Chairman Moon-Young Jung, with us?”

“… … ?”

At Jeonghwan’s sudden remark, Yangheon Jung pursed his lips with a ‘?’ expression on his face.

Isn’t the modern group already involved in the construction and business of construction in North Korea?

At that time, Jeong-hwan took over a thick pile of papers and handed it to Jeong Yang-heon.

This time, it was a report on the feasibility of a national project jointly investigated by the Party’s Ministry of Industry and the Foreign Economic Commission.

“This… … .”

“I will tell you straight up. This time, our party is trying to foster a semiconductor foundry in a state-led initiative, but modern electronics technology and experience are essential.”

“Hmm… … It’s a great decision considering the future, but… … As the general secretary knows, semiconductors are not an easy business. In the 1970s, even in Korea, under the control of the Japanese, semiconductors were brought up as if they were heading to the ground.”

“I know. So, we decided to challenge the foundry, which does consignment production, rather than design and development, which has a relatively high barrier to entry. The United States and Japan may be struggling as competitors, but Taiwan is worth a try. Of course, South Korean companies such as Modern Electronics will have to help.”

Semiconductor companies that produce semiconductors, which are the main contributors to industrial rice and electronic engineering development, are divided into two business areas: one is fabless, which mainly designs, and the other is entrusted with production to compete with yield. It was foundries.

As Jung Hwan knows, until 1970, American and Japanese companies such as Intel and Toshiba were leading the market, but now Korea and Taiwan are emerging as new competitors. it is the situation

“This is not only for the future industrial base of the republic, but also for the future of modern electronics. Wouldn’t it be too much of a pain to just upload orders from Taiwanese TSMC for all time?”

“That’s it, but… … Semiconductors, whether foundries or fabless, have an initial investment of at least US$1 billion. Besides, once you build the facility, you have to make continuous investment with that amount, not just dings… … .”

‘As expected. My heart started to flutter. After all, if they want to win over companies like Sungsam and LS Semiconductor, they will need our investment too.’

Seeing Yang-heon Jung, who seems to be pulling out but does not let go of the line of negotiations until the end, Jung-hwan decided to show the negotiation card first.

After all, this is not the real card he hid.

“We, Peony Holdings, view the foundry business challenge as an extension of the national industrial strategy, so we are willing to invest up to $4 billion for the first time for plant construction and facility imports if Hyundai Electronics agrees to establish a joint venture.”

“Four billion… … ! Are you saying you want to spend at least 4 trillion won?”

The 4 billion dollar amount was large enough to make even the second generation of a conglomerate like Jeong Yang-heon open his mouth for a while.

Jung-hwan, who is now starting to show his sincerity, gave a final blow with a mixture of temptation and half persuasion.

“Instead, 80% of the stake will be held by Peony Holdings of the Republic of Korea, and Hyundai Electronics will have the remaining 20%. I heard that Modern Electronics is also not in a very good financial situation due to the merger of an American company a few years ago. Isn’t it not so bad to have a stake in the foundry business after almost technical cooperation?”

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