Dear Comrade

Chapter 177

Dear Comrade the Leader Episode 177

“… … Are you planning a coup now? in this country?”

“I’m doing this because it’s the current state. And a coup? We’re going to stop before that madman Park Se-hwang sells the blood and flesh of this country to that North Korean redneck! By any means and methods!”

It’s a coup, what?

Rather than being angry, Park Yi-sam was about to lose his strength because of collapse.

They say it was a decision to save the country, but their intentions were too easily guessed.

Among them, some of the conspirators of the rebellion were survivors of the last purge of the first Park Yi-sam administration.

In the process of joining the three parties, they consider the other side’s position. They lower the morale of the military. … .

At the end of his term in office, he seemed to have decided that it was a golden opportunity when the justification for the lame duck phenomenon had been established.

From the perspective of Hagiya Park Yi-sam, it was true that now was the best time to secure the necessary cause for the coup.

Where is the time when the cause of ‘the president and the ruling powers are trying to sell the country to North Korea and bring it down’ gains more strength than the desperate situation in which the won depreciates and the current president sends the governor of the Bank of Korea to Pyongyang to borrow money from North Korea? will there be

“In the meantime, the Democratic Liberal Party, including Park Yi-Sam, has been ruining the country by claiming to be a civilian government and joining the OECD. If we succeed, we will risk our lives to stop the harm done to the Republic of Korea, starting with the release of the two-minute ex-president who was unfairly imprisoned.”

“… … I’d like to hear it first. How are you planning to proceed with that big deal?”

Park Se-hwang thought they would keep their mouths shut, but, unexpectedly, the head of the Ahn Ki-guk quietly confided their plans.

“We must move the military quickly before the upcoming presidential election. Even if no one else knows, if the red-haired Yu Min-joong is elected, they will try to liquidate the military and the National Security Agency. Several meaningful commanders of the forward troops who have already heard this story are on our side.”

“… … Even though President Park was so thinned out, such a person still remains.”

“There are still a lot of friends in the military who are very reluctant to see Yoo Min-jung taking control of the military. Besides, if you are a patriot, how can you not be angry about the current situation in this country? Civilian control is a way to roll up the country! If there was a strong leadership like in the old days of the Yushin period, this country would not have succumbed to North Korea!”

A man who looked like a high-ranking general in the military burst into tantrums with an angry voice, as if he was getting excited just thinking about it.

Just as he was about to reply, something passed through Park Se-hwang’s mind when he heard the word ‘election’.

“What are you going to do with the election? It would be difficult to come all the way here and just crush it… … If any of the current presidential candidates are aware of this… … No, did anyone agree? Could it be Lee Hyun-chang?”

“This country is different from the North Korean dictatorship, so we have to hold elections. If the event is successful and the situation calms down, then we can open a voting booth again under martial law and hold a presidential election. Of course, we need to help people make the right choice.”

So I’m going to hold a government election. That’s it.

Even in such a situation, and even if the coup d’état succeeds, they seemed to have decided that it would be difficult to completely silence the people who have already become accustomed to the changes of the era of direct presidential elections.

And as soon as he heard the cry of the chief of Ahn Ki, which was subtly mixed with discomfort, Park Se-hwang could guess the intention.

Also, who among the presidential candidates is sympathizing with this coup.

“Are you Junpil Kim? You seem to have failed in attracting Candidate Hyun-chang Lee?”

“… … I thought they were ideologically sound politicians like us, just because they granted pardons to the two former presidents. We got the wrong person.”

One of the members of the legislature avoided a direct answer and thought so much, but that was nothing more than an euphemistic affirmation.

In fact, they decided to take a coup d’etat and selected Lee Hyun-chang as the person to ‘support’ as soon as they gathered the number of people, and secretly visited him and hinted at him, but Lee Hyun-chang rejected it.

It’s also under the hood.

Are you asking me to become a puppet of a certain faction? I don’t know what it means to say that you are prepared for the death penalty, but I will enter the Blue House by winning a legal election that adheres to the principles, so please do not recommend strangely!

In the end, they found Junpil Kim.

If he came from the military government and was neither enthusiastically supported by either party, like Lee Hyun-chang or Yu Min-jung, nor neither, he thought that he would accept their proposal, and this time his prediction was correct.

However, like Kim Jun-pil, who is good at calculations, the risk is too great if it is directly related, so I just knew that the coup succeeded and the rice was ripe and rice was cooked, and then there was a clue that it would publicly appear as an alternative.

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Now that I know enough, I still have questions about Park Se-hwang.

And that problem was the epicenter of the ominousness that now grips his heart.

“After all, America will admit to accepting their requirements anyway. President Park Yi-sam No, if the former president announces that he was willing to accept the North Korean proposal, not the IMF, and accepts the restructuring plan broadly, the United States will also recognize us as the only legitimate government on the Korean Peninsula.”

“… … So what’s my role? What did you call me here to do? … .”

When Park Se-hwang asked carefully, they exchanged glances, and this time, the head of the security department opened his mouth.

“You are the most important role in this event. Maybe it’s a role to inform the public of the ‘truth’.”

“… … Is it true?”

“As you can see, there are only a few people who know about the North’s proposal as of now. There was no official contact, no diplomatic messages, so the only person who can prove the existence and content of such a proposal is you, the special envoy, except for the North Korean leader.”

“… … .”

“If the big deal is successful, you should come out on the air and tell me about the North’s proposal. In return for the loan from the North, he demanded that the ROK military be cut in half and the ROK-U.S. military alliance be terminated. Other than that, the terms and the amount of the loan should be adjusted as we wish.”

After speaking up to this point, Ahn Ki-min added a word to the back as if it was natural.

“Of course, I must also say that he was trying to contact Yu Min-jung, a powerful presidential candidate preferred by the North, in advance. He also said that Yu Min-jung welcomed the proposal and said that he would accept it immediately if he helped him become president. When you saw that scene, you could say that you came out in front of the camera to declare your conscience with remorse in your heart.”

Having heard this far, Park Se-hwang accurately recognized the role he should play in this coup plot.

And that the situation he is in is an outsider.

Because, as soon as you ask a question about the coup plan, which should be kept in complete secret, you can tell me… … .

“To tell you all this means that if I refuse, I will not be able to walk out of this building.”

“It happened. But even before I went to the North, I always knew well that you, Park Se-hwang, are true patriots who love this Republic of Korea. So I trust you will make a wise choice.”

“Ah, Agent Park, do you have anything to worry about? It is to save the Republic of Korea from a national crisis! I heard that there is a family in the house, but wouldn’t the children be proud of their father when they hear the decision he made?”

The ruling party legislators and generals shouted out loudly, but those words did not reach Park Se-hwang’s ears at all.

He lowered his head for a moment and looked down at the ground.

His feet in cowhide shoes and the cement floor caught his eye.

He tightened his heels and lifted his head again, as if to gather his last strength.

Just like Park Yi-sam did three days ago, Park Se-hwang made a difficult decision.

The last thing he thought of before making a decision was the face of his family.

“Chief, I love this country.”

“… … I knew it would! I thought you made the right choice! As promised, if you cooperate well, you will be rewarded for all this patriotism… … !”

“… … I love this country. In fact, I did not hesitate to accept my job, leaving my family, and even when I was assigned to the Duke of North Korea, where I was most likely to die. I love this country and I would die for it. However… … .”

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No matter how much you think, this is right.

Heuk Venus, or no, Park Se-hwang paused for a while, and then came to a conclusion to the head of the Ahn Ki-duk and his crew, who had a shaky expression on their faces.

“… … That doesn’t mean I’m going to frame or lie for this country.”

“… … profit!!”

In an instant, the air in the room turned hostile.

Some people’s faces, including the head of the Angi Department, had hardened, and some were already turning red.

And the head of the security department opened his mouth again and growled.

“… … It must have been because I had been in the north for a long time, so the left and right sides are blurred and it looks like there is bad water in it. This can be happen.”

“… … .”

“So I’ll have to stay here until you get back to your sanity. Don’t worry folks. If you don’t do what we want, we’ll bring you here and we’ll stick with you. what one? drag it away.”

A few of the security guards who were waiting outside the room came in and grabbed Park Se-hwang’s arms from both sides and pushed him back.

Leaving the room as if dragged along, Se-hwang Park could hear the conspirators talking behind his back.

“First, we have to take control of major national roads and Seoul. Remove the mechanized infantry division from the demarcation line and block all ICs and toll gates entering Seoul with the special airborne brigade.”

“What will the National Assembly do?”

“Once the ruling party lawmakers are here, Rep. Oh, Rep. Heo, and Rep. Jang will persuade you… … Shouldn’t all opposition lawmakers put under house arrest and spend time? Once the dangers of the North’s government bond harvesting are well known, pro-patriotic public opinion will arise among the general public, including conservative groups and the Goryeo Ilbo.”

“There are many of us at the Capital Defense Command as well. Occupying broadcasting stations and media companies is done through your troops… … .”

Hearing the conversation coming from behind, Park Se-hwang looked down at his shoes again while being dragged around.

When I first got this, I was skeptical, but now there was no other place I could trust and rely on.

* * *

“Comrade General Secretary! The news came in through shortwave radio reception from Seoul, South Korea. It seems that something is wrong with Black Venus.”

“… … damn it It seemed like this Comrade Baek Sang-sang and Major Yu, how is the truce line going now?”

“There has been an intelligence that some of the South Korean troops, who were guarding the armistice, have started moving quickly. Given that the schedule, scale, and organization are completely different from normal training… … It seems that what your comrade fears is happening.”

Meanwhile, while the conspiracy was going on in Seoul, Jeong-hwan, who was waiting for Park Yi-sam’s answer in Pyongyang, chewed on his lips after hearing the words of Yoo Hye-rim and Baek Seung-cheol, who delivered a report that a possible possibility had become a reality.

Reducing the number of messengers reduces the risk of leaking confidential information, but at the same time creates an additional risk.

It was said that if the messenger disappeared without even a mouse or a bird, the existence of the secret itself could disappear.

Worried about such a situation, Jeong-hwan bought insurance before sending Heuk Venus and Park Se-hwang back to Seoul.

“Where is Black Venus now?”

“It seems that the Ministry of Security and Security is not going anywhere in Seoul. The South Korean agents of the General Bureau are already monitoring it, but a few days ago, a van came and went, and the guarding force suddenly increased and the security posture became stricter. It is certain that Sehwang Park, the Black Venusian, is imprisoned there.”

The reason why the General Bureau of External Reconnaissance of North Korea was able to find out about Park Se-hwang’s personal abnormality and emergency situation in real time was simple: there was a secret in the cowhide shoes that Jeong-hwan gave him as a gift.

On the surface, they looked like high-quality handmade shoes, but in reality, they were small, well-disguised short-wave radio transmitters that, when pressed hard on the heel, were supposed to send a pre-specified message to the Pyongyang Reconnaissance General Bureau.

In addition, location tracking is possible, so Jung-hwan realized that Park Se-hwang was in a state of pension after learning that Park Se-hwang had not been able to go anywhere other than his own house for three days.

And when he received a report that the troops were moving along the ceasefire line, and that they were moving to Seoul instead of north, Jeong-hwan made a decision.

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Now was not the time to be concerned about the exposure of North Korea’s intelligence operation capabilities in South Korea.

“Right now, contact Comrade Ri Jong-su to select the elite warriors from the South Korean agents of the Reconnaissance General Bureau and carry out a rescue operation. Conceal your identity as much as possible, but don’t spare your spy resources. In the name of the Supreme Leader, I will give you all the permits.”

“I ordered it to run immediately!”

“And keep this in mind. During the rescue operation, not a single member of the South Korean National Security Agency should be killed or injured. I know it’s a difficult request, but I can’t give room to make the public opinion agitation of the South Korean Ministry of Security and Security into reality.”

In this way, an unprecedented situation developed that the North Korean External Reconnaissance General Bureau, not the South Korean popularly elected government, should prevent the second attempt since the establishment of the 6th Republic and the eleventh coup attempt in constitutional history.

At the same time, S&P, an international credit rating agency, downgraded Korea’s national credit rating by five steps, downgrading it to ‘investment caution’.

The reason was that the Korean government showed little enthusiasm for negotiations with the International Monetary Fund (IMF) even though its foreign exchange reserves fell below $2 billion.

With South Korea’s economic and political catastrophe near imminent, the General Bureau of External Reconnaissance of North Korea carried out an overseas operation in Seoul, ‘Operation Bukhansan,’ with the approval of the secretary’s office.

The top goal of the operation was to rescue Heuk Venus and Park Se-hwang, the messengers and witnesses of the “big deal” between the two Koreas, and secretly hand them over to the South Korean authorities.

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