Dear Comrade

Chapter 207

Dear Comrade the Leader, Episode 207

“… … That’s why my comrades came to see me.”

‘… … Because it’s a creeper, you’re a female companion. I must have been pretty when I was young.’

While bowing their heads to the ground, Lim Kyung-mook and other Bukmyung group executives glanced sideways and caught the eye of the female military officer in front of them, the unofficial first lady of North Korea, Major Yu Hye-rim.

Even though she was in her 40s now, it was her appearance that made it clear that she was a beautiful woman.

“… … You are well aware that giving these items can be subject to inspection by the Anti-Corruption Investigation Bureau, right?”

“Haha, no need to worry about that. This is, to the last, a sign of friendship, and this is also given to the father of Comrade Major, not Comrade Yu.”

Today, Vice Chairman of Bukmyung Group, who arranged a meeting at the InterContinental Hotel Pyongyang branch lounge, and Choi, the first vice president from South Korea, simultaneously showed a greasy smile as if not to worry.

In particular, the expert who designed this work, Deputy Director Choi was an expert in attacking economic crimes targeting loopholes in these laws, the gray area between expedient and secret law, and legality, and somewhere vague.

“Hum, as we know, according to the Bureau of Investigation’s regulations, bribes received by citizens who have been out of office for more than 10 years are not subject to investigation by the Bureau of Investigation. It goes to the general people’s court. Isn’t it?”

“… … I didn’t even know that there was such a rule, even working in the clerk’s office.”

“Besides, Lieutenant Yu’s father didn’t just receive this gift, but to pay off his debts, didn’t he? Oh, of course, that the debtor was a member of our group is debatable, but we also studied the bureau’s rulebook diligently. Anyway, the gist of what we want to say is simple.”

With these words, Deputy Director Choi gave the vice president a glance and signaled that the most important thing he had promised in advance should be said.

Soon the two spoke at the same time as if in a chorus.

“… … It’s clean, so you can just rest assured. There… … .”

“… … From what we’ve heard, you’ve been looking for this item quite a bit lately. It’s definitely something that’s hard to see with a lieutenant’s salary. Wasn’t it the business of this republic to go and respond to the party’s thirst?”

“… … .”

‘These comrades, I’m sure you don’t know anything.’

Without answering those words, Hyerim Yoo looked at her father and mother who sat next to her without saying a word.

Both of them, now that they knew they had made a mistake, had their faces reddened and could not look straight into her daughter’s eyes.

Seeing that scene, Hyerim Yoo let out a small sigh that was a mixture of regret, regret, and bitterness.

After a long time, I had some free time in my job as a secretary, so I went to this hotel to meet my father and mother, and I ran into these uninvited guests.

‘Ha, how did you get involved in something like this, man.’

Moreover, looking at the circumstances and the troubled expression on their faces, it was clear that the father and mother had already been favored by them in many ways.

Her parents were by no means greedy or stupid, but since they had served in the military for a long time and were basically Kim Jong-il people, it was a bit dark in the world of capitalism.

It is a corporation that is never free of favors offered by merchants.

‘It shakes. Good!’

Deputy Director Choi exclaimed inwardly as he watched her subtly pursed her lips.

As North Korea rapidly reformed and opened up, it was probably the judicial system, or to be more precise, the economic laws that followed the changes of the times the slowest.

Human brains who come up with shortcuts are always ahead of institutions and systems, but when a country that was a communist country until a few years ago suddenly introduced a market economy system, there was no choice but to chaos like never before.

And Korean entrepreneurs, who have already gone through all the troubles in the capitalist economic system, cleverly exploited the gaps in the legal system to profit.

Or do they pass on their advanced culture (?) to North Korean companies like the current Deputy Chief Choi?

‘This is much easier than Korea. Ttt, if I came in 10 years earlier, I wouldn’t be working as a salaried worker for North Koreans, but I would be living a second life as a chaebol in North Korea by seizing a fortune. Can we just do what the chaebols did in Korea in the 1960s? Only the dead Jung Moon-young and the modern group caught up with three arms, sheesh.’

At least, if Jeong-hwan had not prepared in advance for the flood of the market economy system in the country of North Korea with a grace period by blocking inter-Korean exchanges for about 10 years, this side effect would have been much worse than it is now.

However, as long as Jeonghwan cannot exist everywhere, gaps are bound to exist, and the Anti-Corruption Investigation Bureau lacks much experience and skill as an organization to professionally investigate these high-level economic crimes and to clearly distinguish black and white.

According to the Bureau of Investigation regulations, only cash or highly liquid products are recognized as bribes. So, what do you think of this World Cup ticket here? This is a ticket to the North and South World Cup Royal Seats, but among the ticket vendors, it is said that it is sold for thousands of dollars in dollars? If you take a look at our convenience, we will provide it right here.

‘This is not the law. When I receive this, I am sure to give thanks… … .’

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No problem legally. So, how about this sheep cigarette here? There is such a thing as perception, but recommending and receiving a good cigarette is not considered a torpedo, right? If you do not like that, why not put your name on the board of directors of our affiliates and receive it regularly?

‘Don’t eat it cold. This is all because our country, no, the Korean chaebols have been studying hard first.’

Right now, even the solicitation they do to Yoo Hye-rim is clearly illegal in Korea, but in North Korea, there is still no legal provision to differentiate and punish them.

Even if it is going to happen, it will be after quite a long time has already passed.

‘No, even if they are caught, what will the bureaucrats do? Are you going to arrest the centipede leader’s wife?’

Bukmyung Group executives including Deputy Director Choi were convinced that it would be impossible, no matter how terrifying the investigative department, to capture the real wife of the highest dignity into corruption unless it was appropriate for Director Kim Young-il.

And apart from the calculations in their heads, today’s hero, Hyerim Yoo, finally made a decision.

“… … If you say so, I will accept this for now.”

“… … It’s really frustrating, comrade.”


In response to her consent, Bukmyung Group executives had a hard time putting up with the cheers that came from within.

At last he succeeded in owing the wife of the living god of the Republic.

Take some time to think about how you will be able to repay the debt later.

“… … But I don’t want you to approach my father and mother anymore.”

“Of course I do. It was a car we were very sorry for bothering us too.”

When Hyerim Yoo spoke firmly, they shook their heads again.

However, Hyerim Yoo got up from her seat without seeing the scene.

“Then I want to spend time with Abbadi Omani after a long absence. Goodbye.”

“Look, comrade! You are always in trouble!”

“Whew… … .”

When she disappeared together with her parents, the executives of the Bukmyung group patted each other on the shoulders as if they had accomplished a great job, signaling victory.

To be honest, everyone was very nervous until it was done.

“Everyone worked hard. With this, our group’s future is going to be solid, solid! haha.”

“Zeigi, as a companion of the highest dignity, he treats himself well. There are many rumors about it, but when he gives such an expensive gift, he goes on to receive it. Even the general secretary has a young eye for women… … .”

“Yeah, you’re just talking about managing director Lee. Still, did the other guys have a problem with the amount? Hajisa Hardy is not usually an expensive guy. Even the grandparents of our president can’t afford to wear that, but it’s good to have power.”

While the executives were talking to each other, Kyung-mook Lim and Deputy Manager Lim were still tilting their heads as if they did not understand something.

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No, of course, the gift they had just passed away to Yoo Hye-rim was often used as a bribe for more than its intended purpose, but it was still strange.

“Wow… … Manager.”

“What is it, Lim?”

“A gift from our group who just passed away, her comrade… … Wasn’t it because comrade Yoo Hye-rim, a comrade, bought it for the purpose of using it directly? Or give it to someone… … .”

At Lim Kyung-mook’s question, Deputy Director Choi, Executive Directors Lee, and Director Park all looked at each other with absurd expressions, and then clicked their tongues.

“Look at this boring comrade. Would a female comrade go around looking for a Girum men’s watch for her own use? Of course, I said that because men’s ones are more expensive.”

“Is that so?”

“Don’t be like that. Now that the great lieutenant has something to stumble upon, it’s as if it’s in our hands now. If you don’t know, isn’t it natural to vomit that much if you eat it? No matter how expensive it was, I didn’t even wipe my mouth.”

“… … What if I wipe it off?”

When one of the executives asked a question, Lee rubbed his palms with an evil smile.

“It is not enough to write a petition anonymously to the Girum Secretariat or the Bureau of Investigation. If the rumors about General Secretary Sungjeong are true, then Hyerim Yoo will be taken care of after falling apart. There is no way that there is only one woman anywhere in this republic. Now, without moving, our Bukmyung group and Lieutenant Yu are on the same boat.”

“Ah, there was a cemetery of Giron! ha ha ha… … .”

* * *

“It’s a gift.”


Two months later, Jeong-hwan tilted his head as he looked at the box that Hye-rim Yoo had put out in the living room that day.

Even if you look at it, it is a box made of luxurious leather with a gold frame. What is this?

“This… … How does Lieutenant Yu know… … .”

“Do you not collect hand watches? You always wanted it, but I know you hid it.”

At Yoo Hye-rim’s words, Jung-hwan avoided his gaze as if he had been caught.

Jeonghwan had no interest in general luxury, such as expensive cars or luxury clothes, but there was one item that had stimulated his desire to collect for a long time, and that was a luxury wristwatch.

Most of the luxury goods purchased in Japan before becoming general secretary were sold at a profit, but the few items that were still not sold and collected were wrist watches, and it was such a luxury watch that Hyerim Yoo gave as a gift today.

However, since taking the position of general secretary, he has only worn mid-priced wristwatches in the Republic of Korea in vacancies in order to reject the luxury of watchers and set an example of patronizing domestic products.

So, in my heart, I kept it in my living room drawer and was self-helping, thinking that I might never have to wear it for the rest of my life… … .

“Open it.”

“This… … .”

“I don’t know, but I know it’s pretty hard to find. Still, I think my comrade deserves this kind of treatment.”

A golden watch shining under the lighting of the living room, small dials the size of a little fingernail spinning between the regular minute and second hands in detail.

Jeonghwan knew this brand well.

To tell the truth, not only the brand, but also the product name.

So at first, I doubted my own eyes for about two seconds.

Lieutenant Yu bought this?

“It’s a Patek Philippe Complication… … You bought this with your salary? No matter how much I pay Major Yu’s salary, this would be a bit difficult… … .”

To tell the truth, Yoo Hye-rim’s annual salary was five times the official annual salary of her superior, Jeong-hwan, as party general secretary.

In order to set an example for himself as general secretary, Jeong Hwan set an annual salary of 200 million won, which is considerably lower than that of other national leaders, as his official annual salary, but he did not prevent other officials from raising Yu Hye-rim’s salary ‘knowingly’. It was because

There was also a feeling of regret that the compensation given to her, who had been with her for over 10 years, was too small.

“Listen. It happened today.”

“… … .”

After Yoo Hye-rim’s story went on for about 10 minutes, Jung-hwan put Patek Philippe, who was looking around, on the desk.

Then he mumbled in a calm but cold voice.

“There are a lot of comrades who do really funny things, yes. As Comrade Jung Moon-young said, if you loosen up a bit, you are already crossing the line.”

“… … What are you going to do?”

“I’ll have to watch it for a while. Bukmyung Group is one of the leading companies in this republic. Of course, I have no intention of just passing by.”

“… … Still, my name was engraved with my salary.”

“… … What?”

When Jeonghwan asked again with a surprised expression, Yoo Hyerim turned the watch over and showed the back of the watch face.

The watch owner’s name ‘Kim Jung Hwan’ and the names of two other people were engraved on it.

Seeing Jeonghwan staring blankly at the name, Hyerim Yoo smiled shyly.

“… … So it took a long time. A handmade Swiss watch would take a month just to send it to headquarters and ask the craftsman to engrave his three names. … … It cost a lot of money.”

“… … you… … .”

“Happy New Year, comrade. I’m always grateful. Not just me, but all of us.”

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