Dear Comrade

Chapter 223

Dear Comrade the Leader, Episode 223

In the sweaty screen, Sarah Palin asked, ‘Is that the America I knew?’ To Baek Seung-cheol, who asked, looking at him with pitiful eyes, Jung-hwan gave a stern answer.

“Originally, America is a country where a million geniuses lead 299 million fools. I assure you, if you take the national average, that woman will be in a better category than the average American.”

“But no matter what you do, that woman is one of the candidates to become America’s top executive… … .”

“It really is. Many average Americans can’t even tell the difference between the Atlantic and the Pacific. It is the result of the collapse of public education and the underestimation of brain laborers. In fact, it’s not just ordinary people who do this, but even the top elites know it, and it’s often nonsense.”

A typical example is George Bush II, who sits there right now and looks at his running mate candidate with a puzzled expression!

Jeonghwan looked at the executives who were still looking at the screen with a look of disbelief, and lifted the phone connected to the secretary’s office.

The things I will see from now on seem to taste best when I chew on something.

“Hey, someone call the office kitchen and get some popcorn. Now the fun part will begin in earnest.”

* * *

And as Jeonghwan said, the candidate debate that lasted for about an hour after that was a disaster that could not be seen with eyes open.

Of course, it was the Palin-Bush camp, not the Rice-McCain camp, that the disaster struck directly.

During the hour-long debate, Palin began to shatter the image of his running mate, Bush, as well as the good image he had built up after his nomination.

Palin’s (original) answers to the questions that followed how did they pass the foreign affairs and response to China were as follows.

“The question is about global warming. Democrat Al Gore supporters argue that if the Republican Party takes power, all environmental policies, including solar subsidies, will be significantly regressed. Do you think this criticism is justified?”

“It is very inappropriate. Because global warming means the Earth is getting hotter, so what the hell is wrong with that? So you’re saying Democrats hate Miami Beach, Florida too? Even though I’m from Alaska, I know very well that summer beaches are fantastic. The vast majority of savvy Americans want global warming to progress further.”

“What do you think of the recent policy changes by the Federal Reserve System (Fed)? Do you think interest rate cuts can really bring about the intended stimulus effect?”

“Sure, FedEx is one of the largest courier companies in the United States and FedEx rate cuts will help people find jobs better. Because a lot of people have to move to find a job, but moving services are too expensive these days, right?”

“Can you briefly explain as a vice-presidential candidate the new stance of foreign policy called the ‘Bush Doctrine’ advocated by your running mate, President Bush?”

“Well, I’ve always had tremendous respect and trust in my running mate, Governor George Walker Bush. And of course the Bush Doctrine! So the Bush Doctrine… … In a nutshell, we, the United States, went into the White House… … Well, I mean, to put it simply, President ‘Bush’ is ‘bush’ in a ‘bush’ way! It makes other countries ‘bush’! What ‘bush’ does ‘bush’ is the succinct and complete explanation of the Bush Doctrine.”

In just an hour, it was almost invisible to see Bush-Palin approval ratings plummet from the sky to the basement.

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No matter how much Republicans were more macho than Democrats, they weren’t stupid enough to be able to tell the difference between macho and seriously ignorant.

Meanwhile, Palin’s running mate, Bush, somehow tried to clear up his partner’s mess, or at least intercept the question, but he never expected his partner to be this unqualified, so Bush’s ability to respond to the press It was also in a state that had fallen below half of its normal level.

And, in the end, all those attempts to rectify it were only to show that Bush’s own (but not very good) speech and culture were not very different from Palin’s.

“Well, then, this time, the question is about the establishment of post-war democracy. What concrete efforts should our military make to end the tyranny of dictators abroad and establish democracy in the country?”

“… … Wait a minute, I’ll take that question for you, not Palin. Democracy is settled, hmm! That’s a question I’ve always pondered, and the conclusion I’ve come to is, the answer is very simple. … … Arresting terrorists. because… … Terrorists love terrorism, and they do it often. Terrorism continues to spread because terrorists cause terrorism, and as a result… … Let another terrorist spread terror. Do you know what I mean?”

“… … .”

Of course, questions came to Condoleezza Rice and McCain along the way.

But they (especially Rice, who had been told that this would happen), summed up the key points briefly and boldly, gave impressive replies, word by word, and passed the turn to Palin-Bush.

Rice, as well as McCain, were slowly starting to notice.

It’s far better to let that woman and Bush keep talking and show the American voters just how stupid they are.

And slowly Condoleezza Rice decided to give the last blow to Bush and Palin, who were self-destructing themselves.

“Candidate Palin. A question about abortion issues. I know you are opposed to abortion for whatever reason, and I would like to know your opinion on how you will resolve this if it conflicts with the anti-abortion ban that the Supreme Court has adhered to since 1973.”

“ah! That’s a very good question! As a devout Christian, I believe that abortion is a serious violation of universal American values and our proud constitutional rights that we have defended since our founding! When this public opinion gathers and comes to the surface, the judges will not be able to ignore the thoughts of the true Americans, who make up the majority of this country, even for their next term. … .”

“… … God, I can’t listen to you anymore. Sorry to interrupt, but Candidate Palin. Federal justices are appointed by the president directly for life. It’s not like you’re elected by a vote like a district attorney!”

Finally, when a topic he knew a little about came up, someone broke in, pointing out the pathetic Palin, who was talking with enthusiasm.

Of course, that someone was Condoleezza Rice, who, in a way, received more attention than McCain (now looking at Rice with trust), another protagonist of the day who had been watching Palin-Bush with a ‘let’s see how well they do’ attitude.

“You can be so rude! Candidate Rice! Now it’s my turn to speak… … .”

“I’ve heard enough already! And from what I’ve seen today, it seems that Candidate Palin is seriously ignorant of even the basic legal system and administrative knowledge of this country, aside from external appearances. I don’t think President Bush is any different, but if these people run for president, our Republican Party will lose all of its supremacy and have to yield to the Democrats again!”

“What absurd conspiracy! Cancel that right now! Candidate Rice!”

“Am I wrong? Proud Republican comrades who have produced Lincoln, Grant and Reagan, we are now seeing a new empire from across the Pacific slowly flapping its wings, revealing its teeth. If not acted on in a timely manner, this empire will seriously disrupt not only our national interests, but also our allies, and the order based on liberal democratic values and market economy systems around the world. Afghanistan is just the beginning!”

Rice, who had kept her mouth shut, began to feel strange heat in the audience.

Rice was slowly setting fire to the hearts of Republicans who wanted a strong United States, a global defender of liberal democracy, and a world police United States.

And as if Bush and Palin were beginning to recognize that the air was changing like this, their faces hardened.

But in the meantime, Condoleezza Rice was shaking Republicans’ hearts with her low-key but compelling voice.

“My mentor, Margaret Thatcher, director of the Northeast Asian Foundation, has often said that World War II might not have happened if Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain had not signed the Munich Treaty with Hitler in 1938. By the way, at such a critical time, if Beijing invites a Vice President who doesn’t know where on the map to the White House, the United States will be sitting on the sidelines of a great catastrophe, World War III! And our descendants will point to this Republican Party as the epicenter of that disaster!”

“that… … ! That’s an unfair conspiracy! I must know where Beijing is! I read every newspaper or book in front of me!”

“Really? Do you know exactly where Beijing is? If I give you a map, can you point it to me? What do you think of Candidate Bush? Can you really promise that your running mate isn’t an idiot who doesn’t even know where Beijing is?”

“okay! shit! don’t know! You shouldn’t push people like this! Candidate McCain! Your running mate is slandering my partner right now, so will you let him go? Wasn’t he the one who always said that justice must be based on truth?”

Bush and Palin’s counterattack turned all eyes on John McCain this time.

And McCain gave a simple and clear answer to that question.

“I completely trust my running mate, Candidate Rice.”

“no… … !!!”

“And, if in doubt, why not bring a map and test it? At this meeting, in front of all the party members and viewers, if Candidate Palin pinpoints exactly where Beijing is on the map, I will share responsibility for all criticisms raised by my colleague Candidate Rice against Palin. I will apologize.”

“Are you serious? You promised?”

“of course. A person who will become president cannot say two things with one mouth. social worker. Please cooperate.”

As a result of the staff’s busy roaming around, a large-scale world map without region names was prepared in the studio.

The Republican primary debate, which was supposed to be serious, suddenly turned into a reality quiz show (for middle school students), but no one tackled it.

First of all, the staff and broadcasting station officials didn’t care because the ratings were rising dramatically, and the Republicans in the audience were nervous, saying, ‘But don’t you know where Beijing is where people who insist on hardline policies in China?’

And finally, the fateful hour has come.

“Come on, candidate Palin. Take a look at the location of Beijing on this map. Just an approximation is fine. At least we just need to make sure we know where our missiles are aiming.”

“… … .”

Saliva ran down everyone’s throat.

In particular, in contrast to Rice, who watched with arms crossed, and the calm McCain, Bush looked restless as to whether his lips were dry.

If you just prove that Palin isn’t an idiot in front of viewers, you can make up for all the mistakes of the day and hit a comeback home run that even accepts McCain’s apology.

Conversely, if Palin was wrong, Bush himself would be the more foolish person who nominated an idiot who didn’t know where the Chinese capital was located as vice president.

The problem, however, was that Palin kept her lip in front of the map and wandered her gaze.

Even if you look at the map as soon as you look at it, it is not enough to make up for all the mistakes of the day, but the expression on your face trying to remember what you can’t remember no matter how much you look at it made her face go blue.

After ten seconds that felt like ten years, Palin finally moved a trembling finger to point to a spot on the map.


“… … Here you go! In Beijing, this is 100% certain.”

“… … .”

“… … .”

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No one said anything.

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Neither Rice, McCain, nor Bush spoke.

The entire auditorium was silent.

And finally, with the helpless Palin and Bush in front of them, Rice sighed with a look on her face that she expected it, but that it was too much.

“… … I also learned for the first time today that Beijing is located so close to Kathmandu, Nepal, Candidate Palin. Just in case, do you distinguish between South Korea and North Korea?”

“… … Well, that concludes the Republican primary debate. Thank you to everyone who watched… … .”

With the embarrassment of the moderator’s attempt to rectify that, the discussion of the day ended like that.

And soon after, the United States had a new president who would succeed the outgoing Al Gore.

* * *

“Ah, I laughed out loud. Because elections are sometimes funnier than any Hollywood movie, don’t you think so, Lieutenant Yu?”

“Something… … It seems that the United States is a country that you do not even know about, Comrade General Secretary.”

With Jeonghwan, who is rarely smiling, Hyerim Yoo said so in a shaky voice while watching CNN live the inauguration ceremony.

On the screen, the 43rd President of the United States, John McCain, taking the oath of office with his hands on a Bible, and Vice President Condoleezza Rice standing proudly next to him.

The Republican Party, after a brief stumble with Bush-Palin Joe’s shovel, won the election effortlessly, winning more than expected electoral votes in some progressive Eastern and Western states, as well as votes in the existing Southern Garden states.

And most political experts pointed to the second factor in this propaganda: Condoleezza Rice’s impressive performance in the primary.

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Naturally, the first factor was the indescribable ignorance of the Palin-Bush team, who were competing in the primary, needless to say.

“That’s me too. However, it is clear that the United States is the country that accepts the world’s talented people irrespective of ethnicity and race and actively fights discrimination, or at least makes the most efforts to overcome it. The fact that such a thing is possible proves that.”

“Rice was the first black and the first woman vice president to simultaneously achieve. The media also reports McCain and Rice with almost equal weight. Comrade Thatcher must also be proud.”

“It’s not unreasonable to say that in this election, the Republican primary received more attention than the main one. And it was Rice who received the most attention in the primary, the ace of the Republican Party and the birth of a new political star. Perhaps in a few years there will be no sense of incongruity even if you aim for the president.”

While Jung-hwan and Yoo Hye-rim were exchanging stories like this, in Washington on the screen, McCain finished his oath and started his inaugural speech.

Jeonghwan realized that a new future was approaching for North Korea and the world as he saw the speech purported to ‘regulate banks that grew jobs with reckless loans at the time of the collapse of the dot-com bubble and actively voice China’s human rights violations in solidarity with the international community’. did.

If there is one surprising story behind this historic election that gave birth to the first female black vice president in history, the North Korean Propaganda and Agitation Department gave its own broadcaster permission to broadcast this Republican primary debate, which was unusual.

Given the edited scenes showing the stupidity of Bush and Palin, the intention was probably to promote the fact that ‘American democracy is a political system that can elect such a stupid and ignorant leader’, but the truth is only propaganda. Only Hyun Young-suk, the head of the agitation division, knew.

In any case, time flew by and the year 2005 arrived.

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