Dear Comrade

Chapter 233

Dear Comrade Leader, Episode 233

This editorial, head of the Propaganda and Agitation Department, Hyun Young-sook, a member of the Politburo, which is quite rare even in the Rodong Sinmun, an organ of the Central Committee, which is considered to represent the position of the Workers’ Party of Korea best, produced an effect for many people more than Jung-hwan and the party had expected.

At first, they were ordinary North Korean people who were the main subscribers of the Rodong Sinmun (that is, the main target of attack). It succeeded in giving the impression of ‘getting it’.

The editorial, published at the right time and with the right content, had the intended effect of Jeong Hwan and the Political Bureau of the Party, and this is why the people of the entire republic now believe that the first national task of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea is not an ideology or an ideological struggle, but an ‘economic problem’. It also meant that he was clearly aware of the fact that

Also, the fact that the group that has the authority to solve the ‘problem of living’, that is, the economic problem best, is General Secretary Kim Jeong-hwan and the Workers’ Party of Korea led by him.

And by the time this editorial was published, even the activists who had been leading the protests and most eager to enlighten the public in Hakchongryon began to realize that their struggle was going to be a long battle.

– Wake up! Comrades! Let’s all come together and discuss and discuss and think about the future of our republic! What is more important than three meals a day is the enlightenment of ideas, the revolution of the spirit… … .

– Shut up! Do you know that all the shopkeepers on this street these days are running out of business because of you guys who are protesting every day? All the guests don’t run away because of you guys who fight and fight on fictional days! Go somewhere else to find out if it sounds like a disease! Eat this and come to your senses!

– Ouch!

Shortly after the editorial was published.

The president of the athletics world, who was speaking on the university street, was grabbed by the neck by a nearby merchant, forced to come down from the podium, and even be beaten in the slap.

It was an accident caused by horned merchants as the floating population was cut off due to the daily protests and the violence with the labor community that took place when bored.

However, this was a shocking event that made the Hakchhongryon side reconsider the direction of the struggle so far.

It was only then that the Hakchhongryon movement began to think that they should look back at how their appearance so far has been reflected to other ordinary North Korean people.

And when the members of the Hakchongryon, who were merely inexperienced, impatient, and who were never fools, saw how the state-run media such as the Rodong Sinmun described themselves, and finally realized the hidden intentions and strategies of the Ministry of Public Security and the general secretary. , their anger was indescribable.

– We were deceived! The Party and the Ministry of Public Security had no intention of seriously negotiating with us from the beginning! This fox and Seungnyang fell for the same schemes of the media under the Ministry of Public Security and the Ministry of Propaganda and Agitation!

-‘Some extremists anxious to let innocent people fall into conspiracy?’ They are like the servants of a dictator who rotted in this world!

-People are being deceived! We must tell the truth to the people who play with the press, the party and General Secretary Kim Jeong-hwan, no, the hound of the vicious fascist dictator Kim Jeong-hwan! Freeing the people from brainwashing and bringing them to our side is the only way our Hakchongryon can win this war!

Whether Hyun Young-suk and the propaganda department were very good at writing, or because they thought they had stolen the support of the people they thought would follow them, their anger was especially concentrated in the state-run media such as the Rodong Sinmun.

At first, full of resentment and resentment, they tore up the Rodong Sinmun as they saw it, burned it, and threw it away, but soon realized that these actions were nothing more than meaningless anger, and they started looking for a way to communicate their claims to the masses as they are.

The problem is that all the media in the republic is in the hands of the party, and if so, there is a fixed place to go to.

-Let’s find foreign journalists! CNN, BBC, New York Times, Korea Daily! Let them know our claim and they will be able to help bring in help from abroad!

-Yes! Whether you were interviewing or writing a petition to the headquarters, if you were looking for a foreign press that would properly inform you of the reality of the republic, you could show a good taste for this brutal Kim Jung-hwan dictatorship!

So, from that day on, the Hakchongryon volunteered to interview foreign correspondents in Pyongyang, held press conferences, and started inviting foreign media to their demonstration days.

One strange thing is that, at first, they arranged interviews as if they were spying to avoid the surveillance of the Ministry of Public Security, which was likely to prevent and block contact between them, but the Ministry of Public Security did not pay attention to such a degree that their cautiousness was absurd.

The Hakchhongryon was curious about the true intentions of the Ministry of Public Security and the Party, but the current ones were too urgent to think deeply about the reason.

* * *

“Ttttttt, these comrades don’t know much about the world. Above all else, you have to think about making a change from within. It is of no use if you can’t capture the people of this republic, which is the most important thing to help outside for a hundred days… … .”

“… … Still, wouldn’t it be better to hold back a little this time? If such a problem leaks out abroad, especially in the western media who like to meddle, the international position of the comrades and the Party will be… … .”

“No, these comrades got the target completely wrong from the start. Do you know what the underlying reason for sending the message from the Ministry of Public Security, that is, agreeing to their negotiation, Lieutenant Yu?”

“Isn’t this to induce division between factions, comrade?”

After an editorial criticizing the outbreak of violence on the university street was published, Yoo Hye-rim answered a question that was posed by Jung-hwan, who was working hard to organize the personnel of the Public Security Department by temporarily taking on the work of a general manager in a government building in the spring sunshine. came up with

However, the Ministry of Public Security’s first opinion poll report said, ‘Public opinion is becoming skeptical of both sides, and the movement is contacting foreign media to overcome this. Junghwan, who read the phrase ‘The subject system is still watching,’ was not exactly the answer he wanted.

“It was half right. There are reasons for that, of course, but the most fundamental reason is the middle class.”

“Are you middle-class?”

“Yes, Lieutenant Yu, Lieutenant Lieutenant Yu, what do you think is the reason why the majority of the people of this republic became so interested in the Hakchongryon erection contest in the first place? Even though the state-run media, such as the Chosun Central Broadcasting System, held by the party, did not report it favorably.”

“Yeah… … .”

Hyerim Yoo pondered on Jeonghwan’s question by synthesizing the opinions she had heard around her, that is, outside the office building.

Of course, considering that what he said to her was the same as going straight into the general secretary’s ear, there was no way he could directly confide in her about the system unless the people around him came out of the boat.

But even taking that into account, most people expressed almost religious reverence for the people she served.

But still, if the surrounding people asked if they had any complaints, it was definitely not.

Although dissatisfaction with the current system and general secretary is not directly expressed, there was a young man who secretly longed for the possibility that scenes of swearing at politicians could appear in South Korean dramas. There were also entrepreneurs.

Of course, they all admitted that ‘the republic was able to eat and live well thanks to the leadership of the general secretary’.

“… … It would be safe to say that there are very few comrades who have an uneasy heart towards the general secretary comrade… … That’s because I’m not very dissatisfied with the current system… … . Isn’t it? It certainly seems right that the people want to raise their voices, even with the exception of those dissatisfied. Especially the people who have learned a lot and have been abroad for a while.”

“That’s it, big or small, there’s a latent dissatisfaction with the present republic, especially the all-knowing middle class. I’m just keeping my mouth shut because I’m afraid I’ll be harmed if I speak out myself. South Korean and American election experts call this the ‘silent majority’, right?”

Even without quoting Mao Zedong’s proverb, even a fish needs water to swim.

In the same way, any kind of political movement will ultimately fail if it does not receive sympathy and support from the majority of the public. These were

Those who quietly watched the protests of the Hakchongryon university students and thought, ‘It’s a bit noisy, but it doesn’t seem to be all wrong,’ and ‘It is true that the party has some things that need to be fixed’, and they were the middle class.

Although they cannot directly fight like the Hakchongryun for various reasons, such as earning a living, immediate security, ignorance, annoyance, and a secret but obvious fear of authority, they are not clearly numbered and support them emotionally.

In everyday life, I have felt dissatisfaction with the Workers’ Party of Korea’s authoritarianism and censorship, and longing for a free country like the United States, but the 80% of the people who are satisfied with economic growth and social stability by compromising with reality is the ship of the current system. It acts like floating water.

“In all history, it has always been the angry middle class who overthrew the system. Any government failed the moment it was abandoned by these middle classes. If I had to pick the most dangerous enemies to the current system, it would be them. It’s not like the school district.”

“Oh, I see now. Comrade at the beginning of the Hakchongryon negotiations was to divide them, but in order to show the true nature of them to the middle-class people… … .”

“Yeah, looking at the internal structure of the original Hakchongryon, it is obvious that the initial unity never lasts long. What the Ministry of Public Security had to do was to wait for the opportunity for the middle class to turn to Hakchhongryon while keeping the cause of accepting negotiations. And after accepting the Juche system a while ago and even making a fist fight with the labor community, the opportunity was perfectly prepared.”

Having said that, Jeonghwan slurped the rest of his coffee and turned on the TV in the standing room with the remote control.

As Jung-hwan himself predicted from the beginning, when the movement and labor circles collided with each other, even using violence against each other, the media, including Chosun Central Broadcasting, which had been consistently disregarding the Hakchongryon until the erection competition, unanimously raised concerns about their existence and the problem. Reporting about the erection contest was now.

Of course, it was based on the tacit permission and instructions of Jeong-hwan and the Ministry of Public Security, saying, ‘All the people, see how much X gods these guys are.’

“The middle class is the water that overturns the ship of the system when it gets angry, but it is also the strongest advocate. Even in South Korea down there, the biggest enemy of the activists was not the Ministry of National Security, but the neglect of the middle class.”

“… … Seeing that, I see. But why don’t those comrades at the Chongryon not know about it? South Korean movement… … So, did he not think of learning as a teacher of the opposition from the dissidents against the military? No matter how hard the censorship committee censors media, I know there are clear limits… … .”

‘Isn’t it possible that the comrades who learned well can’t even turn their heads like that?’ When Hyerim Yoo tilted her head with a look like that, Junghwan shed a cold cynicism for the first time.

Jung-hwan, who had never shown any emotion toward Hak Chong-ryeon and the sports world that led him, seemed to be just a weed that ruins a well-maintained garden, the first emotion he showed was a deep laugh.

“That’s because I think of the middle class as an object of enlightenment. No, it’s because they see them as beings who have to unilaterally accept their own guidance and instructions, which should awaken not only the middle class but also all the people from indoctrination. To the idiot revolutionaries over there, the vast majority of the people of the Republic are not on the same level as them, Major Yu.”

“If you’re not in the same class… … ?”

“I mean, I mean, I see myself as an incapable of autonomous thinking and judgment, brainwashed by the absolute evil dictator Kim Jung-hwan. To put it bluntly, it’s a dog-pig, yes, a dog-pig. Well, there are a lot of people who are really like that, but most people just hit the calculator and support me. At least I have no fantasies about that.”

“… … .”

“From that point of view, in a sense, those schoolboys underestimate the people of the Republic much more than I do. Wait, even after doing so, if the people voluntarily start a revolution and don’t support them, then, instead of thinking of reflection, the people of this republic will say things like that, that they don’t know what really matters, or that they have been brainwashed to the bone? Well, it’s good for me.”

And when that time comes, all you have to do is put the cooked meat on a plate and cut it with a knife and put it in your mouth,” Jeonghwan muttered to himself.

However, unexpectedly, it was soon revealed that Junghwan’s prediction that ‘the Hakchongryon side will wear out over and over again will fade away, so all you have to do is clean up at that time’ was only half right as Yoo Hyerim had predicted.

Surprisingly, this time, not the movement world, but their temporary ally, the main system, which is not supported by the most common people, has made an unexpected counterattack.

And the counterattack carried out by the Juche system, which had been treated as an enemy within the Hakchongryon, was the resurrection of Kim Il-sung, the eternal president of the republic who died about 20 years ago.

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