Dear Comrade

Chapter 247

Dear Comrade Leader, Episode 247

Chapter 88. There is no hidden intention like that (lie)

“It’s Union… … Oh, I remember, I heard that the advanced and creative service already has a lot of users outside of Joseon. There is also a Chinese version of the service, but some say that the Beijing map service is more accurate than Google.”

“Haha, isn’t that all thanks to the consideration of the great nation? Union is a company of the Republic of Korea, which is an ally of a large power, unlike Google, an American company, so there is a ‘security reason’ in collecting essential geographic information for map services… … Uhhh, there’s obviously very little chance of a diplomatic debate going on. Seeing the two countries developing advanced companies side by side like this, I really realize the value of a blood alliance.”

“… … Not only that, but you must have also benefited from the hard work of observing and launching communication satellites from Space X, which received a lot of attention from your comrade general. Not long ago, I heard that we had successfully put the 10th projectile into orbit again, and many people in China were surprised. Congratulations.”

“Huh, huh, huh… … Thank you very much.”

‘Hey, this is already feeling bad… … .’

Contrary to words, Kim Yong-geon showed a wide smile at the Chinese Foreign Ministry officials, who did not show a congratulatory expression at all.

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Not surprisingly, after moving from the station to the city hall where the reception was prepared after the main event, and away from the general public’s gaze, the Minister of Foreign Affairs began blatantly asking questions.

“As you know, even if the North Korean Union pays for the cost and provides internet service to the entire Yanbian Autonomous Prefecture centering on Yanji here, it is strictly our Chinese territory, so the censorship regulations must strictly follow the guidelines of the General Bureau of Photoelectricity. Please don’t forget to do it.”

“Of course I do.”

“CNN, BBC, etc., media or content that disparage or mislead China’s Sino-Socialist values and the leadership of the Party, or particularly negatively report the Chinese Communist Party’s position on the recent war in Afghanistan, are directly or indirectly distributed in the Union, either directly or indirectly by the people of the autonomous region. Not being able to serve them?”

“Isn’t it natural? It’s worth it.”

“… … .”

‘Isn’t this really Kim Jung-hwan’s other intentions? Could it be that the Central Party is overreacting to just trying to improve infrastructure in Yanji as an extension of economic cooperation? Anyway, this is a place where there is nothing to lose because it is well made for North Korea… … .’

The Minister of Foreign Affairs and the Chinese entourage had no choice but to think like this, as he did not give any other answer to every question except ‘Yes, I understand’.

In the end, all they could do was to declare this in the most solemn voice possible, as if to put their oath.

“Well, recently, President Bo Lai and Secretary Xi Jinping also declared direct improvement of the people’s living standards as the main task of the party, while the average income of the people of the three northeast provinces has been falling compared to other regions. So, on an essential level, bio in favor of Prime Minister Kim’s proposal.”

“Thank you for your understanding.”

“… … But speaking from the old woman’s heart, on behalf of the party, I would like to strongly recommend to General Secretary Kim not to think of anything else that could cause misunderstandings and endanger the 60-year-old clan relationship. Whatever your thoughts are.”

“Heh heh, you’re worried about everything. Don’t worry.”

It was a really rude situation where the Minister of Foreign Affairs threatened the prime minister of a country no matter how much national power there was, but Yonggeon Kim burst out laughing again and shook his head flutteringly.

It was because Kim Yong-geon was well aware of the fact that to not directly threaten, but to put an apology as it is now, is the same as the fact that there is only one thing that can be done now.

Kim Yong-geon (since he was working in Chochongryon in Japan, he was working with Japanese who spoke tatemae and honne) brightly used the ‘ceremonial smile’ that he learned naturally without realizing it.

“I hope that Comrade General will tell the central government that our Republic and Comrade General do not have anything in mind other than the promotion of the welfare and prosperity of the people of this region. Again, we, Joseon, are not thinking of any other concerns about this Yanbian Autonomous Province from the great powers!”

* * *

“You think otherwise? Of course it is! Prime Minister Kim, why are you asking something so obvious?”

A few days ago, before going on a business trip to Yanji, it was Junghwan’s answer to Kim Yong-gun’s question at a private meeting held in the secretary’s office at the call of the general secretary.

‘Invest the Republic’s capital in Yanji, regardless of the public and private sectors, and prepare the infrastructure, especially the IT infrastructure. I will give him whatever authority he needs.’ was an instruction given by Jeong-hwan as soon as he sat down in the chair of the secretary’s office, and it was just before that Kim Yong-geon asked the truth of such an instruction.

“If you think otherwise, what specifically… … ?”

“Yeah, wouldn’t it be better to put Yanji and the entire Yanbian Autonomous Prefecture under the economic and political influence of the republic, and in the long run, 2 million Korean-Chinese in the area as quasi-people of our republic?”

“Comrade General Secretary, is that teaching … … Is it possible to understand that some academic circles have declared that Goguryeo restored Gando, and that Rijo over there (Chosun) declared the abandonment of the continent?”

“No, I’m sorry, but I’m not a person who dreams of being a 19th-century colonial monarch in the 21st century. In fact, it’s impossible before my intentions.”

“… … I’m happy.”

Kim Yong-geon sighed like that, and happily put aside the concerns of the moment that the leader he had been serving with all his zeal for decades had suddenly become a different person.

As he has lived in the era of ‘Kim Il-sung’s nation is the best in the world’ education for half his life, he understands the feeling that slogans such as ‘Resurrection of Goguryeo’ and ‘Restoration of the old land’ heat up his heart, but he throws away his rational judgment. did not

And Jeonghwan, who took another sip of coffee and knocked on the table, put a wedge in his conviction.

“Think about it, starting with Shenyang, the central city of the three northeast provinces and only 350 kilometers from Pyongyang, the population is over 8 million. Aren’t you worried that our republic, with a population of a little over 36 million, will eat and pretend to be greedy? In fact, it would be nice if the jaw didn’t fall out before eating.”

“But you are saying that a year of 2 million is possible enough.”

“Shenyang and Liaoning are Han Chinese cities, but not Yanbian. As Prime Minister Kim’s comrade knows well, the local economy was already starting to depend on the republic from the late 1990s. So, all that remains is to further deepen the dependence and subtract the color of China. In fact, I’ve been doing that for a while.”

“… … Are you going to leave me alone in China?”

“I would have thought it was impossible before. But lately I have changed my mind.”

Jeonghwan, who considered Yanbian Korean-Chinese Autonomous Prefecture as the front yard of North Korea and had no intention of aiming for anything more, became greedy after the Chinese war in Afghanistan, or to be exact, after the execution of Osama bin Laden last year.

Considering the chauvinism and obsession with territorial expansion shared by the Chinese and the government, it was previously very dangerous for North Korea to show any signs of taking over China’s territory.

However, in recent years, China has become much more impulsive and unstable than before, after the inauguration of the Bo Ji-rai-Xi Jinping coalition to be precise.

The war with no sign of an end sucks the war money into a huge hole in Afghanistan, the economic growth rate slows in proportion, and the intensifying drug crime aggravates social instability. Because of the abundant death sentence, it was getting more intense than before.

Moreover, the regime, which must prevent this or at least control the damage, is in a hurry to prescribe tinkering and take populist measures for internal strife.

Before China could sigh, it had to spur the North Korean quasi-colonial or at least irreversible subordination of Yanbian.

However, it was clear that even that was not an easy task at all, and Kim Yong-geon’s worrisome remarks proved this.

“Chinese officials are not stupid. At first, I could have deceived my compatriots by saying things like supporting them, but on the day the Chinese Central Committee noticed the intentions of Comrade General… … We might really have to go to war with the People’s Liberation Army.”

“I know that Prime Minister Kim’s full text is his full text, but every empire has an iron rule. If you double the wires, you lose on both sides. And that is common to the US Empire and the Chinese Empire.”

“… … Comrade General Secretary says that even if they know that our republic is greedy for Yanbian, they will not be openly hostile to us as long as the war in Afghanistan continues.”

“Diplomatic risk diversification is the basis of modern political diplomacy. Even China knows well that the competition for supremacy with the United States cannot even start if there are adjoining enemy countries on both sides of the continent. I think there is no use of force on the other side until the one side is completely cleared up.”

“You are right, but it is a bit odd to say that the beginning of IT infrastructure is. China recently distributes houses to peasants and peasants at a low price due to President Bo Lai’s one-peasant family policy. … .”

“Prime Minister Kim, in the next 10 years, people will not be divided by their nationality, but by what is the first portal site that appears when they turn on the Internet. Google or Baidu, North Korea Union or South Korea Never? Believe me.”

To Kim Yong-geon, who tilted his head, Jung-hwan continued his explanation by pointing to the computer on his desk.

The old fat computer that was there in the past disappeared somewhere, and now there are computers with thin LCD monitors that fit the times.

“Right now, people are subordinated to computers only when they are sitting in front of them, but in the future, no, from the moment smartphones came out, people will be subordinated to the internet world in black displays that they can carry in their hands 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Advocates of technological advancement say that the Internet is a line that connects people, but… … In reality, it is a leash in the hands of those who design and sell services.”

“… … Have computers and the Internet become that powerful? Of course, notable changes have been taking place recently, but I am also a former Kim Jong-il people… … I am not too old now.”

“It’s not going to happen so later, so don’t worry too much. In any case, the Internet will soon subjugate its master, humans. As the TV precedent has already shown, what we watch and hear the longest determines our identity. So the conclusion is simple.”

Jeonghwan, who had said this up to this point, bowed in a confident tone and spoke to Kim Yong-geon, word by word.

“I believe that the Korean-Chinese people living in Yanbian see and hear the same things as the people in Pyongyang, our republic, click likes and comment on the same Internet articles, and are exposed to news, books, movies and music recommended by the same search engines. hope to be Then you will soon have the same thoughts as us.”

“… … You did what you were instructed to do.”

So the short monologue of the day came to an end.

And not long after the Yanji-Hoeryong Station opened, the town of Yanji was energized by news that a North Korean private company was providing free internet service.

However, a significant number of Han Chinese residents were dissatisfied with the fact that this service was differentially provided only to Korean-Chinese residents of Yanbian.

“Here, you can receive the same benefits by checking the box ‘Provide personal information to third parties, agree to membership in the recommended community, and automatically renew regularly’.”

“Is this a must-do?”

“Hey, we’re also entrepreneurs, so we can’t do business by digging, right? That said, it’s just collecting and analyzing data about your tendencies and opinions. That way, Union can help us provide a more differentiated service to our customers than other places. Do you understand?”

Meanwhile, apart from what happened in Yanbian, something unexpected was happening to Jeonghwan in the distance in Seoul, Korea.

“… … Our ‘North Korean Defector Hakchongryun Provisional Delegation’ strictly condemns the harshness of Kim Jung-hwan’s dictatorship, which ruthlessly trampled on the sprout of democracy that was about to bloom in the North with various schemes and tricks, and at the same time, gave a shout out to our compatriots in South Korea who first walked the path of democracy. Let go and ask for help… … !!”

People often make irrational choices.

It is not uncommon for a cornered person, in particular, a cornered and desperate person to sometimes make crazy judgments that go beyond irrationality and almost sane.

And the mental state after the iPhone shock of the self-proclaimed underground democracy fighters, the remnants who hid underground after the dissolution of the Hakchongryon at the end of last year, corresponded exactly to that case.

Executives and presidents are arrested, those who were once martyrs become converted pirates, and despairing at the general public’s ignorance, they say what they said more than 100 years ago.

They made the same judgments made by some of the radical liberalizationists of Joseon, who were afflicted with a sense of crisis.

– Now, there is no way to achieve democracy on its own in this republic. Therefore, we must borrow even foreign force to overthrow this corrupt and tyrannical Kim Jung-hwan regime and liberate the people!

They secretly crossed the border established in the north-south area of the former Armistice Line and smuggled into the Republic of Korea, and soon came to this declaration with the cooperation of progressive media and opposition lawmakers who showed interest in them.

The gist of the declaration was summarized as follows.

“… … First, the government of all democracies in the world, including the government of the Republic of Korea, which has walked the path of democracy and still defines North Korea as an anti-state organization rather than a state under its constitution, has supported the ROK and US forces in Korea to support the current ruling power of North Korea, Joseon. I earnestly request that the Workers’ Party and General Secretary Kim Jeong-hwan be ousted and forcefully ‘liberated’ the people of North Korea who are in a state of oppression!”

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