Dear Comrade

Chapter 262

Dear Comrade Leader, Episode 262

In fact, to be precise, the actions of those forces were more like a kind of strike or collective protest than a political or military revolt or total resistance to the system.

Also, the direct object of the protest was not General Secretary Jeong-hwan, but the current Workers’ Party of Korea, which revolves around him, and the scope is not dissatisfaction or doubts about the Kim Jeong-hwan system, but the resistance of professional bureaucrats against the economic lines of the Party Central Committee, no, the township (泣訴) was close.

Even those who raised an objection saying, ‘I can’t do this like this!’ were also most concerned about the reaction, so I made sure of this at the very beginning.

-Our director-general and deputy chiefs absolutely do not intend to commit an act of reaction that directly opposes the leadership of Comrade General Secretary, the supreme leader who has led the republic so far and the greatest great man of the Korean nation, swearing to heaven!

– It seems that the general secretary is committing an unintentional error by cherishing some of the scoundrels in the party and those who are outdated and hindering the development of the republic, so he is risking his life to correct it!

It was planned and led by the party’s Ministry of Finance and Economy, the Ministry of Resources Development, the Ministry of External Economic Affairs, and even the state-run funds Peony Holdings and the Korean National Oil Corporation, who studied in the UK centered on senior executives, the so-called ‘Thames River’. They were economic elites who called themselves self-proclaimed.

Long ago, when the republic was still unable to get out of the time of the planned economy system (which was under construction at the time) at the welcome ceremony at Yonggang International Airport, after meeting with comrades and juniors in shock, he has been a faithful hand and foot of the general secretary for nearly 20 years. There was a reason for their collective protest.

The superficial trigger for the protest was the recent China-US financial crisis, which swept through 2008 and finally reached 2009, and the aftermath of the crisis has not diminished at all.

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No, when the shocking fact that Bo Bo Shi Lai had overthrown Xi Jinping and came to power became known, the stock market, which was still anxious, fluctuated again, instead of decreasing, it became a constant, which took a huge blow to the world, especially the North Korean economy. will be.

Economic bureaucrats, who have been running around and struggling all night to put out the flames for the past few months, have been thinking and thinking, and all parties have finally come to a conclusion.

They had been ignoring them for a long time, and they might have been asking for it all the time, but from one day onwards, it became a thorn and finally stabbed in the foot, and the factor that caused the miraculously accomplished national economy of North Korea to fall to the bottom was as follows.

– This is not the kind of republic these days. Not to mention my comrades in the Chinese export business, even the companies froze all at once… … .

-Did you hear the news from China? As a result of a theory of responsibility within the party, Secretary Xi Jinping resigned as if being dragged away and did not say that President Bo Shilai took full power. But do you know what President Bo Lai was doing?

-Don’t know, I was playing with a state-run bank to win the people’s favor because I thought he was a peasant family, and then my own companies didn’t end up eating away. Such a yangban now has full control of the Chinese party, so the future of our Joseon, who has to live next to him, is very… … .

– It’s not just about Bo Shirai’s comment! You’re right, the country’s ruthless populist policy, and Xi Jinping’s resignation, the only difference was the degree to which he himself didn’t agree, didn’t he? So what is the root cause of this situation? I am Aldi!

– What?

– What is it! Politicians who do not know anything came into the area of specialization of economic workers and made a mess, and this is what happened! Don’t you feel like you went to the same school as me? But our Joseon is no different from China in that respect, so I can’t help but feel frustrated as a person who eats sugar from sugar… … .

-this… … !!! Look at this comrade, watch your mouth! Even if the republic these days is not the republic it used to be, this is Pyongyang, not London, Pyongyang! Think about your position. My comrade, who is about the deputy director of the Cabinet Statistics Bureau, couldn’t keep his tongue fluttering… … .

– No, even if I go to my Samsugapsan Mountain, I have to put my mind at the center! To be honest, what do those Politburo comrades know about economic practice? Do you know the ratio of equity capital (BIS)? Can you read corporate financial statements? Have you ever heard of a rational expectation theory? The last time I saw it, I asked a comrade of the Politburo Standing Committee what kind of yangban Milton Friedman was doing, and you know what he said, right?

-… … He said that he knew only Comrade Marx and the great socialist economic theorist, Chairman Kim Il-sung, of great economic figures.

– Wait! Those high-ranking officials of the Politburo, high-ranking workers serving comrade general secretary, are still there Long live General Kim Il-sung and Kim Jong-il, people from the time when we were talking about the self-reliance economy like ours! Comrades who have never read a capitalist economic theory are sitting under the authority of the General Secretary and are making the most important decisions for the economy of our republic.

-… … .

In fact, it was strange that such self-criticism did not come out sooner or later, considering that these economic bureaucrats in the political party called the ‘Bridge of the Thames’ were elites who returned from studying capitalist economics in England during the reign of Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher.

Those who broke the planned economy system and introduced the market economy system to the republic for the first time studied in England during the period when Thatcherism, a model answer to the current neoliberalism, was most effective. It was a time when low cost and high efficiency dominated the world like the new Bible.

Thus, it was only natural that the students returning from England after drinking capitalist water, the Thames River bureaucrats, and the North Korean private entrepreneurs in the early days of capitalism became adherents of economic liberalism aiming for low tax rates, deregulation, small government and privatization.

However, the economy of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, the old hometown they returned from studying abroad in the unfamiliar UK, was state capitalism and a government-run economy in which bureaucrats and the government decide economic policies one by one, but there were no complaints at that time.

There is no way that Britain, who has led the Industrial Revolution since the 19th century, and North Korea, which had just introduced a market economy system, were in the same situation 20 years ago. I had no choice but to follow.

But now, as time goes on, those who were just fledgling members of the party at the time became director-level and vice-chairman-level bureaucrats, and young entrepreneurs who had nothing but youth, ambition, and ideas became presidents and presidents, at least inside and outside the organization, or already at the head level. lost.

Of course, there are still a significant number of old cadres who have served the party since the days of Kim Il-sung and Kim Jong-il in the Workers’ Party of Korea, and there are still many people who want reform but do not support the Thames River. It has been over 20 years since I struggled to build a position within the country and gather power.

And after growing up in this way, they shared a vision (or dissatisfaction with the current system) and united to form a faction and finally changed the world. It led to a coup d’etat on ‘fossils’.

Last year’s financial crisis from China gave rise to a cause that should no longer be the way it is.

It was lamentation for the current state of affairs, resistance to established mainstream powers and systems, belief and greed at the same time.

– What is the root cause of all these problems, the economy of our republic is a typical government economy, or state capitalism! This is because the creativity of private companies and the pursuit of profits by the invisible hand are not guaranteed because of this, the market’s autonomy is not guaranteed!

– That’s right! Until now, thanks to Comrade General Secretary’s high economic leadership, there may not be any noticeable problems, but if we keep going like this, one day we will follow the Chinese and go to our goal economically! If I’m wrong, put it somewhere!

– Comrade general secretary! Please listen to our cry! Ultimately, this is our self-criticism and struggle to make the leadership and system of the party, and even this Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, shine even more!

The flames of the struggle that spread like this first became protests and then a strike, and the strike finally turned into a written complaint to the secretary’s office, which was placed in front of Jeong Hwan’s desk with the signatures of more than 300 high-ranking economic officials from the party, government, and civilian.

And Jeong-hwan, who was faced with this fearless plea, and Jang Seong-taek, the highest-ranking official, who was placed between the subtle gap between the former Kim Jong-il era and the current Kim Jeong-hwan regime, had a secret conversation.

“First of all, isn’t it better to accept the petitions of these comrades, or at least pretend to respond? … .”

“I agree, Vice Chancellor Jang. Anyway, I’ve been thinking for a long time that even if it’s not this financial crisis, the party won’t be able to control the economy forever. In fact, even if it is not, the economic growth rate is already falling, and the economic dynamics of domestic demand, exports, businesses and households are falling significantly. As always, the number one cause of dissatisfaction with the leadership of the party is economic difficulties. It is time for special measures to be taken.”

“These comrades along the River Thames are the limbs of comrades and the nerve line of the party that protects the system. In order to calm the dissatisfaction of these comrades, overcome the current economic crisis, and renew the competitiveness of the republic, a bold and unprecedented appointment must be made. We need an action that comrades listen to and reflect their complaints.”

“Do you have anyone in mind?”

“Even in this or that, the private company workers weren’t good enough. It is only up to the comrade to decide how much authority to grant this comrade… … .”

* * *

“Tell me to come in. I’ve heard a lot of good things about this comrade, but now I want to see it in person.”

“I got it, … … Come in, comrade. The supreme dignity of the Republic awaits.”

In early 2009, one day when the winter cold was still rampant, Jung-hwan decided to meet a person in the secretary’s office.

When his name fell, Jang Seong-taek nodded, opened the door, went out and called the ‘Recommended Candidate’ who was waiting outside the secretary’s office.

However, Jung-hwan’s eyes as he watched Jang Sung-taek walking out like that were very complicated.

Jang Seong-taek, who was waiting for an interview with him outside, said he had only heard of it, but Jung-hwan already knew in detail who the ‘candidate’ Jang Seong-taek recommended was.

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No, it wasn’t just that he knew his name and career through the report, but rather than Jang Seong-taek who recommended him, he knew who he was, what kind of work he did, what path he took, and how his values of life were formed in the meantime.

Even what he did, what impact it had, and what catastrophe he had when he spent his life here, in a place completely different from Pyongyang in 2009, in the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea.

Soon the door opened, and a middle-aged man with crooked eyes and half-bald hair, impressively in a neatly dressed suit, cautiously walked into the secretary’s office.

And as soon as he saw Jeonghwan staring at him calmly, he politely introduced himself while bowing his head deeply so that the sheep of his deceased parents came back alive.

“It is truly an honor to meet you, dear Supreme Leader, Secretary General… … .”

“Let’s just call him general secretary, because these days, the words ‘comrade’ and ‘comrade’ are disappearing even within the party. I’ve heard that businessmen like Dong-Mu don’t like that name even more.”

“Is that possible, you know that it’s all lies, right?”

When Jeong-hwan, the supreme leader of the republic, made a serious tackle on himself, who had the utmost courtesy in his own way at the first meeting, the people who came in seemed to be abruptly bewildered without saying hello.

To be honest, from Jeonghwan’s point of view, the reason was that he would get hives if he sat and listened to ‘this person’ talking about his comrade, which he didn’t even suit him.

However, the man in question, who came in, thought that the general secretary, like Haneul, looked at him badly from the beginning, so he waved his hand and denied it.

“Since I was young, I have eaten construction plates, so I am very friendly with names like comrades and comrades. I was a person who came from South Korea following the late Chairman Chung Moon-young, so I suffered from all kinds of conspiracy, such as saying that I was not strong enough to be a party member, that I did not understand the socialist ideology of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea and that I was a fake party member who only liked money. May there be no… … .”

“It’s not because I’m uncomfortable. This place is a private place, so please feel free to open up and call me Mr. I also just call my comrade President Lee.”

“ah! That’s right, I didn’t even know… … Then, as you said, I will understand that you have given me permission to dare to call you General Secretary. This is truly an honor that will never come again in this life, haha… … .”

When Junghwan denied the order, the middle-aged man immediately changed his complexion as if he had done so, and introduced himself again with a skillful smile.

“My name is Young-bak Lee, president of DAS Heavy Industries. It is really nice to see you like this.”

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