Dear Comrade

Chapter 273

Dear Comrade Leader Episode 273

“… … Thank you for keeping your promise. General Secretary.”

“Thank you, that was promised from the beginning. Now, let’s go to the safe house. Snowden will be provided with the highest level of personal protection and security our republic can offer.”

After answering reporters’ questions pouring in after the first exposure, which was broadcast at the press center in Pyongyang, which was prepared separately, Snowden came out of the camera flash and the first words to Jeonghwan were thanks.

It must have been something he had been prepared for since accepting his request for asylum in North Korea, but he was still nervous, so sweat was running down Snowden’s forehead as he left the conference room in the same car as Jeonghwan.

And Junghwan fully understood his feelings.

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Now, he has revealed to the world one of the deadliest secrets of the superpower, the United States, which boasts the most powerful military and economic power in the world.

‘Perhaps he is slowly realizing what he has done. Me too.’

In fact, even though it had only been about 10 minutes since the revelations went out, the internet was already in turmoil around the world.

Foreign correspondents gathered in Pyongyang had already delivered the emergency report to the headquarters, and the full details of the Prism program, which had secured credibility due to the data that Snowden disclosed on the Internet at the same time as the disclosure, began to be reported in the world press as the first bulletin.

And with the fact that former NSA senior analyst Edward Snowden, who fled the United States, was protected by dictator Kim Jeong-hwan in Pyongyang and sent this revelation to the world.

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Now, it has come to a point where it can no longer be turned back, where it is resolved quietly under the water.

Thinking like this, around the time Jeonghwan was making up his own mind, Snowden, who seemed to have finally made up his mind, swallowed his saliva and asked him again.

“General Secretary. The first revelation just before was that the Prism program was used illegally in the United States to establish a surveillance society that infringes on the privacy of citizens, not in the direction of protecting the freedom and rights of American citizens.”

“Yes, the White House must have been very hot by now. In fact, even before I came here, I was informed that the U.S. government had called our ambassador to the United States to the White House to protest strongly.”

“Then the second revelation coming soon… … .”

Junghwan himself said it calmly, as if it was nothing, but Edward Snowden, who heard it, slightly trembled with the tip of his finger as if he was already worried.

Before boarding the plane for Pyongyang, Snowden, who refused to seek asylum, saying, ‘I do not want my exposure to be used by a dictator’, Jung-hwan persuaded Snowden through an agent of the General Bureau of Foreign Reconnaissance that he only had to accept a very simple condition.

One of the conditions was ‘Do not disclose all the revelations at once, but reveal them little by little sequentially’.

And the second revelation that was foretold as the first revelation was completed… … .

“As agreed in advance, the prism program operated by the US NSA will eavesdrop on calls and e-mails from heads of state and officials around the world. Not only hostile countries such as Iran, Russia, and China, but also the heads of friendly countries such as France, Germany, and South Korea. But would you mind waiting for that?”

“… … ???”

When Snowden turned to Jeonghwan with a puzzled face, Jeonghwan leaned his head against the back of the chair and muttered.

The time has come to call by now… … .

“Soon, from the other side, the US government, all of Edward Snowden’s revelations are lies, and they’re going to use the typical media play that hurts your reputation and credibility as a traitor who has been subsumed by a North Korean dictator and used in propaganda, but before that, there’s something to do first. .”

“… … What is it?”

“I’m going to call you and I’ll reduce the number of teens to nine, so I’m going to ask you to send me back to America right now. Given the importance of the matter, President McCain will call directly, skipping the lines of the ambassador or foreign minister.”

“Comrade General Secretary! I have now received a call from the secretary’s office. There is an urgent call on the line from President John McCain of the United States of America.”

As soon as Jeonghwan’s words fell out, the assistant worker who was on board announced with a tense voice what he was expecting.

Edward Snowden, who was riding next to him, had a hardening expression on his face as if he knew this, but Junghwan was really cold.

“You can receive it directly from the satellite phone in the car, but would you like to connect?”

“No, go back to the clerk’s office and ask for it.”

“Cho, Comrade General Secretary. It’s not something we dare to worry about, but the US side emphasized that it is a particularly urgent matter, so we would like a quick response… … President McCain is waiting on the line right now… … .”

“Then tell me to wait. They are the ones who failed to open the e-mails of the leaders of other countries, so it would be good to learn a little patience from this opportunity.”

* * *

– General Secretary Kim. It’s nice to meet you over the phone like this, but since it’s a private phone meeting, and above all else, I don’t think it’s the right time to do this kind of greeting, so I’ll omit it. What was your reason for doing this?

“First of all, the official position of the Workers’ Party of Korea on this matter is, ‘Edward Snowden came to Pyongyang voluntarily rather than abducting or oppressing anyone, and the Korean People’s Republic of Korea only accepted his asylum from a humanitarian point of view. ‘no see. Oh, of course, we haven’t made a press release yet, but it’s going to come out tomorrow morning.”

Fifteen minutes later, Jung Hwan returned to the office of the Secretariat, and was receiving a phone call from John McCain, the 44th President of the United States, accompanied by nervous party officials.

And when Jeonghwan picked up the phone from the secretary’s office, McCain’s voice coming from the other side could be due to the rudeness of Jeonghwan keeping him on the line for 15 minutes in this urgent situation, or from a friendly country for no reason (I think). I don’t know which side it was because of being hit in the back of the head, but it was very rough.

That meant that the closed phone conversation was more than average, even considering McCain, who was usually rumored to be an irritable person.

– Is it an ‘official’ position? So, I have no intention of making excuses in the first place, right?

“That’s right. What are you doing to get tired of it, come all the way here.”

– Oh, that’s good. Even though I am not an ally, I am not relaxed enough to be diplomatically polite even after being attacked in this way by the leader of a country I thought was a friend. General Secretary. Let me ask you a few questions.

“Ask any questions, President.”

– Have you ever had a problem with the general secretary’s mental state?

When Jeonghwan came out almost impudent, McCain threw away the diplomatic rhetoric he had been preparing for a little bit.

It was a way of saying that he was angry because he couldn’t be angry.

And Kim Yong-gun, who was listening to all these conversations in real time, and other party officials around them were just watching the supreme leader’s gamble with a nervous expression on their faces.

Junghwan, who was the real party, still spoke calmly, as if he was taking medicine.

“I receive regular health check-ups, but not according to the doctor in the clerk’s office. But I think it would be good to exercise a little more regularly.”

-Otherwise, are there any aides or aides around you who put these crazy ideas into your head?

“Not even that, President. This is a decision that I, as the general secretary, almost made on my own. Rather, just be aware that Prime Minister Kim Yong-geon and his close aides were against it.”

-Then, can the General Secretary, no, the Korean People’s Republic no longer value our relationship with the United States of America?

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Now, it has entered a passage that explicitly hints at diplomatic retaliation, but Jeonghwan still had a cold tone.

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No, he even made his eyes shine as if the part he had been waiting for in this passage came out.

“No, rather the opposite. In this situation where China’s pressure is increasing day by day, we, the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, are no longer a third-level regional ally in our diplomatic relations with the United States, but want to become a clan-level, so to speak, a community of destiny.”

-… … I’m starting to wonder if the general secretary’s mental state is really intact. What does that mean now that you want to become a community of destiny with us by taking out a friend who is working on a secret project for our key intelligence agency and exposing it everywhere?

Finally the time has come.

Jeonghwan took a deep breath and prepared himself.

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Now that the whip has been hit enough, it’s time to present what you want.

And finally, Jeonghwan’s mouth opened.

“As with all countries, it is a well-known fact that even in US foreign relations, allies are ranked according to their importance. President. And, as far as I know, our People’s Republic of Korea is… … By analogy, it occupies a place of about 1.5 ranks. Am I right?”

– It’s not exactly that way, but it’s roughly correct. And if the general secretary continues to provoke us like this, the rating will gradually drop to the bottom and reach the level of hostile countries. In fact, even now, it seems difficult to even maintain the 1.5 rating due to this incident!

Despite McCain’s growling, Junghwan was still calm.

And the next moment, the demands that came out of his mouth dazed McCain, full of anger.

“What I want is not the maintenance of that ally rank, but rather the rise. President. I, the People’s Republic of Korea, would like to join the so-called ‘Five Eyes’, an information sharing agreement only with first-class US allies.”

* * *

Five Eyes.

In a narrower sense, it refers to the five pro-American intelligence agencies that have signed the UK-USA Security Agreement.

Although the United States has many enemies around the world, it also has many allies. These allies are classified into three levels of priority according to their importance and interests of the United States. designed to be

The first category is, so to speak, out-of-class priority targets, such as China, Russia, and Iran, which are clearly hostile targets. characteristic.

Second, the Tier 3 countries are not allies, but are friends that frequently encounter conflicts or confrontations that can cooperate depending on the case, and India and Brazil are included in this standard.

Surprisingly, Israel is also included in this category, and it is treated as a trouble for the United States because it constantly provokes and causes problems in neighboring countries in the Middle East.

As for the third, second-class countries, they are countries that do not lack enough to use the expression “Allies”, advanced European countries including France, Germany, and Italy, and allies in Asia including Japan and Korea. Most of the countries to which it belongs have one thing in common: US troops are stationed there.

There are many countries that are at the top of the world in terms of both economic and military power, and the United States is also a country receiving preferential treatment to the extent that it conducts joint military training or exercises with its own military.

However, even such countries are far short of the Five Eyes, a true blood alliance and first-class alliance, because the only countries that the United States recognizes as a community of fate and shares information are those belonging to this Five Eyes. to be.

Although these diplomatic priorities may receive preferential treatment or lower treatment depending on the case or temporary national interest, it should be considered that there is little change in the broad framework. come.

The structure of the Second World, Russia and China, is the second world against the United States, the Christian countries that use English as their first language and a free market economy and democracy as the foundation of their state, and Five Eyes, its kin, and its allies. After the war, and even now, the ‘world order’ has been constituted.

And, after the Gulf War in 1991, George Herbert Walker Bush and Jeong Hwan tried to normalize relations in Pyongyang, and the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea has been hovering somewhere between the 2nd and 1st grades.

After the dramatic improvement of relations, the country had remarkable short-term economic growth and potential as a long-term end to China’s containment, but externally, it was still closer to China than the United States. That was the present position of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea.

“A few years ago, I’ve heard that Congress constantly talks about reducing defense spending due to the financial crisis. And that the U.S. is trying to delegate the role of the US 7th Fleet, led by the 7th Fleet, to a credible ally in the Pacific region, as well as the role of containment in China. It’s a good time to upgrade your five eyes to ‘Six Eyes’.”

“… … .”

The term “Five Eyes” is not limited to intelligence agencies, but is also used to refer to the United States, the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand.

This is also evidence that the term “Five Eyes” is used not only as an agreement but also as a word to represent a kind of diplomatic status. This is because it was not unreasonable to say that they were countries that have received a kind of ‘Fateal Community Certification’ that they can share higher-level secrets.

And in this 21st century, when the era of the Internet and artificial satellites has arrived, Five Eyes has come to symbolize a huge transnational intelligence network that collects signal information (SIGINT) from the public and private forces around the world by any means beyond the intelligence power of the United States and its allies. .

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Now, Jeong-hwan is saying that North Korea, which was an ‘enemies’, who was an ungodly ‘enemies’ just 20 years ago, wants to join the spy network of pro-Americans that have wiretapping bases around the world and are connected with information sharing and networks between intelligence agencies. put it in your mouth

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