Dear Comrade

Chapter 309

Dear Comrade the Leader, Episode 309

Chapter 106. by any means

“Sprinkle water! Crush those mobs!”

“The riot squad! Everyone put on their protective gear and scattered, let’s meet again!”

Shouts and screams echoed in every alley, and flags and placards with various slogans written in conspicuous letters were improvised and fluttered in the wind.

The downtown area of Yanji was thick with tear gas smoke, and protesters in masks and helmets were fighting against the water cannons and batons of rioters.

The time when Yanbian autonomous provincial police alone could suppress it has long since passed, and troops recruited from other regions or the center were mainly mobilized. The protesters dispersed, gathered, scattered and gathered again.

– Yanbian, be strong!

-The claim is to disclose the results of the People’s Representative election and allow a higher level of autonomy in Yanbian!

After the incomprehensible results of the last popular representative election, Yanbian these days has been a scene that can be seen in everyday life.

Moreover, this large-scale anti-CCP protest in Yanbian has already attracted the attention of the international community, including the United States, unlike the sporadic protests that have occurred in China.

This is because from the beginning, live demonstrations and videos and photos of people injured by the riots were uploaded to various social media and international communities.

Although the Chinese authorities did everything they could to cut off the internet connection as much as possible before the protests started in earnest and block all posts even if only search terms related to ‘Yanbian’ came up online, about 80% of Yanbian residents already had smartphones. In the era of possession, there was a limit no matter how much it was blocked.

It was a moment when the investment of the Workers’ Party of Korea and Jeong Hwan, who had spent much of their time on improving infrastructure such as the IT environment in Yanbian, and working hard to prevent Xinjiang Uyghur and Tibetanization, shined. It had to be seen as another clear proof that they had been preparing for decades.

In addition to this, the assassination of Jang Song-thaek near Yanbian and the Korean-Chinese border also played a role in cooling the DPRK-China relationship like never before.

Due to the nature of the Chinese system and the numbness of my feet at the attempt to establish a puppet government using Jang Song-thaek, the assassination was not publicly disclosed, but the DPRK-China relations were at their worst due to military actions in Chinese territory.

… … But if you’ve seen this far, you’d have noticed, yes.

In the midst of a recent meeting that gathered party officials and received a solemn promise, in Yanbian, the clash between the military and the protesters intensified day by day, the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea and the general secretary of the Workers’ Party of Korea Kim Jung-hwan’s official position was as follows.

– The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People’s Republic of China strongly denies the allegation that the Republic of Korea intelligence authorities are behind the current unrest in Yanbian.

‘This is war, so to speak! … … It’s a game where the first to declare is at a disadvantage.’

In international relations where the law of the weak, the strong is widely used, a cause sometimes seems useless, but sometimes it is the beginning and the end of everything.

To begin with, Yanbian is still a Chinese territory recognized by the international community, and no matter how long it has been working under the water, North Korea will face headwinds if North Korea tries to swallow it openly.

Even if a large power tries to annex the territories of a small neighboring country, it is the physiology of international politics to vehemently deny direct intervention on the surface, not to mention only after North Korea is the subject of it, much less powerful than China.

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No matter how much the Western powers that have been united around the United States and the United Kingdom have been, to be precise, even if the United States was trying to take good care of China once and for all, starting with the Sino-Afghan war, even if the current president of the United States is Condoleezza Rice, who is not hesitant to project military force abroad, it would be premature to step forward now. It was Jeonghwan’s decision that it was not a wise thing to do.

Although the international community’s attention has suddenly turned to Yanbian, the attitude of most countries, including the United States, is still in a state of waiting and disregard for fear of hearing about interference in internal affairs.

Only South Korea, which can be said to be a direct stakeholder, is eager to gather information, and daily newspaper headlines are adorned with the headline ‘North Korea-China honeymoon relations, finally breakdown, attention is focused on the response of the United States’. From the point of view of Jeong-hwan and North Korea, who seems to have a chance of winning only when the

‘Of course, I have no intention of sitting still.’

Jeonghwan’s declaration of his will to deny intervention was not only directed toward Korea, the West, and the international community.

It was also aimed directly at the inside of the People’s Republic of China, more precisely inside the Central Committee of the Chinese Communist Party.

“The Afghan Front, the Hong Kong protests, and even Yanbian. Unless you know that this isn’t a two-sided war, and that it’s crazy to wage a three-sided war, we have only one thing to do, comrades. Perhaps even now, opinions are divided in two within the Central Committee of the CCP, and there is a debate going on.”

“… … If it’s an argument… … ?”

“Protesters, Comrade Lee Seop-gi. We, the vanguard, who are active in Yanbian, don’t care what you call it, but about the definition of this situation. And depending on that definition, the CCP’s response will also be different… … In other words, we should induce the other side to directly invade the national interest of our republic by using obvious military force first, not like public security.”

“Well… … How do you say it?”

“You have to scratch it. It’s a direct hit, but it’s quick enough to turn public opinion inside the CCP, which has a neurotic level of crisis and anxiety, even in the case of secession and independence, no, even an attempt.”

And, Jeonghwan’s prediction was exactly right.

* * *

“Look at this, comrades! Even after this, North Korea and Kim Jeong-hwan are not behind the rioters in Yanbian?”

What Bo Shirai laid down on the table, shouting loudly, was an additional statement issued by the North Korean Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

On the same day, in addition to the statement, ‘We have nothing to do with the Yanbian protesters’, another statement was issued in addition to the following.

– We, the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, have nothing to do with the forces leading the protests in Yanbian. However, compatriots who are in exile in Yanbian due to deterioration of security and economic difficulties due to the current situation will open their borders from a humanitarian standpoint, greatly ease immigration screening, and simplify the procedure for acquiring North Korean citizenship.

“This is not an outright statement of support for the mob! It is also true that Comrade Jang Seong-taek was assassinated in our country, but if you want to crush Kim Jeong-hwan’s masterpiece like this, you must use military force in Yanbian even now… … .”

“Comrade Bo. You know what I mean, but isn’t that the same as treating the mobs as ‘rebels’ rather than ‘criminals’? I fully agree that there is a job in the intelligence community and that we have to beat them, but for now, it is enough to put down police officers or special forces in public security uniforms to suppress them… … .”

“Even though the evidence that the United States is behind this guy is so clear, Comrade Hu, are you going to say that we have to put up with it?”

“The evidence is clear that America is behind you, so you have to stay calm!”

Meanwhile, in Beijing’s Central Committee, Hu Jintao’s moderate faction, who wanted to refrain from sending the army until the end, and Bo’shilai’s main force were clashing.

Shortly after North Korea’s participation in the Pacific intelligence community was revealed last time, the moderate group agreed that North Korea was behind the Yanbian incident and should put maximum pressure on them, but expressed reluctance to directly mobilize military force, including the People’s Liberation Army.

Like the Hong Kong umbrella protests that still make noise around Guangdong Province, it is inevitable to be conscious of international public opinion.

– Now that the international community’s attention is focused on Yanbian and the United States is looking for an opportunity to intervene at any time, using live ammunition or crushing the mobs with tanks is like pouring oil on fire. Until the very end, while ignoring the very existence of Yanbian’s attempts to segregate independence, pressure must be applied indirectly, such as economic sanctions, to North Korea.

– No, Hong Kong and Yanbian are clearly different. Unlike Hong Kong, where Taiwan is the only foreign force that can help because it is separated from the country, it is not even recognized by the state. In Yanbian, it has a sponsoring country called North Korea, which enjoys the status of a sovereign state and has abundant economic power, at a short distance. In a situation where the dissatisfaction of the Korean-Chinese in Yanbian has already prevailed, if the embers are not clearly extinguished now, it is certain that this fire will become a forest fire and will never be extinguished.

-If you look further away, North Korea is backed by the United States and the Western world. In a democratic country, even with appropriate economic sanctions, dissatisfaction with its own country prevails and the regime suffers from pressure to negotiate. . When Jang Song-thaek died and there were no sympathizers in North Korea, did he only impose economic sanctions knowing when the results would come? Will Russia or Iran collapse no matter how much the U.S. imposes sanctions?

Jeong Hwan had already foreseen this dilemma within the CCP, and he also assumed that economic sanctions would be imposed first.

And even if Bo Bo Si Rai is president, right now, even with the attention of other members of the Standing Committee, he has no choice but to implement economic sanctions before mobilizing military force.

But at the same time, Jeonghwan had no intention of prolonging this conflict for long.

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No matter how loyal the North Korean people are to the general secretary, no matter how much the North Korean companies that were suppressed after a rebellion some time ago do not speak to the party and general secretary for a while, it is North Korea and Jeong Hwan himself that becomes more and more disadvantageous as the war progresses.

So, as soon as the measures were taken: ‘Encourage boycotts of North Korean companies in China, restrict tourism and trade in North Korea, and completely ban imports of industrial products,’ Jeong Hwan responded with a hardline response.

But, not by borrowing your own mouth, but by borrowing someone else’s mouth.

-Today, the leader of the Korean ethnic community at the center of the Yanbian protests, CEO Lee Seop-gi, announced an important declaration. Finally, Yanbian and the Chinese Communist Party realized that they were going different paths, and announced that they realized that they could not be within the framework of one country, which is accepted as meaning the separation and independence of Yanbian Autonomous Prefecture.

– Representative Lee Seop-gi announced the formation of the ‘Yanbian Autonomous Government Provisional People’s Assembly’ today and took office as its head. This temporary organization for the establishment of the tentative name ‘Yanbian Autonomous Republic’ declared solidarity with the Hong Kong umbrella protests under the banner of anti-China and segregation and independence, and announced that the entire Yanbian Autonomous Prefecture would soon hold a referendum for independence from China. In the vote, it is said that the provisional name Yanbian Autonomous Republic will decide whether to enact an independent constitution or a voluntary annexation into North Korea.

As soon as this fact was announced in the news, the voices of moderate groups, including Hu Jintao, were greatly weakened in the standing meeting.

The prophecies of Bo Bo Lai and Joo Jeon Pa were proven to be true in less than a week, so there was nothing to say.

And finally, China began to use its direct force against North Korea and the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK), which it is convinced was behind all of this.

The number one priority was the withdrawal of capital from North Korea, which was the biggest cause of the incident and exerts influence over the entire Yanbian Autonomous Prefecture.

-The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China today declared the complete and unilateral nationalization of infrastructure and industries worth about 48 trillion won and about 40 billion dollars of North Korean capital invested in Yanbian, following economic sanctions not long ago. A spokesperson for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China responded to this unprecedented super-hardline measure only by saying that it was part of a self-defense measure to protect China’s sovereignty.

– Following these measures, the North Korean consulate in Yanbian was surrounded by a large number of security forces. In response to the protests from the North Korean authorities, we have obtained evidence that the ‘unwarming forces’ currently active in Yanbian are trying to contact North Korea, and are responding to prevent such unpleasant events, not to infringe on North Korea’s diplomatic sovereignty. .

-These ‘Public Security’ armed with automatic rifles and body armor are currently blocking all entrances to the consulate and detaining the North Korean consul in the surrounding area, but Lee Seop-gi, the self-proclaimed head of the Yanbian Autonomous Republic of Korea, and All speculation is accumulating that it refers to an attempted contact.

And in the face of such a situation, Jeonghwan, who received the report, sighed and gave instructions in one word.

“Finally, the time for the fight has come.”

“comrade… … .”

“Give instructions to the Special Tactical Battalion of the Korean People’s Army and the General Bureau of External Reconnaissance. Send our agents to Yanbian to organize a militia and train them in guerrilla warfare. Should I say that it is fortunate that the stage of the proxy war did not become the Korean Peninsula once again?”

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